Legal Document

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Legal Document

Legal Document Examples

Legal documents are defined as a written proof of the limitations and extent of a person’s rights and privileges in a clear and specific manner.

A common example of a legal document that you may be familiar to is the Last Will and Testament. As you may know, this document lists down the people who are supposed to inherit a property or money from someone who has passed. It also includes the limitations and privileges that is to be entitled to the heirs. You may also see commercial agreement examples & samples.

For purposes such as this, legal documents have now become a big part of our world. However, not everyone can create a loquacious piece of writing and declare it legal. Most of these documents are issued by the court or any government agency to give rights and duties to the people listed on the paper. Otherwise, it cannot be considered valid. You may also like management agreement examples & samples.

Among the many legal documents that the court issues are those that either prohibit or require an action, give or take legal rights, and entitlement to a property. Government-issued legal documents, on the other hand, are those that give someone the license to practice a certain activity in a specific field such as the driver’s license and the medical license. You may also check out service agreement examples.

Legal Document Example

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Blank Legal Document Example

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Importance of Legal Documents

First of all, in the corporate world, a legal document will serve as a proof. Gone are the days where word of mouth and a simple handshake are enough to assure a successful business partnership. Its place is now taken by legal documents. When you make an alliance with a business partner, a legal document is absolutely necessary to make sure that the jobs agreed to be done will be executed properly. You may also see business agreement examples.

Plus, if you run into the unfortunate situation of being abandoned by a partner that will cause you monetary loss and other disadvantages, you can use a legal document, such as a contract, to appeal to the court of law about a breach in the agreement. Your business partner will then be forced to make amends. In other words, a legal document is an assurance that, in the end, you won’t be left cleaning up the mess someone else was supposed to take care of. You may also like letter of agreement examples.

Also, legal documents will include the specifics of the relationships between two parties. It will thoroughly enumerate the expected responsibilities of each member, especially when it comes to business commitments. A legal document can let your partner know the duties he is expected to perform and, in turn, you can be made aware of the things you are supposed to accomplish. You may also see partnership agreement examples & samples.

Legal documents are also a form of protection, since these include the rights you are entitled to. Say you are an employee at a company. A legal document, or more specifically an employment contract, will list down your definite privileges as a worker and which, when infringed, can be served as your support in the case of an employment tribunal. You may also see what is a business agreement?

These documents also make your business absolute in the eyes of the law. Hence, you will be protected by it. Any form of business certification, your business permit, your taxes, your rent, even your intellectual properties, can help you settle any dispute, which means that having these documents at hand is crucial.

Types of Legal Documents

Legal documents are now considered a necessity in different aspects of an individual’s life. Here are a few:

For business operation or business owners:

Affidavit of Identity Example

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Affidavit of Identity.

Owing to issues of fraud and theft, it has become difficult to simply rely on someone’s word. Which is why it has become universally accepted to produce an affidavit of identity.

This document is a legally issued proof that you are who you claim to be. It may sound absurd that you need a document to prove who you are but there are certain proceedings that may necessitate you to have one such as in lawsuits, banking transactions, temporary guardianship papers, or certain arrangements where the business owner will require one from the customer. You may also see simple agreement letter examples.

Arbitration Agreement Example

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Arbitration Agreement.

Generally, this legal document is issued by two parties who agree that, in the case of a disagreement stemming from business proceedings, neither one will seek for help from any court of law.

Basically, the group agrees that any dispute be settled without legal action and will, instead, be rectified by the members involved. There will still be attorneys present but, instead of talking the matter over in a courtroom, it will be held somewhere private with only few selected witnesses to observe the proceedings. However, this agreement has both advantages and disadvantages to it. You may also see business agreement letter examples.

Pros of Signing an Arbitration Agreement:

1. Employment.

There are some employers who will not hire an applicant, despite how perfect he is for the job position, if he refuses to sign an arbitration agreement.

2. Arbitration offers a faster result.

Court proceedings can take time. For complicated cases, it may even take years. Arbitration, on the other hand, give the parties involved the chance to sit and discuss the matter in a professional environment plus the advantage of gaining an outcome right after the meeting. You may also see sales agreement samples.

3. Arbitration is less expensive.

Court proceedings will not only take up a lot of time, they will also cost you. Arbitration will only require you a legal counsel and, in comparison, that is less costly. Plus, there is a chance that you already have an attorney especially if you have been in the business for some time.

4. Arbitration will not mar your record.

Since the proceeding will be conducted in private, there will be no public records to testify that it ever happened, unlike filing lawsuits. Also, people with court records may have difficulty in applying for a job. Arbitration can give you the option of not having to disclose anything to a prospective employer. You may also like printable agreement examples.

Arbitration Agreement Document

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Cons of Signing an Arbitration Agreement:

1. There may be certain cases wherein a court of law is the only right option.

If you happen to be entangled in a situation where an illegal or illicit act has been performed, or you will be personally harassed in any way, litigation may be the only way to answer the issue.

2. You will waive your right to a jury trial.

By signing an arbitration agreement, you are ridding yourself of the ability to seek the help of a jury. Juries are usually more in favor of the employees or the smaller party in a disagreement rather than in the big companies or organization. This is a privilege you will be denying yourself if you sign this simple agreement.

3. Disclosure can be difficult.

Without a legal court to order documents and records, proving your innocence in a dispute may be more difficult because the other party cannot be subpoenaed into disclosure.

Business Contract Example

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Business Contract.

A business contract is a basic agreement signed by two parties who are agreeing to exchange products or services. These are legally binding to those who sign them and can be as long or as short as you need them. The contract should be well-versed and should enumerate all the expectations of the parties involved. Contracts pave the way for smooth transactions, plus, since they’re legally binding, you will have the right to a legal source if ever the other party fails to do their obligations.

License Agreement Example

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Licensing Agreement.

This type of general agreement is useful for cases of intellectual properties. Licensing agreements are issued between the owner of the IP (intellectual property) and the person receiving the right to it. If a person has a creative work they want to make money from, a licensing agreement is necessary. It covers different forms of intellectual properties such as the following:

1. Copyright.

For tangible literary works of original authorship.

2. Trademark.

A recognizable modern logo, symbol, or phrase that people can attach to the products or goods of a particular brand.

3. Service Mark.

A recognizable logo, symbol, or phrase that people can attach to the services offered by a particular brand.

4. Patent.

For property rights to an invention.

5. Know-how.

For expert skills or information.

6. Trade Secret.

For confidential business information.

For personal or family matters:

Sample Affidavit of Death Form

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Affidavit of Death.

This is filed for the purpose of legally announcing and proving the death of a person. Usually, a death certificate is attached with the affidavit. This is often necessary to take care of the transferring and distributing the deceased’s properties, to close or manage a checking account, to gain the ability to pass a title from the deceased to the issuer of the affidavit, or for other interests such as debts. You may also see purchase agreement examples.

Fillable Affidavit of Heirship

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Affidavit of Heirship.

Properties are usually a matter of dispute between the relations left by a deceased person. An affidavit of heirship is a legally enforced document that acknowledges the heir to a title or property if the deceased has not filed a will and testament before his death. This is also more preferable to the expensive and time-consuming probate court who usually settle these issues. You may also see subcontractor agreement examples.

The affidavit of heirship works by recognizing all living family relations of the deceased and equally distributing his properties to them. The people involved should all agree to the distribution.

Postnuptial and Prenuptial Agreement.

Prenuptial agreements are those entered into by couples, usually after engaging or right before marriage, to construe the rights and properties of the couple as separate individuals should the marriage end in terms of divorce or death. Prenuptial agreements assure that the properties or monetary investments, even debts, you own before marriage will remain in your name. However, those accumulated during the union will be equally divided between the couple. You may also like agreement letter for payment examples.

Postnuptial Agreement Example

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Postnuptial agreements, on the other hand, are entered into by the couple after they are married. These often outline the rights and privileges that prenups also enclose. In postnuptial agreements, all assets should be divulged. Failure to do so may render the agreement null. Each party should also have a legal representation during the proceedings and it is imperative that neither was coerced into signing the formal agreement.

Power of Attorney.

This document binds two parties, the principal and the agent, into a legal relationship. The agent is given the task to manage all of the principal’s assets, properties and legal affairs, and is given the duty of acting based on the principal’s best financial interests and in accordance to his wants. A power of attorney is sought when a person wants the peace of mind that comes along with knowing that their assets are being taken care of by someone they can trust. You may also like You may also see roommate agreement examples.

Power of Attorney Document Example

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It is apparent that legal documents are now necessary in our world. Oftentimes, in this lifetime, we will find ourselves at a disadvantage due to situations we cannot control. These situations emphasize the importance of being secured and being continually protected by law. Legal documents, in important aspects of our day-to-day business, are an assurance that we are in the hands of a higher power and that we will always be taken care of. You may also see marketing agreement templates and examples.

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