Exit Interview Form

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Exit Interview Form

Employees submitting their resignations is a normal occurrence in every company. Each of them has different reasons for leaving. Even the staff members with excellent performances resign. And that baffles you as an HR manager. When an employee leaves your company, it affects the workforce. Fewer employees mean less productivity. However, you can get something positive when an employee leaves. As mentioned, employees have their reasons for leaving. Those reasons, good or bad, can give you ideas for improving your company’s management. You can get answers from resigning employees by conducting an exit interview survey. For that reason, we offer our Exit Interview Form Examples.

11+ Exit Interview Form Examples

Exit Interview Form Template

Exit Interview Form Template
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  • Apple Pages

Size: 67 KB


Employee Exit Interview Form Template

Employee Exit Interview Form Template
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  • Google Docs
  • Apple Pages

Size: 60 KB


Physician’s Exit Interview Example

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Size: 251 KB


Exit Interview and Exit Survey Example

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Size: 206 KB


Company Exit Interview Questionnaire Example

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Size: 5 KB


Sample Exit Interview Template Example

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Size: 97 KB


Exit Interview Form Example

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Size: 86 KB


Stay Interview and Exit Interview Questions Example

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Size: 429 KB


Exit Interview Questionnaire/Form Example

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Size: 1 MB


Exit Interview Tips Example

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Size: 264 KB


Exit Interview Form Example

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Size: 13 KB


Confidential Employee Exit Interview Form Example

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Size: 110 KB


What Is an Exit Interview Form?

An exit interview form is an interview questionnaire consisting of questions about what resigning employees think of their job. It’s a questionnaire that asks for their feedback concerning their experience in the company. The company uses their feedback to strategize on improving the HR management standards. For some companies, conducting an exit interview is a part of their employee exit formalities.

How to Make an Exit Interview Form

A blog from HR Acuity says that 90% of companies on the Fortune 500 list conduct exit interviews. Although not all of them do it effectively, it still shows the importance of exit interviews. It helps HR managers like you to understand why employees leave. And with that, you can formulate strategies to lessen employee churn in the future. That said, exit interviews should become a part of your employee resignation process. But first, start creating an exit interview form or employee exit form. Feel free to refer to our quick guide below.

Step 1: Leave Space for Employee Details

Take note that you’ll be keeping exit interview forms for recording purposes. So, they should have information about their respondents (the resigning employees). That’s why you must leave space at the top of the forms for employee details. Put blank spaces where the employee will write their name, job title or position, department, and date of resignation or termination.

Step 2: Write a Brief Explanation of the Interview’s Purpose

Before the questions, there should be a written explanation about the exit interview’s purpose. Let the respondents understand why they need to fill up the form. They have the right to know its purpose. That’s because you’ll be using their responses to the company’s benefit. And also, you must assure them that you’ll keep their identity private. Exit interview forms are confidential files. You shouldn’t disclose them to anyone, especially to supervisors.

Step 3: Ask Effective Exit Interview Questions

We implied earlier that some Fortune 500 companies fail to conduct exit interviews effectively. One of the likely culprits is that they didn’t ask the right questions. With that in mind, you should avoid that mistake.

Ask the questions that can deliver you the answers you want from the employees. For example, if you want to know their level of comfort working in the company, you can ask, “How well are your superiors treating you?,” “Do the company’s equipment enable you to perform efficiently?,” “Do you have good relations with your colleagues?” etc.

Step 4: Leave Space for Employee Comments and Suggestions

Employees might have things to say about your company. Regardless of whether they’re good or bad, they’re valuable data for improving your company’s management. So, at the end of the exit forms, make sure to leave space for employee comments and suggestions.


Can an employee decline an exit interview?

An employee can decline an exit interview if answering it isn’t indicated in the employment terms and conditions as mandatory.

Is conducting exit interviews worth the time?

Yes, conducting exit interviews are worth the time. It’s one way to know your company’s current stature. And it could also be a means of releasing an employee on a positive note.

What do HR managers do with exit interview results?

HR managers use exit interview results to determine the company’s management quality. Particularly, they use them to evaluate the management practices of team leaders, supervisors, and managers.

Responding to exit interview forms is the resigning employees’ final contribution to your company. It may not be as big as their contributions through their work performance, but it helps steer your management practices in the right direction. So, before you leave this page, don’t forget to download our examples of exit interview forms.

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