Ethos Pathos Logos – 30+ Examples, How to, PDF
When making a speech or talking to people through speaking activities like elevator pitches, the speaker needs to be persuasive, charming, and influential. There are multiple elements and factors one can integrate into their communication skills, like assertive communication and proper body language. One of the best ways to appeal to one’s target market or audience is through the usage of the rhetorical triangle.
1. Worksheet Example

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8. University Ethos Pathos Logos Example
9. Rhetorical Devices Ethos Pathos Logos Example
10. Introduction to Ethos Pathos Logos Example
11. Rhetorical Triangle Ethos Pathos Logos Example
12. Aristotle Ethos Pathos Logos Example
13. Kairos Ethos Pathos Logos Example
14. Persuasive Ethos Pathos Logos Example
15. Ethos Pathos Logos Essays Example
16. Ethos Pathos Logos Thesis Statements Example
17. Ethos Pathos Logos Speech Example
18. Appeals Ethos Pathos Logos Example
19. Visual Ethos Pathos Logos Example
20. Graphic Organizer Ethos Pathos Logos Example
21. Simple Ethos Pathos Logos Example
22. Writing Ethos Pathos Logos Example
23. Ethos Pathos Logos Letter Example
24. Ethos Pathos Logos Mythos Example
25. Ethos Pathos Logos Communication Example
26. Ethos Pathos Logos Chart Example
27. Ethos Pathos Logos One Pager Example
28. Ethos Pathos Logos Policy Example
29. Sample Ethos Pathos Logos Example
30. Ethos Pathos Logos Checklist Example
31. Free Ethos Pathos Logos Example
What Are Ethos, Pathos, and Logos?
The rhetorical triangle is three ways a person can appeal to their audience, which not only increases the influence and impact of their speech but will also highly improve one’s speech and speaking ability. The rhetorical triangle is called ethos, pathos, and logos which are various ways to appeal to various characteristics of the audience.
How to Utilize Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in One’s Speech
One of the best ways to improve one’s speech is to utilize and integrate the rhetorical triangle into their speech. If you want to learn more about ethos, pathos, and logos, you may use any of the samples, examples, and resources available on the links above.
Step 1: Create an Outline for Your Speech
First, you must create an outline for your speech, which should at least include a short introduction to the topic, a body, and a conclusion. The outline format will help provide an easy structure and base you can easily use to integrate the rhetorical triangle with your speech.
Step 2: Utilize Ethos to Provide Credibility for Your Speech
Ethos is the use of one’s credibility and profession to appeal to one’s audience. You should try to include various aspects of your hard skills, experience, and professional career in your speech to improve one’s credibility.
Step 3: Integrate Pathos or Emotion into One’s Speech
Pathos is the use of one’s emotions and feelings to appeal to a sense of empathy from one’s audience, which will increase the relatability and relationship with the audience and yourself. You should integrate various emotionally charged content, which will sway your audience into relating with you.
Step 4: Insert Logos or Logic into One’s Speech
Logos is the use of one’s logical sense to appeal to the target audience’s logic and sensibilities. By utilizing logical connections and cause-and-effect relationships, one can establish logical sensibility in the audience, which will help sway the audience to your point of view.
Ethos appeal is the term people use to describe speeches or advertisements that utilize credible people and professionals to push for a specific agenda, product, service, or call to action. The ethos appeal is the utilization of ethos in the person’s rhetoric.What is the ethos appeal?
The interest and attention of the audience is a large requirement for a successful and impactful speech. It is important for the person to consistently appeal to the audience’s needs and tastes to help reach a consistent interest and attention to one’s speech.Why is it important to appeal to one’s audience?
Yes, people consider the rhetorical appeals or triangle as a rhetorical device that one can use to improve their speeches. Some speakers prefer utilizing the rhetorical triangle as their main rhetorical device to improve their speeches.Are ethos, pathos, and logos considered rhetorical devices?
Ethos, pathos, and logos are rhetorical devices one can use to improve the credibility and appeal of their speeches or rhetoric. Future speakers need to know how to utilize the rhetorical triangle in their speeches, as it can improve the success of their rhetoric or speech.