Tenancy Agreement – 15+ Examples, Format, Word, pages, Pdf
When the time comes where you need to create a document that discusses the terms which people involved will need to agree on, then you’ll want to learn how to make agreement documents. The type of agreement document that needs to be made also depends on the situation. For example, one would wish to look up commercial agreement examples to discuss what parties involved can and cannot do.
- 35+ Printable Agreement Examples
- 14+ Commercial Lease Agreement Examples
Another would be one looking up management agreements to create a document which discusses how a certain property will be handled by management that has been hired by the owner. So what if you wanted to make a document regarding a person’s tenancy within you property? This would mean that you’ll need to create a tenancy agreement and this article will teach you how to make one.
Tenancy Agreement Example

Residential Tenancy Agreement
Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement
Sample Residential Tenancy Agreement
How to Create a Tenancy Agreement
Much like a rental agreement or a commission agreement, a tenancy agreement will need to contain information which will discuss the terms that both parties will need to agree to before anything can take place.
So here are the things that your tenancy agreement will need to have in order to be official:
1. The Basic Information of the Parties Involved
If you were to create an attorney agreement, then even you would want to gain information about the attorney before you even decide to create the document. Which is also what you want to do in the tenancy agreement where the tenant and the landlord will need to be properly identified in the document. The first thing that you’ll need to write down are the names of the the parties involved, so be sure to include the complete names of both the landlord and the tenant. Once you’re done writing those down, you will then need to provide the contact details of both parties. You’ll never know when one might need to contact the other so be sure to write down the phone numbers, home numbers, email address or just about all the ways that either party can communicate with the other.
2. The Details Regarding the Property to be Rented
Before you end up signign any kind of tenancy agreement, you’ll have to make sure that there’s a description of the property in it. The reason for this is because you want to guarantee that the agreement is enforceable on the actual property that you want to rent out. Because if the details in the document is that of another property and not the one you’re renting out, then the agreement is basically useless. The one thing that you have to do is to make sure that all the address details are properly placed into the agreement. So that’s everything from the name of the establishment, room number, street addres, etc.You may also see business agreement
General Tenancy Agreement
Fixed Residential Tenancy Agreement
Sample Tenancy Agreement
Furnished Tenancy Agreement
Secure Tenancy Agreement
3. The Amount of Rent to be Paid and When It Should be Paid
If you’re going to make somethin glike a confidentiality agreement or a sales agency agreement, there’s usually terms which discuss what obligations need to be promised by one party and how it should be done. In the case of a tenancy agreement, it’s similar in a sense where the parties involve agree on the amount of rent that the tenant has to pay and when he or she will need to pay the rent. The value of the rent will depend entirerly on the quality of the property that’s being rented out and the time period in which the rent has to be paid would usually be around a month or even bi-weekly. While writing the amount of rent to be paid, be sure that you give a specific number as to avoid confusions on how much has to be paid. When writing down the date of payment, be sure to state it clearly such as the first of every month.
4. The Security Deposit
If you were to create a services agreement which would discuss what services will be provided by another party, then there’s always going to be a statement regarding the matters of compensation. In a tenancy agreement, compensation is discussed, but there’s also the matter of payment before the tenancy even begins. This is what you would call a security deposit and just about every tenancy agreement will need to contain a statemetn regarding it.
The reason as to why a security deposit is even needed is to ensure that the tenant follows through with all the responsibilities that he or he has to uphold; it’s basically a form of security measure for the landlord where he or she gets to keep the money if the tenant were to break certain conditions that have been accepted. So what you’ll want to do first is point out the exact amount of security deposit that the tenant will need to make. Next, the document will need to be discussed on how the deposit will be protected or what situations will result in the tenant forfeiting it to the landlord.
5. The Responsibilities of the Landlord
No matter what kind of rental agreement one ends up making, there’s always going to be section that discusses what the landlord is obligated to do for his or her tenants. Landlords have certain legal obligations that they must adhere to before or even during a tenancy.
They must provide the tenants with all the basic needs that one needs to live in a safe and healthy environment. So as you’re writing down these obligations, you must make sure that they’re very specific so that both parties understand what has to be provided by the landlord to the tenant. These would usually include matters such as how damages will be handled, ensuring that the property has acceptable living conditions, etc.You may also see attorney agreement
Allotment Tenancy Agreement
Non-Assured Tenancy Agreement
Residential Accommodation Tenancy Agreement
Boarding House Tenancy Agreement
Draft Tenancy Agreement
Supported Housing Tenancy Agreement
Student Accommodation Tenancy Agreement
6. The Rights of the Tenant
When going through somethign like trade agreement examples , there’s usually a section which talks about the rigths of those that are involved in the trade. This also lies true in a tenancy agreement where the rights of the tenant needs to be thoroughly discussed within the document. You’re basically pointint out what the tenant has the right to do during his or her stay within the landlord’s property.
This section would contain matters regarding the tenant having the right to be able to contact the landlord and gain all details about him or her, to have the promise of privacy will living in the property, to challenge excessively high charges to the rent, etc. Much like the obligations of the landlord, these all need to be spelled out clearly so that there’s no chance of any misunderstandings or confusion.
7. How a Tenancy Agreement Ends
And laslty, you’ll want the document to talk about how either party may decide to terminate the contract or what actions would result in a premature termination. There will be times where the termination of the tenancy agreement will be absolutely necessary, but these situations have to be clearly stated in the document otherwise the tenancy cannot end. If one still decides to do so, then the person breaking the agreement will be facing serious legal issues.You may also see non-disclosure agreement
In the event that you would like to learn more in regards to how you should go about in creating a rental agreement or if you would like to learn how to create other agreements (loan agreement ,reseller agreement, etc.), then all you have to do is go through our site. We have all the articles that contain the informaiton you need to help you out. Just be sure you know how to properly utilize whatever it is you have been able to gather.