6 Letter Words with H

Team English - Examples.com
Created by: Team English - Examples.com, Last Updated: May 10, 2024

6 Letter Words with H

6 Letter Words with H

Embark on a linguistic journey with our selection of 6-letter words beginning with the letter ‘H’. This compilation, specifically designed for educators, aims to enrich the vocabulary of students and ignite their passion for language. Each word in this collection not only enhances understanding but also offers a unique perspective on word usage and meaning. From historical terms to everyday jargon, these ‘H’ words are versatile tools in developing effective communication skills and fostering a deeper appreciation for the nuances of English.

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5 Letter Words with H

7 Letter Words With H

8 Letter words with H

9 Letter Words With H

10 Letter Words With H

H Silent Words

Words Starting with H

Words Ending with H

Words With Letter H in Middle

IGH Words

PH Words

H Words

100+ Most Commonly Used 6 Letter Words with “H”

Health Chosen Bright Behold Though School
Height Chilly Bother Church Archer Attach
Breath Anthem Thrive Thrown Thrill Throat
Search Thrust Behave Broach Breach Bought
Branch Breech Birth Others Awhile Sheath
Shovel Chirps Chorus Cheese Cheeks Cheers
Chased Chants Charts Choice Chocks Choose
Chills Chimed Chimes Chimps Chinks Chintz
Chisel Chives Choked Choker Chokes Chomps
Chrome Chubby Chucks Chummy Chunky Church
Churns Chutes Echoed Echoes Enrich Inched
Inches Itched Itches Kitsch Lecher Lichen
Mochas Nachos Niches Ochres Orchid Pooch
Quiche Richer Riches Richly Snitch Stitch
Thatch Themed Themes Thighs Thieve Thighs
Thinks Thirst Thrash Thrift Throat Thrush
Thumbs Thumps Thwack Whacks Whales Wharfs
Banish Finish Polish Relish Vanish Cherish
Punish Refresh Unleash Diminish Squash Thrash
Blanch Quench Attach Garnish Polish Thrash
Bleach Enrich Detach Parish Squash Refresh
Brunch Clutch Search Finish Unleash Punish
Crunch Stitch Bleach Vanish Garnish Cherish
Behave Inhale Mirth Hearth Enrich Fourth
Behalf Length Width Behold Rehash Within
Behind Author Behave Behind Author Rehash
Rehash Behold Length Width Inhale Mirth
Behold Length Width Inhale Mirth Hearth
Enrich Fourth Within Behind Behave Rehash

Commonly Used 6 Letter Words with H

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Most Trending 6 Letter Words with “H”

Most Trending 6 Letter Words with H

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Dive into the dynamic world of Most Trending 6-Letter Words with ‘H’! This compilation, tailor-made for educators, captures the pulse of contemporary language use. It’s a valuable resource for teachers seeking to integrate current and relatable vocabulary into their lessons, thereby resonating with students. These trending words, rich in relevance and application, not only enhance communication skills but also connect learners with the evolving landscape of the English language.

  1. Happen – To take place or occur
  2. Health – The state of being free from illness or injury
  3. Hearty – Warm and friendly; strong and healthy
  4. Heaven – A place regarded as the abode of God and the angels
  5. Height – The measurement of someone or something from head to foot or base to top
  6. Helper – One who provides assistance or support
  7. Herbal – Relating to or made from herbs
  8. Hijack – Illegally seize an aircraft, vehicle, or ship in transit
  9. Humble – Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance
  10. Hybrid – A thing made by combining two different elements
  11. Behave – Act in a certain manner
  12. Inhale – Draw in breath
  13. Mahout – A person who drives an elephant
  14. Rehash – Present something old in a slightly new form
  15. School – An institution for educating children
  16. Thatch – A roof covering of straw, reeds, palm leaves, or a similar material
  17. Thesis – A statement or theory put forward to be maintained or proved
  18. Unhand – Release from one’s grasp
  19. Upheld – Confirm or support something that has been questioned
  20. Wither – Become dry and shriveled
  21. Attach – Join or fasten something
  22. Branch – A part of a tree which grows out from the trunk
  23. Breath – The air taken into or expelled from the lungs
  24. Cloth – Woven or felted fabric
  25. Flinch – Make a quick, nervous movement
  26. Plinth – A heavy base supporting a statue or vase
  27. Quench – Satisfy thirst
  28. Relish – Great enjoyment
  29. Search – Look for something carefully
  30. Switch – Change the position, direction, or focus

New & Latest Added 6 Letter Words with “H”

New & Latest 6 Letter Words with H

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Welcome to the New & Latest Added 6-Letter Words with ‘H’ section! This unique collection is a treasure for educators seeking to stay updated with the latest additions to the English language. These newly coined or recently popularized words are perfect for incorporating into modern teaching methods, making lessons more engaging and relevant for students. Discover these fresh linguistic gems to inspire young learners and keep your teaching content ahead of the curve.

  1. Hacker – Someone who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data
  2. Hashtag – A word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#), used on social media
  3. Hawker – A person who travels around selling goods
  4. Hexing – Casting a spell; bewitching
  5. Hijabs – Head coverings worn in public by some Muslim women
  6. Hipper – More fashionable or in style
  7. Hobbit – A fictional humanoid character
  8. Homage – Special honor or respect shown publicly
  9. Honcho – A leader or manager; a person in charge
  10. Hubris – Excessive pride or self-confidence
  11. Aphids – Small insects that feed by sucking sap from plants
  12. Arches – Curved structures spanning an opening
  13. Bathos – An effect of anticlimax
  14. Chiefs – Leaders or rulers of people or clans
  15. Eighth – Next after the seventh
  16. Graphs – Diagrams showing the relation between variable quantities
  17. Orchid – A plant with complex flowers
  18. Paunch – A large or protruding abdomen
  19. Typhon – (In Greek mythology) a monstrous serpentine giant
  20. Wrench – A tool used for gripping and turning nuts
  21. Blotch – A large, irregular spot or blot
  22. Demish – Lessen, diminish (Informal/Non-standard)
  23. Girish – Resembling or characteristic of a giraffe
  24. Harsh – Unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses
  25. Kiddish – Childish or immature
  26. Kosher – Satisfying the requirements of Jewish law
  27. Mulish – Resembling or likened to a mule in being stubborn
  28. Nourish – Provide with the food necessary for growth and health
  29. Radish – A small red or white edible root
  30. Stylish – Fashionably elegant

Noun 6 Letter Words with “H”

Noun 6 Letter Words with H

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In our Noun 6-Letter Words with ‘H’ section, educators will find a curated list of nouns that start with, contain, or end with ‘H’. These words are pivotal for enhancing students’ understanding of different concepts and objects. They are especially beneficial for developing comprehension and descriptive skills in young learners. This noun-centric collection is an excellent tool for expanding the vocabulary of students, making them more articulate and confident in their communication.

  1. Harbor – A place on the coast where ships may moor safely
  2. Helmet – A protective headgear
  3. Hermit – A person living in solitude
  4. Horror – An intense feeling of fear or disgust
  5. Hunger – A feeling of discomfort caused by lack of food
  6. Hyphen – A sign used to join words or to indicate the word has been split
  7. Hassle – Irritating inconvenience
  8. Herald – A person who announces important news
  9. Hiccup – An involuntary spasm of the diaphragm
  10. Hijack – The act of illegally seizing an aircraft or vehicle
  11. Behave – The way one acts or conducts oneself
  12. Inhale – The act of breathing in
  13. Thatch – Material used to cover roofs
  14. Orchid – A brightly colored flower
  15. Unhand – The act of releasing from one’s grasp
  16. Uphold – Maintenance of a principle or law
  17. Wreath – A ring made of flowers and leaves
  18. School – An institution for educating children
  19. Nephew – A son of one’s sibling
  20. Phonex – A possible misspelling or specific term, context needed for clarity
  21. Branch – A part of a tree
  22. Cloth – Woven fabric
  23. Health – The state of physical or mental well-being
  24. Plinth – A heavy base supporting a statue or vase
  25. Relish – Great enjoyment
  26. Seraph – An angelic being
  27. Sheath – A cover for the blade of a knife or sword
  28. Sloth – A slow-moving tropical mammal
  29. Wreath – An arrangement of flowers and leaves
  30. Youth – The period between childhood and adult age

Adverb 6 Letter Words with “H”

Adverb 6 Letter Words with H

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Dive into the world of Adverb 6-Letter Words with ‘H’ with this specially curated guide, perfect for teachers aiming to enhance their students’ understanding of adverbs. These words, carefully chosen for their relevance and utility, offer a rich resource for teaching nuances in English adverbs. Each word represents an opportunity to explore different aspects of adverbial usage, adding depth and clarity to the students’ communication skills. This list is ideal for interactive classroom activities and practical language exercises.

  1. Hardly – Barely or almost not
  2. Hasten – To hurry or move quickly
  3. Hearty – In a hearty manner
  4. Heaven – To a great extent, used for emphasis
  5. Heftly – In a heavy or bulky manner
  6. Hereby – By this means or action
  7. Herein – In this document or book
  8. Hereof – Of this matter or document
  9. Hereto – To this document or matter
  10. Hither – To this place or point
  11. Awhile – For a short time
  12. Behold – To see or observe
  13. Inhale – To breathe in
  14. Rehash – To go over again for clarity
  15. Unhand – To release from one’s grasp
  16. Unhurt – Not injured or harmed
  17. Unhook – To detach or unfasten
  18. Unhung – Not hung or suspended
  19. Unholy – Not sacred or religious
  20. Unhusk – To remove the outer covering
  21. Fourth – In the fourth place
  22. Fifth – In the fifth position
  23. Sixth – In the sixth place
  24. Eighth – In the eighth position
  25. Ninth – In the ninth place
  26. Tenth – In the tenth position
  27. Eleventh – In the eleventh place
  28. Twelfth – In the twelfth position
  29. Thirteenth – In the thirteenth place
  30. Fourteenth – In the fourteenth position

Adjective 6 Letter Words with “H”

Adjective 6 Letter Words with H

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Explore our comprehensive list of Adjective 6-Letter Words with ‘H’, specifically designed for educators to enrich their teaching methods. This selection is perfect for enhancing students’ descriptive abilities, offering a range of adjectives that add color and specificity to their language. Each word is a tool for building more vivid and accurate descriptions, crucial for effective communication and creative writing. Ideal for lesson planning, these words help students articulate their thoughts more precisely and vividly.

  1. Hearty – Warm and genuine
  2. Heaven – Delightful or blissful
  3. Hefty – Large, heavy, and powerful
  4. Helix – Having a spiral shape
  5. Herald – Signaling or announcing
  6. Herbal – Relating to herbs
  7. Hermit – Living in solitude
  8. Heroic – Showing extreme courage
  9. Hesant – Hesitant or reluctant
  10. Hidden – Concealed or not visible
  11. Behold – To observe or see
  12. Inhale – To breathe in
  13. Mahout – An elephant keeper or driver
  14. Rehash – To discuss again
  15. Unhook – To detach or unfasten
  16. Unhurt – Not injured or harmed
  17. Unhung – Not hung or suspended
  18. Unholy – Not sacred or religious
  19. Unhusk – To remove the outer covering
  20. Unhand – To release from one’s grasp
  21. Amish – Pertaining to the Amish people
  22. Fresh – Newly made or obtained
  23. Plush – Luxuriously soft
  24. Slosh – Splash or move through water
  25. Slush – Partially melted snow
  26. Swish – Move with a hissing or rushing sound
  27. Blush – Show shyness, embarrassment, or shame
  28. Brush – To apply with a brush
  29. Flush – To become red in the face
  30. Plush – Soft, luxurious fabric

Phrasal Verbs 6 Letter Words with “H”

Phrasal Verbs 6 Letter Words with H

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Introducing an engaging list of Phrasal Verbs 6-Letter Words with ‘H’, ideal for teachers looking to broaden their students’ understanding of phrasal verbs. These words are essential in daily English communication, offering an interactive way to learn how verbs change meaning when combined with prepositions or adverbs. This list is a great tool for enhancing conversational skills and understanding the contextual use of phrases, making it a valuable addition to any English language curriculum.

  1. Haggle – To bargain or argue over a price
  2. Hanker – To long for something
  3. Happen – To occur or take place
  4. Harass – To disturb or bother persistently
  5. Harbor – To give shelter or refuge
  6. Harder – To become more difficult
  7. Harden – To become or make hard
  8. Harken – To listen attentively
  9. Harmon – To bring into harmony
  10. Hasten – To hurry or speed up
  11. Behave – To act in a certain way
  12. Reheat – To heat something again
  13. Inhale – To breathe in
  14. Unhand – To let go or release
  15. Unhook – To detach or unfasten
  16. Unhurt – Not injured or harmed
  17. Unhung – Not hung or suspended
  18. Unholy – Not sacred or religious
  19. Unhusk – To remove the outer covering
  20. Unhewn – Not cut or shaped with a tool
  21. Demolish – To completely destroy
  22. Finish – To complete or end something
  23. Vanish – To disappear suddenly
  24. Publish – To make content available to the public
  25. Relish – To greatly enjoy
  26. Banish – To expel from a place
  27. Garnish – To decorate or embellish
  28. Refurbish – To renovate or redecorate
  29. Diminish – To make or become less
  30. Flourish – To grow or develop in a healthy way

Describing 6 Letter Words with “H”

Describing 6 Letter Words with H

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Explore the realm of descriptive 6-letter words with ‘H’ to enhance vocabulary teaching. This collection is specifically curated for educators and carefully chosen for their vivid imagery and expressive power, ideal for developing students’ descriptive skills and broadening their linguistic horizons.

  1. Hearty – Warm, friendly, and full of energy
  2. Heated – Made hot or warmer; also describes intense emotions
  3. Heaven – A place regarded as beautiful or idyllic
  4. Heavy – Of great weight; difficult to lift or move
  5. Hectic – Full of incessant activity; very busy and fast
  6. Helium – A chemical element, light and non-reactive
  7. Herbal – Relating to or made from herbs
  8. Hollow – Having a hole or empty space inside
  9. Honest – Free of deceit; truthful and sincere
  10. Humble – Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance
  11. Behold – To see or observe someone or something
  12. Inhale – To breathe in; draw air into the lungs
  13. Mahout – A person who rides and tends an elephant
  14. Rhythm – A strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound
  15. School – An institution for educating children
  16. Shriek – A high-pitched piercing sound or words
  17. Sighed – Emit a long, deep, audible breath expressing sadness, relief, or tiredness
  18. Tights – Close-fitting garments worn on the legs
  19. Wealth – An abundance of valuable possessions or money
  20. Wreath – An arrangement of flowers, leaves, or stems fastened in a ring
  21. Bluish – Somewhat blue; having a tinge of blue
  22. French – Relating to France, its people, or language
  23. Girish – Resembling or characteristic of a giraffe
  24. Koresh – Pertaining to a certain historical or religious figure
  25. Plinth – A heavy base supporting a statue or vase
  26. Quench – Satisfy one’s thirst by drinking
  27. Relish – Great enjoyment
  28. Squash – Crush or squeeze with force so that it becomes flat or pulpy
  29. Stitch – A loop of thread or yarn resulting from a single pass or movement of the needle in sewing
  30. Swishy – Characterized by a hissing or rustling sound

Positive 6 Letter Words with “H”

Positive 6 Letter Words with H

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Dive into our curated list of positive 6-letter words with ‘H’, perfect for educators and students alike. These words, rich in positivity and optimism, are excellent for crafting uplifting messages and fostering a supportive classroom environment. Each word is a ray of hope and encouragement, essential for nurturing a positive mindset in young learners.

  1. Hailed – Acclaimed; enthusiastically greeted
  2. Haloes – Rings of light; often associated with sanctity
  3. Handed – Given or passed with the hand
  4. Happen – Occur, especially by chance or without planning
  5. Harbor – A place of safety and comfort
  6. Hardly – Scarcely or barely; often used to emphasize a positive outcome
  7. Hassle – A situation causing difficulty or trouble, but can be positively resolved
  8. Healed – Become free from injury or illness
  9. Health – The state of being free from illness or injury
  10. Hearty – Warm-hearted, enthusiastic, and energetic
  11. Behold – To see or gaze upon something with admiration
  12. Eighth – Ranking next after the seventh in a sequence
  13. Inhale – To breathe in; often associated with taking in positivity
  14. Orchid – A plant with complex flowers that are often brightly colored and fragrant
  15. Rhythm – A strong, regular, repeated pattern of sound or movement
  16. School – A place of learning and growth
  17. Uphold – Maintain or support in the face of possible opposition
  18. Wealth – Abundance of valuable possessions or money
  19. Wreath – A symbol of achievement or honor
  20. Youth – The period of life when a person is young; often associated with vigor, freshness, or hope
  21. Ablush – Blushing, often associated with happiness or excitement
  22. Banish – To send away, often leading to a positive change
  23. Demish – Lesser or smaller, suggesting modesty or humility
  24. Finish – To complete something, a sign of accomplishment
  25. Flourish – To grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way
  26. Garnish – To decorate or embellish something, often food
  27. Relish – To enjoy greatly
  28. Refresh – Give new strength or energy to; reinvigorate
  29. Vanish – To disappear, often leading to a clearer or more positive situation
  30. Wreath – A symbol of victory, celebration, or honor

SAT 6 Letter Words with “H”

SAT 6 Letter Words with H

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This selection of SAT-level 6-letter words with ‘H’ is a must-have resource for educators and students preparing for standardized tests. Each word is chosen for its relevance to SAT exams, providing learners with the tools to excel in language sections. These words not only enhance vocabulary but also sharpen critical thinking and comprehension skills, pivotal for success in the SAT.

  1. Hazard – A danger or risk
  2. Hearty – Strong, healthy, and full of energy
  3. Heated – Made hot or warmer; intense in terms of debate or argument
  4. Heaven – Used metaphorically to describe something wonderful or blissful
  5. Hefted – Lift or carry something heavy
  6. Herald – A sign that something is about to happen
  7. Herbal – Relating to or made from herbs
  8. Hinder – Create difficulties, resulting in delay or obstruction
  9. Honest – Truthful and sincere
  10. Hunger – A strong desire or need for something
  11. Behold – To see or observe a person or thing, especially a remarkable or impressive one
  12. Eighth – The ordinal number following the seventh
  13. Inhale – To breathe in; absorb
  14. Nihism – The rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless
  15. Orchid – A plant with complex, often beautifully colored flowers
  16. Rhythm – A strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound
  17. School – An institution for educating children
  18. Wealth – An abundance of valuable possessions or money
  19. Wreath – An arrangement of flowers, leaves, or stems fastened in a ring, typically used as a decoration
  20. Youth – The period between childhood and adult age
  21. Bluish – Slightly blue in color
  22. French – Relating to France or its people or language
  23. Girish – Resembling or characteristic of a giraffe
  24. Plinth – A heavy base supporting a statue or vase
  25. Quench – Satisfy (one’s thirst) by drinking
  26. Relish – Enjoy greatly
  27. Squash – Crush or squeeze (something) with force so that it becomes flat, soft, or out of shape
  28. Stitch – A loop of thread or yarn resulting from a single pass or movement of the needle in sewing
  29. Swishy – Making a soft rustling or murmuring sound
  30. Unlath – To remove laths (thin strips of wood)

Perspectives 6 Letter Words with “H”

Perspectives 6 Letter Words with H

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Expand your teaching toolkit with our curated list of perspective-rich 6-letter words with ‘H’. Each word has been selected for its ability to broaden students’ understanding and appreciation of the English language. These words, ideal for educators and learners, encourage deep thinking and thoughtful discussions, fostering a more nuanced and comprehensive grasp of language.

  1. Happen – Take place; occur
  2. Harbor – A place on the coast where vessels may find shelter
  3. Hardly – Barely; almost not
  4. Hazard – A danger or risk
  5. Healer – Someone who cures illness or injury
  6. Hearty – Warm and friendly; strong and healthy
  7. Heaven – A place regarded as the abode of God and the angels
  8. Height – The measurement from base to top
  9. Helper – One who helps or assists
  10. Herbal – Relating to herbs
  11. Behalf – In the interest of; on behalf of
  12. Eighth – Position number eight in a sequence
  13. Inhale – Breathe in
  14. Ohmage – Electrical resistance in ohms
  15. Reheat – Heat something again
  16. Sighed – Let out a long, audible exhalation
  17. Sought – Attempted to find or obtain
  18. Thighs – The upper parts of the legs
  19. Though – Despite the fact that
  20. Uphold – Maintain or support
  21. Bluish – Somewhat blue; having a tinge of blue
  22. Finish – Bring to an end; complete
  23. Fluish – Resembling the flu or its symptoms
  24. Growth – The process of increasing in size
  25. Plough – A farm tool for cutting furrows in the soil
  26. Refash – Possibly a misspelling or specific term, context needed
  27. Relish – Great enjoyment
  28. Seraph – An angelic being
  29. Squash – Crush or squeeze with force
  30. Stitch – A loop of thread or yarn resulting from a single pass or movement of the needle in sewing

This compilation of 6-letter words with ‘H’ is an invaluable resource for teachers seeking to enrich their students’ vocabulary and comprehension. Each word, carefully selected, offers unique perspectives and meanings, encouraging deeper understanding and effective communication. These lists not only serve as educational tools but also foster creativity and critical thinking in the classroom, making them essential for any language curriculum.

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