Project Timesheet

Last Updated: January 9, 2025

Project Timesheet


Timesheet is defined as a sheet for capturing the number of hours worked by an employee or an individual. Timesheet is a conventional concept developed to calculate the payroll of employees. It tracks the start and end time of a task or in some formats includes only the exact duration of the task. For a project, a timesheet can include a detailed breakup of the working timeslots and the exact time required to accomplish the project. Manufacturing units issue a time card which has a similar concept but is used to calculate the wages of labors depending upon their time of work. Evolution in technology has replaced timesheets with punching machines to record the time in and out of the employees but those machines fail to record the exact time taken for a task to complete.

This article includes templates, examples, and samples related to project timesheet


Project Timesheet Examples & Templates

1. Sample Project Timesheet Template

Sample Project Timesheet Template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • MS Excel
  • Word
  • Numbers
  • Pages

Size: A4 & US


Timesheets require accuracy while entering data. If the initial data entry in the timesheet has errors one will end up making a loss for the country or the employee will be underpaid for the work. Timesheets increase payment processing efficiency. It helps one to lower the cost by making it visible. Timesheets can be clubbed with automated invoicing cycles to preserve time. This file is a one-page project timesheet template which can be easily used to prepare a customized timesheet for an organization. One can flexibly add a company logo and details in the template. The timesheet can capture data on components like date, project id, task id, status, start time, end time, hours, current period, and billed. It can also summarize the total hours and total billing at the bottom. It is one of its kind standard template for a timesheet and can be downloaded in six file formats.

2. Independent Volunteer Project Timesheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 489 KB


Universities make it mandatory for students to enroll in social projects as volunteers. To ensure that students have accomplished their targets of working for a fixed set of hours in a social project they issue a timesheet which has to be signed and approved by the supervising authority of the project. Independent time sheets for the same purpose are also issued for adults to track the time dedicated to a social service project. This file is a similar example of a volunteer project timesheet published by the Lily Community Engagement Award available for download. The sheet includes basic data of the student for convenience of maintaining records in the initial section of the sheet. One also has to enter a brief summary of the project in the provided space. The timesheet captures information on five components viz. date, time in, time out, total hours, and supervisor signature with the name. It can include data for six days of the week.

3. Employees Project Timesheet Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


Development in the field of computers and information technology has reduced the complexity of maintaining piles of paper for humans. Almost every task conventionally performed on a paper has successfully managed to transit itself in a digital mode. Timesheets can also be managed in a digital format with advantages like accuracy in calculations, simpler operations, and comparatively less time. This file is a forty-nine-page document titled TimeSaver for Project Timesheet Employees. This file is a detailed guide on the usage of each operation feature of timesheet software for employees. The software manages timesheet of all the employees with features of editing, adding, and generating invoice according to the data of the timesheet. It provides a separate login for all employees to provide a personalized timesheet. One can download this file for reference and understanding of how timesheet software helps companies in managing multiple files and advantages of the same.

4. Project Timesheet Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 52 KB


Timesheets are the most crucial part of project management because it provides accurate information which can be compared with the proposed timeline and analysis of the efficiency of the work can be carried out. Timesheets have a simple format of preparation but still inexperienced individuals many times miss many factors while preparing a timesheet. One can only manage things that they can measure and timesheets enable project managers to measure the progress of a project at a particular point of time. Such reference measurement points help them in improvising the strategy of the project according to the present performance. Exploring and analyzing timesheets of previously undertaken projects also help in preparing future project proposals and timelines. This file is a one-page image file which explains a sample project timesheet and various components related to the same.

5. Sample Project Timesheet Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


The above file is a sixteen-page document published by Microsoft Project Association (MPA). The file is titled as The Project Network which is an official industry association for Microsoft Office Project. The file includes discussion on various topics related to Managing resources and timesheets in Microsoft Office Project. It includes a comprehensive question and answers session with David Ducolon. It also includes an introduction to the portfolio management system. One can download this file to explore technical aspects of designing a timesheet in software released by Microsoft and understand its roots from the experts.

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