Social Survey

Last Updated: August 22, 2024

Social Survey


A social survey can be described as a method of obtaining a large amount of information from a diverse population in a standardised format. In the broadest sense of the term, it can be described as the first-hand investigation to obtain primary data. The aim of a social survey may range from wanting to socially and economically uplift the downtrodden and seek methods to carry out the same, to gathering scientific data which can then be put to use by social theorists to arrive at a particular conclusion regarding some event.

A famous example of a social survey is the Charles Booth Survey conducted in the late 19th century, which still continues to be a trailblazer for social planning to this day. Below we are providing 10+ Social Survey Examples & Templates for your benefit.

Social Survey Examples & Templates

1. Social Survey Data Collection

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The challenges plaguing data collection is the everlasting tussle between expense and resources available. Data collectors are the face of the survey and there are certain criteria regarding their desired qualification and mode of recruitment. This document outlines all the necessary criteria that a potential data collector must fulfill, the conditions of work and what remuneration can be expected, as well as insights as to what a social survey is and can aim to achieve.

2. World Economic and Social Survey

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The WESS focuses on specific long-term and short-term goals and lays down social and economic upliftment and emancipation as the way forward for a sustainable future. The survey highlights the importance of a globally coordinated action on the eradication of poverty, hunger and diseases, promotion of trade and commerce internationally and framing of inclusive public health policies. This template outlines all the information that is needed for the same.

3. General Social Survey

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Since 1972, the GSS has provided policymakers, politicians and scholars with a clear idea of the growing complexity of American society. As a sociological survey, it has strived to gather data and explain the variations and constants of American culture, behavior and the attributes of its citizens. This template will provide a very telling account of the GSS. The above sample template is easy to download and print as well.

4. National Social Survey

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In an effort to enhance social science research at Cornell University, the NSS was started as a project of the Survey Research Institute, for academics to collect public opinion data from 1,000 adults across the continental United States. Telephonic surveys are administered each fall, using a dual frame random digit dial (RDD) and cell phone sampling method. Most of the questionnaire content changes annually, however, a small core of demographic questions remain constant every year. This article is a perfect introduction to the NSS.

5. Social Survey API Developer’s Guide

This is a unique guide to import pre-existing reviews data from the Social Survey system. The target audience is the API developers who can use it. However, there are certain restrictions on the usage of this data at the place, and one must meet all the criteria to be able to access it. The information is delineated further in this document. The above sample template is easy to download and print as well.

6. International Social Survey Programme

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This is a cross-national social program based on international collaboration which conducts surveys on diverse social issues currently plaguing our planet. Established in 1984 by Australia, Great Britain, USA and Germany, the ISSP has grown in stature to include most of the globe as of now. A detailed account can be found in this article. It is in a very simple format and easy to download and print as well.

7. Social Survey Questionnaire

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This is a survey usually conducted by a government arm or agency or department, outsourced to people who can execute it better at the ground level, for example, university students. This focuses on the personal opinions of the people with respect to the social issues they face. They are usually short and interviewee identities are usually not divulged. It is easy to download and print as well.

 8. Social Survey in PDF

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As is quite clear from the document above, this is a survey with multiple choices. You can choose one or many answers, but usually, questions are framed in such a way that there can be only one choice. They are usually not very time consuming and interviewee identities are kept secret. the above sample template is easy to download and print as well.

9. Social Survey Toolkit

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This toolkit provides a set of core questions and optional questions covering a range of topics relevant to a neighborhood planning process that can be applied to any evidence-based data being produced. By using questions contained in this toolkit, the reviewer can strengthen their analysis of the evidence and improve decision-making based on better quality and fit-for-purpose neighborhood plan data.

10. Economic and Social Survey

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This is the flagship publication of the Planning Institute of Jamaica, brought out every year to enumerate the current scenario on the socio-economic front. In 2017, following Jamaica’s rapid strides in development over various concern areas, the ESS brought out the news of Jamaica’s elevation of status to a developed country. The information and aims of the ESS are clearly outlined in this article. it is easy to download and print as well.

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