
Team English - Examples.com
Created by: Team English - Examples.com, Last Updated: June 4, 2024


Poets are creative writers who use expressive and evocative language to convey emotions, ideas, and stories through verse. They craft their works using various poetic devices such as rhyme, meter, metaphor, and imagery to create a profound impact on the reader. Poets often explore themes of love, nature, identity, and human experience, providing unique perspectives that resonate across cultures and generations. Their works not only entertain but also provoke thought, inspire change, and offer comfort. Studying poets and their poetry enhances students’ understanding of language, deepens their appreciation of literary art, and enriches their emotional and intellectual lives.

50 All Time Great Poets List

Poetry has the power to evoke deep emotions, create vivid imagery, and offer profound insights into the human experience. This list of 50 all-time great poets showcases the most influential and celebrated poets from various cultures and periods. Their works have shaped the literary landscape and continue to inspire readers and writers alike.

1. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) :

William Shakespeare is widely regarded as one of the greatest playwrights and poets in the English language. His extensive body of work includes 154 sonnets and numerous narrative poems. Shakespeare’s poetry is celebrated for its rich imagery, profound themes, and mastery of the English language. His sonnets explore themes of love, time, beauty, and mortality, making them timeless pieces that continue to be studied and admired.

Famous Poems By William Shakespeare

  1. Sonnet 116
  2. Sonnet 18
  3. Venus and Adonis
  4. Sonnet 30
  5. Sonnet 104

2. Emily Dickinson(1830-1886) :

Emily Dickinson was an American poet known for her unique and unconventional style. Her poetry often explores themes of death, immortality, and nature. Dickinson’s concise, lyrical poems and her innovative use of punctuation and capitalization have made her a significant figure in American literature. Her work, characterized by its depth and introspection, remains influential and widely studied.

Famous Poems By Emily Dickinson

  1. Because I could not stop for Death
  2. Hope is the thing with feathers
  3. I’m Nobody! Who are you?
  4. I heard a Fly buzz – when I died
  5. Wild Nights – Wild Nights!

3. Robert Frost(1874-1963):

Robert Frost is a celebrated American poet whose work often focuses on rural New England life. His poetry is known for its realistic depictions of nature and rural life, as well as its deep philosophical undertones. Frost’s use of colloquial speech and traditional verse forms, combined with his exploration of complex social and psychological themes, make his work accessible yet profound.

Famous Poems By Robert Frost

  1. The Road Not Taken
  2. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
  3. Mending Wall
  4. Birches
  5. Fire and Ice

4. Walt Whitman(1819-1892) :

Walt Whitman is considered one of America’s most influential poets. His groundbreaking work, “Leaves of Grass,” celebrates individuality, democracy, and the human spirit. Whitman’s free verse style broke away from traditional poetic forms, and his use of vivid imagery and expansive themes captured the essence of American life. His work has had a lasting impact on both American literature and poetry worldwide.

Famous Poems By Walt Whitman

  1. Song of Myself
  2. O Captain! My Captain!
  3. Song of the Open Road!
  4. I Sing the Body Electric
  5. When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d

5. Edgar Allan Poe(1809-1849) :

Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer known for his macabre and gothic poetry and stories. His poem “The Raven” is a classic example of his dark and melancholic style. Poe’s work often delves into themes of death, loss, and the supernatural, and his masterful use of rhythm and sound has made his poetry enduringly popular and influential.

Famous Poems By Edgar Allan Poe

  1. The Raven
  2. Annabel Lee
  3. The Tell-Tale Heart
  4. Lenore
  5. The Bells

6. T.S. Eliot(1888-1965) :

T.S. Eliot was a British-American poet whose modernist works, such as “The Waste Land” and “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” revolutionized 20th-century poetry. Eliot’s complex, fragmented style and his exploration of themes like despair, disillusionment, and spiritual desolation reflect the modernist era’s sensibilities. His work is noted for its intellectual depth and innovative use of language and form.

Famous Poems By T.S. Eliot

  1. The Waste Land
  2. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
  3. Preludes
  4. Ash Wednesday
  5. The Hollow Men

7. Langston Hughes(1902-1967) :

Langston Hughes was a central figure in the Harlem Renaissance, known for his insightful and powerful portrayals of black life in America. His poetry, such as “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” and “Harlem,” addresses themes of racial identity, social injustice, and resilience. Hughes’ use of jazz and blues rhythms in his poetry brought a new and dynamic voice to American literature.

Famous Poems By Langston Hughes

  1. The Negro Speaks of Rivers
  2. Mother to Son
  3. I, Too
  4. The Weary Blues
  5. Let America Be America Again

8. Sylvia Plath(1932-1963) :

Sylvia Plath was an American poet whose work is known for its intense and confessional style. Her poetry often explores themes of identity, mental illness, and the struggles of women. Plath’s powerful imagery and emotional intensity, as seen in works like “Ariel” and “Daddy,” have made her a significant and enduring figure in modern poetry.

Famous Poems By Sylvia Plath

  1. Daddy
  2. Lady Lazarus
  3. Ariel
  4. The Applicant
  5. Tulips

9. Maya Angelou(1928-2014) :

Maya Angelou was an American poet and civil rights activist whose works address themes of identity, empowerment, and social justice. Her most famous work, “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,” is a poignant autobiography that has inspired many. Angelou’s lyrical and powerful poetry, such as “Still I Rise,” celebrates the strength and resilience of the human spirit.

Famous Poems By Maya Angelou

  1. Still I Rise
  2. Phenomenal Woman
  3. Caged Bird
  4. A Brave and Startling Truth
  5. On the Pulse of Morning

10. Elizabeth Barrett Browning(1806-1861) :

Elizabeth Barrett Browning was an English poet known for her deeply emotional and romantic works. Her most famous collection, “Sonnets from the Portuguese,” includes the well-known sonnet “How Do I Love Thee?” Browning’s poetry often explores themes of love, social justice, and spirituality, and her work has had a lasting influence on Victorian literature.

Famous Poems By Elizabeth Barrett Browning

  1. How Do I Love Thee? (Sonnet 43)
  2. Sabbath Morning at Sea
  3. The Cry of the Children
  4. A Musical Instrument
  5. Sonnet 14

11. John Keats(1795-1821) :

John Keats was an English Romantic poet known for his sensuous and evocative imagery. His odes, such as “Ode to a Nightingale” and “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” are celebrated for their beauty and depth. Keats’ exploration of themes like beauty, mortality, and the transcendent nature of art has made his work timeless and universally admired.

Famous Poems By John Keats

  1. Ode to a Nightingale
  2. Ode on a Grecian Urn
  3. To Autumn
  4. Ode on Melancholy
  5. Bright Star

12. William Wordsworth(1770-1850) :

William Wordsworth was a major English Romantic poet who helped launch the Romantic Age with his collection “Lyrical Ballads,” co-written with Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Wordsworth’s poetry emphasizes the beauty and spiritual power of nature, as seen in his famous works like “Tintern Abbey” and “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.”

Famous Poems By William Wordsworth

  1. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
  2. Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey
  3. Ode: Intimations of Immortality
  4. My Heart Leaps Up
  5. The Solitary Reaper

13. Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792-1822) :

Percy Bysshe Shelley was a prominent English Romantic poet known for his radical and visionary works. His poetry, such as “Ozymandias” and “Prometheus Unbound,” explores themes of political freedom, human potential, and the power of imagination. Shelley’s lyrical and passionate style has made him a central figure in the Romantic movement.

Famous Poems By Percy Bysshe Shelley

  1. Ozymandias
  2. To a Skylark
  3. Ode to the West Wind
  4. The Cloud
  5. Adonais

14. Lord Byron(1788-1824) :

Lord Byron was an English poet and a leading figure of the Romantic movement. His works, including “Don Juan” and “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage,” are known for their wit, satire, and exploration of complex themes such as love, power, and rebellion. Byron’s charismatic personality and adventurous life added to his legendary status in literary history.

Famous Poems By Lord Byron

  1. She Walks in Beauty
  2. Don Juan
  3. Darkness
  4. The Destruction of Sennacherib
  5. The Prisoner of Chillon

15. Samuel Taylor Coleridge(1772-1834) :

Samuel Taylor Coleridge was an English Romantic poet and philosopher who collaborated with William Wordsworth on “Lyrical Ballads.” His famous works, such as “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and “Kubla Khan,” are celebrated for their vivid imagination and supernatural elements. Coleridge’s exploration of nature, the human mind, and the mystical has had a lasting impact on English literature.

Famous Poems By Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  1. This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison
  2. Kubla Khan
  3. Christabel
  4. Frost at Midnight
  5. Dejection: An Ode

16. Ralph Waldo Emerson(1803-1882) :

Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American poet, essayist, and transcendentalist philosopher. His poetry and prose, such as “Self-Reliance” and “The Rhodora,” emphasize individuality, nature, and the interconnectedness of all things. Emerson’s ideas on self-reliance and spiritual growth have influenced generations of writers and thinkers.

Famous Poems By Ralph Waldo Emerson

  1. The Rhodora
  2. Concord Hymn
  3. Brahma
  4. Each and All
  5. Hamatreya

17. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(1807-1882) :

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was an American poet known for his lyrical and narrative poetry. His works, such as “Paul Revere’s Ride” and “The Song of Hiawatha,” are celebrated for their storytelling, rhythmic beauty, and accessibility. Longfellow’s poetry often reflects themes of American history, mythology, and nature.

Famous Poems By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  1. Paul Revere’s Ride
  2. A Psalm of Life
  3. The Village Blacksmith
  4. The Children’s Hour
  5. Excelsior

18. Emily Bronte(1818-1848) :

Emily Brontë was an English novelist and poet best known for her novel “Wuthering Heights.” Her poetry, characterized by its intense emotion and spiritual depth, often explores themes of nature, love, and death. Brontë’s passionate and evocative style has made her an enduring figure in English literature.

Famous Poems By Emily Bronte

  1. No Coward Soul Is Mine
  2. Remembrance
  3. Stars
  4. The Old Stoic
  5. Love and Friendship

19. Ezra Pound(1885-1972) :

Ezra Pound was an influential American poet and critic who played a crucial role in the development of modernist poetry. His works, such as “The Cantos,” are known for their complex structure and rich allusions to history and literature. Pound’s advocacy for imagism and his innovative use of language have left a lasting legacy in modern poetry.

Famous Poems By Ezra Pound

  1. Ballad of the Goodly Fere
  2. The River-Merchant’s Wife: A Letter
  3. Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
  4. The Seafarer
  5. A Pact

20. W.H. Auden(1907-1973) :

W.H. Auden was a British-American poet whose work spans a wide range of themes, including love, politics, and the human condition. His poetry, such as “Funeral Blues” and “The Shield of Achilles,” is known for its technical mastery, intellectual depth, and emotional power. Auden’s influence on 20th-century poetry is profound and far-reaching.

Famous Poems By W.H. Auden

  1. Funeral Blues
  2. Night Mail
  3. The Shield of Achilles
  4. In Memory of W.B. Yeats
  5. Another Time

21. Robert Browning(1812-1889) :

Robert Browning was an English poet known for his dramatic monologues and narrative poetry. His works, such as “My Last Duchess” and “The Ring and the Book,” explore complex psychological states and moral dilemmas. Browning’s innovative use of voice and character has made him a significant figure in Victorian literature.

Famous Poems By Robert Browning

  1. My Last Duchess
  2. Porphyria’s Lover
  3. The Pied Piper of Hamelin
  4. Rabbi Ben Ezra
  5. Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came

22. Dylan Thomas(1914-1953) :

Dylan Thomas was a Welsh poet known for his rich, lyrical style and powerful use of imagery. His works, such as “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” and “Fern Hill,” are celebrated for their emotional intensity and musicality. Thomas’s exploration of life, death, and nature has made his poetry deeply resonant and enduring.

Famous Poems By Dylan Thomas

  1. Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night
  2. Fern Hill
  3. And Death Shall Have No Dominion
  4. The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower
  5. A Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in London

23. Seamus Heaney(1939-2013) :

Seamus Heaney was an Irish poet and Nobel laureate whose work is known for its lyrical beauty and exploration of Irish history and culture. His poetry, such as “Digging” and “The Bogland,” often reflects on rural life, identity, and the human experience. Heaney’s profound and accessible style has made him one of the most celebrated poets of the 20th century.

Famous Poems By Seamus Heaney

  1. Digging
  2. Blackberry-Picking
  3. Death of a Naturalist
  4. Mid-Term Break
  5. The Tollund Man

24. Pablo Neruda(1904-1973) :

Pablo Neruda was a Chilean poet and Nobel laureate whose works are known for their passionate and sensuous language. His poetry, such as “Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair,” explores themes of love, politics, and social justice. Neruda’s powerful imagery and emotional depth have made him one of the most beloved poets in Latin American literature.

Famous Poems By Pablo Neruda

  1. Ode to My Socks
  2. Tonight I Can Write (The Saddest Lines)
  3. Sonnet XVII
  4. Walking Around
  5. If You Forget Me

25. Allen Ginsberg(1926-1997) :

Allen Ginsberg was an American poet and a leading figure of the Beat Generation. His seminal work, “Howl,” challenged societal norms and became a defining piece of countercultural literature. Ginsberg’s poetry, known for its raw honesty and political activism, explores themes of freedom, sexuality, and human rights.

Famous Poems By Allen Ginsberg

  1. Howl
  2. A Supermarket in California
  3. Kaddish
  4. America
  5. Sunflower Sutra

26. William Blake(1757-1827) :

William Blake was an English poet, painter, and visionary whose works combine mystical and philosophical themes. His collections “Songs of Innocence” and “Songs of Experience” explore the duality of human nature. Blake’s unique and imaginative style, along with his profound spiritual insights, has made him a seminal figure in English literature and art.

Famous Poems By William Blake

  1. The Tyger
  2. The Lamb
  3. London
  4. A Poison Tree
  5. The Chimney Sweeper

27. Rainer Maria Rilke(1875-1926) :

Rainer Maria Rilke was a Bohemian-Austrian poet known for his introspective and lyrical poetry. His works, such as “Duino Elegies” and “Sonnets to Orpheus,” explore themes of existentialism, love, and the human condition. Rilke’s profound and meditative style has had a lasting influence on modern poetry.

Famous Poems By Rainer Maria Rilke

  1. The Panther
  2. Archaic Torso of Apollo
  3. Love-Song
  4. Buddha in Glory
  5. Again And Again

28. Carl Sandburg(1878-1967) :

Carl Sandburg was an American poet, biographer, and folk singer known for his accessible and plainspoken style. His poetry, such as “Chicago Poems” and “The People, Yes,” celebrates American life, labor, and democracy. Sandburg’s work is notable for its populist themes and deep connection to the American experience.

Famous Poems By Carl Sandburg

  1. Chicago Poem
  2. Fog
  3. Grass
  4. Happiness
  5. A father to his son

29. Christina Rossetti(1830-1894) :

Christina Rossetti was an English poet known for her devotional and lyrical poetry. Her works, such as “Goblin Market” and “In the Bleak Midwinter,” often explore themes of faith, love, and redemption. Rossetti’s rich imagery and emotional depth have made her a significant figure in Victorian literature.

Famous Poems By Christina Rossetti

  1. Goblin Market
  2. Remember
  3. In the Bleak Midwinter
  4. When I am Dead, My Dearest
  5. A Birthday

30. A.E. Housman(1859-1936) :

A.E. Housman was an English poet and classical scholar known for his melancholic and reflective poetry. His collection “A Shropshire Lad” explores themes of youth, loss, and the passage of time. Housman’s precise and evocative language has made his work enduringly popular.

Famous Poems By A.E. Housman

  1. To an Athlete Dying Young
  2. When I Was One-and-Twenty
  3. Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now
  4. Because I liked you better
  5. With Rue My Heart is Laden

31. Anne Sexton(1928-1974) :

Anne Sexton was an American poet known for her confessional style and exploration of personal and taboo subjects. Her works, such as “Live or Die” and “Transformations,” address themes of mental illness, identity, and family. Sexton’s raw and honest poetry has had a significant impact on contemporary literature.

Famous Poems By Anne Sexton

  1. Her Kind
  2. The Truth the Dead Know
  3. All My Pretty Ones
  4. Wanting to Die
  5. Courage

32. Gwendolyn Brooks(1917-2000) :

Gwendolyn Brooks was an American poet and the first African American to win a Pulitzer Prize. Her poetry, such as “We Real Cool” and “The Bean Eaters,” addresses themes of racial identity, social justice, and urban life. Brooks’ vivid and compassionate portrayals of black life in America have made her a central figure in American literature.

Famous Poems By Gwendolyn Brooks

  1. We Real Cool
  2. The Bean Eaters
  3. A Song in the Front Yard
  4. The Mother
  5. kitchenette building

33. E.E. Cummings(1894-1962) :

E.E. Cummings was an American poet known for his innovative and unconventional use of language and form. His works, such as “i carry your heart with me” and “anyone lived in a pretty how town,” often challenge traditional syntax and punctuation. Cummings’ playful and experimental style has had a lasting influence on modern poetry.

Famous Poems By E.E. Cummings

  1. i carry your heart with me(i carry it in)
  2. anyone lived in a pretty how town
  3. since feeling is first
  4. in Just-
  5. somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond

34. Federico García Lorca(1898-1936) :

Federico García Lorca was a Spanish poet and playwright known for his lyrical and passionate works. His poetry, such as “Gypsy Ballads” and “Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías,” explores themes of love, death, and Andalusian culture. Lorca’s evocative imagery and emotional intensity have made him a key figure in Spanish literature.

Famous Poems By Federico García Lorca

  1. Romance de la luna, luna
  2. Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías
  3. La casa infiel
  4. The Little Mute Boy
  5. Gacela of the Dark Death

35. Oscar Wilde(1854-1900) :

Oscar Wilde was an Irish poet, playwright, and wit known for his sharp and satirical style. His works, such as “The Ballad of Reading Gaol” and “De Profundis,” reflect his wit and his exploration of themes like beauty, love, and suffering. Wilde’s incisive and often provocative writing has left a lasting legacy in both poetry and prose.

Famous Poems By Oscar Wilde

  1. Requiescat
  2. Ava Maria Plena Gratia
  3. A Vision
  4. A Villanelle
  5. Her Voice

36. Wallace Stevens(1879-1955) :

Wallace Stevens was an American modernist poet known for his philosophical and richly descriptive poetry. His works, such as “The Emperor of Ice-Cream” and “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird,” explore the relationship between reality and imagination. Stevens’ intricate and thought-provoking style has made him a significant figure in 20th-century poetry.

Famous Poems By Wallace Stevens

  1. The Emperor of Ice-Cream
  2. Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird
  3. Sunday Morning
  4. Anecdote of the Jar
  5. The Idea of Order at Key West

37. Adrienne Rich(1929-2012) :

Adrienne Rich was an American poet and feminist known for her powerful and politically engaged poetry. Her works, such as “Diving into the Wreck” and “The Dream of a Common Language,” address themes of identity, social justice, and women’s rights. Rich’s passionate and articulate voice has made her a major figure in contemporary literature.

Famous Poems By Adrienne Rich

  1. Diving into the Wreck
  2. Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers
  3. Power
  4. Living in Sin
  5. Planetarium

38. Hart Crane(1899-1932) :

Hart Crane was an American modernist poet known for his ambitious and visionary style. His major work, “The Bridge,” aims to capture the American experience and spirit. Crane’s complex imagery and innovative use of language have made him a significant, though often challenging, figure in modern poetry.

Famous Poems By Hart Crane

  1. At Melville’s Tomb.
  2. Carmen De Boheme
  3. Chaplinesque
  4. Exile
  5. For The Marriage of Faustus and Helen

39. John Milton (1608-1674) :

John Milton was an English poet and intellectual best known for his epic poem “Paradise Lost.” His work explores profound themes such as the nature of free will, redemption, and the human condition. Milton’s mastery of blank verse and his use of classical references and rich imagery have made “Paradise Lost” a cornerstone of English literature and one of the greatest epic poems of all time. His influence extends beyond poetry to political and religious thought, reflecting his deep engagement with the turbulent times in which he lived.

Famous Poems By John Milton

  1. Il Penseroso
  2. On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity
  3. Lycidas
  4. L’Allegro
  5. Sonnet 7

40. George Herbert(1593-1633) :

George Herbert was a Welsh-born English poet, orator, and Anglican priest known for his devotional poetry. His collection “The Temple” explores themes of faith, struggle, and divine love with profound simplicity and clarity. Herbert’s meditative and spiritually rich poetry has had a lasting impact on English religious literature.

Famous Poems By George Herbert

  1. The Altar
  2. Easter Wings
  3. Love (III)
  4. The Collar
  5. Redemption

41. Philip Larkin(1922-1985) :

Philip Larkin was an English poet known for his down-to-earth and often melancholic poetry. His works, such as “The Whitsun Weddings” and “Aubade,” explore themes of mortality, love, and the passage of time. Larkin’s clear, colloquial style and his introspective observations have made him one of the most respected poets of the 20th century.

Famous Poems By Philip Larkin

  1. This Be The Verse
  2. Aubade
  3. High Windows
  4. The Mower
  5. The Whitsun Weddings

42. Thomas Hardy(1840-1928) :

Thomas Hardy was an English novelist and poet known for his pessimistic and fatalistic view of life. His poetry, such as “The Darkling Thrush” and “Hap,” often explores themes of fate, nature, and human suffering. Hardy’s evocative and richly descriptive style has made him a central figure in Victorian literature.

Famous Poems By Thomas Hardy

  1. The Darkling Thrush
  2. The Convergence of the Twain
  3. The Man He Killed
  4. Neutral Tones
  5. Channel Firing

43. W.B. Yeats(1865-1939) :

W.B. Yeats was an Irish poet and one of the foremost figures of 20th-century literature. His works, such as “The Second Coming” and “Sailing to Byzantium,” blend myth, history, and personal reflection. Yeats’ lyrical and symbolic poetry, along with his exploration of Irish identity and politics, has made him a towering figure in modern literature.

Famous Poems By W.B. Yeats

  1. He Wishes His Beloved Were Dead
  2. When You Are Old
  3. The Lake Isle of Innisfree
  4. The Circus Animals’ Desertion
  5. The Sad Shepherd

44. Rudyard Kipling(1865-1936) :

Rudyard Kipling was an English poet, novelist, and short-story writer known for his works about British colonial life. His poetry, such as “If—” and “Gunga Din,” often reflects themes of duty, honor, and the complexities of empire. Kipling’s vivid storytelling and rhythmic verse have made him a significant, though sometimes controversial, literary figure.

Famous Poems By Rudyard Kipling

  1. If—
  2. The White Man’s Burden
  3. Gunga Din
  4. Mandalay
  5. Recessional

45. Ted Hughes(1930-1998) :

Ted Hughes was an English poet and children’s writer known for his powerful and often dark imagery. His works, such as “The Hawk in the Rain” and “Crow,” explore themes of nature, mythology, and human violence. Hughes’ intense and elemental style has made him a major figure in contemporary British poetry.

Famous Poems By Ted Hughes

  1. The Thought-Fox
  2. Hawk Roosting
  3. Crow’s First Lesson
  4. The Jaguar
  5. Full Moon And Little Frieda

46. Kahlil Gibran(1883-1931) :

Kahlil Gibran was a Lebanese-American poet, philosopher, and artist known for his mystical and inspirational writing. His most famous work, “The Prophet,” is a collection of poetic essays on various aspects of life and the human condition. Gibran’s profound and lyrical prose has made him one of the best-selling poets of all time.

Famous Poems By Kahlil Gibran

  1. On Children
  2. On Marriage
  3. A Tear and a Smile
  4. Love
  5. On Pain

47. Marianne Moore(1887-1972) :

Marianne Moore was an American modernist poet known for her precise and descriptive style. Her works, such as “Observations” and “Collected Poems,” often explore themes of nature, art, and human behavior. Moore’s meticulous and innovative use of language has made her a significant figure in modern poetry.

Famous Poems By Marianne Moore

  1. I too, Dislike it
  2. A grave
  3. No swan so fine
  4. He made this screen
  5. The Fish

48. Edna St. Vincent Millay(1892-1950) :

Edna St. Vincent Millay was an American lyrical poet and playwright known for her passionate and technically proficient poetry. Her works, such as “Renascence” and “A Few Figs from Thistles,” explore themes of love, nature, and individualism. Millay’s vibrant and expressive style has made her a beloved and influential poet.

Famous Poems By Edna St. Vincent Millay

  1. Renascence
  2. The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver
  3. Recuerdo
  4. What Lips My Lips Have Kissed, and Where, and Why
  5. Dirge Without Music

49. James Joyce(1882-1941) :

James Joyce was an Irish modernist writer known primarily for his groundbreaking novels, but also for his innovative poetry. His collection “Chamber Music” reflects his early lyrical style, while his later work, such as “Pomes Penyeach,” showcases his more experimental approach. Joyce’s intricate use of language and stream-of-consciousness technique have left a lasting impact on modern literature.

Famous Poems By James Joyce

  1. Be not sad
  2. I Hear an Army
  3. A Flower Given to My Daughter
  4. On the Beach at Fontana
  5. Ecce Puer

50. Jorge Luis Borges(1899-1986) :

Jorge Luis Borges was an Argentine poet, essayist, and short-story writer renowned for his intricate and philosophical works. His poetry, such as “Fervor de Buenos Aires” and “El Hacedor,” often explores themes of infinity, identity, and reality. Borges’ work is known for its intellectual depth, blending literary genres and philosophical ideas with a unique, labyrinthine style. His exploration of universal questions and his innovative narrative techniques have made him a central figure in world literature, influencing writers and thinkers across the globe.

Famous Poems By Jorge Luis Borges

  1. Remorse for any death
  2. Shinto
  3. History of the night
  4. Instants
  5. Everness


The “50 All Time Great Poets” list encompasses a diverse array of voices that have shaped the course of literary history through their impactful and evocative works. From the classical brilliance of Homer and Dante to the Romantic passion of Wordsworth and Keats, and the modernist innovations of T.S. Eliot and Sylvia Plath, these poets have left an indelible mark on the world of literature. Their famous poems, such as “The Odyssey,” “The Divine Comedy,” “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,” “Ode to a Nightingale,” “The Waste Land,” and “Daddy,” among others, have captivated readers with their profound themes, lyrical beauty, and emotional depth. This collection of great poets and their masterpieces underscores the enduring power of poetry to capture the human experience, inspire generations, and provide a timeless reflection of our innermost thoughts and feelings.

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