Labor Day Invitations

Last Updated: January 8, 2025

Labor Day Invitations


Wouldn’t it be nice if your celebrations were joined by people sharing food as well as ideas? It is indeed a magnificent view having this kind of crowd on your special occasions. It makes the event even more memorable and fun. Labor Day is just one of those happenings when you want to be surrounded with important individuals.

Labor Day is one of the most celebrated affairs not just in the United States of America but also in some countries around the world. While the United States celebrate it on the first Monday of September, at least 80 other countries commemorate it in on the first Monday of May. And it is important that you invite people when you plan to throw a party on that day.

Why Do We Celebrate Labor Day?

Labor Day is celebrated by almost all of the countries around the world especially those who have been witness to the effect of workers and labor unions in their respective soils. As of the date, there are more than a hundred countries who celebrate this occasion and even list it on their national holidays annual calendar. Most of these countries celebrate International Labor Day on the 1st of May while others have chosen their own dates. Both the United States of America and Canada celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday of September.

Historically, the institution of Labor Day as a day to be celebrated and exceptional from all other days in the calendar originated in Chicago, Illinois after the Haymarket Affair also known as Haymarket Massacre, which captured international attention. It was on a Tuesday, the 4th of May, 1886 when a bombing occurred during a labor demonstration at the Haymarket Square in Chicago. It was supposed to be a peaceful rally in support of the workers until an unknown individual threw a dynamite bomb into the crowd. The bomb blasted and a gunfire started. The whole incident resulted in the deaths of seven police officers and at least four protesters, and a few others received minor injuries.

According to some history books, the original founder of Labor Day was Matthew Maguire who was a machinist from New Jersey and at the time was the secretary of the CLU or the Central Labor Union. He proposed in 1882 the creation of Labor Day as a holiday in celebration of all the workers in the United States. Some other records point that Peter J. McGuire the general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners in the same year that a Labor Day holiday be created after attending the annual labor festival in Toronto, Canada. But this was contested by many historians thus as of today, the officially acknowledged founder is Matthew Maguire.

The passing of the Labor Day as a holiday underwent a lethargic change. It was not at first observed in the whole United States of America. The first state to pass into law the making of Labor Day as a holiday was Oregon on February 21, 1887. In the same year, four more states followed- New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, and Colorado. By the year 1984, 23 other states adopted the observance of Labor Day. Finally, Congress passed an act on the 28th of June, 1984 declaring the first Monday of September a legal holiday to celebrate all the workers throughout the country.

Labor Day is a realization that workers play a vital role in the movement of the economy as well as the growth of the nation. It is perhaps a generous act for legislators around the world, not just in the United States to give a special day to honor all workers who give their whole life in dedication to what they do. Therefore, it is but right to give such respect to everyone in the labor industry for all the works they have done.

Labor Day Party Invitation

Labor Day Party Invitation

Labor Day Barbecue Party Invitation

Labor Day Barbecue Party Invitation

Patriotic Labor Day Invitation

Patriotic Labor Day Invitation

What Is a Labor Day Invitation?

In every celebration, it has always been a common practice to invite people that are close to our hearts- our families, friends, and maybe even co-workers. What excitement could it bring if you were to celebrate an occasion alone, right? While others would choose to disagree with my opinion, most would still probably agree. It is because humans are social beings, we live and continue to live with the help and support of other human beings. Through bad times and good, a company of one or two is still appreciated.

Much to the joy of everybody, having people around during special events and occasions is such a picturesque scene. And what is a more effective method to have these people gathered than to create and send invitations? One of the most celebrated occasions in some countries, particularly in the United States is the Labor Day. It is declared a national holiday- in commemoration of those who continuously support the nation through hard work and perseverance. This is a long weekend celebration so preparation could be your battle-armor to make the event even more memorable. And part of that preparation should be spent on creating your Labor Day invitation.

A Labor Day invitation is a written request with the purpose of sending out a message that you are requesting someone to go to an event or a particular occasion. It is a form of having to call the attention of someone for their company or presence. There are two kinds of Labor Day invitations- a formal and informal invitation.

  • Informal Invitation. It is an invitation through an informal medium such as spoken (a phone call) or verbal (through text message and social media platforms).
  • Formal Invitation. A kind of invitation wherein the sender uses formal means such as a letter or email.

Although the former is widely used by most people, the latter is still preferred by some, especially on formal occasions. Big events such as community gatherings, company-sponsored parties, and private group assemblies usually require a formal invitation. Formal invitations during Labor Day celebrations are considered special. It represents the host’s enthusiasm to have people around during the occasion.

Labor Day Backyard Party Invitation

Labor Day Backyard Party Invitation

Customize Labor Day Invitation

Customize Labor Day Invitation

How to Create a Labor Day Invitation

Labor Day, or Worker’s Day as others may call it, is an occasion internationally celebrated. It is even declared a national holiday, by virtue of legislation, in order to give it proper honor and recognition. Indeed, what we are now, whichever country we may belong to, is indebted to all those laborers and workers in the past decades. And even to this current date, we still give respect and grandeur to those who tirelessly give their best effort to provide strength and stability to our country’s economy.

So, in order to make such celebration more colorful and memorable, we need proper preparation- from the tables to be served for everyone to partake, to the invitations and Labor Day posters. So, here are the methods on how to create a Labor Day invitation.

  • Set Your Objectives. The very basic and most important thing step when venturing into a project is to make sure you have set your objectives. An objective is something that will direct or lead your strategies and necessary efforts towards your goal. Well, in this case, your goal is to send a lively and jubilant message to everyone in respect to the Labor Day celebration. You need to consider is on how to invite your friends and family members to join you in the celebration.
  • Create Your Plans and Strategies. This part is where you should decide what strategies are you going to create. That includes the elements from which your Labor Day invitation would come from. Also, you need to plan how long are you going to spend for the making of the invitation. Sometimes, not having a plan often results to having no results at all. You need to compose yourself and think that it is an essential part to make your Labor Day celebration worthwhile.
  • Think of Your Theme. The theme of your party will vary depending on your preference. Most people, especially in the United States, would go into barbecue and beer party, beach outing, or any traditional ways of celebration. A traditional way of celebrating Labor Day in the United States is by wearing white. Since Labor Day is also considered the unofficial end of summer season, it is best to ask your participants and guests to wear white. Another tradition of the Americans would be by wearing the colors of the United States Flag- blue, red, and white. You can try to incorporate these traditions into your invitation so that your guests can expect what would transpire during the party.
  • Prepare Your Ingredients. What we are referring to here are the ingredients or components for your invitation. You need to think of the paper materials you will use, the colors and style that you will incorporate as well as the printing method that would benefit you. Sometimes, the most crucial part is the printing especially if you want to use something that will take too much time as well as expenses. You need to make sure that your methods and materials are appropriate to the occasion you are celebrating.
  • Disseminate the Tasks. This only applies if you are hosting a large event that would require a lot of invitations. If that is so, you cannot shoulder all the tasks by yourself. You need to assign tasks to people who can help you in the preparation. For example, have your kids involved when they are at the right age. Even your little ones, ask them some favors. Children feel valued and needed when their attention is asked. In other cases, ask a favor from your friends. They can certainly help you with the printing and most importantly the distribution of the invitations.

Tips for a Good Labor Day Invitation

Creating a Labor Day invitation doesn’t have to be stressful and time-consuming. Sometimes, the simpler the better. There are different types of people in this world. And when it comes to invitations, there are at least three kinds of them. There are those who are very particular with the pictures, color combinations, and style of strokes used. Others put more emphasis on the texts. They are very keen to the words and sentences used as well as the details of the event like the time and date, place, and theme. While a few others would just look out for the flaws in the invitation and would prey on those mistakes. So, in order to avoid any mistakes and to give your Labor Day invitation a little bit of flavor, here are a few tips you might consider.

  • Prepare a Draft Beforehand. You must be very careful with the details of the event. So, if you are tasked with the invitations, consult with the event organizers for the final information. Often times, there are unforeseen events like a change of schedule or venue so you have to look out in order to avoid providing wrong information to the guests. Once you have the details of the Labor Day celebration party, the other elements of the invitation would just fall into their places.
  • Use Appropriate Paper Size. The standard size used for invitations is the A7. The measurement is 5 1/4 x 7 1/4. This is an important factor to consider because some people are very particular with the sizes of invitations they receive. You do not want your guests to be bringing with them a short or long bond paper, do you?
  • Mix and Match the Colors. Sometimes, choosing the right colors and pictures to use on the invitation is of primal importance. It also helps you match your theme to the type of party you are throwing. Also, try not to use dark colors for your Labor Day invitation especially if you are in the United States. Remember that it is the end of the summer, so you want to choose something that is cool to the eyes.
  • Make Use of Historical Figures. If your group is a little bit of the activist and radical side, using historical figures who have contributed to the establishment of Labor Day and people who have known to fight for workers’ rights could add a message to what you are celebrating. Use their photos appropriately and try not to use offensive portraits. Another thing is to add a famous line of the person other than his/her photo.

Chevron labor Day Invitation

Chevron labor Day Invitation

Labor Day is a decent and most appropriate way to be one with all the workers and laborers in our country or even yet, the whole world. We should not look at it as an opportunity to get wasted, as what some people do. Sometimes, we really tend to overlook at the real value of things.

We have to give the respect due to the people who put aside their personal interests for the good of the many. We need to remember the root of this celebration and remember those people who offered their lives in exchange for freedom and rights of all the laborers.

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