6 Letter Words with N

Team English - Examples.com
Created by: Team English - Examples.com, Last Updated: June 10, 2024

6 Letter Words with N

6 Letter Words with N

The letter ‘N’ marks the beginning of numerous nuanced and noteworthy words in the English language. This exploration of 6-letter words starting with ‘N’ is not just a mere list, but a gateway to expanding your vocabulary in meaningful ways. Perfect for teachers, students, and word lovers, each word in this collection is chosen for its utility, rarity, and ability to enhance your verbal and written expression. Dive in to discover words that will add flair to your language skills.

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300+ Most Commonly Used 6 Letter Words with “N”

Commonly Used 6 Letter Words with N

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Enhancing vocabulary is a crucial step in language learning, especially for students who are working to improve their communication skills. A strong vocabulary helps in better understanding and expressing thoughts more clearly. To aid in this educational journey, I have compiled a list of 100 commonly used 6-letter words that contain the letter “N”. This table can be an excellent resource for classroom activities, vocabulary drills, or as a reference material for students. Encourage your students to familiarize themselves with these words, understand their meanings, and practice using them in sentences.

nation number recent garden season listen
chance manner income window engine silent
dinner action golden plenty person beyond
hidden signal finger mental winter senior
tunnel cancel manner cannot center intend
online animal hunter banner banana screen
single canyon within branch annual column
tunnel moment agenda unknown length wonder
parent option manner danger kidney candle
answer anyone random winner urgent unable
county tender corner dinner pencil tenant
lender tenant unseen cancel canyon jungle
dinner wanted engine indeed bounce winner
bounce tenant jungle tender canyon random
cancel kidney candle moment kidney cancel
random danger tunnel annual branch within
branch within annual tunnel danger random
action bitten cousin driven glisten gluten
heaven listen mitten nation option pigeon
reason stolen tavern uneven warden yeomen
arisen beacon chosen deepen eleven frozen
garden hyphen kitten mason notion person
ribbon screen token unison weaken amazon
brighten pigeon darken pigeon fallen gluten
hasten elation lumen margin orphan pollen
siren talon uneven weapon autumn bitten
crayon dragon enliven fasten govern hasten
daemon jordan lagoon common pardon queen
reckon stolen tendon almond waken zircon
beacon carbon daemon embalm fatten golden
heaven impugn jetson layman mitten nelson
vermin warden reason soften talon uneven
Banana Winner Dinner Winter Canned Banner
Manner Cannot Tunnel Kennel Tanner Fanned
Manned Landed Lender Banned Panned Handed
Binned Sinner Rented Pinned Tinned Mended
Mender Fender Tendon Lender Bended Gender
Linden Landed Fanned Penned Panned Manned
Manner Banned Kenned Tanned Vanned Funned
Gunned Manned Manner Banner Bonnet Cannet
Rented Dunned Tinned Pinned Binned Sinned
Handed Bended Lended Mended Kennel Tunned
Winned Linned Manned Penned Binned Panned
Tanned Fanned Manned Manner Tanner Lender
Bended Handed Pinned Tinned Rented Penned
Funned Vanned Gunned Landed Manned Kenned
Banned Panned Fanned Tanned Vanned Manned
Manner Banner Bonnet Cannet Dunned Funned

Most Trending 6 Letter Words with “N”

Most Trending 6 Letter Words with N

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In the evolving world of language and communication, certain words gain popularity due to various social, cultural, and technological trends. As educators, it’s essential to stay updated with these trends to enhance our teaching methodologies. This list focuses on the most trending 6-letter words containing the letter “N,” tailored to help teachers enrich their vocabulary lessons. These words are not only prevalent in current discourse but also serve as a valuable tool for students aiming to augment their language skills. Let’s explore these words categorized by their placement of ‘N’.

  1. Nation – a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
  2. Nature – the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth.
  3. Nugget – a small lump of gold or other precious metal found ready-formed in the earth.
  4. Noodle – a strip, ring, or tube of pasta or a similar dough, typically made with egg and usually eaten with a sauce or in a soup.
  5. Nectar – a sugary fluid secreted by plants, especially within flowers to encourage pollination by insects and other animals.
  6. Nimbus – a luminous cloud or a halo surrounding a supernatural being or a saint.
  7. Nuzzle – rub or push against gently with the nose and mouth.
  8. Novice – a person new to and inexperienced in a job or situation.
  9. Nomad – a member of a people having no permanent abode and who travel from place to place.
  10. Nectar – a sugary fluid secreted by plants, especially within flowers to encourage pollination by insects and other animals.
  11. Banner – a long strip of cloth bearing a slogan or design, hung in a public place or carried in a demonstration or procession.
  12. Cannon – a large, heavy piece of artillery, typically mounted on wheels, formerly used in warfare.
  13. Dinner – the main meal of the day, taken either in the middle of the day or in the evening.
  14. Finned – having a fin or fins.
  15. Manner – a way in which a thing is done or happens.
  16. Pinned – held in a fixed position; attached.
  17. Runner – a person who runs, especially in a specified way.
  18. Sinned – committed a sin.
  19. Tunnel – a long, narrow underground passage, typically one for vehicles or pedestrians.
  20. Winner – a person or thing that wins something.
  21. Frozen – turned into ice or another solid as a result of extreme cold.
  22. Modern – relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past.
  23. Muffin – a small domed cake or quick bread made from batter or dough.
  24. Raisin – a dried grape.
  25. Sudden – occurring or done quickly and unexpectedly or without warning.
  26. Warden – a person responsible for the supervision of a particular place or thing or for ensuring that regulations associated with it are obeyed.
  27. Unseen – not seen or noticed.
  28. Orphan – a child whose parents are dead.
  29. Hyphen – a sign used to join words to indicate that they have a combined meaning or that they are linked in the grammar of a sentence.
  30. Bitten – (of a person or animal) use the teeth to cut into something.

New & Latest Added 6 Letter Words with “N”

New & Latest 6 Letter Words with N

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Language is a dynamic entity, constantly evolving and embracing new words. For educators, it’s crucial to incorporate these new additions into their teaching to ensure that students are not only learning traditional vocabulary but also staying abreast of contemporary linguistic developments. This section provides a list of new and latest added 6-letter words with ‘N’, enhancing the lexicon of both teachers and students.

  1. Nimbly – in a way that is quick and light in movement; agilely.
  2. Noshed – ate food enthusiastically or greedily.
  3. Nebula – a cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter.
  4. Nudged – prod (someone) gently with one’s elbow in order to attract attention.
  5. Narked – annoyed.
  6. Nutter – a crazy or eccentric person.
  7. Nitric – relating to or containing nitrogen, especially in a valency state of 5.
  8. Nudism – the practice of going naked in designated areas.
  9. Nasals – of or relating to the nose.
  10. Nabbed – caught (someone) doing something wrong.
  11. Sonnet – a poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes.
  12. Panini – a sandwich made with Italian bread, usually toasted.
  13. Tenner – a ten-pound note.
  14. Fanfic – fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, movie, etc.
  15. Banana – a long curved fruit that grows in clusters and has soft pulpy flesh and yellow skin when ripe.
  16. Canned – preserved in a can.
  17. Punned – made a pun (a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word).
  18. Banned – officially or legally prohibit.
  19. Tanned – (of a person or their skin) become browner or darker in color.
  20. Penned – write or compose.
  21. Unopen – not open.
  22. Redden – make or become red.
  23. Brighten – make or become more light.
  24. Weaken – become or make weaker.
  25. Harden – make or become hard or harder.
  26. Frozen – past participle of freeze.
  27. Ripen – (of fruit or grain) develop to the point of readiness for harvesting and eating.
  28. Deepen – make or become deep or deeper.
  29. Lessen – make or become less; diminish.
  30. Sadden – make or become sad.

Noun 6 Letter Words with “N”

Noun 6 Letter Words with N

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Nouns form the backbone of language, providing substance and context to our communication. In this section, we delve into 6-letter nouns featuring the letter ‘N’. These words are not just linguistically significant but also offer a window into various aspects of our world, from nature to technology. This list aims to broaden the horizon of both teachers and students in their exploration of the English language.

  1. Nation – A large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
  2. Nature – The phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth.
  3. Nephew – A son of one’s brother or sister, or of one’s brother-in-law or sister-in-law.
  4. Noodle – A narrow strip of unleavened dough, usually made with egg and served in broth or with a sauce.
  5. Notion – A conception of or belief about something.
  6. Novice – A person new to or inexperienced in a field or situation.
  7. Nugget – A small lump of gold or other precious metal found ready-formed in the earth.
  8. Nectar – The sugary fluid secreted by plants, especially within flowers to encourage pollination by insects and other animals.
  9. Nomad – A member of a people having no permanent abode, and who travel from place to place to find fresh pasture for their livestock.
  10. Number – An arithmetical value, expressed by a word, symbol, or figure, representing a particular quantity.
  11. Banner – A long strip of cloth bearing a slogan or design, hung in a public place or carried in a demonstration or procession.
  12. Canyon – A deep gorge, typically one with a river flowing through it.
  13. Garden – A piece of ground, often near a house, used for growing flowers, fruit, or vegetables.
  14. Infant – A very young child or baby.
  15. Manner – A way in which a thing is done or happens.
  16. Pencil – An instrument for writing or drawing, consisting of a thin stick of graphite or a similar substance enclosed in a long thin piece of wood or fixed in a metal or plastic case.
  17. Ransom – A sum of money demanded or paid for the release of a captive.
  18. Tenant – A person who occupies land or property rented from a landlord.
  19. Tunnel – An artificial underground passage, especially one built through a hill or under a building, road, or river.
  20. Venom – A poisonous substance secreted by animals such as snakes, spiders, and scorpions and typically injected into prey or aggressors by biting or stinging.
  21. Baron – A member of the lowest order of the British nobility. The term “Baron” is not used as a form of address in Britain, where they are styled “Lord.”
  22. Bacon – Cured meat from the back or sides of a pig.
  23. Crayon – A pencil or stick of colored chalk or wax, used for drawing.
  24. Falcon – A bird of prey with long pointed wings and a notched beak, typically catching prey by diving on it from above.
  25. Gluten – A mixture of two proteins present in cereal grains, especially wheat, which is responsible for the elastic texture of dough.
  26. Lemon – A pale yellow oval citrus fruit with thick skin and fragrant, acidic juice.
  27. Melon – A large round fruit of a plant of the gourd family, with sweet pulpy flesh and many seeds.
  28. Salon – An establishment where a hairdresser, beautician, or couturier conducts business.
  29. Spoon – An implement consisting of a small, shallow oval or round bowl on a long handle, used for eating, stirring, and serving food.
  30. Wagon – A vehicle used for transporting goods or another specified purpose.

Adverb 6 Letter Words with “N”

Adverb 6 Letter Words with N

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For educators aiming to enrich the linguistic abilities of their students, focusing on adverbs is pivotal. Adverbs add depth to language, offering nuances to actions and states. In this segment, we explore adverbs with six letters that contain the letter “N”. These are categorized into adverbs beginning with “N”, containing “N” in the middle, and ending with “N”.

  1. Nearly – Almost, but not quite; very close to.
  2. Nicely – In a pleasing or agreeable manner.
  3. Nimbly – In a quick, light, or agile manner.
  4. Nobly – In a manner showing high moral principles or ideals.
  5. Noisly – With a lot of noise.
  6. Nudely – Without clothing or other covering; naked.
  7. Numbly – In a manner deprived of the power of physical sensation.
  8. Nuttly – In a way that resembles or pertains to nuts.
  9. Newly – Recently; not long ago.
  10. Narrowly – By only a small margin; barely.
  11. Anon – Soon; shortly.
  12. Inner – Further inside; more internal.
  13. Manly – In a way that shows qualities traditionally associated with men, such as strength or bravery.
  14. Often – Frequently; many times.
  15. Onion – In a manner resembling onions in taste or smell.
  16. Under – Below or beneath something.
  17. Union – In a manner indicative of unity or joining together.
  18. Unzip – To open or remove the zip of.
  19. Widen – Make or become wider.
  20. Woman – In a manner relating to women.
  21. Again – Another time; once more.
  22. Begin – To start; to commence.
  23. Clean – In a clean manner; neatly.
  24. Green – In a way that is environmentally friendly.
  25. Queen – In a manner relating to or characteristic of a queen.
  26. Siren – In a way that is reminiscent of or like a siren.
  27. Taken – Captured or acquired.
  28. Urban – In a way that relates to a city or town.
  29. Woven – Interlaced or entwined.
  30. Yarnen – Made of or resembling yarn.

Adjective 6 Letter Words with “N”

Adjective 6 Letter Words with N

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In the realm of English language learning, especially for teachers aiming to enrich their students’ vocabulary, exploring adjectives is a vital aspect. Adjectives provide color and context to sentences, enhancing both comprehension and expression. Focusing on six-letter adjectives containing the letter “N” offers a targeted approach to vocabulary expansion. This exploration is not only beneficial for students’ linguistic development but also aids in broadening their understanding of nuanced descriptions. Here, we present a carefully curated list of such adjectives, categorized based on the position of ‘N’ in the word, accompanied by brief definitions to aid in comprehension and usage.

  1. Nimble – Quick and light in movement or action.
  2. Native – Originating from a particular place.
  3. Nebula – Relating to a cloud-like, indistinct form.
  4. Nectar – Sweet and pleasant; like nectar.
  5. Nebuly – Having a clouded or wavy pattern.
  6. Nicest – Being the most pleasant or agreeable.
  7. Nipped – Affected by cold or frost.
  8. Narrow – Limited in width or extent.
  9. Nasal – Related to the nose.
  10. Nigher – Closer or nearer.
  11. Banish – To drive away or expel.
  12. Canine – Relating to dogs.
  13. Fanful – Full of enthusiasm or fan-like qualities.
  14. Jungle – Relating to a dense, wild forest.
  15. Kindly – Friendly and considerate in nature.
  16. Lender – One who lends something.
  17. Mingle – To mix or combine.
  18. Penner – One who writes or composes.
  19. Sonnet – Pertaining to a small song or poem.
  20. Tunnel – Relating to a long, underground passage.
  21. Modern – Relating to the present or recent times.
  22. Golden – Having the color or quality of gold.
  23. Ridden – Dominated or burdened by.
  24. Silken – Made of or resembling silk.
  25. Sudden – Happening without warning.
  26. Worsen – To deteriorate or decline in quality.
  27. Fasten – To attach securely.
  28. Brighten – To make light or more cheerful.
  29. Lessen – To make or become smaller.
  30. Harden – To become or make firm or rigid.

Phrasal Verbs 6 Letter Words with “N”

Phrasal Verbs 6 Letter Words with N

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Phrasal verbs are a fundamental component of English language learning, particularly for students striving to achieve fluency and naturalness in their communication. These verbs, which combine a verb with a preposition or adverb, often change the meaning of the original verb, presenting a unique challenge for learners. Focusing on six-letter phrasal verbs containing the letter “N” can significantly enhance students’ conversational skills and understanding of idiomatic expressions. This section offers a collection of such phrasal verbs, sorted by the position of ‘N’ in the word. Each verb is accompanied by a concise definition, making it easier for teachers to explain and students to grasp their meanings and applications.

  1. Nudged – To push gently or lightly.
  2. Nailed – To succeed in securing or achieving.
  3. Nested – To settle or lie comfortably within.
  4. Nicked – To steal or take without permission.
  5. Named – To specify or mention by name.
  6. Noting – To observe or take notice of.
  7. Nursed – To care for or foster.
  8. Nagged – To annoy or irritate persistently.
  9. Napped – To sleep for a short period.
  10. Neared – To come close or nearer to.
  11. Honing – To sharpen or perfect.
  12. Joined – To connect or unite.
  13. Lining – To cover or mark with lines.
  14. Mining – To extract minerals from the earth.
  15. Pining – To yearn deeply.
  16. Rained – To fall as rain.
  17. Runned – Past tense of ‘run’.
  18. Sunned – To expose to the sun.
  19. Tanned – To brown or darken the skin.
  20. Zoning – To divide into zones.
  21. Begin – To start or commence.
  22. Login – To enter a computer system.
  23. Shaken – To move back and forth or up and down.
  24. Taken – To have removed or carried away.
  25. Driven – To operate and control a vehicle.
  26. Proven – Demonstrated as true or valid.
  27. Frozen – Turned into ice or a similar solid state.
  28. Worsen – To deteriorate or become worse.
  29. Fasten – To attach or secure.
  30. Happen – To occur or take place.

Describing 6 Letter Words with “N”

Describing 6 Letter Words with N

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Descriptive words play a crucial role in the English language, especially for students learning to articulate their thoughts and emotions effectively. Six-letter words containing the letter ‘N’ offer a diverse range of vocabulary that can enhance students’ descriptive abilities. These words can be used in various contexts, from creative writing to everyday conversation, providing a rich linguistic resource. This section presents a selection of such words, categorized by the position of ‘N’ in the word. Each word is accompanied by a simple definition, facilitating a better understanding for students and easing the teaching process for educators.

  1. Nicely – In a pleasant or agreeable manner.
  2. Nudely – In a naked or bare state.
  3. Narrow – Limited in width or scope.
  4. Neatly – In an orderly and tidy manner.
  5. Nimbly – With agility and quickness.
  6. Nasal – Pertaining to the nose.
  7. Nighly – Near in place or time.
  8. Noble – Having high moral qualities.
  9. Nutsy – Slightly crazy or eccentric.
  10. Newly – Recently or lately.
  11. Banter – Playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.
  12. Canopy – A protective covering.
  13. Dinner – The main meal of the day.
  14. Fanned – To spread out in a fan shape.
  15. Manner – A way in which something is done.
  16. Pinned – To hold firmly in place.
  17. Runner – One who runs, especially in competitions.
  18. Tanned – Having a sun-kissed skin tone.
  19. Winner – A person or thing that wins.
  20. Zoning – Dividing into specific areas.
  21. Broken – Damaged or fractured.
  22. Chosen – Selected or picked out.
  23. Fasten – To attach or fix securely.
  24. Garden – A plot of land for growing plants.
  25. Harden – To become firm or rigid.
  26. Listen – To give attention to sound.
  27. Maiden – A young unmarried woman.
  28. Proven – Demonstrated to be true.
  29. Ripen – To become ripe or mature.
  30. Worsen – To deteriorate or decline.

Positive 6 Letter Words with “N”

Positive 6 Letter Words with N

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In the journey of English language learning, particularly for students, incorporating positive words into their vocabulary is essential for fostering a constructive and affirmative outlook. Six-letter words with the letter ‘N’ offer a plethora of choices for positive expression. Whether in writing or speech, these words can significantly impact the tone and atmosphere of communication. This section is dedicated to such words, organized based on the position of ‘N’ in the word. Each word is provided with a brief definition to facilitate easy understanding and application in various educational and conversational contexts.

  1. Nicely: In a pleasant or agreeable manner.
  2. Nimble: Quick and light in movement or action.
  3. Novice: A person new to or inexperienced in a field.
  4. Nature: The natural world collectively.
  5. Nectar: A sugary fluid secreted by plants.
  6. Noble: Having high moral qualities.
  7. Nuzzle: To gently push or rub with the nose.
  8. Nestle: To settle or lie comfortably within.
  9. Nectar: A sweet liquid produced by flowers.
  10. Notice: To become aware of.
  11. Banner: A long strip of cloth bearing a slogan or design.
  12. Cannot: The contraction for ‘can not’.
  13. Dinner: The main meal of the day.
  14. Funnier: More amusing or entertaining.
  15. Manner: A way in which something is done or happens.
  16. Sunned: Exposed to the sun.
  17. Winner: A person or thing that wins.
  18. Panned: Criticized severely.
  19. Tanned: Having a darker skin tone due to sun exposure.
  20. Runner: A person or animal that runs.
  21. Brighton: A vibrant, seaside resort city.
  22. Saffron: A spice derived from the crocus flower.
  23. Glisten: To shine with a sparkling light.
  24. Modern: Relating to the present or recent times.
  25. Garden: A plot of land for growing plants and flowers.
  26. Maiden: A young unmarried woman.
  27. Golden: Having the color or shine of gold.
  28. Warden: A person responsible for the supervision of a particular place.
  29. Ribbon: A long, narrow strip of fabric.
  30. Heaven: A place regarded as the abode of God and the angels.

SAT 6 Letter Words with “N”

SAT 6 Letter Words with N

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Preparing for the SATs involves a strong grasp of vocabulary. This guide is crafted for educators to assist students in expanding their vocabulary with SAT-relevant 6-letter words containing ‘N’. These words are not just pivotal for test preparation but also enhance overall language comprehension. Each word is accompanied by a concise definition, simplifying the learning process and making it more accessible for students.

  1. Nebula: A cloud of gas and dust in outer space.
  2. Nectar: Sweet liquid produced by flowers.
  3. Nimble: Quick and light in movement; agile.
  4. Nomad: A person who moves from place to place.
  5. Nymphs: Mythological spirits of nature.
  6. Nuzzle: To gently push or rub with the nose.
  7. Nicked: To cut slightly; a small cut.
  8. Nebula: A vast cloud of gas and dust in space.
  9. Narrow: Limited in width or extent.
  10. Nodule: A small swelling or aggregation of cells.
  11. Anoint: To apply oil to as part of a religious ceremony.
  12. Cannot: Unable to; not able to.
  13. Dinner: The main meal of the day.
  14. Kennel: A shelter for dogs or cats.
  15. Lantern: A portable light with a protective case.
  16. Manner: A way in which something is done.
  17. Punnet: A small container for fruits.
  18. Sonnet: A poem of fourteen lines using formal rhyme schemes.
  19. Tunnel: An underground passageway.
  20. Winner: A person or thing that wins.
  21. Carbon: A chemical element found in coal and diamonds.
  22. Frozen: Turned into ice; very cold.
  23. Mitten: A glove covering the thumb separately.
  24. Orphan: A child whose parents are dead.
  25. Sadden: To make or become sad.
  26. Season: One of the four periods of the year.
  27. Stolen: Taken without permission.
  28. Sultan: A Muslim sovereign.
  29. Worsen: To deteriorate or decline in quality.
  30. Yarnen: Made of yarn; yarn-like.

Perspectives 6 Letter Words with “N”

Perspectives 6 Letter Words with N

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For educators seeking to broaden students’ perspectives through vocabulary, this guide provides a curated list of 6-letter words containing ‘N’. These words are selected to encourage students to view the world through various lenses, fostering critical thinking and empathy. Each word comes with a brief definition to facilitate better understanding and usage in different contexts.

  1. Nation: A large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language.
  2. Nature: The phenomena of the physical world collectively.
  3. Nurture: Care for and encourage the growth or development of.
  4. Nuzzle: To touch or rub someone or something with the nose or mouth.
  5. Nebula: An interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium, and other ionized gases.
  6. Nomads: People who travel from place to place to find fresh pasture for their livestock.
  7. Nicked: Having a small cut or notch.
  8. Nascent: Just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential.
  9. Nudged: Coaxed or gently encouraged to do something.
  10. Nimble: Quick and light in movement; agile.
  11. Banner: A long strip of cloth bearing a slogan or symbol.
  12. Donned: To put on (an item of clothing).
  13. Honing: To sharpen (a blade).
  14. Lantern: A light with a protective case and handle, for carrying outdoors.
  15. Manned: (of a space mission) having a human crew.
  16. Opened: Cause to open; move to a position that leaves an entrance uncovered.
  17. Punned: Make a joke exploiting different possible meanings of a word.
  18. Sunned: Sit or lie in the sun.
  19. Tanned: (of skin) become brown or darkened after exposure to the sun.
  20. Winned: To win something.
  21. Beacon: A light or fire that guides or warns.
  22. Garden: A piece of ground for growing flowers, vegetables, or fruit.
  23. Maiden: A girl or young woman, especially an unmarried one.
  24. Modern: Relating to the present or recent times; not ancient.
  25. Saffron: A spice derived from the crocus flower, used for flavoring and coloring food.
  26. Stolen: Taken without the owner’s consent.
  27. Unseen: Not seen or noticed.
  28. Warden: A person responsible for the supervision of a particular place or activity.
  29. Yarnen: Made of or resembling yarn.
  30. Zenith: The time at which something is most powerful or successful.

In conclusion, this journey through 6-letter words beginning with ‘N’ offers more than just vocabulary expansion; it’s a pathway to deeper understanding and appreciation of the English language. These words are versatile tools in the art of communication, ready to enrich your language and expression.

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