Speech Evaluation Essay

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Speech Evaluation Essay

Writing and doing public speaking can be both a fun and exciting experience, and a scary one at the same time. But to be able to have someone evaluate the way you make your speech can also be a scary thing. However, this should not be seen as such. Rather, having to know how to improve on your speech is the best thing you can do to make yourself better. To be able to improve yourself. Speech evaluation essays can range from any type of speech that can be evaluated. Informative speeches, Persuasive speeches, and even self reflection speeches.

4+ Speech Evaluation Essay Examples

1. Speech Evaluation Essay Template

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Size: 103 KB


2. Sample Speech Evaluation Essay

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Size: 57 KB


3. Speech Evaluation Essay in PDF

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Size: 881 KB


4. Printable Speech Evaluation Essay

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Size: 74 KB


5. Persuasive Speech Evaluation Essay

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Size: 64 KB


Definition of Evaluation

Evaluation means to judge something through its quality, value, and importance. To appraise something by means of understanding its worth through a criteria or a rubrics set by standards. In this case, evaluating a speech, you must follow a set of criteria to understand its value, the quality of the speech and the way it was written out.

Definition of Informative Essay

An informative essay is a type of essay that teaches your audience on the topic you are talking or writing about. Your informative essay speech can be used to define a word, to compare two or more things. In addition to that, it can also analyze the data present, and provide steps. However, this type of essay speech is not used to persuade your audience, nor to be able to present an opinion.

Definition of Persuasive

This type of essay speech is written to persuade your audience to agree or to disagree with you. Depending on the topic you are writing about.  This essay speech is also known as the argumentative essay. The reason for this is because you will be discussing topics that would need other people’s opinions or point of views. This essay speech uses logic, analytical thinking and reasoning to show one or more ideas.

Definition of Essay

An essay is a short piece of writing that gives the author a way to express his or her own opinions. The author’s arguments and point of view are written in a way that may be too vague since they often overlap with other sources of writing. This is also a written composition that explores a certain topic where the author gets to share their opinions.

Definition of Personal Speech

A personal essay speech as the term states is something personal. A self introduction type of speech that is often used for introducing yourself to people. This type of speech is used to introduce a particular thing of your life on a more personal level.

Importance of Speech Evaluation

The purpose of speech evaluation is not to embarrass the author or the speaker. Rather it is to present a general overview of the speech. To be able to target the corrections needed so the speaker can improve on their next public speaking. When this is done in a respectful manner, this does not come out as something opinionated nor criticized.

Tips for Writing Speech Evaluation

You are now ready to be writing your speech evaluation. But before you do that, here are some tips you can use to make a good and polite speech evaluation. This is to avoid getting a lot of backlash and a lot of arguments from the person you are giving the evaluation.

  • Review the guidelines – before you start to write your evaluation, review the guidelines presented to you. Your guidelines may be in the form of a checklist or a rubrics. Follow the guidelines and review them carefully.
  • Listen and judge for yourself – Once you are done reviewing the guidelines, listen to the speaker. Make feedback only after they are done and not in the middle of their speech. If you wish to take note of what you noticed, write them down. Judge for yourself but do it quietly.
  • Avoid using third person- This is often taken for granted but, avoid using third person when you are giving feedback. Do not make the person feel like they have done something wrong. You are not there to make the evaluation sound like they have done everything wrong. Rather, if you want to give good feedback, use I phrases. Like “I should have…”
  • Avoid negative language and tone – this goes with the third tip. Avoid negative languages and tone. Do not yell at the person you are giving the evaluation for. Talk to them in a polite and professional manner.
  • Give positive feedback as well – Do not focus on the negative. Give some positive feedback as well. Not only will this make them feel better, but it will also give them more reason to improve.


How do I make the evaluation essay more effective?

You may begin with stating a few things you want to discuss with the speaker.

Do I need to follow the rubrics when I evaluate someone’s essay speech?

Yes. As the rubrics are there to guide you on how to evaluate a person’s essay speech.

Is there a better way to express my feedback?

Tell the person you are giving feedback to, to sit down. Explain why you are doing this and how it is going to help the speaker improve on some things.

Essay evaluations are unavoidable. But they don’t have to be scary or embarrassing. Rather, they are great means to use to help you improve on some levels of your speech. As your evaluation is based solely on how you present as well as a rubrics. Do your best, understand the feedback given. The next time you give a speech, you know where to improve. As for those who give out the evaluation, remember to use positive tone and language. Avoid having to put too much negativity that the person may refuse to improve. You are not there to bring them down, rather you are there to help them.

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