Exhibition Proposal

Last Updated: May 24, 2024

Exhibition Proposal

Exhibition Proposal Examples

Have you ever wondered how people get approved of projects? Maybe a grant to travel abroad for a seminar? Maybe a project to build a building? Or maybe an art installation project? An art exhibit project?

Art exhibition is where an artist shows off his works in a particular place and at a particular time. It is where and when he displays his paintings and invites people to watch them, either for free or with a fee. But before he gets to have an art exhibition, he needs to make a proposal.

Exhibition Proposal Example

Exhibition Proposal Template
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Gallery Exhibition Proposal Template

Gallery Exhibition Proposal Template
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Artist Exhibition Proposal Template

Artist Exhibition Proposal Template
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Free Exhibition Proposal Outline Template

Free Exhibition Proposal Outline Template
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Free Exhibition Proposal Template

Free Exhibition Proposal Template
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Free Exhibition Proposal Sample Template

Free Exhibition Proposal Sample Template
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Art Exhibition Proposal Template

Art Exhibition Proposal Template
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Free Simple Exhibition Proposal Template

Free Simple Exhibition Proposal Template
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Solo Exhibit Proposal

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VMH Exhibit Proposal Form

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So what is an exhibition proposal, or an art exhibition proposal? An exhibition proposal is a proposal by an artist in which he ask or request permission to use a specific place to showcase his works of art. By asking permission, he is making his exhibit an official event, and legal to the public. It implies that the money he earns for the art exhibit is legal and is not a fraud. It implies that he has license to showcase his artworks.

Exhibition Proposal Online Form

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How to Make a Proposal in General

Whether you are writing a proposal for marriage or proposal for an art exhibit, it is important that you know how to make a good proposal. But what is a good proposal? A good proposal has the following qualities:

  • It has knowledge on the kind of audience targeted for the proposal. The idea is the same as making a proposal marriage, the one (boy) making the proposal should have a knowledge on the subject (girl). The target audience is a big factor in the planning of the proposal.
  • After knowing the audience, try to identify the underlying problems. What are the issues that the community is facing? Do they need help? How can you be of help to them? What causes the problems?
  • You have defined the audience, the subject, the people, the community. Also, you have read and studied their problem. Now, it is time to make a scope of the two, subject and issues. The purpose of the scope is to make a limitation so as to make a focus. The more limited the subject, the more defined the scope, the more focus it would be.
  • Now you have made a scope, your next step is to define the solution. Is there a solution to the problem? If there is, how can you solve it? How do you execute the solution to the problem?
  • After knowing that you have or you might have the solution to the problem, your next step is to know the materials needed to solve the problem. Will you be the right person to solve the problem, or do you need help from other group of individuals? Does the solution require a lot of budget? How much money is needed for the staff of the project? How about the materials? Are you going to use this and that? When you arrive to this problem, it is now time to make your own design, your own proposal.

Artists Exhibition Proposal

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Purpose of Proposal

The main purpose of the proposal is a solution of the problem, and nothing there could be nothing else. In an art exhibit proposal, the artist is trying to solve a problem, which may sound unusual to ordinary people. Artists can see problems more and beyond than normal people could. When they propose for an art exhibit, they are trying to answer the problem of freedom, independence, liberation from the usual ways of thinking.

Exhibition Proposal Submission Guidelines for Artists and Independent Curators

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To Whom the Proposal Is Addressed

Let us make a scenario: You want to solve problems on social issues, say, child abuse. So you plan on making a showcase of art that depicts the suffering of the children. Let us say you want to solve the problem on gender issues, so you produce paintings on maybe women vs. men, or maybe you make a gallery of only women subject, or maybe you want to showcase a live display of women wearing men’s clothes—the purpose of which is to let others know your message.

Art Exhibition Proposal Guidelines

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Kinds of Art Exhibit

An art exhibit can be solo or collective. In a solo exhibition, the approval of the proposal may not be as easy as it looks, unless if you are already a distinguished artist. If you are just a newbie, you need recommendations from people who are experts in the field; in this case, art. A collective art exhibit has the advantage of being approved quickly due to the fact that it can be a representative of a community, as compared to a solo exhibit that only reflects one person.

Art Gallery Exhibition and Guest Artist Proposal Form

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How to Get Sponsors for Art Exhibit

Precisely why you need to have a good, well-laid-out proposal is because you want to have your art exhibit sponsored. Without sponsors, your exhibit would be too limited. Granting you already have the artworks, which is your painting, or drawing, or whatever artwork you do, you still need a building where you can display them. Also, you need people, a support team, to do whatever task required of your exhibit, such as carrying this and that; you need people to usher visitors, and there are still many others.

Exhibition Proposal to Art Gallery

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Who Should Watch or Attend Your Art Exhibit?

If the subject of your art exhibit is about, for example, domestic violence, you would perhaps invite families. This is to teach both the oppressor and the victim, as well as the passive witness.

If your art exhibit is all about corruption, then maybe you can invite politicians, as well as various citizens that are somehow victims of corruption.

But you can always invite anybody. The more people who can go to your exhibit, the better. Of course you have the authority to limit when necessary. For example, if you showcase something that is children-sensitive, or if the visuals are too morbid, too graphic. But you can always warn the audience should they want to see your too-graphic works.

Exhibition Proposal Guidelines

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Expenses in an art exhibit. There is really no fixed amount in how much an artist would have to spend to showcase his artworks. It boils down to his creativity. The more sophisticated and fancy and theatrical the display, the more he needs to shell out. Without talking about numbers, here are some of the items that needs financial preparation.

  • Building Rental. This could be costly. If it is in a commercial building, prepare to have sponsors as your backup. Options would be:
    • Mall. The advantage of having it in the mall is that anyone can easily attend or see it. Some do it in a hallway, others in a closed hall. If you want various people to experience your work, an open space like the hallway is the way to go. If you want it more subdued, less bold, and decent looking, a closed space in the mall is the way to go.
    • Universities or Institutions. The advantage of doing your exhibit in higher schools is that the audience can resonate. They are not there to see your works, they are there to understand them, to understand you, to understand why the artist is doing this and that, and not this.
    • Museums. This is classy, and can be reserved only to distinguished artist.
    • Art Restos. This has become common nowadays as it is cheaper compared to doing it in big buildings. Newbies are welcome.
  • Personnel
    • You should also be thinking about who would transfer your work from A to B. Of course, you will not do it all by yourself. The moving in and out of the pieces requires a team. They may only report prior to and after the exhibit.
    • Also, you need ushers. These people are sort of guides for the visitors.
    • You also need a secretary, if necessary.
    • People to document the event.

Public Gallery Exhibition Proposal Guidelines

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One question is, where do you ask for a grant? Grants are usually given by arts institution. Each state or country has its own arts and culture department. They usually open their grants and prize annually. And it is a competition, so you better make your proposal presented well. The proposal is a determining factor should they give you a grant or not.

Exhibition Proposal Partnership Terms and Regulations

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So, that is how you make proposal. The keywords are define and know. You need to know your audience. This will shape your vision and mission of your art exhibit. You cannot just showcase something just because you like it. Unless you do not need sponsors. But that is not usually the case. Artists always need financial assistance from someone. Even the rich artist, they still do. It is just how it works. They are just lucky they are influential which means it is easy for the people to give them grant.

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