Anonymous Speech

Last Updated: August 27, 2024

Anonymous Speech


Making an anonymous speech should not be any different than creating an ordinary speech. Perhaps the only difference would be the term “anonymous.” And since the fundamentals of an anonymous speech is similar to that of an ordinary speech, you can just make the same way that common speeches are made. You may also see launch speech.

 Quarterly Anonymous Speech

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Ethical Value of Anonymous Speech

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Writing the Speech

1. Choose a topic or theme.

Have you seen the movie V for Vendetta? Well, if you did, you must have remembered the part in the movie wherein V hijacked the British Broadcast TV Network in order to broadcast his “message of hate.” But truth be told, it is one of the best speeches that has ever been written in the history of cinema. Other than the killings and the destruction that he wrought upon England, have you ever stopped to wonder on why made that speech in the first place? He wanted to break the chain of totalitarianism that was controlling England. He wanted to give the people “a new hope” (Star Wars, anyone?) and a new beginning that they can create for themselves without losing their freedom as people. To borrow a few words from his speech to the people of England, “Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.” You may also see campaign speech.

Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well, certainly, there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. You may also see some examples of speech templates as further reference the next time you wish to write a speech.

Here is a tip to those people who are not sure on what theme to choose. Try writing down a few stories and statements you might want to include in your speech. Select the ones you like best and check as to whether there is a unifying theme to tie them altogether. Take note that in writing an anonymous speech, you have to publish it under no name. You may also see acceptance speech.

 Anonymous Commercial Speech

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The Mask Anonymous Speech

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Coolidge Sample Anonymous Quote

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Anonymous Speech Definition

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2. Pick a tone that makes you comfortable.

It would actually depend on what kind of speech you are planning to make. There are two kinds of speeches that people can make: persuasive speech and informative speech. Now, depending on how it goes, you may have to find a tone that you are comfortable with when you deliver the said speech. When Jim Carrey delivered his speech to the new graduates of Maharishi University of Management (MUM), he may have delivered it with a sense of humor in between the speech, but most of the time he delivered it with such passion and firmness when he said, “Fear is going to be a player in your life, but you get to decide how much. You can spend your whole life imagining ghosts, worrying about your pathway to the future, but all there will ever be is what’s happening here, and the decisions we make in this moment, which are based in either love or fear. So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality. What we really want seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect, so we never dare to ask the universe for it.”

What happens after graduation is usually a big and momentous step for these students. Imagine what they would have felt if Jim Carrey said those exact same words, but with fear and doubt in his heart. Do you think that the students would have felt reassured? Inspired even to chase their dreams instead of playing it safe? Other than the sake of comfort, your tone must be able to match with the content you are delivering and the audience you are delivering it to. Here are some steps in making a great speech composition.

3. Use short sentences and avoid words your audience won’t understand.

Good speeches are often ruined when the speakers take it upon themselves to add words that are too complicated for anyone to understand. Some speeches are meant to be long while there are others that are meant to be short. If it is at all possible, try using shorter sentences in your speech so that your audience can process out what you are trying to say in each sentence. If you have long sentences, try as much as possible to shorten them down as to allow yourself to catch your breath. Here are some examples of welcome speeches to help you get started with your speech making.

Anonymous Speech on the Internet

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Wedding Day Anonymous Speech

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Anonymous Press Release

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Miscellaneous Free Speech Issue: Anonymous Speech

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Anonymous Quote Example

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4. Write down original stories and messages.

Some of the best speeches would include stories based from their own personal experience or through the lenses of another person’s. Should you decide to include some stories in your speech, make sure to end it accordingly. Stories are often used to connect an idea. You may also see orientation speech.

For instance, when you would want to talk about endurance and perseverance in a person, you can relate this to the number of street people you see along the sidewalk that beg because they have no talents and were born into that situation. Some less fortunate people are even disabled with a missing arm. But you tell them, “Instead of doing nothing and waiting for others to help you, why don’t you help yourself? I know a person with no hands who eventually became a very successful pilot. I know a person with no feet who decided to become a traffic enforcer. I know a person who was missing his hands and feet surf, play golf, and become an inspiration to millions. If that did not stop them, then what is stopping you? No more excuses. No more feeling sorry about yourself. It is high time that you learn to rise above your situation and fend off for yourself rather than waiting for some generous soul to come and assist you.”

Everyone has a story to tell. It is up to you on how you can connect them in your speech for it to become inspirational. If you are still having some trouble with writing your speech, you may check out some speech examples to walk you through writing one.

5. Find a gripping way to begin your speech.

They say that the first sentence of a speech is the most important as it can make everyone in the room pay attention to you or immediately fall asleep when you speak the first words out of your mouth. Some people would often begin with a joke, which is one way of beginning your speech. Another way to begin the speech is with a grand, thought-provoking statement. It would be nice for the audience to learn something new. Other people would often make use of telling a story (who does not like a good story?). You can try scaring the audience, but that will not exactly get them to listen to you (maybe. Who knows?). Whichever tactic or technique you are going to use to try and keep the audience listen to you, make sure that you are prepared to deliver it with all you got. Some people in general do not know how to start a speech. So before even writing one, make sure to read about it first.

Anonymous Letter to the Editor

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Welcome Speech for Conference

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Filled-Up Graduation Speech

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6. Make the theme clear.

Your speech should go in a straight line. If it jumps from road A to road B, your speech has now lost in touch with the original point you are trying to deliver. What message are you trying to deliver to these individuals? All the components (e.g., introduction, body, conclusion) should be in line with the point you are trying to make. Even if your audience does not figure out your theme or main point of the speech at the beginning, eventually it has to come to light. Otherwise you will just be perceived as someone delivering rubbish to the crowd. Stick with the theme. Don’t divert from it. Here are some examples of a launch speech which is useful for product launches or business launches.

7. Move from one idea to the next in a natural order.

The word you are looking for is transition. When you are finished delivering point A, how can you move to point B immediately if you cannot relate it to point A? All the points that you have made would eventually correlate with one another. You may also check out some examples of thank-you speeches as a guide or reference.

8. End with a memorable statement that captures your speech.

Now, considering that you are through writing your anonymous speech, you might want to consider ending it with a bang or even something funny that is sure to make the audience laugh. There is a saying that when you start strong, you also have to end strong as well to ensure that your speech leaves a good impression to the audience and to all who listen to it. Because at the end of the day, you would want your audience to learn from your speech and not just to sit there willy-nilly. That final sentence must be able to capture the entirety of your speech so that when the audience forgets everything else, they have that very line to remember. For more reference into speech writing, you may refer to elevator speech examples.

9. Edit and polish it as much as possible

Congratulations! You are done making the first initial draft of your speech. And since that is already taken cared of, now all that is left is to edit and polish your speech as carefully and thoroughly as possible. Make sure to check it for typographical errors, grammatical errors, sentence structure, and the like. Remember that the speaker is expected to deliver the said speech to a great many people and you do not want him or her to be humiliated by a speech full of grammatical errors, do you? You want it to be delivered with just as much professionalism as you can. Here are some examples of introduction speeches that you may want to refer to in case you need assistance introducing people.

10. Consider visual aids.

Normally, speeches do not have visual aids. Visual aids are only utilized when you have actual data that you would wish to share to the public and you want to do it in a simplified manner or when a lesson is being conducted by the instructor or teacher. TED speakers would often make use of visual aids since they have findings or statements that they would want to show to their audience. Unless your speech is informational or persuasive and if you find it extremely necessary to use visual aids, I would suggest just to simply state it as it is. Here are some examples of ceremonial speeches that you may want to refer to.

11. Turn the speech into note cards, then practice!

They say that content is king. But without delivery, it is pointless. Your anonymous speech might even become famous. But it takes someone who shares the same passion and integrity as you do to make a speech worthy of of being one. But no one can really memorize their speech overnight. It takes time and lots of patience just to get it right. So my advice would be to transfer your speech to your index cards. Now, depending on how much you’ve written for your speech, it might either be a good thing or bad thing as it will take time and a whole lot of index cards. What some people do in this scenario is to only transfer the important parts of each paragraph to the index cards. Even though you do not memorize your speech word for word, as long as you are able to deliver the important and essential parts of the speech, then you will be all right. With enough practice and concentration, you will be able to deliver the speech just fine. You may also see wedding speech examples for more information and details.

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Practicing and Delivering the Speech

1. Practice speaking loudly and clearly. As mentioned before, content may be king. But it takes someone skillful to perfectly deliver the said speech in order to maximize the effectiveness and the impact of the speech to all who are listening. As a speaker, you have the responsibility to make yourself heard by everyone, even those at the back of the room. A good speaker makes sure that his or her voice can be heard throughout the entire room, and that people can actually understand what you are trying to say. Otherwise, you might just end up eating your words. You may want to see some examples of appreciation speeches.

2. Time yourself while you read the speech out loud. It is no surprise that there is always a timer in these speeches. In delivering a TED Talk, you are only allowed an allowance of 18 minutes. Now, for students and even for young professionals, 18 minutes might be a little too much, but not for those giving the TED Talk itself. TED curator Chris Anderson imposed the time limit, he told Gallo, since it is “long enough to be serious and short enough to hold people’s attention … By forcing speakers who are used to going on for 45 minutes to bring it down to 18, you get them to think about what they really want to say.” It’s also the perfect length if you want your message to go viral, says Anderson. In some competitions, placards or ringing of the bell serve as time indicators to remind the speakers on how much time they have left to deliver their speech. The moment you know how much time you are given, you have to immediately figure out on how your content can fit the given time frame assigned to you. Here are some examples of narrative speeches should you find the need to write one.

3. Talk slowly and pause between ideas. Breathe in and breathe out. Just because you are being timed, does not mean you have to rush the entirety of your speech. Do not talk too fast and neither must you talk too slow. Talk in a normal pace wherein everyone can understand what you are saying. Another thing that you can actually work on as you practice your speech is the enunciation and the intonation of some words of your speech. There are some points in your speech that might require emphasis as to allow those ideas you mentioned to sink in to the audience. One way of doing so would be to pause for a moment in your speech. Perhaps not too long, but a sufficient amount of time maybe 5 to 7 seconds per critical point being made. Here are some examples of presentation speeches for your reference.

4. Deliver your speech to a mirror until you can do it without reading. “Practice makes perfect. But nobody is perfect. So, why practice?” An ironical joke told to everyone who wish to improve themselves better in whatever their field may be. But the reason why people practice as hard and as much as they can so that they can improve themselves to become better at their craft and what they do. There is no shame in using note cards during the day of the speech. But should you end up delivering a near-perfect speech without note cards, then you have successfully memorized your speech by heart and have maybe conquered your fear of public speaking. You may also see how to create keynote speeches.

5. Use their feedback to practice more. The members of the audience may pick up on problems you didn’t even consider, whether with the statements you make or your delivery style. Take their advice gracefully; they’re doing you a favor by letting you know what you need to improve. You may also see youth speech.

6. Prepare yourself for confidence on the day of the speech. Get to bed early the night before and eat full, comforting meals that won’t upset your stomach. Take your mind off the event with other activities in the hours before the speech. Dressing nicely will increase your confidence and gain respect and attention from your audience. You may also see tribute speech.

Anonymous Speech Generator

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Write an Anonymous Speech advocating for digital privacy.

Create an Anonymous Speech on the importance of whistleblowing in democracy.