Linking Verb Sentence

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Created by: Team English -, Last Updated: September 27, 2024

Linking Verb Sentence

Linking Verb Sentence Examples

Unlock the potential of your writing with our comprehensive guide on linking verb sentences. From unique sentence examples to expert writing tips, we cover everything you need to know to master this fundamental aspect of English grammar. Perfect for aspiring writers, students, and anyone looking to refine their language skills, this guide is your one-stop resource.

What is the Linking Verb Sentence? – Definition

A linking verb sentence is a sentence where the verb connects the subject to a word that describes or identifies it, rather than showing an action. Linking verbs like “is,” “are,” “was,” and “were” serve as bridges between the subject and additional information about the subject. For instance, in the sentence “The sky is blue,” “is” links “the sky” to “blue,” describing its color.

What is the Best Example of a Linking Verb Sentence?

One stellar example of a linking verb sentence is: “She is the CEO of the company.” In this sentence, the linking verb “is” connects the subject “She” to additional information about her role, which is “the CEO of the company.” The sentence provides more depth and information about the subject without depicting any action, effectively utilizing the linking verb to enhance understanding.

100 Linking Verb Sentence Usage Examples

Linking Verb Sentence
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Master the art of constructing sentences with linking verbs through our exhaustive list of examples. This curated list offers 100 unique and distinct sentences showcasing various linking verbs to refine your writing and comprehension skills. Perfect for writers, students, and English language learners, these examples will help you become a pro in using linking verbs effectively.

  1. The cake is delicious.
  2. You seem tired today.
  3. The flowers are blooming.
  4. She has been a teacher for 10 years.
  5. The book appears interesting.
  6. The movie was enthralling.
  7. They are the winners of the competition.
  8. Your idea sounds intriguing.
  9. The kids were excited about the trip.
  10. This fruit tastes sour.
  11. He has become more responsible.
  12. The sky was cloudy yesterday.
  13. Their performance was impressive.
  14. He seems like a trustworthy person.
  15. You look stunning in that dress.
  16. She is being honest with you.
  17. The dog was friendly.
  18. The soup smells delicious.
  19. I am the youngest in my family.
  20. The lecture was boring.
  21. The song sounds melodious.
  22. You were late yesterday.
  23. She feels happy today.
  24. The concert was sold out.
  25. The company remains profitable.
  26. The milk turns sour when it spoils.
  27. The weather seems pleasant.
  28. The car is new.
  29. He has been absent for three days.
  30. This coffee tastes strong.
  31. She is becoming more confident.
  32. The lake looks peaceful.
  33. Your explanation is correct.
  34. The view appears stunning.
  35. The moon was full last night.
  36. The baby is being fussy.
  37. You seem confused.
  38. The cookies smell amazing.
  39. I remain optimistic.
  40. They are eager to learn.
  41. The water is cold.
  42. Her voice sounds lovely.
  43. The exercise was challenging.
  44. The pie tastes sweet.
  45. We were young once.
  46. She feels overwhelmed.
  47. The house looks abandoned.
  48. The tree seems tall.
  49. The horse was wild.
  50. The tea smells fragrant.
  51. He becomes agitated easily.
  52. The museum is open on Sundays.
  53. The topic is being debated.
  54. They were champions.
  55. Your advice sounds reasonable.
  56. The cat has been missing.
  57. The garden appears well-maintained.
  58. The sauce tastes spicy.
  59. The wood feels smooth.
  60. You are correct.
  61. The conference was informative.
  62. The shop remains closed on holidays.
  63. She looks sad.
  64. The presentation was compelling.
  65. The restaurant is full.
  66. The milk smells fresh.
  67. The children were noisy.
  68. His answer seems correct.
  69. The road was slippery.
  70. The wine tastes aged.
  71. You are talented.
  72. The atmosphere feels tense.
  73. They look identical.
  74. The dress appears expensive.
  75. The apple is ripe.
  76. She has been diligent.
  77. The project is being delayed.
  78. The room was spacious.
  79. The painting looks beautiful.
  80. The soup tastes bland.
  81. The weather was freezing.
  82. The building remains iconic.
  83. The program seems beneficial.
  84. They are aware of the consequences.
  85. The fabric feels soft.
  86. The air smells fresh.
  87. The lake was frozen.
  88. The decision appears final.
  89. Your phone is outdated.
  90. The story sounds captivating.
  91. You were misinformed.
  92. The arrangement looks perfect.
  93. The dough feels sticky.
  94. She has been helpful.
  95. The sky is being overcast.
  96. The cat was agile.
  97. The view remains breathtaking.
  98. The candy tastes minty.
  99. They were uncertain.
  100. The instruction appears clear.

Each of these 100 sentences showcases how to effectively use linking verbs to connect subjects with their corresponding attributes, feelings, or states of being. Keep this list handy as a reference to bolster your writing and understanding of English grammar.

Where Does a Linking Verb Go in a Sentence?

In a standard English sentence, a linking verb typically follows the subject and precedes the complement, which can be an adjective, a noun, or a pronoun. The general structure is: Subject + Linking Verb + Subject Complement. For example, in the sentence “John is tall,” “John” is the subject, “is” is the linking verb, and “tall” is the subject complement. Knowing where to place a linking verb helps maintain sentence clarity and grammatical accuracy.

Is “Have” a Linking Verb?

The verb “have” is generally not considered a linking verb; it is primarily an action verb that shows possession or a relationship. For example, in the sentence “I have a car,” “have” indicates possession of a car. However, it can serve as a helping verb in perfect tenses like “He has been running.”

Is “Will” a Linking Verb?

No, “will” is not a linking verb. It is a modal auxiliary verb that is used to express future tense or to indicate probability or possibility. For instance, in the sentence “She will go to college next year,” “will” helps to convey the future tense.

Is “Has” a Linking Verb?

Like “have,” “has” is also not a linking verb; it is mainly used as an action verb to indicate possession or as a helping verb to form perfect tenses. In the sentence “She has a book,” “has” indicates possession.

Is “Had” a Linking Verb?

The verb “had” is not a linking verb. It is primarily used to form the past perfect tense and to show possession in the past. For example, in the sentence “He had finished the project,” “had” is a helping verb forming the past perfect tense.

Is “Became” a Linking Verb?

Yes, “became” is a linking verb. It serves to connect the subject with its complement while indicating a change in state or condition. For instance, in “She became a doctor,” “became” links “She” to her new status as “a doctor.”

Is “Felt” a Linking Verb?

The verb “felt” can be both an action verb and a linking verb depending on its usage in a sentence. When used to express an emotional or physical feeling, it acts as an action verb, such as in “I felt the fabric.” When used to describe a state or condition, it can act as a linking verb, as in “She felt happy.”

Is “Taste” an Action or Linking Verb?

The verb “taste” can function as both an action verb and a linking verb depending on the context. When “taste” describes the action of tasting something, it’s an action verb. For example, “I taste the soup.” On the other hand, when “taste” is used to describe a quality of the subject, it acts as a linking verb, like in “The soup tastes salty.”

How Do You Use “Feel” as a Linking Verb?

The verb “feel” serves as a linking verb when it connects the subject of the sentence to a state of being or condition, rather than indicating a physical action. In this usage, “feel” is commonly followed by an adjective. The structure for using “feel” as a linking verb is: Subject + Feel + Adjective.

For example:

  • She feels tired.
  • They feel excited about the new project.

In both examples, “feel” acts as a linking verb that connects the subject to an adjective describing its state.

What is a Linking Verb Adjective?

A linking verb adjective is the adjective that follows a linking verb in a sentence, describing the subject’s condition or state. In essence, it serves as the subject complement. Linking verbs like “is,” “are,” “seem,” “become,” and “feel” commonly precede linking verb adjectives.

For example:

  • The cake is delicious. (“delicious” is the linking verb adjective)
  • You seem happy. (“happy” is the linking verb adjective)

In these sentences, the linking verb adjectives “delicious” and “happy” give more information about the subjects “cake” and “you,” respectively.

How Do You Use “Sound” as a Linking Verb in a Sentence?

The verb “sound” can function as a linking verb when it serves to describe a characteristic or quality of the subject. Typically, it’s used to describe auditory impressions or to convey a figurative sense. When used as a linking verb, “sound” is followed by an adjective or occasionally a noun. The formula for using “sound” as a linking verb is: Subject + Sound + Adjective/Noun.

For instance:

  • The music sounds harmonious.
  • His ideas sound great.
  • That sounds like a plan.

In each example, “sound” functions as a linking verb connecting the subject to a description, which can be either an adjective or a noun, that tells us more about the subject’s qualities.

Is the Verb “Smell” a Linking Verb?

The verb “smell” can function as both an action verb and a linking verb, depending on the context in which it is used. When “smell” is employed to indicate the physical act of smelling something, it is an action verb. For instance, “I smell the roses.” On the other hand, when “smell” is used to describe the aroma or scent of the subject, it serves as a linking verb. The structure in this case is: Subject + Smell + Adjective/Noun.


  • The roses smell fragrant.

Here, “smell” links the subject “roses” to the adjective “fragrant,” describing the scent of the roses.

How Do You Write Linking Verb Sentences? – Step by Step Guide

Writing sentences with linking verbs doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Identify the Subject: Determine the subject of the sentence, which is the noun or pronoun you wish to describe or connect to a complement.
  2. Choose a Linking Verb: Select an appropriate linking verb that fits the context. Common linking verbs include “am,” “is,” “are,” “was,” “were,” “feel,” “seem,” “become,” “look,” “sound,” “smell,” and “taste.”
  3. Select the Subject Complement: Choose an adjective, noun, or pronoun that will complete the thought about the subject.
  4. Construct the Sentence: Assemble these elements together using the formula Subject + Linking Verb + Subject Complement.


  • The car is red.
    • Subject: The car
    • Linking Verb: is
    • Subject Complement: red

Tips for Using Linking Verb Sentences

  1. Be Concise: Linking verbs are efficient tools for describing states or conditions. Use them when you want to directly connect the subject to an attribute without extra fluff.
  2. Choose the Right Linking Verb: Ensure that the linking verb you select is the best fit for conveying the nuance you intend. For instance, “appear” and “seem” may be synonyms, but they may carry slightly different implications.
  3. Vary Your Vocabulary: To keep your writing interesting, use a variety of linking verbs like “become,” “appear,” or “grow,” instead of always relying on “is” or “are.”
  4. Check Agreement: Ensure that the subject and the linking verb are in agreement in terms of number and tense.
  5. Review for Clarity: After writing, re-read the sentence to confirm that the subject complement accurately and clearly describes the subject.

By incorporating these tips and guidelines, you’ll be able to create well-crafted sentences that make effective use of linking verbs, enriching both your writing style and the reader’s understanding.

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