Multiples of 98

Team Maths -
Created by: Team Maths -, Last Updated: August 22, 2024

Multiples of 98

Multiples of 98

Multiples of 98 are numbers that can be obtained by multiplying 98 by any integer. In mathematics, a multiple of a number is the product of that number and an integer. For example, 98, 196, and 294 are multiples of 98, found by multiplying 98 with 1, 2, and 3 respectively. These multiples include both positive and negative values, as multiplying by negative integers yields negative multiples. Understanding multiples is essential in number theory, as they help in identifying divisors, factors, and relationships between numbers.

What are Multiples of 98?

Multiples of 98 are numbers obtained by multiplying 98 with whole numbers (integers). These include 98, 196, 294, and so on. Each multiple can be expressed as 98n, where n is an integer.

Prime Factorization of 98: 2 x 7 x 7 First 10 Multiples of 98 are 98, 196, 294, 392, 490, 588, 686, 784, 882, 980.

For example, 294, 490, 686 and 882 are all multiples of 98, 900 is not a multiple of 98 for the following reasons:

294294 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 3 = 2940
490490 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 5 = 4900
686686 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 7 = 6860
882882 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 9 = 8820
900900 is not a multiple of 98 because 98 × 9 = 882 with a remainder of 1818

List of First 100 Multiples of 98 with Remainders

9898 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 1 = 980
196196 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 2 = 1960
294294 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 3 = 2940
392392 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 4 = 3920
490490 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 5 = 4900
588588 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 6 = 5880
686686 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 7 = 6860
784784 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 8 = 7840
882882 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 9 = 8820
980980 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 10 = 9800
10781078 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 11 = 10780
11761176 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 12 = 11760
12741274 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 13 = 12740
13721372 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 14 = 13720
14701470 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 15 = 14700
15681568 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 16 = 15680
16661666 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 17 = 16660
17641764 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 18 = 17640
18621862 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 19 = 18620
19601960 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 20 = 19600
20582058 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 21 = 20580
21562156 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 22 = 21560
22542254 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 23 = 22540
23522352 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 24 = 23520
24502450 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 25 = 24500
25482548 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 26 = 25480
26462646 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 27 = 26460
27442744 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 28 = 27440
28422842 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 29 = 28420
29402940 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 30 = 29400
30383038 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 31 = 30380
31363136 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 32 = 31360
32343234 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 33 = 32340
33323332 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 34 = 33320
34303430 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 35 = 34300
35283528 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 36 = 35280
36263626 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 37 = 36260
37243724 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 38 = 37240
38223822 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 39 = 38220
39203920 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 40 = 39200
40184018 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 41 = 40180
41164116 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 42 = 41160
42144214 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 43 = 42140
43124312 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 44 = 43120
44104410 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 45 = 44100
45084508 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 46 = 45080
46064606 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 47 = 46060
47044704 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 48 = 47040
48024802 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 49 = 48020
49004900 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 50 = 49000
49984998 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 51 = 49980
50965096 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 52 = 50960
51945194 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 53 = 51940
52925292 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 54 = 52920
53905390 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 55 = 53900
54885488 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 56 = 54880
55865586 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 57 = 55860
56845684 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 58 = 56840
57825782 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 59 = 57820
58805880 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 60 = 58800
59785978 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 61 = 59780
60766076 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 62 = 60760
61746174 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 63 = 61740
62726272 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 64 = 62720
63706370 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 65 = 63700
64686468 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 66 = 64680
65666566 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 67 = 65660
66646664 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 68 = 66640
67626762 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 69 = 67620
68606860 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 70 = 68600
69586958 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 71 = 69580
70567056 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 72 = 70560
71547154 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 73 = 71540
72527252 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 74 = 72520
73507350 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 75 = 73500
74487448 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 76 = 74480
75467546 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 77 = 75460
76447644 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 78 = 76440
77427742 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 79 = 77420
78407840 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 80 = 78400
79387938 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 81 = 79380
80368036 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 82 = 80360
81348134 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 83 = 81340
82328232 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 84 = 82320
83308330 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 85 = 83300
84288428 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 86 = 84280
85268526 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 87 = 85260
86248624 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 88 = 86240
87228722 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 89 = 87220
88208820 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 90 = 88200
89188918 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 91 = 89180
90169016 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 92 = 90160
91149114 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 93 = 91140
92129212 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 94 = 92120
93109310 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 95 = 93100
94089408 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 96 = 94080
95069506 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 97 = 95060
96049604 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 98 = 96040
97029702 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 99 = 97020
98009800 is a multiple of 98 because 98 × 100 = 98000

Read More About Multiples of 98

Table of 98

Important Notes

Step 1: Definition of Multiples

Multiples of a number are the result of multiplying that number by an integer. In this case, a multiple of 98 is any number that can be expressed as 98×n, where n is an integer.

Step 2: Finding Initial Multiples of 98

To find the first few multiples of 98, we multiply 98 by the first few positive integers:

  • 98×1 = 98
  • 98×2 = 196
  • 98×3 = 294
  • 98×4 = 392
  • 98×5 = 490

Step 3: Properties of Multiples of 98

Multiples of 98 share several common properties:

  • Divisibility: All multiples of 98 are divisible by 98.
  • Even Numbers: Since 98 is even, all multiples of 98 are also even.
  • Common Factor: 98 can be factorized into 2×7×7. Therefore, all multiples of 98 have at least these factors.

Step 4: General Formula for Multiples of 98

The general formula to find any multiple of 98 is: Multiple of 98 = 98×n where n is any integer (positive, negative, or zero).

Step 5: Examples and Patterns

Here are some more examples to illustrate the pattern:

  • 98×6 = 588
  • 98×7 = 686
  • 98×10 = 980
  • 98×15 = 1470

Examples on Multiples of 98

Simple Multiples of 98

  • 392: 98×4 = 392
  • 980: 98×10 = 980
  • 1568: 98×16 = 1568

Larger Multiples of 98

  • 4900: 98×50 = 4900
  • 9800: 98×100 = 9800
  • 19600: 98×200 = 19600

Real-Life Examples of Multiples of 98

  • Time: If you have 980 minutes, it is a multiple of 98 because 98×10 = 980.
  • Distance: A journey of 4900 kilometers is a multiple of 98 because 98×50 = 4900.
  • Measurement: A field measuring 9800 square meters is a multiple of 98 because 98×100 = 9800.

Practical Examples of Multiples of 98

What is the 15th multiple of 98?

The 15th multiple of 98 is 98×15 = 1470.

Is 490 a multiple of 98?

Yes, 490 is a multiple of 98 because 98×5 = 490.

What is the next multiple of 98 after 1960?

The next multiple of 98 after 1960 is 1960+98 = 2058.

Find the 25th multiple of 98.

The 25th multiple of 98 is 98×25 = 2450.

Is 713 a multiple of 98?

No, 713 is not a multiple of 98 because it cannot be expressed as 98×n where n is an integer.


What are multiples of 98?

Multiples of 98 are numbers that can be expressed as 98 multiplied by an integer. For example, 98, 196, 294, and so on.

How do you find the 5th multiple of 98?

To find the 5th multiple of 98, multiply 98 by 5: 98 × 5 = 490.

Is 784 a multiple of 98?

Yes, 784 is a multiple of 98 because 784 divided by 98 equals 8, an integer (98 × 8 = 784).

What is the smallest multiple of 98?

The smallest multiple of 98 is 98 itself (98 × 1 = 98).

What is the next multiple of 98 after 490?

The next multiple of 98 after 490 is 490 + 98 = 588.

How do you determine if a number is a multiple of 98?

To determine if a number is a multiple of 98, divide the number by 98. If the result is an integer, the number is a multiple of 98.

What is the 10th multiple of 98?

The 10th multiple of 98 is 98 × 10 = 980.

Are multiples of 98 also multiples of 7?

Yes, multiples of 98 are also multiples of 7 because 98 is 7 × 14, making 98 a multiple of 7.

Can negative numbers be multiples of 98?

Yes, negative numbers can be multiples of 98. For example, -98, -196, and -294 are multiples of 98.

What is the largest multiple of 98 within 1000?

The largest multiple of 98 within 1000 is 98 × 10 = 980, as 98 × 11 = 1078 exceeds 1000.

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