6 Letter Words With R – 450+ List, Meaning, PDF

Last Updated: January 21, 2025

6 Letter Words With R – 450+ List, Meaning, PDF

6 Letter Words with R

The letter ‘R’ marks the beginning of many rich and diverse words that are fundamental in the English language. This collection of 6-letter words starting with ‘R’ offers a valuable resource for enhancing vocabulary, improving language comprehension, and fostering better communication skills. These words are particularly useful for educators and students, providing a versatile range of vocabulary that can be applied in various academic and creative contexts, from classroom discussions to literary compositions. Included are rhyming words, daily use English words, singular & plural words, and positive words.

5 Letter Words with R

7 Letter Words With R

8 Letter words with R

9 Letter Words With R

10 Letter Words With R

R Silent Words

Words Starting with R

Words Ending with R

Words With Letter R in Middle

Re words

TR Words

PR Words

OR Words

IR Words

FR Words

CR Words

BR Words

AR Words

R Words



300+ Most Commonly Used 6 Letter Words with “R”

Recall Render Resort Record Regret Reward
Runner Rotate Ritual Rocket Rumble Ranger
Rarely Roster Ridges Router Ransom Rivals
Ribbed Ranker Rafter Reaped Racial Retire
Relate Result Refund Reboot Remind Retail
Reader Refuse Revive Rustic Ribeye Rusted
Resort Riddle Robbed Robber Repeat Reboot
Rejoin Render Reduce Rescue Ribbon Rouser
Reveal Rustle Regain Ripper Ringer Rushed
Ruffle Rudder Raider Raiser Rubbed Rhymes
Rubric Rumble Repeat Recess Rotate Regale
Recant Repack Regrow Riddle Raider Rebuke
Resume Retain Refine Rapier Repair Roster
Rumble Rugged Revolt Rhubarb Rumble Rotary
Ritual Romped Render Rinsed Raring Reheat
Remedy Resort Regain Ruffle Return Rumour
Ribald Rafter Raptor Reaped Reborn Reckon
Relish Remiss Revamp Robust Rodent Roamer
Retool Retort Revise Rework Roared Rustle
Rudder Ruffle Rumple Runner Rusher Rustic
Recall Record Recoup Reduce Refuel Regret
Region Relate Rented Repaid Resign Resort
Retain Retire Retold Return Reused Revamp
Revive Rewind Riddle Rifled Rigged Righto
Rimmed Ringed Rinsed Ripped Risen Risked
Roamed Roared Roasts Robber Rocket Rodeos
Rogues Rolled Romped Roofed Roomed Rooter
Rosier Rotors Rotted Rouble Rounds Roused
Rovers Rowers Rubbed Rubies Rucked Rudder
Ruffle Ruined Rulers Rumble Rumors Runnel
Runner Rushed Rustic Rutted Rafter Railed
Rainer Raised Raisin Rajahs Rakers Raking
Rallye Ramble Rammed Rammer Ramose Ramrod
Ramped Ramper Ramrod Ramson Rancid Rancor
Randan Randed Rander Random Ranees Ranged
Ranger Ranges Ranker Ranked Rankle Rankly
Ransom Ranted Ranter Ranula Rapers Raphae
Raphes Raphia Raphis Rapidl Rapier Rapine
Rapini Rapist Rapped Rappee Rappel Rappen
Rapper Rappes Rarify Raring Rarity Rascal
Rasers Rasher Rashes Rashly Rasing Rasper
Rasped Rassle Raster Rasure Ratals Ratans
Ratany Ratbag Ratels Raters Rathas Rather
Ratify Ratine Rating Ration Ratios Ratite
Ratlin Ratoon Ratoos Ratted Ratten Ratter
Rattly Ratton Raunch Ravage Raveed Ravela

Most Trending 6 Letter Words with “R”

Most Trending 6 Letter Words with R

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The letter ‘R’ is robust and versatile, playing a pivotal role in shaping the words of the English language. In this exploration, we focus on the most trending 6-letter words beginning with, containing, and ending in ‘R’, which are making a significant impact in contemporary discussions and texts. These words are particularly valuable for educators in guiding students to understand current linguistic trends. From enhancing vocabulary for debates to enriching written compositions, these trending words with ‘R’ serve as vital tools for effective communication and engagement in various academic and social contexts. This includes action words, adverbs words, Christmas words, and compound words.

  1. Random: Lacking a definite plan, purpose, or pattern.
  2. Report: To give a detailed account of something.
  3. Rescue: To save from a dangerous or distressing situation.
  4. Record: To set down in writing or other permanent form.
  5. Ripple: A small wave or series of waves.
  6. Retail: The sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities.
  7. Roster: A list or plan showing turns of duty or leave.
  8. Robust: Strong and healthy; vigorous.
  9. Riddle: A question or statement intentionally phrased to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer.
  10. Ritual: A religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions.
  11. Career: An occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life.
  12. Mirror: A reflective surface, typically glass coated with a metal amalgam.
  13. Terror: Extreme fear.
  14. Parrot: A bird, often brightly colored, known for its ability to mimic speech.
  15. Ferret: A domesticated, usually albino, variety of the polecat, used for hunting.
  16. Barrel: A cylindrical container bulging out in the middle, used for holding liquids.
  17. Sorrow: A feeling of deep distress caused by loss or disappointment.
  18. Borrow: To take and use something belonging to someone else with the intention of returning it.
  19. Horror: An intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust.
  20. Corral: To gather together and confine (a group of people or things).
  21. Gather: To bring together and take in from scattered places or sources.
  22. Author: A writer of a book, article, or document.
  23. Anchor: A heavy object used to moor a vessel to the sea bottom.
  24. Timber: Wood prepared for use in building and carpentry.
  25. Murder: The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
  26. Lumber: Timber sawn into rough planks or otherwise partly prepared.
  27. Guitar: A stringed musical instrument played with the fingers or a plectrum.
  28. Bitter: Having a sharp, pungent taste or smell.
  29. Empower: To give someone the authority or power to do something.
  30. Butter: A pale yellow edible fatty substance made by churning cream.

New & Latest Added 6 Letter Words with “R”

New & Latest 6 Letter Words with R


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The English language is constantly evolving, with new words being added regularly. In this segment, we look at the new and latest 6-letter words that have emerged, starting with, containing, and ending in ‘R’. These words are particularly useful for educators and students who are keen on keeping up with the latest linguistic developments. Understanding and incorporating these words into language studies and everyday use not only keeps one updated but also enhances the richness and relevance of communication in an ever-changing world. This includes consonant words, describing words, and dictation words.

  1. Ripple: A small wave or series of waves.
  2. Roster: A list showing a regular order of duties or rotation.
  3. Riddle: A puzzling question or problem.
  4. Retail: The sale of goods to consumers.
  5. Rescue: To save someone from a dangerous situation.
  6. Report: To give a spoken or written account of something.
  7. Ravage: To cause severe and extensive damage to.
  8. Rumble: A continuous deep, resonant sound.
  9. Rigged: Set up or arranged in a dishonest way.
  10. Ritual: A series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.
  11. Career: An occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training.
  12. Mirror: A reflective surface for seeing oneself.
  13. Terror: Extreme fear or dread.
  14. Parrot: A bird known for its ability to mimic human speech.
  15. Ferret: A small, domesticated mammal used for hunting.
  16. Barrel: A cylindrical container for storing liquids.
  17. Sorrow: A feeling of deep sadness or regret.
  18. Borrow: To take something from someone with the intention to return it.
  19. Horror: A feeling of great shock or fear.
  20. Corral: An enclosure for livestock.
  21. Gather: To collect or assemble a group of things or people.
  22. Author: A person who writes books or articles.
  23. Anchor: A device used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water.
  24. Timber: Wood prepared for building or carpentry.
  25. Murder: The act of unlawfully killing another person.
  26. Lumber: Wood in any stage from felling to readiness for use.
  27. Guitar: A stringed musical instrument.
  28. Bitter: Having a sharp, unpleasant taste.
  29. Empower: To give someone the power or authority to do something.
  30. Butter: A dairy product made from churning cream.

Noun 6 Letter Words with “R”

Noun 6 Letter Word with R

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Nouns are the building blocks of language, representing people, places, things, and ideas. In this section, we focus on 6-letter nouns starting with, containing, and ending in ‘R’. These words are particularly useful for enhancing the vocabulary of educators and students, offering a variety of nouns to enrich their language skills. From expanding descriptive language in writing to improving comprehension in reading, these nouns with ‘R’ serve as fundamental elements for effective communication and learning in various academic and everyday contexts. This includes difficult words, encouraging words, and funny words.

  1. Rabbit: A small mammal known for its long ears and hopping movement.
  2. Riddle: A question or statement intentionally phrased to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer.
  3. Rocket: A cylindrical projectile that can be propelled to a great height or distance.
  4. Record: An item or collection of data.
  5. Radius: A straight line from the center to the circumference of a circle.
  6. Ritual: A religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.
  7. Ravage: Severe and extensive damage to something.
  8. Resort: A place frequented for holidays or leisure activities.
  9. Ransom: A sum of money demanded or paid for the release of a captive.
  10. Retail: The sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities.
  11. Career: An occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life.
  12. Farmer: A person who owns or manages a farm.
  13. Mirror: A reflective surface, typically glass coated with a metal amalgam.
  14. Parrot: A bird, often brightly colored, known for its ability to mimic speech.
  15. Terror: Extreme fear.
  16. Artery: Any of the muscular-walled tubes forming part of the circulation system.
  17. Barren: Lacking in vegetation or not productive.
  18. Carrot: A tapering orange-colored root eaten as a vegetable.
  19. Horror: An intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust.
  20. Warren: A network of rabbit burrows.
  21. Anchor: A heavy object attached to a rope or chain and used to moor a vessel to the sea bottom.
  22. Butter: A pale yellow edible fatty substance made by churning cream.
  23. Copper: A red-brown metal used for electrical wiring and making utensils.
  24. Guitar: A stringed musical instrument played with the fingers or a plectrum.
  25. Lumber: Timber sawed into rough planks or otherwise partly prepared.
  26. Powder: Fine, loose particles produced by crushing a solid substance.
  27. Timber: Wood prepared for use in building and carpentry.
  28. Wander: To walk or move in a leisurely or aimless way.
  29. Wonder: A feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful or remarkable.
  30. Yogurt: A semi-solid sourish food prepared from milk fermented by added bacteria.

Adverb 6 Letter Words with “R”

Adverb 6 Letter Words with R

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Adverbs play a crucial role in English, adding depth and context to verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. This collection of 6-letter adverbs beginning with, containing, and ending in ‘R’ is especially curated for educational purposes. These words are vital for students to understand nuances in descriptions and actions. Teachers can use these words to enhance lesson plans and aid students in crafting more expressive and precise sentences, thereby improving their overall command of the English language. This includes transition words and vowel words.

  1. Rarely: Not often; infrequently.
  2. Rapid: Very quickly; at a great rate.
  3. Rashly: Acting without careful consideration.
  4. Rough: In a manner lacking smoothness or gentleness.
  5. Right: In a correct or satisfactory way.
  6. Ripey: In a mature or fully developed manner.
  7. Rigid: In an inflexible or strict manner.
  8. Rosily: In a way that is optimistic or positive.
  9. Rudely: In an impolite or mannerless way.
  10. Rustly: Making a soft, muffled, crackling sound like that caused by the movement of dry leaves or paper.
  11. Career: Progressing in one’s job or profession rapidly.
  12. Mirror: Reflecting in a clear and exact way.
  13. Terror: In a manner causing extreme fear.
  14. Barren: In a way that is bleak and lifeless.
  15. Horror: With an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust.
  16. Merely: Just; only.
  17. Server: In a manner that serves or provides.
  18. Uproar: In a state of commotion or excitement.
  19. Wearer: In the manner of one who wears or carries something.
  20. Fervor: With intense and passionate feeling.
  21. Banter: To speak to or address in a witty and teasing manner.
  22. Clamor: To make a loud and confused noise.
  23. Eager: Having or showing keen interest or intense desire.
  24. Foster: To encourage the development of something.
  25. Gather: To come together or assemble.
  26. Linger: To stay in a place longer than necessary.
  27. Mutter: To speak in a low or barely audible voice.
  28. Offer: To present or proffer something for acceptance.
  29. Power: Exhibiting strength or force.
  30. Sooner: More quickly than.

Adjective 6 Letter Words with “R”

Adjective 6 Letter Words with R

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Adjectives are the building blocks of descriptive language, giving color and context to nouns. This collection focuses on 6-letter adjectives starting with, containing, and ending in ‘R’. These words are integral for students and teachers alike, offering a range of descriptive possibilities. They can be used to enhance storytelling, clarify explanations, and enrich academic writing. Understanding and utilizing these adjectives can greatly improve communication skills and aid in the development of a more sophisticated vocabulary.

  1. Racial: Pertaining to race or ethnicity.
  2. Rancid: Having a bad taste or smell; spoiled.
  3. Rapid: Moving or acting swiftly.
  4. Raspy: Harsh; grating.
  5. Regal: Of, resembling, or fit for a monarch, especially in being magnificent or dignified.
  6. Retro: Imitative of a style or fashion from the recent past.
  7. Ripey: Fully developed; mature.
  8. Rough: Having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth or level.
  9. Rural: Relating to the countryside rather than the town.
  10. Rusty: Affected by rust; corroded.
  11. Briary: Full of or covered with briers; prickly.
  12. Dreary: Dull, bleak, and lifeless; depressing.
  13. Groovy: Fashionable and exciting; enjoyable and excellent.
  14. Ochery: Resembling or containing ochre.
  15. Orbary: Resembling an orb; spherical.
  16. Pearly: Like a pearl, especially in being hard, white, and lustrous.
  17. Scared: Frightened; fearful.
  18. Scurvy: Worthless or contemptible.
  19. Watery: Resembling or containing water; watery in texture.
  20. Wintry: Characteristic of winter, especially in feeling or looking very cold and bleak.
  21. Angler: Relating to or resembling fishing.
  22. Bitter: Having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet.
  23. Closer: Very near to something or someone.
  24. Denser: Closely compacted in substance.
  25. Eager: Having or showing keen interest or intense desire.
  26. Fatter: Having a lot of excess flesh.
  27. Gliber: Speaking or spoken in a confident, easy manner, often without thought or sincerity.
  28. Queuer: Relating to or forming a line or sequence.
  29. Softer: Easy to mold, cut, compress, or fold; not hard or firm to the touch.
  30. Taller: Having more height than the average.

Phrasal Verbs 6 Letter Words with “R”

Phrasal Verbs 6 Letter Words with R

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Phrasal verbs are a dynamic and essential part of English, often bringing idiomatic meanings that are not immediately obvious from the individual words. This collection of 6-letter phrasal verbs starting with, containing, and ending in ‘R’ is particularly useful for students preparing for various English language examinations and for everyday communication. Teachers can incorporate these into lessons to provide students with a deeper understanding of colloquial and natural English usage.

  1. Rackup: To accumulate or achieve something, typically a score or amount.
  2. Rakein: To earn or gather a large amount of something.
  3. Rampup: To increase the level or amount of something substantially.
  4. Reachy: To extend one’s hand or arm in an attempt to touch or grasp something.
  5. Reapin: To receive something as a consequence of one’s own or other people’s actions.
  6. Rearup: To rise on the hind legs, as a horse.
  7. Rentin: To hire something for temporary use.
  8. Rideon: To depend or hinge upon.
  9. Rileup: To make someone annoyed or irritated.
  10. Ripoff: To cheat or swindle someone.
  11. Carrot: To entice or motivate someone.
  12. Ferret: To search tenaciously for something.
  13. Horror: To greatly dismay or horrify.
  14. Mirror: To reflect or resemble closely.
  15. Parrot: To repeat mechanically, like a parrot.
  16. Sirree: An emphatic form of address or reference.
  17. Sorrel: To become or turn a reddish-brown color.
  18. Terror: To fill with terror or fright.
  19. Warren: To navigate through complex areas like a rabbit in a warren.
  20. Worrit: To worry or annoy someone.
  21. Answer: To respond to a question.
  22. Banter: To speak to someone in a teasing or playful way.
  23. Cater: To provide food and drink at a social event or other gathering.
  24. Concur: To agree; to have the same opinion.
  25. Debtor: To owe money.
  26. Doctor: To tamper with or alter something.
  27. Foster: To encourage the development of something.
  28. Gather: To come together and form a group, or to collect things together.
  29. Hanker: To have a strong desire or craving for something.
  30. Murder: To kill someone unlawfully and intentionally.

Describing 6 Letter Words with “R”

Describing 6 Letter Words with R

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The English language is rich with descriptive words, and those beginning, containing, and ending with the letter ‘R’ are particularly evocative. These 6-letter words are excellent for enhancing vocabulary, crucial for students and teachers in descriptive writing, and effective communication. Understanding and using these words allows for more precise and vivid expression, whether in creative storytelling, academic essays, or everyday dialogue.

  1. Remote: Far away in distance or time.
  2. Roughy: Having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth.
  3. Ritual: A religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions.
  4. Retail: The sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities.
  5. Rumour: A currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth.
  6. Roster: A list or plan showing turns of duty or leave for individuals or groups.
  7. Ritzy: Expensively stylish.
  8. Rabble: A disorderly crowd; a mob.
  9. Ravish: To fill with strong emotion, especially joy.
  10. Rugged: Having a broken, rocky, and uneven surface.
  11. Parrot: A brightly colored tropical bird known for its ability to mimic speech.
  12. Mirror: A reflective surface, typically of glass coated with a metal amalgam.
  13. Sorrow: A feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune.
  14. Terror: Extreme fear.
  15. Marred: Impaired the appearance of; disfigured.
  16. Forage: To search widely for food or provisions.
  17. Borrow: To take and use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of returning it.
  18. Corral: To gather together and confine.
  19. Serene: Calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil.
  20. Carrot: A tapering orange-colored root eaten as a vegetable.
  21. Timber: Wood prepared for use in building and carpentry.
  22. Render: To provide or give a service, help, etc.
  23. Deeper: Extending far down from the top or surface.
  24. Angler: A person who fishes with a rod and line.
  25. Warmer: More pleasantly warm.
  26. Dancer: A person who dances professionally.
  27. Luster: A gentle sheen or soft glow.
  28. Stronger: Having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks.
  29. Udder: The mammary gland of female cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and related ungulates.
  30. Bitter: Having a sharp, pungent taste or smell.

Positive 6 Letter Words with “R”

Positive 6 Letter Words with R

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Positive language has the power to uplift, motivate, and inspire. In this list, we focus on 6-letter words starting with, containing, and ending in ‘R’ that carry positive connotations. These words are especially valuable for educators and students, helping to foster a positive learning environment and encouraging a constructive mindset. Whether in personal affirmations, motivational writing, or positive communication, these words can be powerful tools.

  1. Reward: Something given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement.
  2. Refine: To improve something by making small changes.
  3. Ripple: To form small waves, a movement like that of water.
  4. Rescue: To save someone from a dangerous or distressing situation.
  5. Radiant: Sending out light; shining or glowing brightly.
  6. Roster: A list showing when people are required to work.
  7. Ritual: A series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.
  8. Revere: Feel deep respect or admiration for something.
  9. Ravish: To fill with strong emotion, especially joy.
  10. Riddle: A question or statement intentionally phrased so as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer.
  11. Cherub: A beautiful or innocent-looking child.
  12. Serene: Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
  13. Mirror: Reflective surface, often used metaphorically to denote exact likeness or resemblance.
  14. Parrot: Known for its bright colors and ability to mimic human speech.
  15. Carrot: A root vegetable, often associated with health and vision.
  16. Merger: The combination of two things, especially companies, into one.
  17. Sorrel: A European plant of the dock family, or a light bright brownish-orange color.
  18. Farmer: A person who operates a farm, symbolizing hard work and dedication.
  19. Maroon: A dark brownish-red color, often associated with richness.
  20. Barrel: A cylindrical container bulging out in the middle, traditionally made of wooden staves.
  21. Brighter: More luminous or intelligent.
  22. Savor: To taste and enjoy completely.
  23. Warmer: More friendly, enthusiastic, or affectionate.
  24. Winner: A person or thing that wins something.
  25. Softer: Gentle and pleasant to touch.
  26. Tender: Showing gentleness, kindness, and affection.
  27. Luster: A gentle glow, especially that of a partly reflective surface.
  28. Stronger: Having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks.
  29. Neater: More organized and tidy.
  30. Wiser: Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.

SAT 6 Letter Words with “R”

Positive 6 Letter Words with R

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Preparing for standardized tests like the SAT involves mastering a wide range of vocabulary. This list of 6-letter words, starting with, containing, and ending in ‘R’, includes words that are likely to be encountered on the SAT. These words are not only important for enhancing lexical knowledge but also for understanding reading passages and writing effectively. For teachers and students, these words are an integral part of SAT preparation, aiding in better comprehension and expression.

  1. Rancor: Bitterness or resentfulness.
  2. Rebuke: Express sharp disapproval or criticism.
  3. Resist: To withstand the action or effect of something.
  4. Refute: To prove a statement or theory to be wrong.
  5. Reform: To make changes in something to improve it.
  6. Regime: A government, especially an authoritarian one.
  7. Repute: The opinion generally held of someone or something.
  8. Rescind: To revoke, cancel, or repeal.
  9. Roster: A list of members of a team or organization.
  10. Ravage: Cause severe and extensive damage to.
  11. Terror: Extreme fear.
  12. Mirror: A reflective surface used metaphorically to represent exact likeness.
  13. Barren: Lacking in life or vitality.
  14. Crisis: A time of intense difficulty or danger.
  15. Fervor: Intense and passionate feeling.
  16. Urgent: Requiring immediate action or attention.
  17. Garter: A band worn to keep up a stocking or sock.
  18. Parrot: Often used metaphorically to represent mimicry.
  19. Charred: Burnt and blackened.
  20. Sorrel: A light reddish-brown color.
  21. Anchor: To secure firmly in position.
  22. Linger: To stay in a place longer than necessary.
  23. Dinner: The main meal of the day.
  24. Mother: A female parent.
  25. Farmer: A person who owns or manages a farm.
  26. Butter: A yellowish edible fatty substance.
  27. Writer: A person who writes books, stories, or articles.
  28. Prayer: A solemn request for help or expression of thanks.
  29. Member: A person belonging to a group or organization.
  30. Doctor: A qualified practitioner of medicine.

Perspectives 6 Letter Words with “R”

Perspectives 6 Letter Words with R

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In the realm of linguistics, perspective plays a key role in how we perceive and communicate ideas. The letter ‘R’ brings a rich collection of 6-letter words that are pivotal in offering various perspectives. These words, whether starting with, containing, or ending in ‘R’, provide a diverse range of expressions, crucial for both teachers and students in developing a comprehensive understanding of English. They enhance critical thinking and broaden the ability to articulate different viewpoints in discussions and writings.

  1. Racism: Prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race.
  2. Ritual: A series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.
  3. Report: A formal account or statement describing a situation or set of events.
  4. Rescue: To save someone from a dangerous or distressing situation.
  5. Rumors: Information or a story passed from person to person but not confirmed.
  6. Repeat: To say or write something again.
  7. Reward: Something given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement.
  8. Riddle: A question or statement intentionally phrased to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer.
  9. Reform: To make changes in something in order to improve it.
  10. Ripple: To form small waves, a movement like that of water.
  11. Career: An occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life.
  12. Mirror: A reflective surface, typically glass coated with a metal amalgam.
  13. Forest: A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth.
  14. Terror: Extreme fear.
  15. Barrel: A cylindrical container bulging out in the middle.
  16. Carrot: A tapering orange-colored root eaten as a vegetable.
  17. Farmer: A person who owns or manages a farm.
  18. Arrest: To seize someone by legal authority.
  19. Border: A line separating two political or geographical areas.
  20. Sorrow: A feeling of deep distress caused by loss.
  21. Gather: To come together or bring people together.
  22. Author: A writer of a book, article, or document.
  23. Anchor: A heavy object attached to a cable or chain used to moor a vessel.
  24. Offer: To present or proffer something for acceptance.
  25. Lumber: To move in a slow, heavy, awkward way.
  26. Butter: A pale yellow edible fatty substance made by churning cream.
  27. Copper: A red-brown metal used as a conductor of heat and electricity.
  28. Dinner: The main meal of the day.
  29. Foster: To encourage the development of something.
  30. Guitar: A stringed musical instrument played with fingers or a plectrum.

To conclude, the journey through 6-letter words starting with ‘R’ has been an enriching experience, highlighting the versatility and depth of the English language. These words serve as essential building blocks for students and teachers, enhancing vocabulary, aiding in comprehension, and offering new ways to articulate thoughts and ideas. They underscore the importance of a robust vocabulary in effective communication and learning.

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