Self-Administered Questionnaire – 5+ Examples, Format, Benefits, Pdf

Last Updated: January 21, 2025

Self-Administered Questionnaire – 5+ Examples, Format, Benefits, Pdf

Examples of Self Administered Questionnaire & Samples

Most people are all familiar of questionnaire importance, especially in conducting surveys. Questionnaires are usually distributed to a large number of individual participants, known as respondents. This is one way of gathering the important data needed to be able to obtain results for the study.

In marketing, questionnaires are sent out to ask clients for feedback about a certain product or services in a process known as market survey. It is thus important to know how questionnaires are used since they can be used reliable sources of information.

Self-Administered Interview Questionnaire

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Size: 144 KB


Self-Administered Staff Questionnaire

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Size: 172 KB


Self-Administered Product Customer Questionnaire

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Size: 10 KB


What Is a Self-Administered Questionnaire?

In a self-administered questionnaire examples, the respondent is required to complete the questionnaire without being helped or interrupted by the researchers conducting the survey.

Self-administered questionnaires can be presented in various ways:

  • through mail (usually sent to the respondent’s home address),
  • through electronic message, or
  • through researcher-respondent (in person) interaction.

Like other types of questionnaires, self-administered questionnaires also ask different types of questions (e.g. open-ended questions, close-ended questions), depending on the researchers.

Benefits of Using Self-Administered Questionnaires

Since self-administered questionnaires require no intervention from the researchers, answers can be deemed reliable and from the responded himself/herself without being influenced by any bias or idea from the researchers.

Self-administered questionnaires also promote free thinking on the respondents’ end since researchers will not be able to provide them with any idea in answering the questionnaire examples in pdf.

Some respondents might prefer this type of questionnaire since they can think freely and they can be sure that their answers will not be injected with biased opinions or thoughts from the researchers.

Because self-administered questionnaires promote free thinking, respondents are encouraged provide whatever information they think is necessary or useful to the researchers.

Self-Administered Questionnaire for Mothers

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Size: 124 KB


Mental Health Self-Administered Questionnaire

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Self-Administered Interview for Parents

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Size: 102 KB


Advantages and Disadvantages of Self-Administered Questionnaires

Self-administered business questionnaires are tools which are very useful in gathering data not influenced by the researchers’ opinions. Here are a few advantages and disadvantages in using a self-administered questionnaire.


  • Convenient. Self-administered questionnaires are not time consuming since both the researchers and respondents do not have to deal with interview appointments.
  • Freedom of thought. Respondents are given enough freedom to think of answers on their own, at their own pace with no pressure.
  • Low or no cost. Researchers do not have to worry of costly presentations and they will be able to distribute the questionnaires to a large number of people with relatively low or no cost at all.


  • Low or slow response rate. Because respondents are given the freedom of answering at their own pace, they may choose to send it at a later time, or not send it back at all.
  • Differences in understanding questions. Different people think differently. Some might not interpret the questions the way the researchers want them to. Some answers may be relevant, some might not relate to the topic at all.
  • Questionnaire issues. There might be some issues regarding clarity or language that may not cause confusion to the respondents, with no one to clarify them.

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