Health Safety Policy

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Health Safety Policy


Two old adages that go “Health is wealth” and “It’s better to be safe than sorry” still stands true until this day and for the rest of our days. We all know that the state of our well-being affects not just one aspect of our lives but it affects every single one of it. One aspect that can be affected is our working life. Various health and safety hazards and risks could happen in the workplace that is why there is a need for the employers to make sure they have policies that ensure the health and safety of their employees.

There are companies whose focus and priority is the workplace health and safety policies from the vast number of policies, like security policies, privacy policies, information technology policies, attendance policies, and social media policies, especially if the nature of the job is risky and hazardous.

Health and Safety Policy Example

Health and Safety Policy Template
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General Safety Policy Example

General Safety Policy Template
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Health And Safety Policy And Procedure

Health And Safety Policy And Procedure
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Size: 191 KB


Free Commercial Cleaning Health and Safety Policy Template

Free Commercial Cleaning Health and Safety Policy Template
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Size: 26 KB


Health and Safety Policy Manual

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Size: 839.6 KB


Health and safety policies should never be taken lightly since life could be at stake once this is treated as unimportant. Once a company would have an effective and well-written health and safety policy, they will make a good impression on their prospective employees since they show that they seriously care about the welfare of their people. What should be taken into an account when formulating the health and safety in the workplace is all the possible activities of the company in order to make sure that every aspect of the work is covered.

A well-written health and safety policy would help the company in implementing an effective health safety program in the workplace and it will also help the company in making effective and the best health- and safety-related decisions.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

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Size: 565.6 KB


Health and Safety Policy

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Size: 453.1 KB


Sample Health and Safety Policy Statement

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Size: 215.5 KB


Health and Safety Policy

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Size: 178.8 KB


What Is a Health and Safety Policy?

A health and safety policy is a written statement that clearly outlines how health and safety is managed in the workplace. It shows the company’s commitment to the health and safety of the people working for them and it lays out the details of how employees can benefit from it.

A health and safety policy usually has three parts, namely:

  • Statement of Intent
  • Responsibilities for Health and Safety
  • Arrangements for Health and Safety

In the Statement of Intent, it should include the aims of the company in terms of the health and safety of the employees.

In the Responsibilities for Health and Safety, it should contain the list of the names and position and roles of the people who have individual and specific role in maintaining the health and safety in the workplace.

Last but not the least part, in the Arrangements for Health and Safety, the actions that should be taken just in case in the event of health and safety risks.

Health and Safety Policy

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Size: 97.7 KB


Sample Occupational Health and Safety Policy

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Size: 126.3 KB


Health and Safety Policy

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Size: 282.4 KB


Occupational Health and Safety Policy

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Size: 137.0 KB


Sample Written Program for Construction Safety Policy

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Size: 172.0 KB


Importance of Health and Safety Policies in the Workplace

1. Many Will Trust the Company

Imagine working for a company wherein they did not state clear policies for the health and safety of their employees; would you still take the risk of prolonging your stay? Most likely not. Once a company would lay out all of their policies, particularly the health and safety policies, this would give its employees the assurance that their welfare is being taken cared for. In return, the employees, and even the prospective ones would develop a trust towards the company. A company taking responsibility for their employees’ welfare is not only for the show and for the sake of having a good image but this shows that the employers value their employees’ health and safety more than their profit.

2. Health and Safety Policies Would Yield to Productive and Happy Employees

Some companies would take lightly the health and safety policies in the workplace. Little did they know that this would actually help in the success of a company. How? Since the employees know that in whatever they do, their welfare s taken into an account, they would be encouraged to work more and their performance would definitely be of quality and their commitment to the company will be shown more. There will also be a lesser number of absences incurred and since they are always at work, the more they get their responsibilities done, thus, they are productive. Health and safety policies yield to productivity which would then result to happy employees.

3. Increases Every Company’s Valuable Asset—the People

Health and safety policies could come in the form of perks to employees and we all know that employees would also like to receive other things aside from their basic pay. If a company really values their most valuable and irreplaceable asset and would ALSO want to increase their labor force as well as strengthen it, then they should implement equally strong, and reliable health and safety policies.

Sample Health and Safety Statement

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Size: 37.1 KB


The Nestle Policy on Safety and Health at Work

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Size: 1.6 MB


Workplace Health and Safety Policy Statement

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Size: 41.5 KB


Health and Safety Guide for Human Resources Professionals

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Size: 165.7 KB


Occupational Health and Safety Policies and Procedures Manual

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Size: 78.3 KB


The Benefits of an Effective Health and Safety Policy

1. Employees Are Protected

The dominant reason for every company in implementing health and safety policies is the welfare of every employee working for them. When businesses would have a well-written health and safety policies, the employees would less likely get into hazardous and risky situations. But health and safety policies does not solely benefit the employees but it would also protect the employer from liabilities and costs from any accidents or incidents that might happen in the workplace.

2. Business Quality Is Enhanced

The presence of a health and safety policy in the workplace alone can help in enhancing its brand value, and not only that; it also improves the loyalty of the employees, encourages additional labor force and decreases any possible business disruptions. Every company always make sure that they are able to give back to their employees the things that they have done for the company thus, they always make sure that they have a corporate social responsibility. Once a company is socially responsible, this would also help in increasing the profits of the company. A health and safety policy would also be the foundation or one of the reasons why employees would trust and be loyal to their employers. Another benefit for the employers include is the decrease of any possible business disruptions and if ever one happens, with the help of health and safety policies, the company would be able to have a well-carried and organized action to be followed and will not cost a lot of time and money.

3. The Company’s Health and Safety Prospers

It is not only the employees’ health that is taken into an account in every health and safety policy but includes the company as a whole. If the people working in the company are healthy then the company is also definitely healthy and at the same time, if the people working for the company is also safe then the company is also safe from any kind of harm. Once the welfare of the employees is taken into account, it enhances the entire image of the company. The health and safety of the employees is also a form of investment a company will surely earn more than they are expecting.

4. Hazards and Risks in the Workplace Are Identified

The hazards and risks that could happen in the company will be identified through a well-written and detailed health and safety policies since it would clearly define hazards and risks as well as the actions or procedures in the event of being in a hazardous and risky incident.

Health and Safety Policy

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Size: 246.7 KB


Sample Health and Safety Policy

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Size: 540.8 KB


Health and Safety Authority

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Size: 446.7 KB


Global Occupational Health and Safety Policy

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Size: 241.0 KB


Global Policy on Safety

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Size: 30.4 KB


Why the Need for Health and Safety Policies in the Workplace?

The presence of a health and safety policies in the workplace shows that the company is indeed in serious and concerned for the health and safety of their employees whenever they are at work. This shows that the company is intent on protecting the employees from all the possible risks and hazards that might happen in the workplace.

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