Comma Splice

There are many errors a writer can commit when they are writing a sentence, which will disrupt the flow of the whole text. One of the most common errors a writer makes is called a comma splice.

1. Comma Splices and Fused Sentences

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2. Comma Splices Template

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3. Fixing Comma Splices

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4. Comma Splices, Run-ons, and Fragments


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5. Run-on Sentences and Comma Splices

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6. Avoiding Comma Splices


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7. Comma Splices, Run-On Sentences & Fragments

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8. Finding and Fixing Comma Splices and Run-Ons

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9. Automatic Detection of Comma Splices

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10. Comma Splices and Run-on Sentences

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11. Correcting Comma Splices

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12. Fused Sentences and Comma Splices

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13. Avoiding Comma Splices and Run-on Sentences

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14. Run-Ons Comma Splices

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16. Avoiding Run-on Sentences and Comma Splices

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What Is a Comma Splice

A comma splice is a sentence construction error, wherein the writer tries to fuse two or more independent clauses with a misplaced comma. This error presents a couple of issues that will mislead, confuse, and distract readers from your text. Try to avoid comma splices in your writing.

How to Fix a Comma Splice

Comma splices happens when the structure of the sentences do not match, and you end up with fragments, and run-on sentences. To know how to fix comma splices, here are simple and easy steps to guide you through these unwanted problems.

Step 1: Outline the Sentence

Begin by outlining the sentence structure of the statement with a comma splice. This will help you determine the independent clauses, the common, proper, singular, and plural nouns used in the statement, the verb, the tone, and the context/theme of the sentence.

Step 2: If Both Independent Clauses are Related, Determine the Type of Conjunction

When you have outlined the sentence’s parts, check if the independent clause has a relationship that will require both of them to be in a specific structure or sequence. For example, if the sentence is trying to establish a cause-and-effect relationship then you will need to use a conjunction to fix the sentence. Determine if you will need to use a subordinate or coordinating conjunction to fix the sentence.

Step 3: If Both Sentences Have Little to No Relationship With Each Other, Determine the Appropriate Punctuation Mark

If the sentence’s independent clauses are not related to one another or have little bearing on each other, you must instead remove the comma and replace it with the appropriate punctuation mark. These marks include the semicolon (;) and the period (.).

Step 4: Fix the Comma Splice

After you have determined how you will fix the comma splice, you will need to either remove the comma and insert the correct punctuation mark or add an appropriate conjunction beside the comma. Doing this will turn the comma splice into a complete sentence.


What is the difference between a comma splice and a complete sentence?

A comma splice is one of the most common writing errors a writer can make when creating a compound sentence. This is because a sentence with a comma splice can present itself confusingly and inefficiently. The sentence with a comma splice has two independent clauses fused by a single comma without the accompaniment of a linking or transitional word. A complete sentence is the complete juxtaposition of all the sentence errors, as the sentence can relay information without any hang-ups or confusion. Not only will a complete sentence effortlessly convey a concept or idea, but the sentence can come in many forms and structures. These sentence structures include simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. Therefore, sentences that have a comma splice are harder to understand when compared to a complete sentence.

Why are comma splices wrong?

Comma splices present a reading issue to the reader, which can have various negative effects on the interest and understanding of the reader. Writers and authors use sentences and statements to relay information, stories, concepts, and ideas to their readers, all of which is very subjective. Comma splices can easily misconstrue or dislocate a specific idea or thought due to its structure. This error can also affect the flow of the text, which can diminish the reader’s interest in the text. In conclusion, writers consider comma splices as an error in writing.

What is the difference between a comma splice and a run-on sentence?

A comma splice is an error in writing that is predicated by the existence of two or more independent clauses fused with a comma and without the presence of a linking verb or transitional word. Not only that but in a comma splice the comma is improperly placed. A run-on sentence, on the other hand, is two or more independent clauses that are improperly joined together. This means that a run-on sentence is an umbrella term for a specific type of sentence-writing or composition error. Therefore all comma splices are run-on sentences, but not all run-on sentences are comma splices.

A comma splice is a sentence writing error that occurs when the writer tries to join two or more independent clauses together with a comma. It is important to understand and know how to avoid comma splices in one’s writing. This will not only improve the quality of your writing but will also enhance the readability of your text. In conclusion, one should make effort in doing their best to avoid comma splices in their writing.

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