College Roommate Agreement – 10+ Examples, Format, PDF

Last Updated: February 4, 2025

College Roommate Agreement – 10+ Examples, Format, PDF


Aside from being away from home probably for the first time, among every college freshmen’s worries when settling in the university is having to live with a complete stranger. If you are an incoming college freshie who’s also worrying about sharing a living space with a complete stranger for the first time, then all you need is a college roommate agreement.

You might think that initiating a college roommate agreement is kind of lame, silly, and uncool, but who cares about being not cool when issues would eventually start between you and your roommate? You may also see agreement examples.

Roommate Agreement Example

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Blank Roommate Agreement Form Example

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With that, we have collected and compiled college roommate agreements that you can modify to suit your current roommate situation. Keep in mind that not every college or university housing department can give you a roommate agreement, that is why you should make sure that you modify the templates and examples and also make sure that it contains the following top things that you must never forget including in your college roommate agreement. You may also like management agreement examples & samples.

College Communal Living Roommate Agreement Example

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College Roommate Agreement 101 Example

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Top Things You Should Include on Your College Roommate Agreement

Of all the stressors that college has, the last thing you want to become a cause of stress is your roommate. Why? This is because you are going to live with the person for the next few years.


Your room will probably the only place where you could only rest and take a break from all of your tasks in college and if your roommate will just be another factor of stress, you definitely do not have any other place where you could take your much-needed rest after your classes. You may also check out letter of agreement examples.

By having a college roommate agreement, you will be able to create a living space that is both conducive for studying as well as for resting after a long day in classes. Such commercial agreement will give you a set of rules or guidelines you can follow so that it will totally avoid unwanted issues and conflict in your room.

If your roommate does not understand the purpose of this general agreement, stress it to him or her that you have different hobbies, friends, academic schedules, sleeping schedules, and even social schedules—should he or she complain about getting disturbed or distracted of you due to your varying schedule, then a college roommate agreement can definitely avoid this from happening.

Even if college roommate agreements are not usually legally binding, such agreements are still the best and great way to ensure that you and your roommate are on the right and same page. Putting up a college roommate agreement may seem like another stressful thing to create but it is way better to stress about it than stress about you and your roommate’s differences. You might be interested in business agreement examples.

You do not have to worry about what to include on your college roommate because we got you covered, because aside from providing you with college roommate agreement examples and templates, we have also listed down some suggested major topics that your college roommate agreements should include should you create your own or should you modify the templates or examples that we have in this article.

1. Schedules

You and your college roommate may have varying class schedules that enable you to also have different room or activity schedules.

Bedtime Schedule

Your roommate may or may not have early classes on some days and you could also have early classes on some days as well.

Now, this would mean that either or both of you would need to sleep early the night before. If you would include bedtime schedule on your college roommate agreement, you will be able to know in advance the days wherein you and your roommate would be needing more hours of sleep in the night before because of early classes the next day. You may also see service agreement examples.

Even if one of you does not have a class on the next day and one of you actually sleeps early, the other party would have to respect the other’s bedtime schedule. But this does not mean that one would compromise the other’s bedtime schedule. This is why there is a great need for a college roommate agreement so such matter would be settled accordingly. You may also like purchase agreement examples.

Studying Schedule

You and your roommate may have varying studying schedule. There are some people who would prefer studying at night and there are also some who prefers studying at midday. There are also different studying styles. These styles could be studying with loud music in the background, studying with loud TV volume in the background, studying alone, studying by reading out loud, and a whole lot more. You may also check out partnership agreement examples & samples.

Through the college roommate agreement, you will be able to identify your studying styles so that you will be able to plot your studying schedule accordingly without compromising the ideal adequate study time of one party as well as being able to keep up with both parties’ classes. You might be interested in sales agreement samples.

Cleaning Schedule

You will never know the importance of having a cleaning schedule until you cannot anymore sleep on either of your beds due to the number of trash piling up. Neither one of you should be the one doing all the cleaning matters because both of you are living on the same space unless it is already your bed area where both of you are already responsible for your own personal space. You may also see agreement letter for payment examples.

You can assign one person to a task such as buying the cleaning supplies or arranging the desk area. However, keep in mind that even if you are living in the same space also means that one of you should clean the personal space of the other person such as his or her closet or bed. You may also like marketing agreement templates and examples.

2. Guests Visiting Hours

Even if the most college housing office would already cover this part well such as providing dorm security, it would still be best if you and your roommate would have your own terms with this section of the agreement.

Your dorm building may already have rules when it comes to guests but in the event that such rules are not strongly enforced, you might totally need a college roommate agreement. You must clearly define the benefits and the limitation of this section of your college roommate agreement. You may also check out how to utilize rental agreement templates as a landlord.

This part can be somehow tricky as there are some people who do not like visitors at all, regardless of the sex. And there are also some people who always like having different kinds of friends to come over your shared space. The former can be too strict and tight while the latter can be risky especially when it comes to your security and privacy. You might be interested in joint venture agreement.

College Roommate Agreement Form Example

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Detailed Roommate Agreement Form Example

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Guidelines College Roommate Agreement Example

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Living with a Roommate College Agreement Example

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3. Sharing

We all know that sharing is ideal, but when you find yourself in the situation where you are the one who always does the sharing while what the other end always do the receiving, then maybe you should think twice and more.

When you are still starting, or let’s say a freshie, you could be having a rule of “this my side, that is your side,” but in the long run, either one of you would already start feeling comfortable about crossing barriers and violating that initial rule. You may also see professional services agreement examples.

There are some people who do not like to have their stuff touched and you could be that kind of person too. Either of you and your roommate should address this when you would be drafting a college roommate agreement. Each one of you should be able to draw a line between your belongings so that in the event that one of your things are lost, you would know who is accountable or not. You may also like how to write sponsorship agreements.

Other things that fall under sharing are borrowing, taking, and replacing. These acts can be pretty inevitable especially if you are living in the same living space and that as time would pass, you might also get too comfortable around with each other. But being comfortable does not mean that it would already be all right to cross beyond your personal limits and preferences. You may also check out how to write a separation agreement.

Here are two of the common things that are borrowed, shared, taken, or replaced:

  • Clothes – Women are more sensitive toward borrowing or sharing clothes. You must clarify with each other whether borrowing clothes is all right or not. You must also decide how often you can borrow each other’s clothes and what are the pieces of clothing that you or your roommate does not want to be touched. You might be interested in commercial lease agreement examples.
  • Food – Decide on how you are going to tackle with food in your shared space. If you are a person who does not like to share his or her tasty food, make sure you make it clear in the very beginning. Also, include the possibility of sharing some food item. Make sure you would also include who cooks, when to cook, what to cook, what kinds of food are allowed in the room, and who buys the food should you share.

4. Noise

You will not be studying 24/7 but you would then need some quiet time in your room and your college roommate might also have the same activity where he or she would just chill in your shared space.

Decide what could be your “default” or appropriate kind of room noise. Will it be all right for both of you to have music or TV on as a background? Will a phone call or video chat be all right? Clarify the kind of the noise that will be tolerable for both of you on your college roommate agreement. You might be interested in dissolution agreement examples.

5. Private Time

Keep in mind that you are in college and in a college dorm. You or your roommate might be dating someone and might want a private time or moment with his or her significant other. Private time could also mean alone time as there are some people who like to spend some alone time. You may also see free agreement examples.

Even if you are sharing the same room, it does not mean that you do could not anymore make it a personal space. You can state it in your college roommate agreement the scope and limitation of having a private time.

We hope you are able to make use of these college roommate agreement examples that we have here for you in this article. Are you now ready to move out of the comfort of your room and to face college? You could never be truly ready for the college life without a college roommate agreement to help you set your college dorm life.

One Page College Roommate Agreement Example

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Simple College Roommate Agreement Form Example

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Two-Page College Roommate Agreement Example

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