Dependent Clause Sentence

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Created by: Team English -, Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Dependent Clause Sentence

Dependent Clause Sentence Examples

Master the art of enriching your sentences with dependent clauses! This comprehensive guide dives into unique sentence examples, expert tips, and the nuts and bolts of how to incorporate dependent clauses into your writing. Elevate your writing skillset by adding complexity and depth to your sentences.

What is the Dependent Clause Sentence? – Definition

A dependent clause is a group of words that has both a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. Unlike an independent clause, it requires an independent clause to make sense.

What is the best Example of a Dependent Clause Sentence?

The best example would be, “Although she was tired, she still managed to complete her homework.” In this sentence, “Although she was tired” is the dependent clause. It cannot stand alone as a sentence but adds context and meaning to the independent clause “she still managed to complete her homework.”

100 Dependent Clause Sentence Usage Examples

Dependent Clause Sentence
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Deepen your understanding of the English language by mastering dependent clause sentences. These unique and carefully selected examples will demonstrate how dependent clauses add nuance, depth, and meaning to your sentences. From providing context to setting the mood, these examples are invaluable for writers and communicators at all levels.

  1. Even though it rained, we went hiking.
  2. While she was cooking, the baby started crying.
  3. Because he practiced consistently, he aced the test.
  4. Although they’re old, these shoes are still comfortable.
  5. Whenever you come to town, let’s meet up.
  6. Since you asked, I will explain.
  7. After she graduated, she traveled through Europe.
  8. Unless you hurry, you’ll miss the bus.
  9. As the sun set, the sky turned shades of pink and gold.
  10. Before you go, say goodbye.
  11. Wherever you go, I’ll follow.
  12. If you’re ready, we can start the meeting.
  13. As you’re a beginner, take it easy.
  14. Because the cat was scared, it hid under the bed.
  15. Though she tried, she couldn’t solve the puzzle.
  16. Until the alarm rings, continue working.
  17. Whether you like it or not, you have to go.
  18. Even if it’s difficult, keep trying.
  19. That you failed doesn’t matter.
  20. Provided you pay me back, I can lend you some money.
  21. Once you’ve finished, we can leave.
  22. Since it’s late, we should go home.
  23. Though he’s busy, he’ll make time for you.
  24. In case you don’t remember, this is the way home.
  25. While he was reading, he fell asleep.
  26. Unless it rains, the match will happen.
  27. If it’s sunny, we’ll go to the beach.
  28. Though I hate onions, I eat them in curries.
  29. As you were not there, we left a message.
  30. That he was wrong was obvious.
  31. Until she gets better, she won’t return to work.
  32. If you like, you can join us.
  33. After he watched the movie, he felt inspired.
  34. Even though I love chocolate, I’m not eating it.
  35. Since I read the book, I’m more informed.
  36. Before he starts, let’s get ready.
  37. Whenever he’s in town, he visits his parents.
  38. Because she sleeps late, she misses her classes.
  39. Wherever you hide, I’ll find you.
  40. Although it was difficult, he managed to succeed.
  41. Whether it’s hot or cold, I’ll be there.
  42. Unless you try, you’ll never know.
  43. When you leave, lock the door.
  44. That she lied is upsetting.
  45. After the storm, the sun came out.
  46. While he waits, he reads a book.
  47. Since you’re not interested, let’s skip it.
  48. Whether you win or lose, it’s a good experience.
  49. If it’s possible, let me know.
  50. As you haven’t called, I’m worried.
  51. Before the meeting starts, gather your materials.
  52. Once she finishes her chores, she’ll join us.
  53. Provided you study, you’ll pass.
  54. While you were out, your friend called.
  55. That he can sing is a surprise.
  56. Until we meet again, take care.
  57. Even though she was late, she caught the train.
  58. Wherever you are, I’ll find you.
  59. As it’s your birthday, make a wish.
  60. If it’s raining, we’ll stay home.
  61. After I finish this task, I’ll help you.
  62. Though it hurts, I’ll keep going.
  63. Whether it’s right or wrong, it’s your choice.
  64. Whenever you’re ready, we’ll begin.
  65. Unless it’s urgent, don’t disturb me.
  66. Since you’re new, I’ll guide you.
  67. That you’re here is a good sign.
  68. When the lights go out, it’s bedtime.
  69. If it’s snowing, let’s build a snowman.
  70. As she’s sick, she won’t come.
  71. While we’re young, let’s travel.
  72. Though it’s hard, don’t give up.
  73. Until you decide, I’ll wait.
  74. Because it’s dark, take a flashlight.
  75. Before we eat, let’s say grace.
  76. If you’re hungry, there’s food in the fridge.
  77. After you left, things changed.
  78. Provided you’re 18, you can vote.
  79. Wherever he goes, she follows.
  80. Even if you lose, it’s a learning experience.
  81. While she knits, he reads.
  82. Since you like it, I’ll make it again.
  83. Whether you attend or not, it’s your choice.
  84. As you were absent, you missed the test.
  85. Until the issue is resolved, we can’t proceed.
  86. After you wash the dishes, you can watch TV.
  87. Because you’re here, we can start.
  88. Though I’m young, I understand.
  89. Wherever there’s smoke, there’s fire.
  90. Even if it takes forever, I’ll wait.
  91. If you want, you can stay.
  92. While I was shopping, I saw your friend.
  93. Provided you arrive on time, we won’t leave without you.
  94. When it’s time, you’ll know.
  95. That you forgot is understandable.
  96. Since you’re late, you’ll have to wait.
  97. Though you’re scared, be brave.
  98. Before you enter, knock.
  99. Until it’s done, we can’t relax.
  100. Because it’s your first time, we’ll be gentle.

Dependent Clause Sentence Examples for 5th Grade

Understanding dependent clauses in 5th grade sets the foundation for complex sentence structures. Simple yet illustrative, these examples are perfect for introducing youngsters to the concept of dependent clauses, enhancing both reading comprehension and writing skills.

  1. After she brushes her teeth, she goes to bed.
  2. If it’s cold, wear a jacket.
  3. While you play, I’ll read.
  4. Since it’s late, go to sleep.
  5. Unless you finish dinner, no dessert.
  6. Because it’s raining, take an umbrella.
  7. When I call, come downstairs.
  8. If you’re good, you’ll get a toy.
  9. Before you sleep, say your prayers.
  10. Whenever it snows, we make a snowman.

Dependent Clause Sentence Examples for 6th Grade

Tailored for 6th-grade students, these examples demonstrate dependent clauses within more complex sentences. They help students to better understand sentence construction while enhancing their written and spoken English proficiency.

  1. Although it’s hot, don’t forget to hydrate.
  2. As you grow up, things change.
  3. Before you go to the field, grab your gloves.
  4. Since you’re going to the store, get some bread.
  5. When the bell rings, go to class.
  6. If it’s windy, fly a kite.
  7. Until the teacher arrives, read your book.
  8. Unless you’re sick, attend the practice.
  9. While they cook, set the table.
  10. Whenever it rains, take your boots.

Dependent Clause Sentence Examples for 7th Grade

Optimized for 7th-grade level, these examples delve deeper into the utilization of dependent clauses. Designed to elevate writing and comprehension, these sentences serve as an excellent study aid for more advanced grammatical concepts.

  1. Provided you finish your homework, you can play video games.
  2. After the movie ends, we should discuss it.
  3. While he was jogging, he found a wallet.
  4. Because you aced the test, you get a reward.
  5. Though it’s a weekend, she studies.
  6. Until the bus arrives, stay in line.
  7. Whether or not you agree, it’s the rule.
  8. Since you didn’t clean your room, you’re grounded.
  9. If you’re coming to the party, RSVP.
  10. Even though it’s difficult, he enjoys math.

Dependent Clause Complete Sentence Examples

Designed to advance language mastery for all ages, these complete sentence examples with dependent clauses are a resource for anyone wanting to understand complex sentence structures. Perfect for writers, educators, and students aiming to level up their English skills.

  1. Although she was tired, she finished her work.
  2. As the fog lifted, the sun broke through.
  3. Before you judge, understand the situation.
  4. Since it’s a public holiday, the shops are closed.
  5. When the clock strikes twelve, it’s a new day.
  6. If it’s possible, help your neighbor.
  7. Until I hear from you, I won’t make plans.
  8. Unless it’s important, don’t interrupt the meeting.
  9. While you were sleeping, a storm passed by.
  10. Whenever I hear that song, I think of you.

How do you start a sentence with a dependent clause?

Starting a sentence with a dependent clause can add depth and complexity to your writing. A dependent clause contains a subject and a verb, but it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. By positioning the dependent clause at the beginning of a sentence, you draw attention to the information within it. Here’s how:

  1. Identify the Subject and Verb: Every dependent clause needs a subject and a verb. For example, in the clause “After she reads,” ‘she’ is the subject and ‘reads’ is the verb.
  2. Add a Subordinating Conjunction: Words like “although,” “because,” “if,” and “when” link the dependent clause to the main clause. For instance, “After she reads” becomes “After she reads the book.”
  3. Follow with a Comma: A comma should follow the dependent clause when it starts a sentence. Example: “After she reads the book, she writes a review.”
  4. Attach a Main Clause: A main clause has a subject and a verb and can stand alone as a complete sentence. The main clause gives full meaning to the dependent clause. Example: “After she reads the book, she writes a review.”
  5. Finalize the Sentence: The combination of the dependent clause and the main clause forms a complex sentence. Example: “After she reads the book, she writes a review.”

How do you write a Dependent Clause Sentence? – Step by Step Guide

Creating sentences with dependent clauses involves a step-by-step process:

  1. Know the Main Clause: Before inserting a dependent clause, know what your main clause is. Example: “She writes a review.”
  2. Choose a Subordinating Conjunction: Words like “although,” “if,” “since,” and “when” are commonly used to introduce dependent clauses.
  3. Formulate the Dependent Clause: Decide the subject and verb for the dependent clause and pair it with the subordinating conjunction. Example: “After she reads the book.”
  4. Decide Position: The dependent clause can be at the beginning, middle, or end of the sentence. Position it to emphasize the most important information.
  5. Use Punctuation: If the dependent clause comes before the main clause, use a comma. If it follows the main clause, no comma is usually necessary unless the sentence calls for additional clarification.
  6. Complete the Sentence: Combine the dependent and main clauses to complete the sentence. Example: “She writes a review after she reads the book.”

Tips for Using Dependent Clause Sentences

Here are some tips for effectively using dependent clause sentences:

  1. Vary Your Structure: Avoid monotony by changing up the position of your dependent clauses. This keeps the reader engaged and adds depth to your writing.
  2. Be Mindful of Punctuation: Always use a comma after a dependent clause that starts a sentence. Omit the comma when the dependent clause is at the end, unless it adds clarity.
  3. Keep Clauses Balanced: While dependent clauses add nuance, don’t let them overpower the main clause. Each should complement the other.
  4. Be Clear: Dependent clauses should directly relate to the main clause. Avoid creating sentences that could lead to confusion.
  5. Check for Fragments: A dependent clause cannot stand alone. Always attach it to a main clause to form a complete sentence.
  6. Read Aloud: Sometimes it’s easier to catch errors or awkward phrasing when you hear it. Read your sentences aloud to ensure they flow naturally.

By understanding these aspects of dependent clause sentences, you’ll enrich your writing, providing your readers with clearer, more engaging text.

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