8 Letter Words with X

Team English - Examples.com
Created by: Team English - Examples.com, Last Updated: June 17, 2024

8 Letter Words with X

8 Letter Words with “X“

The English language brims with fascination, especially when exploring 8-letter words containing the letter ‘X’. This unique subset of vocabulary is not just intriguing but immensely versatile, often carrying a certain mystique. Words with ‘X’ can range from everyday terms to the exotic, each adding a distinctive flavor to our communication. Ideal for word game enthusiasts, linguists, and avid learners, these words are key to unlocking new dimensions of language proficiency. Discover the allure of these 8-letter lexical marvels and enrich your vocabulary repertoire. Incorporating Rhyming Words, Daily Use English Words, and Singular & Plural Words into your practice can elevate your language skills even further.

300+ Most Commonly Used 8 Letter Words with “X”

Most Commonly Used 8 Letter Words with “X”

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5 Letter Words with X

6 Letter Words With X

7 Letter words with X

9 Letter Words With X

10 Letter Words With X

X Words

Words Starting with X

Words Ending with X

X Silent Words

The realm of 8-letter words containing the letter ‘X’ is a fascinating linguistic landscape, rich with diverse and intriguing terms. These words, each eight characters in length, embody a blend of complexity and charm, making them not only interesting but also useful in various contexts. From the realm of science to the arts, and even in everyday conversation, these words add depth and specificity to our language. Including Positive Words, Action Words, and Adverbs Words in your vocabulary will make your communication more vibrant and engaging.

Exactors Exalters Examined Examiner Exampled
Exarchal Exceeded Exceeder Excelled Exceller
Exceptor Excerpts Excessed Excesses Exchange
Excimers Exciples Excising Excision Excitant
Exciting Exclaims Exclaves Excluded Excluder
Excretes Excreted Excursus Excusers Excusing
Executed Executer Executes Executor Exegeses
Exemplar Exempted Exequial Exequies Exercise
Exergues Exerting Exertion Exhalant Exhalent
Exhausts Exhibits Exhorter Exhorted Exhumers
Exigence Exigents Exiguity Exiguous Existence
Exitless Exocarps Exocrine Exoderms Exoduses
Exogamic Exordial Exorcise Exorcism Exorcist
Exordium Exosmose Exospore Exoteric Exotisms
Expanded Expiator Expirees Expirers Expiring
Explants Expletive Exploits Explorar Exploded
Explodes Explored Explorer Explores Exported
Exposals Exposers Exposing Exposits Exposure
Expresso Expulsed Expulses Expunged Expunger
Exscinds Exsecant Exsected Exserted Exserts
Externes External Externes Extincts Extinged
Extirpes Extolled Extoller Extorted Extorter
Extranet Extraord Extrorse Extubate Exudates
Exulting Exurbias Fixative Fixities Flexagon
Flummoxed Fluxgate Fluxions Hexaplar Hexapods
Hexosans Influxes Jukeboxs Juxtapose Klutzier
Laxities Lexicogs Lummoxes Lurexess Luxating
Luxuries Maxicoat Maxillae Maxillas Maximals
Maximize Maxwells Mixdowns Myxedema Myxocyte
Neomixis Oxyacids Oxyphile Oxyphils Oxytones
Oxidases Oxidasic Oxidated Oxidates Oxidised
Oxidises Oxidized Oxidizer Oxidizes Oxoacids
Panmixes Panmixis Paradoxy Parallax Paralyxy
Pegboxes Phenixes Phylaxis Pickaxed Pickaxes
Platinix Poxvirus Praxeems Praxises Preaxial
Pretexts Protoxid Proxemic Pycnotic Pyrexias
Quadplex Quixotes Quixotry Reflexed Reflexes
Relaxant Relaxers Relaxing Relaxins Rexamined
Reexpels Reexport Rhexises Saxatile Saxhorns
Sexiness Sextarii Sextetto Sextiles Sextuple
Siloxane Sixpence Sixteens Sixtieth Subaxial
Subtexts Supertax Surfflex Surtaxed Surtaxes
Taxables Taxation Taxingly Taxonomy Taxpayers
Textbook Textiles Textless Textuary Textural
Toadflax Toxemias Trioxids Tuxedoes Twelfths
Unboxing Unfixing Unisexes Unmixing Untaxing
Uptossed Uptosses Vexation Vexillum Vexingly
Wuxiaish Xanthams Xanthane Xanthans Xanthate
Xanthene Xanthine Xanthins Xanthoma Xanthone
Xeraphim Xerarchs Xeromata Xerosere Xerosish
Xeroxers Xeroxing Xiphoids Xylidine Xylidins
Xylotomy Xylophag Xystarch Zelatrix Zootoxin

Most Trending 8 Letter Words with “X”

Most Trending 8 Letter Word with “X”

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In the fascinating world of linguistics, eight-letter words containing the letter ‘X’ hold a unique charm. These words are not just intriguing but also enrich our vocabulary significantly. They are often searched by enthusiasts, linguists, and crossword solvers. This list of the 30 most trending eight-letter words with ‘X’ is a treasure trove for those seeking to enhance their word power. Each word is accompanied by its definition, offering a comprehensive understanding. Whether you’re a writer, a student, or a language lover, these words are sure to add zest to your lexical repertoire. Let’s explore these captivating words and their meanings! Among these, you’ll find Compound Words, Consonant Words, and Describing Words that further enrich your linguistic capabilities.

  1. Flexuous – Full of bends and curves.
  2. Exigency – An urgent need or demand.
  3. Exotoxic – Relating to or caused by an exotoxin.
  4. Expiated – Make amends or reparation for.
  5. Excision – The act of cutting out or off.
  6. Exoteric – Suitable for or communicated to the general public.
  7. Explicit – Stated clearly and in detail.
  8. Textbook – A book used as a standard work for the study of a particular subject.
  9. Exhuming – Dig out (something buried, especially a corpse) from the ground.
  10. Exertion – Physical or mental effort.
  11. Exotoxin – A toxin released by a living bacterial cell into its surroundings.
  12. Bollixed – To throw into disorder; botch or bungle.
  13. Exoteric – Intended for or likely to be understood by the general public.
  14. Parallax – The effect whereby the position or direction of an object appears to differ when viewed from different positions.
  15. Exaction – The action of demanding and obtaining something from someone.
  16. Relaxant – A drug that promotes relaxation.
  17. Extrados – The outer curve of an arch.
  18. Fixative – A substance used to preserve or stabilize biological material.
  19. Vexation – The state of being annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
  20. Flexagon – A flat model made from folded strips of paper that can be flexed to reveal a number of faces.
  21. Oxidizer – A substance that oxidizes another substance.
  22. Maximize – Make as large or great as possible.
  23. Anorexia – A lack or loss of appetite for food.
  24. Taxonomy – The branch of science concerned with classification.
  25. Mixology – The skill of mixing various drinks and ingredients to create cocktails.
  26. Textural – Relating to the texture of something.
  27. Exurbias – Areas outside the suburbs.
  28. Affixing – Stick, attach, or fasten (something) to something else.
  29. Exoteric – Intended for or likely to be understood by the general public.
  30. Hexapods – A six-legged creature, especially an insect.

New & Latest Added 8 Letter Words with “X”

New & Latest Added 8 Letter Word with X

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Discover the fascinating world of language with our curated list of 30 new and latest added 8-letter words containing the letter ‘X’. This unique compilation is not just a lexical treasure trove but a dynamic resource for word enthusiasts, writers, and anyone looking to enhance their vocabulary. Whether you’re tackling a challenging crossword, spicing up your writing, or simply indulging in the joy of words, these 8-letter words with ‘X’ are sure to intrigue and inspire. Each word is accompanied by its meaning, offering a deeper understanding and context. Dive into this lexical journey and explore the intriguing and diverse world of 8-letter words with ‘X’, including Dictation Words, Difficult Words, and Encouraging Words.

  1. Exertion: The act of exerting, applying, or putting to use.
  2. Exorable: Capable of being moved or persuaded.
  3. Expiator: One who makes atonement or expiates.
  4. Explexes: Baffles or perplexes.
  5. Extrados: The exterior curve or surface of an arch.
  6. Exergues: The space on a coin or medal below the main design.
  7. Exhalant: Emitting or capable of emitting vapor or gas.
  8. Exoduses: Mass departures or emigrations.
  9. Exsecant: Cutting off or out.
  10. Exordial: Pertaining to the beginning or introduction.
  11. Exosmose: Osmosis towards the outside of a membrane.
  12. Exoteric: Suitable for or communicated to the general public.
  13. Exotoxin: A toxin produced by certain bacteria.
  14. Exserted: Protruded or extended.
  15. Exhumers: Those who dig up something buried, especially a corpse.
  16. Exciding: Cutting out or off.
  17. Eximious: Distinguished, excellent.
  18. Exequies: Funeral rites or ceremonies.
  19. Exposure: The act of exposing or the condition of being exposed.
  20. Exuviate: To shed or cast off (a skin, shell, etc.).
  21. Expletor: One who fills up or completes.
  22. Exospore: A spore formed at the surface of bacteria or algae.
  23. Exocarps: Outer layers or skins of fruits.
  24. Exoteric: Intended for or likely to be understood by the general public.
  25. Expunger: One who erases or removes completely.
  26. Exhalers: Those who emit breath or vapor.
  27. Exacters: Those who demand or require with authority.
  28. Existent: Having being or existence.
  29. Excitors: Things that excite or stimulate.
  30. Excluder: One who or that which excludes or keeps out.

Noun 8 Letter Words with X

Noun 8 Letter Words with “X”

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Exploring the intriguing world of 8-letter nouns with the letter X reveals a treasure trove of unique and fascinating words. Each word in this category not only enhances your vocabulary but also serves as a key to unlocking new realms of language and expression. These words, often overlooked, are crucial for writers, crossword enthusiasts, and anyone with a passion for word games. Including these nouns in your lexicon can significantly enrich your communication skills and add an element of sophistication to your writing. Below is a curated list of 30 nouns, each comprising exactly 8 letters and containing the letter X, complete with their meanings for better understanding and usage. This includes Funny Words, Transition Words, and Vowel Words to make your language exploration even more enjoyable and comprehensive.

  1. Textbook – A book containing detailed information on a particular subject, typically used in a course of study.
  2. Flexagon – A flat model made from folded strips of paper that can be flexed to reveal a number of faces.
  3. Exegesis – Critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially a religious text.
  4. Boxthorn – A spiny shrub of the nightshade family.
  5. Galaxias – Small, often colorful freshwater fish found in the Southern Hemisphere.
  6. Exocarp – The outer layer of the pericarp of fruits, as the skin of a peach or grape.
  7. Fixative – A substance used to preserve or stabilize biological material.
  8. Exurbia – The area beyond the suburbs.
  9. Reflexes – An action that is performed without conscious thought as a response to a stimulus.
  10. Relaxant – A drug used to promote relaxation or reduce tension.
  11. Orthodox – Conforming to what is generally or traditionally accepted as right or true.
  12. Annexure – A section added to a document or book.
  13. Flextime – A system of working that allows employees to choose, within limits, the hours for starting and leaving work.
  14. Subindex – A secondary index.
  15. Exosmos – A process of osmosis wherein water flows out of a cell or organism.
  16. Boxboard – A type of board made of recycled material, used for making boxes.
  17. Exoderm – The outer layer of cells in plant and animal embryos; epidermis.
  18. Vortexes – Plural for vortex, a mass of whirling fluid or air.
  19. Parallax – The effect whereby the position or direction of an object appears to differ when viewed from different positions.
  20. Galaxian – Someone or something relating to a galaxy.
  21. Flexagon – A paper construction made from a folded strip of paper that can be flexed to reveal different faces.
  22. Exurbian – Relating to the region beyond the suburbs.
  23. Excisive – Relating to or involving excision.
  24. Mailbox – A private box into which mail is delivered.
  25. Exergue – The space on a coin, medal, or seal below the central design.
  26. Dystaxia – A disorder of movement and coordination.
  27. Exordium – The beginning or introductory part, especially of a discourse or treatise.
  28. Unexpert – Not expert; inexperienced.
  29. Taxonomy – The branch of science concerned with classification.
  30. Fixtures – A piece of equipment or furniture that is fixed in position in a building or vehicle.

Adverb 8 Letter Words with “X”

Adverb 8 Letter Words with X

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Exploring the English language reveals a rich tapestry of words, especially when delving into adverbs with eight letters containing the letter ‘X’. These words not only enhance our vocabulary but also add a unique flavor to our expressions, making our communication more vivid and precise. Adverbs, by nature, modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, giving more context to how actions are performed. The letter ‘X’, often associated with the mysterious or the unknown, brings an intriguing twist to these adverbs. In this list, you’ll find 30 such words, each bolded for emphasis, accompanied by their meanings. These words are not only useful for daily use but also invaluable for writers and linguists looking to enrich their lexicon.

  1. Flexibly – in a manner that is adaptable and versatile.
  2. Complexly – in a way that is complicated or intricate.
  3. Anxiously – with a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease.
  4. Relaxedly – in a relaxed or calm manner.
  5. Textually – in a manner related to or based on text.
  6. Reflexly – in an automatic or involuntary manner.
  7. Excitedly – with enthusiasm or eagerness.
  8. Fixedly – in a manner that is unchanging or stable.
  9. Mixedly – in a manner that is not uniform or homogeneous.
  10. Perplexly – in a way that causes confusion or puzzlement.
  11. Flexibly – capable of being bent easily without breaking.
  12. Annexing – adding or attaching, especially to something larger or more important.
  13. Unfixing – making something not fixed or not fastened.
  14. Boxingly – related to the sport or practice of boxing.
  15. Hoaxingly – in a manner of playing tricks or deceiving.
  16. Jinxingly – bringing bad luck or a curse.
  17. Mixingly – combining or blending together.
  18. Taxingly – in a manner that involves a lot of effort or strain.
  19. Vexingly – causing annoyance, frustration, or worry.
  20. Waxingly – increasing or growing in size or intensity.
  21. Exacting – demanding accuracy or attention to details.
  22. Exitingly – in a manner of leaving or going out.
  23. Fixating – causing someone to acquire an obsessive attachment.
  24. Indexing – the action of compiling an index.
  25. Infixing – to insert or embed.
  26. Nixingly – to forbid, refuse, or veto something.
  27. Oxidizing – combine or become combined chemically with oxygen.
  28. Relaxing – reducing tension or anxiety; calming.
  29. Sextuply – increase or be increased sixfold.
  30. Unboxing – removing from a box or packaging.

Adjective 8 Letter Words with “X”

Adjective 8 Letter Words with X

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Exploring the fascinating world of adjective 8 letter words with X unveils a treasure trove of linguistic gems. These words are not just unique but also enhance our vocabulary in a significant way. Adjectives with an ‘X’ in them, especially those precisely eight letters long, offer a distinct flavor and character to our language. They are particularly useful in creative writing, academic essays, and even in day-to-day conversation to add a touch of sophistication. Understanding their meanings not only enriches our word power but also bolsters our communication skills. Here, we delve into 30 such words, each with its meaning, to expand your linguistic horizons.

  1. Flexuous – Full of bends and curves.
  2. Exergual – Pertaining to the flat space on a coin.
  3. Textured – Having a specific texture or quality.
  4. Relaxant – Capable of relaxing or reducing tension.
  5. Exotoxic – Pertaining to a toxin produced by a living organism.
  6. Exequial – Relating to funerals or funeral ceremonies.
  7. Bollixed – Thrown into disorder; botched.
  8. Exergual – Pertaining to a medal’s flat space.
  9. Excitant – Causing excitement or stimulation.
  10. Anoxemic – Pertaining to or suffering from anoxemia.
  11. Axillary – Related to the armpit area.
  12. Eximious – Distinguished, excellent.
  13. Vexillar – Pertaining to a flag or standard.
  14. Epoxides – Any of a class of cyclic ethers.
  15. Extrorse – Directed or turned outward.
  16. Triplexes – Consisting of three parts or layers.
  17. Excusive – Tending to make excuses; apologetic.
  18. Bollixes – Throws into disorder; botches.
  19. Pixilated – Slightly eccentric or whimsical.
  20. Lexicous – Pertaining to words or the vocabulary of a language.
  21. Taxpayer – A person who pays taxes.
  22. Boxthorn – A type of thorny shrub.
  23. Exequies – Funeral rites.
  24. Flexagon – A flat model made from folded strips of paper.
  25. Paxwaxes – Tendons or ligaments of the neck.
  26. Exordial – Relating to the beginning or introductory part.
  27. Oxidable – Capable of being oxidized.
  28. Exotoxic – Relating to or causing the production of toxins.
  29. Expiator – One who makes atonement or expiation.
  30. Exsecant – Cutting off or out.

Phrasal Verbs With 8 Letter Words with “X”

Phrasal Verbs With 8 Letter Words with X

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Mastering phrasal verbs is essential for English fluency, particularly those with unique 8-letter words containing ‘X’. This compilation not only enhances vocabulary but also aids in grasping the subtleties of English language. Perfect for learners and enthusiasts, these phrasal verbs provide a deeper insight into conversational and formal English. Each verb here is distinct, presenting an opportunity to expand language skills and understand complex expressions. Embrace these verbs to enrich your English proficiency.

  1. Fixating – Focusing intensely on something.
  2. Flexibly – Adapting or bending easily.
  3. Excusing – Offering a reason or justification.
  4. Exerting – Applying effort or influence.
  5. Exhaling – Breathing out; releasing air.
  6. Exiting – Leaving or going out.
  7. Exposing – Revealing or uncovering something.
  8. Textured – Giving a surface a textured appearance.
  9. Relaxing – Becoming less tense or anxious.
  10. Taxingly – Being demanding or challenging.
  11. Mixtures – Combining different elements together.
  12. Boxiness – Resembling or relating to a box.
  13. Toxified – Contaminated or poisoned.
  14. Maximise – Increase to the greatest possible amount.
  15. Taxonomy – Classifying or categorizing.
  16. Exalting – Praising or glorifying.
  17. Exacting – Demanding precision or accuracy.
  18. Expiring – Coming to an end or ceasing to be valid.
  19. Unfixing – Releasing or detaching.
  20. Reflexes – Involuntary movements in response to stimuli.
  21. Flexures – Bends or curves.
  22. Exhibits – Displaying or showing.
  23. Oxidised – Reacted with oxygen.
  24. Exhuming – Digging out from the earth.
  25. Excising – Removing or cutting out.
  26. Boxiness – Resembling a box in shape.
  27. Refluxes – Flowing back or returning.
  28. Exulting – Showing or feeling elation.
  29. Infixing – Inserting or embedding.
  30. Annexing – Adding or attaching.

Describing 8 Letter Words with “X”

Describing 8 Letter Words with X

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In the vast expanse of the English language, 8-letter words containing the letter ‘X’ offer a unique blend of complexity and intrigue. These words, often rich in meaning and diverse in application, can enhance vocabulary and add a distinctive flair to language usage. From academic texts to creative writing, understanding these words can be beneficial for various linguistic purposes. The letter ‘X’, with its uncommon presence, brings a sense of mystery and sophistication to words. In this list, you will find 30 carefully selected 8-letter words that include the letter ‘X’, each accompanied by its meaning. Embrace the lexical journey as we explore these fascinating words.

  1. Affixing: To attach or add something.
  2. Anatoxin: A toxic substance produced by certain plants or animals.
  3. Bollixed: Slang for confused or botched.
  4. Boxthorn: A type of thorny shrub.
  5. Climaxed: Reached the highest point or most intense part.
  6. Coexists: Exists together simultaneously.
  7. Convexed: Having a surface that curves outward.
  8. Coxswain: The person who steers and directs a rowing crew.
  9. Dystaxia: A disorder affecting motor coordination.
  10. Exacting: Demanding precision or accuracy.
  11. Excavate: To dig out and remove material.
  12. Exemplar: An ideal model or typical example.
  13. Exertion: Physical or mental effort.
  14. Exhaling: Breathing out.
  15. Exhibits: Displays or shows.
  16. Exploits: Notable acts or deeds, especially heroic ones.
  17. Exponent: A person who supports an idea or theory.
  18. Extincts: No longer existing or living.
  19. Fixative: A substance used to preserve or stabilize.
  20. Flexagon: A flat model made from folded strips of paper.
  21. Hoaxeder: One who carries out a hoax or deception.
  22. Indexing: The process of creating an index.
  23. Influxes: Acts of flowing in.
  24. Jukeboxs: A machine that automatically plays selected music.
  25. Maximize: To increase to the greatest possible amount.
  26. Mixology: The skill of mixing cocktails and other drinks.
  27. Oxidized: Combined with oxygen; rusted.
  28. Relaxant: Something that reduces tension or stress.
  29. Taxonomy: The science of classification, especially in biology.
  30. Vexation: The state of being annoyed or worried.

Positive 8 Letter Words with “X”

Positive 8 Letter Words with X

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Discovering positive 8-letter words containing the letter ‘X’ can be a delightful and educational experience. These words, often overlooked, hold immense power in language and can enhance your vocabulary significantly. Understanding the meaning of these unique words not only broadens your linguistic horizon but also adds a creative touch to your writing and communication. Whether you’re a writer, educator, or language enthusiast, exploring these words will bring a new dimension to your love for words. Let’s dive into this intriguing list of positive 8-letter words with ‘X’, each accompanied by its definition to enrich your understanding and usage.

  1. Affixing: Attaching or adding something to another thing.
  2. Auxetics: Materials that expand when stretched.
  3. Boxthorn: A type of shrubby plant.
  4. Climaxed: Reached the highest point or peak.
  5. Epitaxic: Relating to the growth of one crystal on the surface of another.
  6. Exalting: Elevating in rank or honor.
  7. Exergues: Spaces on a coin for inscriptions.
  8. Exocarps: Outer layer of the fruit wall.
  9. Exotoxic: Referring to a toxin produced by bacteria.
  10. Flexagon: A geometric figure that can be folded to reveal different faces.
  11. Fixative: A substance used to set something in place.
  12. Flexuous: Bending or winding alternately in different directions.
  13. Foxglove: A flowering plant.
  14. Galaxian: Relating to a galaxy.
  15. Gloxinia: A type of flowering plant.
  16. Hapaxant: A plant that flowers once before dying.
  17. Jukebox: A machine that plays selected music.
  18. Lexicons: Collections of words or phrases.
  19. Laxative: A substance used to relieve constipation.
  20. Maximals: The greatest or highest amounts.
  21. Mixology: The art of mixing drinks.
  22. Nextdoor: Adjacent or very near.
  23. Overmix: To mix something excessively.
  24. Oxidizer: A substance that promotes oxidation.
  25. Relaxing: Reducing tension or stress.
  26. Refluxed: Returned or flowed back.
  27. Saxatile: Living among rocks.
  28. Sextants: Instruments used in navigation.
  29. Toadflax: A type of flowering plant.
  30. Unfixing: Releasing or detaching something.

SAT 8-Letter Words with “X”

SAT 8-Letter Words with X

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Studying for the SAT requires expanding your vocabulary. An effective strategy is to focus on words that are both challenging and high-scoring. This list of 30 SAT 8-letter words containing the letter ‘X’ will boost your preparation. Each word is presented with its meaning, enhancing your understanding and recall. Incorporating these words into your vocabulary can significantly impact your SAT scores, as they are tailored for high-level verbal sections. Remember, mastering these words not only prepares you for the SAT but also enriches your overall language skills.

  1. Anorexia: A lack or loss of appetite for food.
  2. Auxiliary: Providing supplementary or additional help and support.
  3. Boxthorn: A thorny shrub with small green leaves.
  4. Exaction: The action of demanding and obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.
  5. Excavate: To make a hole or channel by digging.
  6. Exemplar: A person or thing serving as a typical example or excellent model.
  7. Exigency: An urgent need or demand.
  8. Exorcism: The expulsion or attempted expulsion of an evil spirit from a person or place.
  9. Exoteric: Intended for or likely to be understood by the general public.
  10. Explicit: Stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.
  11. Exponent: A person who believes in and promotes the truth or benefits of an idea or theory.
  12. Exposure: The state of being exposed to contact with something.
  13. External: Belonging to or forming the outer surface or structure of something.
  14. Extrados: The outer curve or surface of an arch.
  15. Flexagon: A flat model made from folded strips of paper that can be flexed to reveal a number of faces.
  16. Flextime: A system of working a set number of hours with the starting and finishing times chosen within agreed limits by the employee.
  17. Flummox: Perplex (someone) greatly; bewilder.
  18. Influxes: The arrival or entry of many people or things.
  19. Juxtapose: Place or deal with close together for contrasting effect.
  20. Lexicography: The activity or occupation of compiling dictionaries.
  21. Mirepoix: A roughly chopped vegetable cut, usually a mixture of onions, carrots, and celery.
  22. Oxidizer: A substance that oxidizes something, especially one used to promote combustion in rocket engines.
  23. Paradoxes: Statements or propositions that, despite sound reasoning from acceptable premises, lead to a conclusion that seems senseless.
  24. Pixelate: Divide (an image) into pixels, typically for display or storage in a digital format.
  25. Relaxant: A drug that relieves tension or anxiety.
  26. Saxatile: Living or growing among rocks.
  27. Sextuplet: One of six offspring born at one birth.
  28. Subindex: A subsidiary index.
  29. Textbook: A book used as a standard work for the study of a particular subject.
  30. Vexation: The state of being annoyed, frustrated, or worried

Perspectives 8 Letter Words with “X”

Perspectives 8 Letter Words with X

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Discover the diverse world of 8-letter words containing the letter X, enhancing your vocabulary and word-play skills. Whether you’re a word game enthusiast, a writer seeking lexical variety, or simply curious, this collection offers a fascinating exploration. These words, rich in X’s intriguing presence, range from everyday terms to more complex choices, each with its unique flavor and usage. Delve into this list to enrich your language, tackle challenging crossword puzzles, or add a twist to your creative writing. Embrace the versatility of these 8-letter words with X and witness how they can transform your linguistic expression.

  1. Exertion – Putting in a lot of physical or mental effort.
  2. Flexagon – A flat model made from folded strips of paper that can be flexed to reveal a number of faces.
  3. Textbox – A box in which text can be entered or displayed on a screen.
  4. Expiated – Made amends or reparation for guilt or wrongdoing.
  5. Biconvex – Curved outward on both sides.
  6. Excising – Cutting out or removing a part, especially surgically.
  7. Fixative – A substance used to preserve specimens or fix something in place.
  8. Relaxant – A drug that relieves muscular tension.
  9. Excavate – Make a hole or channel by digging.
  10. Exemplar – A person or thing serving as a typical example or excellent model.
  11. Exigency – An urgent need or demand.
  12. Exotoxic – Referring to a toxin produced by a living organism.
  13. Explicit – Stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.
  14. Maximize – Make as large or great as possible.
  15. Explorer – A person who explores a new or unfamiliar area.
  16. Exequies – Funeral rites.
  17. Exurbias – Areas outside the suburbs, often affluent.
  18. Textbook – A book containing factual information on a subject.
  19. Flextime – A system of working that allows employees to choose their own working hours.
  20. Mixology – The skill of mixing various drinks and cocktails.
  21. Reflexed – Bent or turned backward.
  22. Exhalant – Emitting a vapor or breath.
  23. Exosmose – Osmosis outward through a semipermeable membrane.
  24. Axletree – The axle of a wheel.
  25. Subindex – A subordinate index.
  26. Exorcise – Drive out or attempt to drive out an evil spirit from a person or place.
  27. Annexing – Add as an extra or subordinate part.
  28. Exoteric – Intended for or likely to be understood by the general public.
  29. Exhibits – Publicly display a work of art or item of interest.
  30. Excitant – A thing that arouses or increases activity.

8 Letter Words that Ends with “X”

8 Letter Words that Ends with “X”

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Diving into the English language unveils unique words, particularly those with special endings. A captivating category is 8-letter words ending in “x.” This ending, not commonly found, lends a distinct character to words. Ideal for vocabulary expansion, word games, or the sheer pleasure of language discovery, these words are a linguistic gem. Presented here is a list of 30 such words, each boldly emphasized, along with their meanings to deepen your understanding and usage.

  1. Biconvex – Describing a lens or other transparent object with two outward-curving surfaces.
  2. Overmix – The act of mixing something excessively, often resulting in a less desirable outcome.
  3. Phalanx – A formation of infantry carrying overlapping shields and long spears, historically used in ancient Greek warfare.
  4. Retroflex – Bent or turned backward; in linguistics, referring to a type of consonant sound.
  5. Tinderbox – Something highly flammable or prone to ignite, sometimes used metaphorically to describe a volatile situation.
  6. Transfix – To render motionless, often with horror, wonder, or astonishment.
  7. Voicebox – Another term for the larynx, an organ in the neck involved in breathing, producing sound, and protecting the trachea.
  8. Woodbox – A container for storing firewood.

8 Letter Words with “X” in the Middle

8 Letter Words with X in the Middle

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Discovering unique 8-letter words with ‘X’ in the middle can be a fascinating journey through the English language. These words not only enhance your vocabulary but also add a special twist to your writing and conversations. Ideal for word games like Scrabble or to spice up your writing, these words are both intriguing and beneficial. Including them in your content not only engages readers but also optimizes your text for better search engine visibility. Below is a carefully curated list of 30 such words, complete with definitions, to enrich your lexical repertoire.

  1. Affixing: To attach or add something.
  2. Bollixed: To have made a mess or muddled up.
  3. Boxiness: The quality of being box-like in shape.
  4. Coxswain: A person who steers a ship’s boat.
  5. Exotoxic: Relating to or caused by an exotoxin.
  6. Fixative: A substance used to preserve or stabilize something.
  7. Flexagon: A folded geometric figure that can be flexed.
  8. Helixing: The action of forming or moving in a helix.
  9. Hoaxable: Capable of being deceived or tricked.
  10. Juxtapox: An invented word, often used for creative emphasis.
  11. Matrixes: Plural form of matrix, a mold in which something is shaped.
  12. Mixology: The study or skill of preparing mixed drinks.
  13. Oxalated: Combined or treated with oxalic acid.
  14. Oxidasic: Relating to or involving oxidation.
  15. Oxidizer: A substance that oxidizes another substance.
  16. Parallax: The effect whereby the position of an object appears to differ when viewed from different positions.
  17. Phylaxis: Protection or immunity, especially against disease.
  18. Poxvirus: A virus responsible for causing pox diseases.
  19. Prefixes: Attachments at the beginning of a word to modify its meaning.
  20. Relaxing: Making less tense or rigid.
  21. Scolexes: Plural form of scolex, the head of a tapeworm.
  22. Sextants: Navigational instruments used to measure the angle between two visible objects.
  23. Sixpence: A former British coin and monetary unit.
  24. Taxpayer: A person who pays taxes.
  25. Textbook: A book containing factual information on a subject.
  26. Textured: Having a rough or tactile surface.
  27. Toxemics: The study of the toxic effects of substances on living organisms.
  28. Vexillum: A flag or standard, especially in ancient Rome.
  29. Waxplant: A plant that produces a waxy substance.
  30. Xeroxing: The act of copying documents using a Xerox machine.

In conclusion, the world of 8-letter words with ‘X’ offers an exiguous but intriguing lexicon. From ‘excessive’ to ‘exorcism,’ these words add a layer of complexity to language. While their usage may be infrequent, mastering them can be a rewarding linguistic endeavor, enhancing your vocabulary and wordplay skills. So, embrace the challenge and explore the exiguous realm of X-infused words.

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