Multiples of 102

Team Maths -
Created by: Team Maths -, Last Updated: August 22, 2024

Multiples of 102

Multiples of 102

Multiples of 102 are obtained by multiplying 102 by any integer. These numbers are part of a sequence where each term is 102 times an integer, demonstrating basic principles of multiplication and integer arithmetic. Understanding multiples helps in identifying divisors and factors of numbers, which are fundamental concepts in mathematics. For instance, 204, 306, and 408 are some of the multiples of 102. Multiples play a crucial role in solving various mathematical problems involving divisibility and factorization.

What are Multiples of 102?

Multiples of 102 are numbers obtained by multiplying 102 with any integer. They are in the form 102n, where n is an integer. Examples include 102, 204, 306, and so on.

Prime Factorization of 102: 2 × 3 × 17 First 10 Multiples of 102 are 102, 204, 306, 408, 510, 612, 714, 816, 918, 1020.

For example, 306, 510, 714 and 918 are all multiples of 102, 111 is not a multiple of 102 for the following reasons:

306306 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 3 = 3060
510510 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 5 = 5100
714714 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 7 = 7140
918918 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 9 = 9180
111111 is not a multiple of 102 because 102 × 1 = 102 with a remainder of 99

List of First 100 Multiples of 102 with Remainders

102102 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 1 = 1020
204204 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 2 = 2040
306306 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 3 = 3060
408408 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 4 = 4080
510510 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 5 = 5100
612612 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 6 = 6120
714714 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 7 = 7140
816816 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 8 = 8160
918918 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 9 = 9180
10201020 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 10 = 10200
11221122 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 11 = 11220
12241224 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 12 = 12240
13261326 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 13 = 13260
14281428 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 14 = 14280
15301530 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 15 = 15300
16321632 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 16 = 16320
17341734 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 17 = 17340
18361836 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 18 = 18360
19381938 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 19 = 19380
20402040 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 20 = 20400
21422142 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 21 = 21420
22442244 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 22 = 22440
23462346 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 23 = 23460
24482448 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 24 = 24480
25502550 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 25 = 25500
26522652 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 26 = 26520
27542754 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 27 = 27540
28562856 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 28 = 28560
29582958 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 29 = 29580
30603060 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 30 = 30600
31623162 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 31 = 31620
32643264 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 32 = 32640
33663366 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 33 = 33660
34683468 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 34 = 34680
35703570 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 35 = 35700
36723672 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 36 = 36720
37743774 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 37 = 37740
38763876 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 38 = 38760
39783978 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 39 = 39780
40804080 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 40 = 40800
41824182 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 41 = 41820
42844284 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 42 = 42840
43864386 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 43 = 43860
44884488 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 44 = 44880
45904590 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 45 = 45900
46924692 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 46 = 46920
47944794 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 47 = 47940
48964896 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 48 = 48960
49984998 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 49 = 49980
51005100 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 50 = 51000
52025202 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 51 = 52020
53045304 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 52 = 53040
54065406 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 53 = 54060
55085508 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 54 = 55080
56105610 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 55 = 56100
57125712 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 56 = 57120
58145814 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 57 = 58140
59165916 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 58 = 59160
60186018 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 59 = 60180
61206120 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 60 = 61200
62226222 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 61 = 62220
63246324 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 62 = 63240
64266426 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 63 = 64260
65286528 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 64 = 65280
66306630 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 65 = 66300
67326732 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 66 = 67320
68346834 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 67 = 68340
69366936 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 68 = 69360
70387038 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 69 = 70380
71407140 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 70 = 71400
72427242 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 71 = 72420
73447344 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 72 = 73440
74467446 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 73 = 74460
75487548 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 74 = 75480
76507650 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 75 = 76500
77527752 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 76 = 77520
78547854 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 77 = 78540
79567956 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 78 = 79560
80588058 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 79 = 80580
81608160 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 80 = 81600
82628262 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 81 = 82620
83648364 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 82 = 83640
84668466 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 83 = 84660
85688568 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 84 = 85680
86708670 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 85 = 86700
87728772 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 86 = 87720
88748874 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 87 = 88740
89768976 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 88 = 89760
90789078 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 89 = 90780
91809180 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 90 = 91800
92829282 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 91 = 92820
93849384 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 92 = 93840
94869486 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 93 = 94860
95889588 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 94 = 95880
96909690 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 95 = 96900
97929792 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 96 = 97920
98949894 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 97 = 98940
99969996 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 98 = 99960
1009810098 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 99 = 100980
1020010200 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 100 = 102000

Read More About Multiples of 1027

Table of 102

Important Notes

Step 1: Understanding Multiples

A multiple of a number is the product of that number and an integer. In this case, the multiples of 102 are obtained by multiplying 102 by integers such as 1, 2, 3, and so on.

Step 2: First Five Multiples of 102

To get a clear understanding, let’s list the first five multiples of 102:

  • 102×1 = 102
  • 102×2 = 204
  • 102×3 = 306
  • 102×4 = 408
  • 102×5 = 510

Step 3: Patterns in Multiples

When you observe the multiples of 102, a pattern emerges:

  • The digits of the multiples increase consistently.
  • Each multiple is 102 units more than the previous multiple.

Step 4: Properties of Multiples of 102

  • Divisibility: Every multiple of 102 is divisible by 2, 3, and 17 (since 102 = 2×3×17).
  • Even Numbers: All multiples of 102 are even numbers because 102 itself is even.
  • Digit Sum Rule: The sum of the digits of multiples of 102 increases in a predictable manner. For example, 102:1+0+2 = 3, 204:2+0+4 = 6, etc.

Step 5: Practical Applications

  • Real-World Use: Understanding multiples of 102 can be useful in scenarios involving bulk calculations, such as packaging items in sets of 102.
  • Mathematical Problems: Multiples are often used in problems involving Least Common Multiple (LCM) and Greatest Common Divisor (GCD).

Table of First Five Multiples of 102

IntegerMultiple of 102

Examples on Multiples of 102

Simple Multiples

  • 204: 102×2 = 204
  • 306: 102×3 = 306
  • 408: 102×4 = 408

Larger Multiples

  • 1020: 102×10 = 1020
  • 2040: 102×20 = 2040
  • 3060: 102×30 = 3060

Real-Life Examples

  • Distance: 1020 kilometers is a multiple of 102 because 102×10 = 1020.
  • Weight: A cargo weighing 2040 kilograms is a multiple of 102 because 102×20 = 2040.
  • Time: 3060 seconds (51 minutes) is a multiple of 102 because 102×30 = 3060.

Practical Examples of Multiples of 102

What is the 15th multiple of 102?

The 15th multiple of 102 is 102×15 = 1530.

Is 612 a multiple of 102?

Yes, 612 is a multiple of 102 because 102×6 = 612.

What is the next multiple of 102 after 918?

The next multiple of 102 after 918 is 918+102 = 1020.

Find the 25th multiple of 102.

The 25th multiple of 102 is 102×25 = 2550.

Is 1210 a multiple of 102?

No, 1210 is not a multiple of 102 because it cannot be expressed as 102×n.


What are the first five multiples of 102?

The first five multiples of 102 are:
102 × 1 = 102
102 × 2 = 204
102 × 3 = 306
102 × 4 = 408
102 × 5 = 510

Is 306 a multiple of 102?

Yes, 306 is a multiple of 102 because 102 × 3 = 306.

How can you check if a number is a multiple of 102?

To check if a number is a multiple of 102, divide the number by 102. If the result is a whole number with no remainder, then it is a multiple of 102.

What is the 10th multiple of 102?

The 10th multiple of 102 is 102 × 10 = 1020.

Are 510 and 1020 multiples of 102?

Yes, both 510 and 1020 are multiples of 102.
510 = 102 × 5
1020 = 102 × 10

What is the smallest multiple of 102 greater than 1000?

The smallest multiple of 102 greater than 1000 is 1020 (102 × 10).

Is 818 a multiple of 102?

No, 818 is not a multiple of 102 because 818 divided by 102 does not result in an integer.

What is the greatest multiple of 102 less than 1000?

The greatest multiple of 102 less than 1000 is 918 (102 × 9).

How many multiples of 102 are there between 500 and 1500?

To find the multiples of 102 between 500 and 1500, calculate the first multiple greater than 500 and the last multiple less than 1500.
First multiple greater than 500: 102 × 5 = 510
Last multiple less than 1500: 102 × 14 = 1428 There are 10 multiples: 510, 612, 714, 816, 918, 1020, 1122, 1224, 1326, and 1428.

Is 2048 a multiple of 102?

No, 2048 is not a multiple of 102 because 2048 divided by 102 does not result in an integer.

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