Project Summary Report – 10+ Examples, How to Make, PDF
When you think of summary reports, you will have the idea of writing up a report about the summary of the tasks, progress, and project that have been given to you by the employer or by the members of your group or organization. This is of course the most obvious and it also comes with the territory. What some of us may fail to notice is that project summary reports are also necessary. They do not have to be too lengthy or too short that it is not considered a report at all. There are a lot of factors to take into account when you are tasked with writing a project summary report. For every project, there is always a summary report. With that being said, here are examples of project summary reports you should check out.
10+ Project Summary Report Examples
1. Project Summary Report Template

2. Project Summary Report Example
3. Simple Project Summary Report
4. Sample Project Summary Report
5. Pilot Project Summary Report
6. Final Project Summary Report
7. Project Management Summary Report
8. Project Cost Summary Report
9. Project Progress Summary Report
10. Project Risk Summary Report
11. Project Completion Summary Report
What Is a Project Summary Report?
Summary reports are documented reports that talk about the summary of a project or a task. It is the same with a project summary report. A project summary report is a document that talks about the progress of the project or the task, the person or people involved in the project, the length of the project, and any update or status of the project written in the summary of the report.
In addition to that, a project summary report is often expected in construction projects, since construction can be considered as a project or a task. But any other job can also have a written project summary report. Lastly, when writing a project summary report, one must also take into consideration that the more information about the project along with some evidence, the better it is for your project summary report as many employers often expect more of the evidence and information together.
How to Make a Project Summary Report
Many employers tend to task their employees with writing out reports. The reports are then used as a sense of documentation. The documentation is then used as a record of the general summary of how the project is progressing. With that information, the employers are then able to get a good view and understanding of the project. But for that to happen, one must first learn how to make a project summary report.
1. Information About the Project Is the Key
To start off your project summary report, the first thing to do is to gather information about the project. The summary of the project is the most important part of the report. In order for you to complete this report, you must gather up some details, explain it well, and be more specific with it. A project summary report that is too vague often comes off as confusing and may not be considered a good report.
2. Capture Some Photo Evidence to Add
Employers often ask for photo evidence in the project summary report. Photo evidence could range from taking photos of the site of the projects and the graphs that could also be added to the report. Photo evidence however is not enough and should also be backed up by a series of written documentation for it to be understood.
3. Keep It Clear and Concise
Report writing does not have to be too confusing that every little detail is flown across the whole report. This is often a mistake made when you write your report, any kind of report. Since this is a project summary report, your main focus is to summarize the entire progress and add the details of how the project is going. Any issues that may also slow down the process are written in it, but also remember to keep it clear and concise.
4. Avoid Adding Unnecessary Details to the Report
Make it brief but not too brief that you simply forget to add the important details altogether. The whole point of the report is to make a summary of the projects that have been assigned to you.
What is a project summary report?
A project summary report is a document that talks about the progress of the project or the task, the person or people involved in the project, the length of the project, and any update or status of the project written in the summary of the report.
How lengthy is a project summary report?
The length of a project summary report may depend on the kind of project you are going to be reporting. But the generic length does not go over three pages unless you add photos and graphs that may make it look longer.
How do you start a project summary report?
To start a project summary report, you must first add the information about the project that you are making.
When it comes to writing reports, the best thing you can do is to draft them out first. Gather your data about your report. Understand the needs of your report. The information about your project summary has to be about the task or the project you are assigned. Avoid adding unnecessary information that is not going to fall true to your progress or status of the project.