Executive Resume Examples – 20+ Examples, How To Make, Word, Pages, PDF

Last Updated: February 5, 2025

Executive Resume Examples – 20+ Examples, How To Make, Word, Pages, PDF

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We all know that for a person to land an executive position in a company organizational chart, he or she needs to have the right experiences and skills, right? But, along with these qualities, an executive resume would also be required to leave an impression on a potential employer. So, if you’ve already gained the standards of an executive role, then all you’re going to need is an executive resume.

12+ Executive Resume Examples

1. Business Executive Resume Template

Business Executive Resume Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages


2. Chief Executive Resume Template

Chief Executive Resume Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages


3. International Business Executive Resume Template

International Business Executive Resume Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages


4. Health And Safety Executive Resume Template

Health And Safety Executive Resume Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages


5. Professional Executive Resume Template

Professional Executive Resume Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages


6. Outside Sales Executive Resume Template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages


7. Non Profit Executive Resume Template

Non Profit Executive Resume Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages


8. Broadcast Account Executive Resume Template

Broadcast Account Executive Resume Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages


9. Executive Resume Template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages


10. Sales Executive Resume

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 100 KB


11. Senior Human Resources Executive Resume

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 963 KB


12. Human Resources Executive Resume

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 248 KB


13. Sales Executive Resume Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 330 KB


14. Sample Executive Resume

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 17 KB


15. Chief Technology Officer Executive Resume

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 230 KB


16. International Sales and Marketing Resume

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 176 KB


17. Executive Resume Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 163 KB


18. Marketing Executive Resume Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 594 KB


19. Marketing Director Sample Resume

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 114 KB


20. Senior Sales Executive Resume

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 31 KB


21. Corporate Sales Executive Resume Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 324 KB


What Is an Executive Resume?

An executive resume is a type of document that is going to be used by an individual who’s trying to get an executive position. Think of it as a first-class ticket one is going to need to land an interview with high-level employers, such as CEOs, directors, and managers. An executive resume must convey that an individual is qualified for the duties of a c-suite position since it’s going to take excellent leadership skills and managerial skills to make decisions that are going to affect the welfare of the business.

How To Make an Executive Resume

There are many available executive resume templates online, but if you want to create your resume, here are some elements and guidelines that you must not miss:

Step 1: Express Professionalism

Your executive resume must convey professionalism since the one who’s going to read your resume are directors and chief officers of high management. One way to make sure that you’re resume is professional to look at is to make use of the right format and fonts. It also needs to be neat and void of any dirt and folding’s.

Step 2: Watch Your Tone

Even though the writing style of a resume is informative, you still have to be careful with your tone. Make sure that the contents of your executive resume don’t sound boastful and conceited. Just be humble and modest in writing the information on your resume.

Step 3: Emphasize Your Experiences

In making your executive resume, you must include all your accomplishments and experiences in your career. Experience is what the employers will focus on, and they’re going to ask a lot of questions regarding your expertise. So, make sure that you write it concisely so that they can immediately understand the information regarding your career experiences.

Step 4: Accentuate Your Skills

Your skill is also an essential part of your executive resume. Your skills must be prominent on your resume profile since this is also one of the basis or qualifications whether you are fit for the executive position.

Step 5: Highlight Your References

The reference on your executive resume is how the company is going to confirm your previous employments. Make sure that the details of your past employers are complete, and don’t forget that your references must align with your work experience.


Can I write my executive resume in two pages?

Yes, you can make your resume into two pages since you can’t fit all of your information on one page. One page resume is typically for entry-level positions since it is the stepping stone for an executive position.

Why is making an executive resume so important?

An executive resume is an essential tool in the employment process of an executive position. When a company is hiring for an administrative job position, the first thing they’re going to do is look at the applicants’ executive resume. They’re going to carefully examine the resume and confirm its contents through many kinds of processes. It is also how an individual can certify that he or she has the abilities and expertise of an executive role. A job applicant must know the value of an executive resume since it is one of the key elements one is going to need to land an executive position.

How much will I earn if I land the position of a CEO?

A writer in CNBC revealed that back in 2018, chief executive officers earn $17.2 million worth of compensation. That’s eventually how much you’re going to make if you become a chief executive officer.

Will I need a lot of skills to land an executive position?

Yes, skills are essential requirements for an executive position. The role of an executive is very risky and will require serious expertise in communication and leadership skills for handling business operations.

What are the three highest executive positions?

The three highest executive positions are: Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operating Officer (COO), and the Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

As you can see, an executive resume plays a vital role in achieving your executive career. It is an essential tool during the executive employment process, and it’s going to be the basis for an employer in choosing the right applicant. One must know how valuable an executive resume when it comes to becoming one of the executive employees in a company. Even though the content of this resume is just professional words, it can escalate an individuals’ career to the top.

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