8 Letter Words with Z

Team English - Examples.com
Created by: Team English - Examples.com, Last Updated: June 17, 2024

8 Letter Words with Z

8 Letter Words with “Z“

Embark on a linguistic journey through the fascinating world of 8-letter words with Z! This unique collection showcases the versatility and charm of the English language. Whether you’re a word game enthusiast, a language lover, or a curious explorer, these words offer a delightful challenge. From the zippy zest of ‘ziggurat’ to the mysterious allure of ‘zodiacal,’ each word is a testament to the rich tapestry of vocabulary. Dive in and discover the magic of these zesty eight-letter treasures. Rhyming Words, Daily Use English Words, and Singular & Plural Words enhance the charm of this exploration.

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Z Silent Words

Words Starting with Z

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Z Words


90 Most Commonly used 8 Letter Words with “Z”

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Zebuines Zorillos Buzzword Zeuxites Zucchini Zorillas
Dizzards Zugzwang Frazzled Zincites Zymogens Zuckerin
Zebroids Buzzards Guzzlers Dizziest Buzzword Zymogram
Zymurges Zigzaggy Whizzers Zestiest Dizziers Buzzwigs
Zestiest Quizzers Zirconic Zygosity Frazzled Dizziest
Realized Zincates Zoonosis Dazzlers Realizes Frazzles
Mazzards Realized Zootyped Nuzzlers Dazzling Zikurats
Twizzler Zeugmata Zuccheti Zizzling Nuzzling Jazziest
Buzzkill Zillions Zymogene Buzzwigs Buzzards Rizzling
Fizzling Dizziers Buzzkill Frazzles Crazedly Zenithal
Fuzziest Zeppelin Dizzards Guzzling Fuzzball Zincites
Unzipped Zymology Fizzling Whizzing Muzzlers Zestless
Zirconia Braziers Huzzahed Zitherns Wuzzling Graziers
Zoonoses Muzziest Quizzing Zoospore Zizzling Buzzcuts
Zootoxin Wizzards Fuzzball Zootypes Zootiest Muzzling
Zincking Zombiism Sizzling Zorilles Jazzlike Zebraize

Delving into the world of 8-letter words containing the letter ‘Z’ opens up a fascinating aspect of the English language. These words are not just unique but often carry distinct meanings and connotations, making them valuable for various users. Educators, students, and language enthusiasts alike can benefit from understanding and utilizing these words. They are particularly useful in enhancing vocabulary, improving language skills, and making communication more effective and engaging. This comprehensive list of 300 such words, presented in a structured table format, serves as a handy reference for anyone looking to expand their linguistic repertoire. Each word has been carefully selected to ensure it is commonly used, thereby increasing its relevance and applicability in everyday language. Whether you are preparing for an academic test, writing a creative piece, or simply looking to polish your language skills, these words, including Positive Words, Action Words, and Adverbs Words, will undoubtedly add value to your English proficiency.

Most Trending 8 Letter Words with “Z”

Most Trending 8 Letter Words with “Z” (2)

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In the fascinating world of vocabulary, eight-letter words containing the letter ‘Z’ offer a unique blend of challenge and intrigue. These words, often rich in meaning, are not only crucial for language enthusiasts but also for students, educators, and avid crossword puzzle solvers. The presence of ‘Z’ in these words adds a zestful twist, making them particularly interesting for linguistic exploration. This compilation aims to enrich your vocabulary, enhance your word game skills, and support your academic pursuits. From buzzwords in spelling bees to key terms in educational content, these words are versatile and useful. Let’s dive into the list of 30 most trending eight-letter words with ‘Z’, each accompanied by its meaning, to broaden your lexical horizon, including Compound Words, Consonant Words, and Describing Words.

  1. Buzzword – A trendy word or phrase that is commonly used.
  2. Blizzard – A severe snowstorm with high winds.
  3. Breezily – In a light, carefree manner.
  4. Catalyze – To cause or accelerate a reaction.
  5. Citizens – Residents of a city or country.
  6. Coziness – The state of being warm and comfortable.
  7. Craziest – Extremely enthusiastic or excited.
  8. Dazzling – Extremely bright or impressive.
  9. Frenzied – Wildly excited or uncontrolled.
  10. Glamorize – Make something seem glamorous.
  11. Graziers – People who raise grazing livestock.
  12. Hazelnut – The nut of the hazel tree.
  13. Huzzahed – Exclaimed with joy or approval.
  14. Jazziest – Very lively, spirited, or stylish.
  15. Laziness – The quality of being unwilling to work.
  16. Localized – Confined to a particular area.
  17. Maximize – Increase to the greatest possible amount.
  18. Mestizos – People of mixed European and Indigenous American descent.
  19. Mobilize – Prepare and organize for active service.
  20. Organize – Arrange systematically; order.
  21. Ozonized – Treated or infused with ozone.
  22. Polarize – Divide or cause to divide into two sharply contrasting groups.
  23. Realized – Became fully aware of something as a fact.
  24. Realizes – Comes to understand something clearly.
  25. Sleazily – In a sleazy, sordid manner.
  26. Snoozing – Taking a short, light nap.
  27. Sizzling – Very hot; hissing.
  28. Twizzler – A type of chewy, twisted candy.
  29. Vitalize – Give strength and energy to.
  30. Waltzing – Dancing a waltz, a smooth, gliding ballroom dance.

New & Latest Added 8 Letter Words with “Z”

New & Latest Added 8 Letter Words with “Z” (2)

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Discover the latest additions to the English language with our comprehensive list of 30 new and latest 8-letter words containing the letter ‘Z’. This collection is perfect for word enthusiasts, students, educators, and anyone looking to enhance their vocabulary. Each word is not only unique but also rich in meaning, offering a great way to expand your linguistic skills. Dive into this selection and enrich your word power today with Dictation Words, Difficult Words, and Encouraging Words.

  1. Bizzazzy: Full of pizzazz or lively spirit.
  2. Blizzard: A severe snowstorm with high winds.
  3. Buzzword: A popular or trendy word or phrase.
  4. Crazedly: In a wildly insane manner.
  5. Dazzling: Extremely bright, impressive, or skillful.
  6. Fizzgigs: Whirling or hissing objects, often used as toys.
  7. Frenzied: Wildly excited or uncontrolled.
  8. Gizzardy: Relating to the stomach of a bird.
  9. Huzzaing: Shouting in triumph or joy.
  10. Jazziest: Most lively, spirited, or attractive.
  11. Klutzier: More clumsy or awkward.
  12. Lazurite: A bright blue mineral used as a gemstone.
  13. Mazefuls: Full of intricate paths or passages.
  14. Nazified: Made to conform to Nazi ideology.
  15. Ozonized: Treated or infused with ozone.
  16. Pizzazzy: Having an attractive, exciting appeal or style.
  17. Quizzers: People who ask many questions.
  18. Razzmataz: Elaborate or showy activity to attract attention.
  19. Schnozes: Slang for large noses.
  20. Tziganes: Gypsy musicians of Eastern Europe.
  21. Unbreezy: Not airy or windy.
  22. Vizarded: Wearing a mask or disguise.
  23. Waltzing: Dancing gracefully in a twirling manner.
  24. Yakuzaed: Associated with the Japanese criminal organization.
  25. Zambonis: Machines used to resurface ice rinks.
  26. Zealotry: Excessive zeal or fanaticism.
  27. Zigzager: One who moves in a zigzag pattern.
  28. Zoophile: A person with a deep affection for animals.
  29. Zucchini: A type of small summer squash.
  30. Zymogram: A graphical representation of enzyme activity.

Noun 8 Letter Words with “Z”

Noun 8 Letter Words with Z

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Discovering unique and intriguing nouns with eight letters that include the letter ‘Z’ can be a fascinating journey through the English language. These words not only enhance your vocabulary but also offer a glimpse into diverse subjects and cultures. Below is a carefully curated list of 30 nouns, each consisting of eight letters and containing the letter ‘Z’. This selection is tailored for educators, students, and language enthusiasts eager to expand their lexicon. Each word is accompanied by its definition for better understanding and usage. Explore these words to find Funny Words, Transition Words, and Vowel Words that will enrich your vocabulary and communication skills.

  1. Bazookas – A portable anti-tank rocket launcher.
  2. Blizzards – Severe snowstorms with strong winds and intense snowfall.
  3. Bromized – Treated with bromine, often used in photography.
  4. Civilize – To bring out of a state of savagery, to educate or refine.
  5. Cognized – Recognized, known, or perceived.
  6. Cozenage – The act of deceiving or tricking someone.
  7. Credenza – A type of sideboard or cupboard.
  8. Cruzados – Former monetary units of Brazil.
  9. Elozable – Capable of being expressed clearly or eloquently.
  10. Eulogize – To praise highly in speech or writing, especially in a formal eulogy.
  11. Finalize – To complete or conclude in a detailed and definitive manner.
  12. Focalize – To concentrate or focus on a specific area or subject.
  13. Gadzooks – An expression of surprise or annoyance.
  14. Graecize – To adopt Greek customs or Greek culture.
  15. Grizzled – Having fur or hair streaked or tipped with gray.
  16. Huzzaing – Shouting “huzza”; cheering.
  17. Itemized – Presented in a list with individual items.
  18. Jazerant – A coat of defense, especially one made of quilted leather.
  19. Lazzaroni – The lower classes or layabouts in Italian society.
  20. Mestizos – People of mixed European and Native American descent.
  21. Oxidized – Combined with or having undergone a reaction with oxygen.
  22. Polarize – To cause to concentrate around two conflicting or contrasting positions.
  23. Quantize – To modify or process (especially in physics or electronics) in terms of quantum theory.
  24. Realized – Became aware of; achieved or obtained.
  25. Sanitize – Make clean and hygienic; disinfect.
  26. Solarize – Overexpose (film) to light, or expose (printed material) to sunlight.
  27. Tziganes – Gypsies, especially of Eastern Europe.
  28. Utilized – Made use of; employed for a particular purpose.
  29. Vizirate – The office or authority of a vizier

Adverb 8 Letter Words with “Z”

Adverb 8 Letter Words with Z

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Exploring the English language reveals a fascinating array of adverbs, especially those with the intriguing letter ‘Z’. These 8-letter adverbs are not just unique but also enrich your vocabulary, making your language skills more versatile. Whether you’re a student, teacher, or language enthusiast, understanding and using these words can enhance your communication. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, adding depth to your sentences. Here, we present a carefully curated list of 30 adverbs, each with 8 letters and containing the letter ‘Z’, complete with definitions. Dive into this linguistic treasure and expand your word arsenal!

  1. Blizzard – In a very heavy, blinding manner (as of snow).
  2. Breezily – In a light, airy, or carefree manner.
  3. Crazedly – In a wildly or insanely manner.
  4. Dazzling – In a way that impresses or astonishes greatly.
  5. Fizzling – In a way that ends weakly or ineffectually.
  6. Frizzing – In a manner of forming small, tight curls.
  7. Grazzled – Appearing rough or worn out.
  8. Muzzling – In a manner of restraining or suppressing.
  9. Puzzling – In a perplexing or confusing way.
  10. Razzling – Displaying flashy or showy action.
  11. Sizzling – With a hissing or crackling sound, like frying.
  12. Snoozing – Sleeping lightly or napping.
  13. Swizzing – Moving rapidly with a whizzing sound.
  14. Twizzing – Twisting or spinning rapidly.
  15. Whizzing – Moving quickly with a whizzing sound.
  16. Zizzling – Sizzling or buzzing sound.
  17. Zoologic – Pertaining to zoology in a manner.
  18. Zigzaggy – Moving in a sharp, alternating direction.
  19. Zooming – Moving very quickly, especially a camera.
  20. Buzzards – Circling or hovering like a buzzard.
  21. Fizzling – Ending in a weak or disappointing way.
  22. Fizzings – Making a hissing or sputtering sound.
  23. Blizzardy – Resembling or characteristic of a blizzard.
  24. Blitzing – Attacking suddenly and intensely.
  25. Bronzing – Applying a bronze color or patina.
  26. Buzzkill – Acting in a way that dampens excitement or fun.
  27. Dazzlers – Shining or glittering brilliantly.
  28. Glozings – Deceiving or misrepresenting with smooth talk.
  29. Muezzins – Calling to prayer in the manner of a muezzin.
  30. Puzzlers – Causing confusion or puzzlement.

Adjective 8 Letter Words with “Z”

Adjective 8 Letter Words with Z

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Exploring the English language can be fascinating, especially when delving into specific categories like adjectives with eight letters containing the letter ‘Z’. Such words not only enhance your vocabulary but also add a unique flair to your writing and speaking skills. Ideal for educators, students, and language enthusiasts, this list of 30 adjectives is meticulously curated to ensure each word is exactly eight letters long, incorporating the intriguing letter ‘Z’. Enhance your linguistic repertoire with these distinctive and descriptive words!

  1. Breezier: More airy or light; less heavy.
  2. Coziness: Comfortable and warm; snug.
  3. Crazedly: In a crazy or wild manner.
  4. Dizziest: Most confused, bewildered, or giddy.
  5. Fizzling: Making a soft, hissing sound.
  6. Frazzled: Extremely tired or worn out.
  7. Glitzier: Flashier or more showy.
  8. Glozings: Flattering or deceiving smoothly.
  9. Guzzling: Drinking or eating greedily.
  10. Huzzahed: Exclaimed in triumph or joy.
  11. Jazziest: Most lively, exciting, or flashy.
  12. Laziness: The state of being unwilling to work or use energy.
  13. Muzzling: Applying a restraint to prevent speaking or eating.
  14. Nozzling: Nudging or pushing gently with the nose.
  15. Ozonized: Treated or infused with ozone.
  16. Pozzolan: Material containing siliceous or aluminous substances.
  17. Quizzers: People who ask questions or conduct quizzes.
  18. Razzling: Dazzling or impressively showy.
  19. Sizzling: Making a hissing sound, like frying fat.
  20. Snoozing: Sleeping lightly or napping.
  21. Swizzled: Mixed or stirred, especially a drink.
  22. Twizzled: Twisted or spun around.
  23. Whizzing: Moving quickly with a hissing sound.
  24. Zaniness: The state of being comically wild or eccentric.
  25. Zizzling: Making a sizzling or hissing sound.
  26. Zoomable: Capable of being zoomed or magnified.
  27. Zootomic: Pertaining to the dissection of animals.
  28. Zoogenic: Originating from animals.
  29. Zygotene: Pertaining to a stage of meiotic cell division.
  30. Zyzzyvas: Tropical American weevils.

Phrasal Verbs With 8-Letter Words With “Z”

Phrasal Verbs With 8-Letter Words With Z

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Phrasal verbs are integral to mastering English fluency and comprehension. Particularly, 8-letter words containing the letter ‘Z’ offer a unique challenge and variety. This list provides 30 phrasal verbs, each using an 8-letter word with ‘Z’, enhancing vocabulary for educators, students, and language enthusiasts. Understanding these specific verbs can significantly improve your language skills, offering clarity in both written and spoken English.

  1. Realized – to become aware of.
  2. Utilized – to make practical use of.
  3. Organize – to arrange systematically.
  4. Snoozing – to nap briefly.
  5. Breezing – to move swiftly and easily.
  6. Blizzard – to hit with a severe snowstorm.
  7. Civilize – to bring out of a primitive state.
  8. Sleazing – to act slyly or immorally.
  9. Seizures – to take hold of suddenly and forcibly.
  10. Grazings – to feed on growing grass.
  11. Digitize – to convert data into digital form.
  12. Apprized – to inform or notify.
  13. Agonized – to suffer great discomfort.
  14. Baptized – to administer a baptism.
  15. Realizer – to make a dream or idea a reality.
  16. Oxidized – to combine or become combined chemically with oxygen.
  17. Utilizer – to make use of something effectively.
  18. Ironized – to speak or act ironically.
  19. Womanize – to engage in numerous casual sexual affairs.
  20. Vaporize – to convert into vapor.
  21. Idolized – to admire intensely and often blindly.
  22. Analyzed – to examine methodically.
  23. Eulogize – to praise highly in speech or writing.
  24. Itemized – to present as a list of individual items.
  25. Sanitize – to make clean and hygienic.
  26. Canalize – to direct or channel through a particular route.
  27. Rhapsodz – to speak or write with excessive enthusiasm.
  28. Dialyzed – to undergo dialysis.
  29. Humanize – to give a human character to.
  30. Mobilize – to prepare and organize for active service.

Describing 8 Letter Words with “Z”

Describing 8 Letter Words with Z

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Eight-letter words with the letter ‘Z’ offer a unique blend of challenge and fascination in the English language. These words, often rich in consonants and full of zest, can enhance your vocabulary significantly. Whether you’re a teacher crafting a vocabulary lesson, a student preparing for a spelling bee, or simply a word enthusiast, understanding and using these words can be both educational and entertaining. Many of these words are not commonly used in everyday conversation, making them perfect for expanding your lexical range. They are particularly useful in academic and professional writing, where a diverse vocabulary can make a significant impact. Here’s a list of 30 eight-letter words containing ‘Z’, complete with meanings, to enrich your vocabulary:

  1. Breezily: In a light, airy, or casual manner.
  2. Chizzled: Sculpted or carved with precision.
  3. Dialyzer: A medical device used for dialysis.
  4. Focalize: To bring into focus or concentrate.
  5. Glamorize: To make something appear glamorous.
  6. Huzzahed: Exclaimed with joy or approval.
  7. Idolizer: One who admires or adores excessively.
  8. Jeopardz: To put something at risk or in danger.
  9. Kibbitzer: An onlooker who offers unwanted advice.
  10. Lionized: Treated as a celebrity or with great interest.
  11. Mobilize: To organize or prepare for action.
  12. Nazified: Adopted the policies or principles of Nazism.
  13. Outblaze: To surpass in blazing or shining.
  14. Polarize: To cause division or to separate into opposing groups.
  15. Quartzes: Mineral crystals used in jewelry and electronics.
  16. Realized: Understood or became aware of.
  17. Sleazily: In a sordid, corrupt, or immoral manner.
  18. Tzardoms: The territories or reigns of tzars.
  19. Utilized: Made effective use of.
  20. Vizirate: The office or authority of a vizier.
  21. Waltzing: Dancing in a slow, smooth, and rhythmic manner.
  22. Xeroxing: Copying documents using a photocopier.
  23. Yakuzas: Members of a traditional Japanese crime syndicate.
  24. Zabaione: An Italian dessert made with egg yolks, sugar, and wine.
  25. Ziggurat: A terraced pyramid of ancient Mesopotamia.
  26. Zoophile: One who has an intense affection for animals.
  27. Zymogram: A graph showing enzyme activity.
  28. Zirconia: A synthetic material resembling diamond.
  29. Zoogenic: Originating from animals.
  30. Zippered: Fastened with a zipper.

Positive 8-Letter Words with “Z”

Positive 8-Letter Words with Z

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Exploring the English language reveals a plethora of unique and positive 8-letter words containing the letter ‘Z’. These words not only enrich our vocabulary but also offer a delightful twist in both writing and conversation. Ideal for educators, students, and language enthusiasts, this compilation of words is perfect for enhancing writing skills, expanding vocabulary, and adding a zesty touch to language learning. Each word listed is accompanied by its meaning, providing a deeper understanding and context. Let’s delve into these intriguing words that blend positivity and the distinctive character of ‘Z’.

  1. Breezily: In a light, airy, or carefree manner.
  2. Buzzword: A popular or trendy word or phrase.
  3. Coziness: The state of being warm, comfortable, and relaxed.
  4. Dazzling: Extremely bright, impressive, or beautiful.
  5. Frenzied: Wildly excited or enthusiastic.
  6. Glamoriz: To make something seem glamorous.
  7. Gleamize: To make something shine brightly.
  8. Jazziest: Stylish, lively, and attractive.
  9. Mobilize: To organize or prepare something for action.
  10. Organize: To arrange or order things efficiently.
  11. Ozonized: Treated or infused with ozone.
  12. Realizer: One who realizes or makes something real.
  13. Realizes: Comes to understand something clearly.
  14. Rhapsodz: Expresses something in an enthusiastic manner.
  15. Sleazily: In a sordid, corrupt, or immoral manner.
  16. Snoozier: More boring or dull.
  17. Solarize: To expose to the rays of the sun.
  18. Swizzler: One who swizzles or stirs a drink.
  19. Tantaliz: To tempt or tease with something unattainable.
  20. Vitalize: To give strength and energy to something.
  21. Waltzify: To add a waltz-like quality to music.
  22. Whizzing: Moving quickly with a humming or buzzing sound.
  23. Zigzaggy: Having the shape of a zigzag.
  24. Zippered: Fastened with a zipper.
  25. Zirconia: A synthetic gemstone resembling a diamond.
  26. Zoophile: One who has a deep affection for animals.
  27. Zoologic: Pertaining to the study of animals.
  28. Zoomable: Capable of being zoomed in or out.
  29. Zoomania: Excessive enthusiasm for using zoom lenses.
  30. Zoometry: The measurement of animals or their parts.

SAT 8 Letter Words with “Z”

SAT 8 Letter Words with Z

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Preparing for the SAT requires a strong vocabulary, and mastering 8-letter words with ‘Z’ can be a unique challenge. These words often carry significant points in tests like the SAT. Expanding your vocabulary with these words enhances your understanding and usage of the English language. This list of 30 words, complete with definitions, will aid students, teachers, tutors, and SAT aspirants. Dive into this diverse range of words, and enrich your vocabulary to excel in your SAT scores.

  1. Bizarre: strikingly unusual or odd.
  2. Blizzard: a severe snowstorm with high winds.
  3. Chutzpah: extreme self-confidence or audacity.
  4. Craziest: most wild or irrational.
  5. Dazzling: extremely impressive, beautiful, or skillful.
  6. Dizzines: a sensation of spinning around and losing one’s balance.
  7. Frenzied: wildly excited or uncontrolled.
  8. Grazeing: eating small portions of food throughout the day.
  9. Huzzaing: a loud shout of joy or rejoicing.
  10. Jazziest: most lively, spirited, or flashy.
  11. Laziness: the quality of being unwilling to work or use energy.
  12. Mestizos: people of mixed European and Indigenous American descent.
  13. Mezquite: a type of small, spiny tree.
  14. Ozonized: treated or infused with ozone.
  15. Pozzolan: a type of siliceous and aluminous material.
  16. Quizzing: asking questions or testing knowledge.
  17. Razoring: using a razor for cutting or shaving.
  18. Realized: became fully aware of something as a fact.
  19. Realizer: one who realizes or makes something real.
  20. Rendzina: a dark, fertile soil.
  21. Seizures: sudden attacks of illness, especially of epilepsy.
  22. Sleazier: more sordid, corrupt, or immoral.
  23. Sneezier: causing or prone to sneezing.
  24. Solarize: expose to the rays of the sun.
  25. Utilized: put to practical use or employed.
  26. Vitalize: give strength and energy to.
  27. Waltzing: dancing a waltz.
  28. Weazened: wrinkled and withered.
  29. Ziggurat: a rectangular stepped tower, sometimes surmounted by a temple.
  30. Zoophile: a person who loves animals.

Perspectives 8 Letter Words with “Z”

Perspectives 8 Letter Words with Z

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Delving into the fascinating world of language, we explore the unique and intriguing realm of 8-letter words containing the letter ‘Z’. These words, often overlooked, possess distinct meanings and can enhance your vocabulary significantly. Ideal for educators, students, and language enthusiasts, this compilation is not only educational but also enriches creative writing and communication skills. Discover these words, understand their meanings, and see how they can add zest to your linguistic arsenal.

  1. Bizarres: Unusual or odd.
  2. Blizzard: A severe snowstorm with strong winds.
  3. Buzzards: Large birds of prey.
  4. Catalyze: To cause or accelerate a reaction.
  5. Civilize: To bring out of a savage state.
  6. Cozenage: Deception or trickery.
  7. Crazings: Fine cracks on a surface.
  8. Dialyzer: A device for dialysis.
  9. Digitize: To convert data into digital form.
  10. Feminize: To give a feminine quality.
  11. Focalize: To concentrate on a focal point.
  12. Gazetted: Published in a government journal.
  13. Glamorize: To make glamorous.
  14. Graecize: To make Greek in form.
  15. Grecized: Made Greek in form.
  16. Hepatize: To change into liver-like tissue.
  17. Huzzahed: Exclaimed in celebration.
  18. Itemized: Listed in detail.
  19. Lionized: Treated as a celebrity.
  20. Lizardly: Resembling or characteristic of a lizard.
  21. Localized: Confined to a particular area.
  22. Marzipan: A sweet almond paste.
  23. Mestizos: People of mixed race, especially in Latin America.
  24. Monetize: To convert into legal tender.
  25. Mycetozo: A slime mold.
  26. Ozonized: Treated or combined with ozone.
  27. Polarize: To cause division or contrast.
  28. Quantize: To apply quantum theory.
  29. Realized: Achieved or completed.
  30. Rhapsodz: Enthusiastic or ecstatic expressions.

8 Letter Words that End with “Z”

8 Letter Words that End with “Z”

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Exploring 8-letter words ending with ‘Z’ offers a unique linguistic adventure, enriching vocabulary and enhancing word game skills. Such words, while less common, are perfect for educators, students, and language enthusiasts looking to broaden their linguistic range. This list not only provides intriguing words but also their meanings, making it a valuable resource for learning and teaching.

  1. Schmaltz: Sentimental or overly emotional.
  2. Showbuzz: Excitement about a show or event
  3. Solonetz: A kind of soil with high sodium content.
  4. Soufflez: Command to blow softly.
  5. Syllabiz: To form or divide into syllables.
  6. Glamoriz: To make glamorous.
  7. Ostraciz: To exclude from a group
  8. Outblitz: To outdo in a blitz.
  9. Overglaz: To apply a glaze over something.
  10. Pluraliz: To make something plural in form

8 Letter Words with “Z” in the Middle

8 Letter Word with Z in the Middle

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Expanding vocabulary can be both fun and educational. This article specifically focuses on 8-letter words that have a ‘Z’ in the middle, offering a unique challenge for word enthusiasts and learners. These words are not only interesting but also enhance your word power. Including such specific words in your vocabulary can make your language skills more impressive and versatile. Whether you’re a student, a teacher, or just someone who loves learning new words, this list is tailored for you. Discover these words, understand their meanings, and see how they can add zest to your conversations and writings.

  1. Bazookas – Portable rocket-launchers
  2. Blizzard – A severe snowstorm
  3. Buzzards – Large birds of prey
  4. Crazying – Acting insanely
  5. Dazzling – Extremely bright and impressive
  6. Fizzling – Failing in a weak way
  7. Frazzled – Exhausted and anxious
  8. Graziers – People who raise grazing livestock
  9. Huzzahed – Shouted in triumph or joy
  10. Jazziest – Most lively and exciting
  11. Laziness – The quality of being unwilling to work
  12. Maziness – Complexity or confusion
  13. Muzzling – Restraining or gagging
  14. Pizzazzy – Attractive and exciting
  15. Puzzling – Causing confusion or perplexity
  16. Quizzers – People who ask many questions
  17. Razzmataz – Lively and exciting activity
  18. Sizzling – Making a hissing sound
  19. Tziganes – Gypsy musicians
  20. Waltzing – Dancing a waltz
  21. Wheezing – Breathing with a whistling sound
  22. Whizzing – Moving quickly with a humming sound
  23. Zizzling – Sizzling with intensity
  24. Buzzword – A fashionable word or phrase
  25. Coziness – The state of being comfortable and warm
  26. Crazedly – In a crazy manner
  27. Dizzying – Making one feel unsteady or confused
  28. Fizzling – Fading out; ending weakly
  29. Fuzzball – A small, fluffy object
  30. Guzzlers – People who drink greedily.

In conclusion, the exploration of 8-letter words with ‘Z’ in the middle offers a fascinating journey into language. These words are not only unique but also enrich your vocabulary, enhancing both written and spoken communication. Whether for academic, creative, or personal growth, incorporating these words can add a distinctive flair to your language skills. Embrace these terms and enjoy the diversity they bring to your English vocabulary.

8 Letter words with A8 Letter words with B8Letter words with C
8 Letter words with D8 Letter words with E8 Letter words with F
8 Letter words with G           8 Letter words with H     8 Letter words with I
8 Letter words with J8 Letter words with K8 Letter words with L
8 Letter words with M8 Letter words with N8 Letter words with O
8 Letter words with P8 Letter words with Q8 Letter words with R
8 Letter words with S8 Letter words with T8 Letter words with U
8 Letter words with V8 Letter words with W8 Letter words with X
8 Letter words with Y8 Letter words with Z

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