Negative Correlation

Last Updated: February 27, 2024

Negative Correlation

Understanding the performance of assets is only one area where correlation plays a role in the business and financial world. When trying to spread risk over a number of asset classes, a low or negative correlation is preferable. When you diversify your holdings with assets that tend to move in opposite directions, you lessen the likelihood of suffering a total loss.

1. Ensemble Learning via Negative Correlation

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What is Negative Correlation?

When two variables are correlated, there seems to be a connection between the rates of change in their respective values. It’s possible that the same fundamental reason is at play here, but it’s also possible that this is just a coincidence. So, remembering that “correlation does not imply causation” is crucial. The strength of a link between two or more variables may be measured with the use of the statistical technique known as correlation.

How to determine a Negative Correlation?

A negative, or inverse correlation, between two variables, indicates that one variable increases while the other decreases, and vice-versa. This relationship may or may not represent causation between the two variables, but it does describe an observable pattern. In order to determine a correlation, you may use one of the following methods:

Step 1: Use a formula

You can use this formula to determine the correlation coefficient:

? (x(i) – x?)(y(i) – ?) / ? ?(x(i) – x?) ^2 ?(y(i) – ?)^2.

The figures represent the following:

x = value of variable X

y = value of variable Y

x? = mean value of X

? = mean value of Y

Step 2: Use a correlation coefficient calculator

Online coefficient calculators can assess the degree and direction of negative correlation between variables. A correlation coefficient calculator lets you enter variable values in columns and calculate. It can calculate your coefficient in seconds and help you design your company.

Step 3: Create a scatter chart

Correlation may be graphically represented on a graph using a scatter chart, scattergram, or scatter plot. The connection that connects two related variables is shown by its intensity and direction. The correlation will be negative if the gradient is negative. If there is no discernible trend in the data, and hence no way for the line to be straight, then the correlation coefficient is 0.

Step 4: Determine the strength of the correlation

The correlation may be weak or high, depending on the number obtained after computing the coefficient of your variables. Coefficient values below -0.2 are regarded as moderate negative correlations, while those over -0.8 are regarded as strong negative correlations. On a scatter chart, a high negative correlation provides a steeper downward-sloping gradient, whereas a weak negative correlation creates a more pronounced downward slope.


What is the difference between correlation and causation?

Causation indicates that one variable causes the other. The independent variable is the variable that caused the effect, whereas the dependent variable is the effect itself. Experiments are used to identify causal relationships by isolating and manipulating independent factors while monitoring changes in dependent variables. A correlation between variables does not inevitably mean that the change in one variable causes the values of the other variable to change. Correlation does not imply causation, but it may show how two variables are related.

What Does Negative Correlation Mean?

A negative correlation is a connection between two elements like independent and dependent variables that work in opposite directions. To illustrate a negative interpretation, if the price of X tends to rise when the price of Y lowers, and vice versa, then the two are negatively associated.

What is the R value for a negative correlation?

The R-value in quantitative research means that there is a correlation between the number’s value and the closeness of the pair: The quantitative analysis is that there is no correlation when r is zero. If r is 1, then there is a one-to-one positive correlation. A complete negative correlation is represented by the value r = -1.

One should use the correlations only to determine a cause. The executives can use it to understand the relationship between variables, such as market demand and consumer spending, that already exists as part of the analysis and then formulate deductive reasoning. But one should not use it as a research design to investigate the cause and effect of the change in one variable due to other variables because multiple factors will always impact that relationship. For example, consumer spending in the market and the revenue of an FMCG company. They may show a positive correlation in this case study or experimental research, but that company’s revenue may increase because of some other reason, like the launch of a new product or expansion into an emerging economy.

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