
Last Updated: January 9, 2025



In almost every single company orientation, every new hire would always encounter the company’s policies. Even for those who have been hired for a long time, they are always reminded of the policies of the company they were hired in. Policies can be found almost everywhere, in every company, organizations, and even in social media, and because of that, most people would be taking its existence for granted. Most of us would not even read the handbook of policies that are given to us when it would be handed to us on our first day at work. Little did we know that policies play an important role not just in achieving the company’s success but also in achieving our own goals and personal and career development.

35+ Policy Examples in PDF

Accident Policy Template

Accident Policy Template
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  • MS Outlook

Size: A4 & US


Sample Policy Memo Template

Sample Policy Memo Template
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Size: A4 & US


Anti-Spam Policy Template

Anti Spam Policy Template
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  • MS Outlook
  • PDF

Size: A4 & US


Attendance Policy Template

Attendance Policy Template
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  • MS Outlook
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Size: A4 & US


Company Policy Example

Company Policy Template
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  • Pages
  • Editable PDF

Size: A4, US


Privacy in the Workplace Policy Example

Privacy in the Workplace Policy Template
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Size: A4, US


Workplace Policies

Appraisal Policy

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Size: 380.6 KB


Attendance Policy

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Size: 887.0 KB


Business Policy

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Size: 2.1 MB


Sick Leave Policy



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Size: 86.6 KB


Paid Time Off Policy



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Size: 47.6 KB


Payroll Policy

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Size: 1.4 MB


Workplace Policies

Community Development Corporations Policy

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Size: 221.2 KB


Confidentiality Policy

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Size: 73.0 KB


Environmental Policy

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Size: 130.6 KB


Environmental Policy Example

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Size: 691.5 KB


Foundation Policy

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Size: 727.2 KB


Workplace Policies

Credit Policy

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Size: 54.6 KB


Bank Credit Policy

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Size: 398.3 KB


Customer Service Policy

customer service1


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Size: 78.1 KB


Insurance Policy



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Size: 513.8 KB


Sample Insurance Policy

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Size: 375.4 KB


Petty Cash Policy

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Size: 450.8 KB


Quality Policy

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Size: 207.2 KB


Quality Policy Example

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Size: 2.2 MB


Workplace Policies

Health and Safety Policy

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Size: 329.6 KB


Nondiscrimination Policy

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Size: 309.7 KB


Safety Policy

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Size: 17.0 KB


Industrial Safety Policy

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Size: 133.7 KB


Social Media Policy

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Size: 178.4 KB


Staff Training and Development Policy

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  • PDF

Size: 524.5 KB


Workplace Policy Examples

Information Security Policy

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Size: 2.2 MB


Information Policy

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Size: 213.5 KB


Mobile Device Security Policy

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Size: 55.7 KB


Travel Policy

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Size: 142.8 KB


Website Privacy Policy

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Size: 163.3 KB


What Are Policies?

Policies are simple but specific statements and methods that are used as a framework for an organization or a company to run its services. These sets of principles are used as a guideline that aids an organization or a company in their decision-making processes and in reaching both short and long-term goals.

Policies don’t need to be lengthy and with the use of complicated words. The important thing is that even in two or three sentences, the policy’s point is clearly defined and is already consisting of important terms.

Policies between employees and employers are two-way. Policies for employers should cover what benefits can employees look forward to such as paid time off leave policy, insurance policy, health and safety policy, and vacation leave policy. At the same time, policies for employees should cover what they expect their employees would heed to while being an employee of their company. Such policies are confidentiality policy, business policy, and code of conduct.

Policies are not merely a list consisting of nothing but rules and agreements. Through policies, companies and organizations can instill their intended values to its employees or members. Also through policies, success can be achieved by both parties.

Through policies, employees would know their duties and roles as well as the limits. Also through policies, employees are guided on what action to take whenever faced with problems and issues that arise from the workplace.

How Important Are Policies?

Policies help a company or an organization in realizing its vision, mission, and goals. and procedures connect a company’s vision and goals to internal operations. Here are some of the important aspects of policies:

Policies provide guidelines. These guidelines help employees and supervisors in understanding their job descriptions, roles, and responsibilities. Policies define the approach to disciplinary actions.

Policies deals with internal controls. It controls the behavior of employees as well as their performance and productivity at work. 

Policies help in minimizing possible costs and potential risks. Before anything else, policies must also contain the possible costs and potential sources of risks. In this case, when employees would be able to read the policies, it would make them aware and would give them the sense of responsibility that they should also share the same need of the employer which is to minimize any costs and risks in the workplace that the employees can cause themselves.

Policies help in maintaining compliance in the workplace. By ensuring that policies and procedures are in place for succession planning, businesses can also ensure they comply with regulatory rules and guidelines.

Policies help make every employer successful. Success does not necessarily come in the form of promotion and salary but it can also come in the form of growth and development that would help in success. Success is a gradual process; it does not happen overnight nor it does not happen only one time. With the policies that are being strongly implemented in a company or in an organization, employees would be able to benefit from this. It is through policies that employee training are possible and we are all aware of how beneficial training can be in the growth of every employee. Companies may also include a policy that would enable them to provide other avenues for learning, aside from training, wherein they can encourage their employees to have their body of knowledge be improved or added.

Purpose of Policies

At some point of our lives after having encountered a lot of policies, we might question its purpose. What do we need these policies for? Are policies exist in every single company and organization put there just merely following the standard or protocols? Are policies an inconvenience to employers and to employees alike?  Are policies really utilized in order to keep a company and its stakeholder protected from various issues and threats?

Even in small businesses and organizations, policies would always exist. This is not merely because of the following trends because the making of policies is not a trend. It is vital for every company and organization’s growth and development as well as its stakeholders.

Policies help in carrying its vision, mission, goals, and objectives from the employers to its employees. It is not merely relaying of information but its goal is to let the employees take action and execute what is being stated in the policies. Through policies, employers can enable them to build a workplace that is in favor of their liking such as law-abiding and respectful employers as well as having an organization that is orderly and effective.

When problems and issues would arise from the employers, the employees would know how to handle since policies would guide them in handling consequences for misconduct. An effective policy would also make any company or organization credible and customers, as well as its employees or members, would be able to give them their trust.

Policies do not only serve the one who usually makes it, mostly by employees, but employees or ordinary organization members can also benefit from this. It is because policies also consist of the benefits employee can expect from the company or organization they belong to. Policies would also improve the employees’ productivity as well as their behavior and attitude towards their work that is indeed helpful in fostering their growth and development.

Employers should help their employees in understanding not only what every word and meaning of a policy statement but they should also be able to aide and give a better understanding of what the purpose of policies entails. When employees understand the purpose of policies as a whole, most likely, they will heed to these policies. This would make them feel that they are responsible and always accountable for whatever they would do in their workplace.

Checklist for an Updated Policy

Policies in every business or organization must always strive to be up-to-date and that it must complies to all the existing laws. The reviewing of these policies must also be consistent or in a periodic basis in order not to have any complications in the company or the organization. When writing a business policy make sure that you cover the following topic headings for each policy.

Here is a checklist one should take note when making of policies:

  • The name of the policy
  • Purpose of policy
  • Intended audience/stakeholders
  • Signature/clear ownership
  • States references where and when applicable
  • Procedures for violations or noncompliance
  • Conforms to current law
  • Written in simple English language
  • Date issued/published

Benefits of Having Policies in the Workplace

Now that we are aware of the purpose of the policies, another question might beg for us to answer: what are the benefits of having policies in the workplace? How is it related to the achievement of the company’s successes as we as its stakeholders?

  • Through policies, business owners or organization heads would be able to control their business or organization as a whole and not in small groups or what we call as micro-managing.
  • The presence of policies in the workplace means that the company cares for its employees
  • Policies would provide both parties, employer and employee, legal protection.
  • Policies would know what the company expects for them to act accordingly.
  • Policies are rules and guidelines that are vital for the decision-making in the company.
  • Policies are guidelines that are used whenever a clear response or solution is needed when an issue or a problem will arise in the workplace.
  • Policies would help employers in gaining trust from their employees since policies would give them a sense of security and equality.

10 Characteristics of an Effective Policy

Not all policies out there possess the quality of effectivity. When encountered with policies, take note of the following characteristics that will serve as your guideline.

The policy is goal-oriented and results-oriented. Make sure that every policy has clearly outlined its purpose and goals. 

The policy has a valid purpose. It would be a waste of time in making policies that the need for it does not even exist.

The policy observes the due process. A policy that does not follow any due process can make the stakeholders lose their trust and sense of security towards the company. The presence of due process means that everyone will achieve justice and experience equality and fairness whenever they are at the aggravated party from issues and problems would arise in the workplace.

The policy identifies and includes its stakeholders. Stakeholders are those who affected the policy.

The policy identifies and includes who is accountable. Since policies would help whenever some problems and issues would arise in a workplace, it must also state who is accountable.

The policy can be implemented. Policies that are impossible to implement and that are not feasible to those who are affected by it are a waste of time in making it. It should also state the purpose of its implementation basing on the possible problems that might arise in the workplace and not just some make-believe issues.

The policy can be measured. Measured in the sense that each policy results in the desired outcome that is useful when each policy will be having its evaluation stage.

The policy should be consistent and should be contradicting with other policies. Instead of policies fostering peace and orderliness in the workplace, it might cause misunderstandings if there are one or two policies that are contradicting. For example, in an Attendance Policy, one policy found at the beginning of a handbook of policies stated that there that the company follows a flexible Time In from 7:00-10:00 AM. However, in the latter part of the entire handbook of policies, another policy stated that all employees must report for duty at 8:00 AM sharp.

The policy should be following other laws. Policies must conform and be compliant with all existing laws of the land.

The policy prioritizes public interest. Although policies also protect the company, the company must also make sure that they put value to the public’s interest and that they do not take it for granted.

General FAQs

1. What Does a Policy Mean?

A policy is a set of principles that are used by organizations or government bodies to guide decisions, especially in politics, economics, or business. It is adopted to reach long-term goals and is generally published in the form of a booklet.

2. What are Some of the Common Company Policies?

Following are some of the common company policies:

  • Workplace health and safety policy
  • Equal opportunity policy
  • Employee code of conduct policy
  • Leave of absence policy
  • Employee disciplinary action policy.

3. What is the Importance of Policies in the Workplace?

Policies help explain to employees what is expected of them, and it lets employers manage the workplace more effectively. It helps in decision making and also ensures that the daily work activities comply with laws and regulations.

4. What Are Some Characteristics of Good Policies?

Following are some of the characteristics of good policies

  • They are written in clear and simple language
  • They address the rules rather than their implementation
  • They are easily accessible
  • They are readily available to interpret policies and resolve problems.

5. What is the Difference Between Policies and Procedures?

A policy is a guiding system that gives direction to an organization. They are broad, general, and do not change frequently. A procedure is a detailed sequence of steps that are consistently followed to accomplish a result.

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Draft a school policy on the use of technology in classrooms, outlining acceptable devices and usage guidelines

Create a student conduct policy for a high school, including expectations for behavior, dress code, and disciplinary actions