
Last Updated: February 12, 2024


The scientific process allows people to research various topics and questions in a structured format. For the research paper to be valid and reliable the researcher must provide backing, context, and references through a bibliography.

1. Sample Bliographical Template

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Size: 50 KB


2. Bibliography Format

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Size: 85 KB


3. Elementary Bibliography Style Sheet

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Size: 45 KB


4. Bibliographic Citations

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Size: 67 KB


5. Biographical Sketch Template

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Size: 51 KB


6. Annotated Bibliography Example

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Size: 77 KB


7. Annotated Bibliography Template

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Size: 75 KB


8. Turabian Bibliography Examples

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Size: 57 KB


9. Preliminary Bibliography

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Size: 59 KB


10. Mixing Two Bibliography Style Languages

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Size: 92 KB


11. Bibliography Forms

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Size: 53 KB


12. APA Bibliographical Citation Format

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Size: 61 KB


13. Biographical Sketch Example

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Size: 61 KB


14. Preparing Annotated Bibliography

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Size: 68 KB


15. Writing an Annotated Bibliography Template

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Size: 31 KB


16. Biographical Affidavit Template

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Size: 60 KB


17. Biographical Data Fillable Form

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Size: 48 KB


18. Art of Bibliographic Essay

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Size: 104 KB


19. Sample Annotated Bibliography

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Size: 70 KB


20. Bibliography Sample

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Size: 54 KB


21. Bibliographical Essay Template

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Size: 76 KB


What Is a Bibliography

A bibliography is a list of books, articles, or other writings on a subject or by a particular author that were utilized in the creation of a research paper, book, or other work. A list of works cited is another name for it. Typically, you can find it near the conclusion of a book, essay, or research paper.

How to Write a Bibliography in APA Text Format

In the APA format, whenever you use or mention a reference via the APA In-text citation, you must include the full name and details of the reference in the bibliography. If you need a bibliography sample to act as a reference in writing the bibliography, you may refer to the various bibliography formats, bibliography style sheets, bibliography examples, and bibliography samples in the links above.

1.) Add a Bibliography on the Header of the Part of the Paper

The APA format requires the researcher to add the Title of the Bibliography to the header of the paper. This will help indicate and inform the reader of the location of the bibliography.

2.) Write Down the Author’s Name, Until Complete

When you have finished adding a title or a header to the paper, you must now begin writing down the reference as a whole. This should be in the order that the research was referenced and mentioned in the paper. Write down the author’s name in the format of Last Name, First Initial. You will need to continue writing all the co-authors in the paper in the same format.

3.) Indicate the Publication Date and Research Title

After writing down all of the authors’ names you will need to indicate the publication date and the full title of the book or publication. This should come after the author’s name and should be formatted as (Publication Date) Book/Research Title.

4.) Type Down the Place of Publication and the Name of the Publication

After the book/research title the place or website where the publication is and the name of the publication should come after that. It should follow this specific format of retrieved from Place of Publication, Name of the Publication.

5.) Repeat Steps 2 to 5, Until Complete

The overall format should be the Author’s name, (Publication Date) Book/Research Title, retrieved from Place of Publication, Name of the Publication or Journal. Repeat steps 2 to 5 until you have completed writing all of the references used and mentioned in the research paper.


Why is the bibliography important?

The bibliography creates a scientific backing or foundation for the research paper or topic. This is because it provides ample scientific references and proof that will support or supplement the data that was generated by the research. Not only that but it will also give credit to the people who have contributed to the pool of knowledge and information that you have used as backing in the research paper. The bibliography allows readers to know that the research paper is tackling something that hasn’t been researched before.

What happens when a research paper doesn’t have any bibliography?

If your research paper does not have a bibliography, then that means you have either not researched any previous literature that is relevant to your research topic or have not provided any credit and reference for your research paper. This means your research paper will not be published and will be rejected. Not only that but you may also be charged for plagiarism if your research paper is missing the proper references and bibliography.

How is the bibliography related to biography and autobiography?

A bibliography is not in any way shape or form related to biography and autobiography. This assumption occurs because a bibliography has a very similar form to a biography and autobiography. A bibliography is a part of the research paper that lists out the title of the research referenced, the full names of the author, the year the research was published, and where said the research was retrieved. While biography is a type of book that narrates a person’s life but is not written by the subject of the book. Autobiography on the other hand is a juxtaposition of a biography, which narrates a person’s life but is written by the subject of the book. In conclusion, a bibliography is not related to the concept of biography and autobiography.

A bibliography is the final part of the research paper that deals with the references used and talked about in the body or text of the research paper. This is an integral part of the research paper and is a necessary step in the research process. In conclusion, a bibliography acts as the reference list of the research paper that provides the foundation for said research.

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