Counselling Questionnaire – Examples, Format, Pdf
Whenever you seem to have a problem that you think you cannot solve or even handle by your own, who would be the first person you would usually turn to? Normally, it would be your friends or your parents. After all, you have developed a certain trust with them over time to the point wherein you feel comfortable opening up to them about all your concerns and problems in life. But what if there are some problems that are too big for you to handle? It is important to understand that there are just some things that you cannot handle alone. You may also like research questionnaire examples & samples.
You are not Superman nor are you some deity who can magically make his or her own problems disappear with a snap of a finger. No, you are only human. And you feel things. Anger, sadness, joy, jealousy, anxiety. And every single emotion out there in the universe. Asking for help is never an issue as it shows that you are willing to invite people in your life who are willing to help you and your issues. Counseling can be done with anyone and not necessarily with your guidance counselor. These are just some of the problems or issues that you can try to counsel. You may also see progress notes examples.
New Counseling Questionnaire Example
Disorders Which Need Counselling
1. Depression
According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), depression a.k.a. major depressive disorder is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Fortunately, it is also treatable. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. Some people say that depression is not real and that it is only within your mind. But make no mistake, depression is all too real and it can happen at any time without warnings whatsoever. You may also see what is a questionnaire?
2. Anxiety
This a general term for several disorders that cause nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worrying. These disorders affect how we feel and behave and can cause physical symptoms. There can be many things to worry about: school, work, peer pressure. And typically, it would be OK to worry. Perhaps it just shows how much you concern or prioritize yourself with that matter. But worrying too much is another thing altogether. Worst case scenario, it might even result to a panic/anxiety attacks and you would not want that to happen, don’t you? You may also like student questionnaire examples.
3. Grief and Loss
To quote from The Flash: “Grief is a complex emotion that needs to be dealt in its own terms. It is not an emotion that you can master by constant practice”. In many ways, that actually rings true. Each person has a different significance towards a certain person. Depending on how much time you’ve spent with each other and how close you were as friends, the effect of that person’s death might overwhelm the person. Just as there are different people in the universe, they have their own way on how to deal with loss. You may also check out assessment questionnaire examples.
4. Anger Management
We all get angry from time to time. It’s only natural that people will burst out when they seem to be extremely pissed. But make sure that your anger is self-contained otherwise it would be just an unpleasant sight of you ranting.
5. Alcohol and Drug Dependency
Alcohol and illegal drugs is not bad. Let’s get that sorted out. Yes, even marijuana if used correctly is considered medical. But what happens when it becomes too much? What becomes of you when you intake too much alcohol or drugs that you have become so dependent on them? In that case, it has already become a huge issue. But remember, if you really wish to change for the better, it has to start with you. You might be interested in how to prepare a questionnaire.
Grief Sentence Completion Example
Disorders Which Need Counselling (continuation)
6. Addictive Behaviors
There can be many forms of addiction, not just limited to drugs and alcohol. And yes, there is always the problem of having too much food, sex, work, and even the occasional video games. But just like any form of addictive behavior, it can always be corrected in one way or another.
7. Self-Defeating Behaviors
Another problem that people would seem to have is often the issue of self-negativity or defeat. When people are often faced with a problem that they cannot seem to solve, they often delude themselves with the illusion of giving up or that there seems to be no hope at all and worst case scenario, commit suicide. You may also see questionnaire templates & examples.
8. Childhood Abuse (physical, emotional, and sexual)
Some unlucky people as a child would often get abused by their friends, family, or relatives as children. That’s how important counsel is important to these children so that they can be helped and assisted on what to do next.
9. Low Self-Esteem
Believing in a person and continually motivating him or her to keep going no matter what is probably the best kind of counsel that people can offer to them. Without a person’s self-esteem, it would demotivate the person in all that he or she does.
10. Career Issues
Career issues happen every now and then which would normally be the job of the school’s guidance counselor. There are some students who cannot really decide where they would want to go in life so they would need to ask advice from the guidance counselor to aid them with their choices in life. You may also like what is a survey questionnaire?
11. Stress
Stress is actually pretty common these days. Sometimes, it does not even need counseling. Perhaps all you need to do is escape and find your happy place. If you think you need to go out of the city or drink some coffee or even smoke a cigarette or read a book, or do whatever- then do it. It’s pretty understandable actually. Stress kills and eventually it always does. So try your best to never let stress take over your body. You may also check out evaluation questionnaire examples & samples.
12. Relationship Concerns and Conflict
Relationships are like a roller coaster ride- it goes up, it goes down, it goes in loops, it goes fast and it goes slow. In other words, it’s very random and unexpected. Congratulations on finding the love of you life. But now comes the challenge on how you are going to keep that relationship from falling apart.
And there are probably a couple of other issues that needs to be resolved through counseling. Here are at least some of the reasons why counseling is considered very important. You may also see treatment plan examples.