
Team English -
Created by: Team English -, Last Updated: August 22, 2024



Immerse yourself in the intriguing world of cliché sentences. Clichés, often deemed unoriginal, have a powerful place in language when used wisely. This comprehensive guide provides distinctive sentence examples, breaks down the anatomy of cliché sentences, and offers indispensable tips. Perfect for writers looking to explore the depths of this fascinating aspect of the English language.

What is the Cliche Sentence? – Definition

A cliché sentence is a phrase or expression that has been overused to the point of losing its original meaning or impact. While often criticized for being unoriginal, cliché sentences can still be effective when used sparingly and appropriately.

What is an example of a cliche?

A cliché is a phrase, idea, or expression that has been overused to the point of losing its original meaning or effect. For example, saying “Time heals all wounds” is a cliché because it’s a commonly used phrase that people turn to when comforting someone going through a tough situation. It’s important to understand that clichés aren’t inherently bad; they became clichés because they effectively convey a particular sentiment. However, excessive use can dilute the intended impact and may come off as lazy or unoriginal.

10+ Cliche Sentence Examples

  1. “At the end of the day, it’s what’s on the inside that counts.” (Cliché: At the end of the day)
  2. “He’s not rocket science to figure out how it works.” (Cliché: Not rocket science)
  3. “We need to think outside the box to solve this problem.” (Cliché: Think outside the box)
  4. “She woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.” (Cliché: Woke up on the wrong side of the bed)
  5. “You can’t judge a book by its cover when it comes to people.” (Cliché: Can’t judge a book by its cover)
  6. “They lived happily ever after, just like in the fairy tales.” (Cliché: Lived happily ever after)
  7. “It was a dark and stormy night when the mystery began.” (Cliché: It was a dark and stormy night)
  8. “Avoiding him like the plague wasn’t enough to escape the situation.” (Cliché: Like the plague)
  9. “All’s well that ends well with their project, despite the hurdles.” (Cliché: All’s well that ends well)
  10. “Crossing that bridge when we come to it is the best plan for now.” (Cliché: Crossing that bridge when we come to it)

20+ Common Clichés to Avoid

  1. Avoid like the plague – Overused to mean avoiding something extensively.
  2. At the end of the day – A filler phrase often used to conclude or summarize.
  3. Low-hanging fruit – Used to describe tasks that are easily achievable.
  4. Think outside the box – A way to encourage unconventional thinking, now clichéd.
  5. Only time will tell – Indicates that the outcome of a situation is uncertain.
  6. A diamond in the rough – Describing something or someone with potential that’s not immediately obvious.
  7. Fit as a fiddle – Means to be in good health.
  8. Cold as ice – Used to describe someone who is unemotional or very calm under pressure.
  9. Hard as nails – Refers to someone very tough or uncompromising.
  10. Blind as a bat – Describes someone with very poor eyesight.
  11. Dead as a doornail – Used to emphasize that someone or something is indeed dead or devoid of life.
  12. Piece of cake – Something very easy to do.
  13. A penny for your thoughts – A way of asking what someone is thinking.
  14. Burning the midnight oil – Working late into the night.
  15. Caught between a rock and a hard place – Being in a situation with two very bad options.
  16. Don’t judge a book by its cover – Warning against evaluating something purely based on appearance.
  17. Easier said than done – Acknowledging that talking about an action is simpler than actually doing it.
  18. Every cloud has a silver lining – Trying to find something positive in a bad situation.
  19. Out of the frying pan into the fire – Going from a bad situation to one that is even worse.
  20. The ball is in your court – It’s up to you to make the next decision or step.

100+ Cliche Sentence Usage Examples

Dive into this treasure trove of 100 cliché sentence usage examples. From love and friendship to wisdom and humor, these tried-and-true phrases hold valuable insights. Perfect for writers, linguists, and anyone in between, our compilation serves as an indispensable resource. Discover the true essence of these familiar sentences and how they’ve stood the test of time.

  1. Time heals all wounds.
  2. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
  3. A penny for your thoughts.
  4. A picture is worth a thousand words.
  5. Actions speak louder than words.
  6. Age is just a number.
  7. All that glitters is not gold.
  8. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  9. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  10. Birds of a feather flock together.
  11. Blood is thicker than water.
  12. Break the ice.
  13. Carpe Diem.
  14. Cleanliness is next to godliness.
  15. Curiosity killed the cat.
  16. Don’t cry over spilled milk.
  17. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
  18. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
  19. Early bird catches the worm.
  20. Easy come, easy go.
  21. Every cloud has a silver lining.
  22. Familiarity breeds contempt.
  23. Fortune favors the brave.
  24. Good things come to those who wait.
  25. Great minds think alike.
  26. Home is where the heart is.
  27. Honesty is the best policy.
  28. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
  29. Ignorance is bliss.
  30. It’s a piece of cake.
  31. It’s raining cats and dogs.
  32. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
  33. Laughter is the best medicine.
  34. Let bygones be bygones.
  35. Let sleeping dogs lie.
  36. Life is not a bed of roses.
  37. Love conquers all.
  38. Love is blind.
  39. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
  40. No pain, no gain.
  41. Opportunity knocks but once.
  42. Out of sight, out of mind.
  43. Practice makes perfect.
  44. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
  45. Seeing is believing.
  46. Slow and steady wins the race.
  47. The ball is in your court.
  48. The early bird catches the worm.
  49. The pen is mightier than the sword.
  50. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
  51. There’s no place like home.
  52. Time flies when you’re having fun.
  53. To err is human.
  54. Variety is the spice of life.
  55. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
  56. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
  57. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
  58. You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.
  59. You can’t judge a book by its cover.
  60. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.
  61. You reap what you sow.
  62. You snooze, you lose.
  63. Your guess is as good as mine.
  64. A watched pot never boils.
  65. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
  66. A stitch in time saves nine.
  67. A wolf in sheep’s clothing.
  68. Actions speak louder than words.
  69. All is fair in love and war.
  70. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
  71. Better late than never.
  72. Birds of a feather flock together.
  73. Cleanliness is next to godliness.
  74. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.
  75. Don’t put the cart before the horse.
  76. Every man for himself.
  77. If you play with fire, you get burned.
  78. Ignorance is bliss.
  79. It takes one to know one.
  80. Look before you leap.
  81. Might makes right.
  82. Never look a gift horse in the mouth.
  83. No man is an island.
  84. Old habits die hard.
  85. Once bitten, twice shy.
  86. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
  87. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
  88. Still waters run deep.
  89. The best things in life are free.
  90. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
  91. The ends justify the means.
  92. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
  93. Time waits for no one.
  94. What goes around comes around.
  95. When it rains, it pours.
  96. You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
  97. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
  98. You get what you pay for.
  99. You have to take the good with the bad.
  100. You’re only as old as you feel.

Examples of Clichés in Everyday Language

  1. Burning the midnight oil
  2. Time heals all wounds
  3. Actions speak louder than words
  4. Every cloud has a silver lining
  5. Break the ice
  6. Hit the nail on the head
  7. Throw in the towel
  8. A blessing in disguise
  9. The ball is in your court

Cliche Examples in Literature

  1. “Their love was destined to fail, just like Romeo and Juliet.”
  2. “She was the classic evil stepmother, always plotting against her stepdaughter.”
  3. “He realized he was the chosen one, the only one who could save their world.”
  4. “His story was a true rags-to-riches tale, rising from poverty to wealth.”
  5. “She was the damsel in distress, waiting for her knight in shining armor.”

Cliche Examples in Poetry

  1. “Their love blossomed like a rose, beautiful yet fragile.”
  2. “He had a heart of gold, kind and generous to everyone he met.”
  3. “Her eyes were the windows to her soul, revealing her deepest emotions.”
  4. “With a broken heart, he penned the saddest verses.”
  5. “She believed that time heals all wounds, though the pain felt eternal.”

Funny Cliche Examples

  1. “At the end of the day, it is what it is.”
  2. “Why so quiet? Cat got your tongue?”
  3. “He fell head over heels for her, tripping over his own feet.”
  4. “That’s the pot calling the kettle black, isn’t it?”
  5. “He finally showed up, better late than never!”

Cliche Examples in Movies

  1. “The hero saves the day at the last minute, just like in every action movie.”
  2. “The nerdy girl transforms into the prom queen after a makeover.”
  3. “The bad guy reveals their entire evil plan before trying to kill the hero.”
  4. “The couple reunites in the rain after a dramatic breakup.”
  5. “The group of misfits teams up to win the big game against all odds.”

Cliche Examples for Kids

  1. “The brave knight rescues the princess from the dragon.”
  2. “The talking animal leads the kids on a magical adventure.”
  3. “The lost dog finds its way back home against all odds.”
  4. “The underdog kid wins the big race, surprising everyone.”
  5. “The magical fairy grants the child’s wish, teaching a valuable lesson.”

Cliche Examples for Students

  1. “The student pulls an all-nighter before the big exam.”
  2. “The strict teacher turns out to have a heart of gold.”
  3. “The shy student finds their voice and wins the school talent show.”
  4. “The prankster learns a lesson about responsibility and changes their ways.”
  5. “The group project brings together students who normally wouldn’t interact.”

When would you use a cliche?

Clichés can be used in a variety of contexts but should be employed cautiously. Here are some instances where you might use a cliché:

  1. To Comfort Someone: Phrases like “Every cloud has a silver lining” can offer solace.
  2. For Quick Communication: Clichés are easily understood and can help get your point across quickly.
  3. To Emphasize a Point: Sometimes, a well-known phrase can add weight to your argument.
  4. In Humor or Sarcasm: Clichés can be used ironically for comedic effect.
  5. In Marketing or Advertising: A familiar phrase can catch attention and make the message memorable.
  6. During Public Speaking: They can serve as memorable sound bites.
  7. In Everyday Conversations: Casual talks often involve clichés as they’re easy to grasp and relate to.

While it’s alright to use clichés in these situations, it’s crucial to be mindful of not overusing them, as they can make you appear uninspired or lazy.

What is a cliche in everyday life?

In everyday life, clichés often pop up in casual conversations, advice, social media posts, and even in internal thoughts. Examples could be thoughts like “Better late than never” when you’re running late or saying “It’s not you, it’s me” during a breakup. These phrases have been embedded so deeply into everyday language that people use them without giving much thought to their originality. While they can serve as quick and easily understood ways to communicate, their overuse can detract from the genuineness or sincerity of a situation. Therefore, it’s advisable to use clichés sparingly and to be aware of the context in which you’re using them.

Difference Between a Phrase and a Cliché

Difference Between a Phrase and a Cliché

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DefinitionA group of words that express a concept and can be a part of a sentence or a complete sentence itself.An overused phrase, expression, or idea that has lost its originality and impact because of overuse.
OriginalityCan be original or commonly used, depending on the context.Lacks originality due to frequent use in similar contexts.
ImpactWhen original, can effectively convey a specific idea or emotion.Often fails to convey a strong impact or elicit a strong response due to its predictability and overfamiliarity.
Use in WritingUsed to enhance clarity, add detail, or contribute to the narrative structure.Used sparingly, if at all, in high-quality writing to avoid sounding uninspired or to convey an idea quickly and easily.
Audience ReactionCan engage or inform the reader when used effectively.May cause the reader to disengage due to predictability or feel that the content is stale or unoriginal.

How do you write Cliche Sentences? – Step by Step Guide

Writing cliché sentences involves knowingly or unknowingly using phrases, ideas, or expressions that are considered overused. While it’s often advised to avoid clichés for original and impactful writing, knowing how to construct them is still beneficial. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Identify the Context: Understand where you’re planning to use the cliché sentence. Is it a casual conversation, an essay, or a speech?
  2. Select the Cliché: Choose a cliché that fits the sentiment you wish to convey. Make sure it aligns with the context and the intended message.
  3. Integrate into the Sentence: Insert the cliché into your sentence in a way that it flows naturally.
  4. Check for Relevance: Ensure that the cliché is relevant to the subject matter and the point you’re trying to make.
  5. Consider Your Audience: Some clichés may not be universally understood, so think about who you’re communicating with and whether they will grasp the cliché’s meaning.
  6. Avoid Stacking: Don’t use multiple clichés in one sentence or paragraph as this could lead to convoluted and uninspiring writing.
  7. Review: Look over the sentence to make sure it effectively communicates what you want to say and doesn’t detract from the overall quality of your writing.
  8. Use Sparingly: Remember, clichés should not be the crux of your writing or speech but can be used occasionally to emphasize a point.

How do you identify this cliché?

To identify a cliché in a sentence, look for expressions, phrases, or ideas that seem overly familiar or overused

  • Familiarity: If an expression sounds like something you’ve heard many times across various contexts—movies, books, speeches—it might be a cliché.
  • Predictability: If you can easily predict the end of a phrase before reading or hearing it completely, it’s likely a cliché.
  • Lack of Specificity: Clichés are often vague and lack specific details, relying instead on generalized statements to convey an idea.
  • Emotional Flatness: Because of their overuse, clichés tend to evoke little to no emotional response.
  • Common Wisdom: Phrases that are used to convey commonly accepted truths or advice, without offering a new perspective, are often clichéd.

Uses of cliché

  • Quick Communication: Clichés can convey ideas quickly, using familiar terms that most people understand immediately.
  • Cultural Connection: They often reflect shared cultural experiences, making it easier to connect with a broad audience.
  • Emotional Resonance: Despite being overused, some clichés may still evoke an emotional response because they touch on common human experiences.
  • Humor: Cleverly used clichés can add a humorous element, especially when they’re played with or subverted in an unexpected way.
  • Setting Expectations: In storytelling, clichés can help set up expectations, which can then be met or subverted for effect.
  • Simplifying Complex Ideas: Clichés can simplify complex ideas into digestible pieces, making them more accessible to general audiences.
  • Building Rapport: Using clichés in conversation can create a sense of familiarity and comfort, building rapport between speakers.
  • Emphasizing Points: When used sparingly, clichés can emphasize points in a way that’s quickly understood.
  • Conveying Common Wisdom: Clichés often encapsulate common wisdom or advice that has been passed down through generations.
  • Literary Device: In literature, clichés can be used intentionally as a device to explore themes of originality, predictability, or to critique cultural norms.

How to Use a Cliche as a Literary Device

Cliches are not inherently a product of one’s lack of imagination or creativity. Most modern masterpieces utilize cliches in a more nuanced and creative way. This means that for a cliche to work, you must apply it more uniquely.

  1. Research a List of Cliches

    Begin by researching a list of cliches you want to use as a literary device you want to use in. This will help you know what cliche you want to use and the various context these cliches can be us

  2. Outline How You Will Use the Cliche

    After you have selected the cliche you want to use, outline the cliche’s format and determine where you want to use it. This is very important as a cliche can improve the quality of the writing when it is strategically placed in the output.

  3. Integrate the Cliche into Your Writing

    After you have outlined and determined where you want to use the cliche, you must integrate it into your writing. Just be sure that the cliche is organically introduced and integrated into the output because a forced introduction or integration of a cliche can ruin the pacing of the written output.

  4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3, Until Satisfied

    When you have finished steps 2 and 3, you may opt to add more cliches to your written output. Just note, that more cliches added to the written output can ruin the overall quality of said output.

Cliche on Book Covers

3 Tips on How to Avoid Clichés in Writing

  1. Recognize Common Clichés: Familiarize yourself with frequently used clichés in your genre or topic area. Use resources like cliché dictionaries to spot them easily.
  2. Focus on Specific Details: Instead of general, overused descriptions, provide unique, specific details that paint a clearer, more original picture.
  3. Use Original Metaphors and Similes: Craft your own creative comparisons that are unique to your perspective, enhancing the freshness of your writing

Tips for Using Cliche Sentences

  1. Know When to Use Them: Clichés can be effective for emphasizing points or conveying complex ideas quickly. However, they should not be a replacement for original thought.
  2. Be Mindful of the Medium: Clichés might be more accepted in some forms of writing or speech than in others. For instance, they might be more permissible in blog posts than academic papers.
  3. Balance with Original Content: If you do use a cliché, try to balance it with original thoughts or points. This can help to maintain the integrity and quality of your work.
  4. Adapt and Innovate: If you find a cliché that almost fits the bill, consider tweaking it to make it more original. This can grab attention and show creativity.
  5. Understand the Cliché: Before using any cliché, make sure you fully understand its meaning and implications to avoid misuse.
  6. Test for Impact: If possible, gauge the reaction of your audience to see if the cliché had the intended effect or if it fell flat.
  7. Review and Edit: Always be willing to go back and remove or replace clichés if they are not serving a useful purpose in your writing or speech.
  8. Be Authentic: Clichés can often come across as insincere or lazy. Make sure that if you’re using one, it’s because it genuinely serves the message you’re trying to convey.

How Do You Use Cliché in a Sentence?

A cliché is used in a sentence as a familiar, often overused expression that conveys a popular or common thought or idea. For example, saying “She woke up on the wrong side of the bed” to describe someone’s bad mood.

What Is an Example of a Cliché?

An example of a cliché is “time heals all wounds.” This phrase is frequently used to suggest that emotional pain or sadness diminishes as time passes.

How Can I Use Cliché?

You can use a cliché to quickly convey an idea or feeling that is widely understood, although using it creatively or sparingly can help avoid making your writing or speech sound uninspired.

What Is a Saying That Is Cliché?

A saying that has become cliché is “every cloud has a silver lining.” It’s used to express the idea that there is a positive aspect to every bad situation.

Why Is Cliché Used?

Clichés are used for their ability to convey a familiar idea or sentiment quickly and efficiently, tapping into a shared understanding. However, their overuse can make communication seem unoriginal.

What Is a Love Cliché?

A love cliché is an overused romantic expression, such as “love at first sight,” suggesting an immediate and profound romantic attraction between two people.

How Do You Identify This Cliché?

Identify a cliché by noting if the expression or idea is overly familiar, used frequently in similar contexts, or lacks originality, such as “avoiding like the plague.”

What Are the Two Types of Clichés?

The two types of clichés are linguistic clichés, which are overused phrases or expressions, and situational clichés, which are predictable or overused scenarios or themes in stories and media.

Is Cliché a Good Thing?

Clichés can be a good thing when used sparingly and with awareness, as they can create a quick connection with the audience. However, overuse can lead to a lack of originality and engagement.

What is the difference between a cliché and a cliche?

The word cliché and cliche both mean the same things and have the same definition. The only marginal difference between them is their spellings. The word cliché is spelled with an accented “e” to help distinguish its pronunciation and French origin. More often than not the word cliché is used in media and real life when compared to its non-accented counterpart. But this does not mean that the non-accented counterpart of cliché is invalid, as both versions are accepted.

By understanding how and when to use cliché sentences, you can navigate the fine line between effective communication and uninspired writing.

Cliche Sentence Generator

Text prompt

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Craft a story beginning with a classic cliche sentence.

Rewrite a cliche sentence into something uniquely original.

Identify the cliche sentence hidden in a paragraph

Create a dialogue using only cliche sentences.

Explain the meaning behind a common cliche sentence

Invent a superhero story starting with a cliche sentence.

Describe your day using at least one cliche sentence

Predict the future with a cliche sentence.

Transform a cliche sentence into a poem's first line

Debate the effectiveness of a cliche sentence in communication