Medical Receipt

Last Updated: January 8, 2025

Medical Receipt

Medical Receipt Examples

Getting a fever and ending up confined in a hospital is a dreaded experience. Aside from the anxiety and medicines that you have to take painstakingly, you’ll eventually have to deal with the payment of your bills. You have to secure an official receipt for all the medical needs you availed to make sure you pay fair and square. In this article, we will discuss how to achieve this by creating a proper medical receipt.

8+ Medical Receipt Examples

Medical Receipt Template

Medical Receipt Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • MS Excel
  • Pages
  • Numbers
  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets

Size: A4 & US


Medical Clinic Receipt Template

Medical Clinic Receipt Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • PSD
  • AI
  • Publisher
  • Pages
  • Indesign

Size: 5×7, 6×2 Inches+Bleed


Medical Bill Receipt Template

Medical Bill Receipt Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • MS Excel
  • Pages
  • Numbers
  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets

Size: A4 & US


Free Medical Receipt Template

Free Medical Receipt Template
File Format
  • MS Excel
  • Numbers
  • PDF
  • MS Word. Pages

Size: A4 & US


Medical Billing Receipt

File Format
  • Doc
  • Docx

Size: 18 KB


Receipt for Medical Services

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 15 KB


Blank Medical Receipt

File Format
  • Doc
  • Docx

Size: 9 KB


Receipt for Medical Supply

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


Sample Medical Receipt

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 78 KB


What Is a Medical Receipt?

A medical receipt is a piece of document that contains a detailed and itemized list of any medical supplies, drugs, and services purchased in a pharmacy or any medical facility. Accredited physicians or pharmacists provide this for the patient’s preference. Just like any receipt such as restaurant receipts, the goods or services availed should be itemized with their corresponding prices as well as the customer’s name.

How To Write a Medical Receipt

As shown by Statista research, medical providers sell medical supplies and equipment at a fast rate worldwide since 2019. The need for these supplies and equipment has gone even higher with the current state of the world. That is why it is crucial for medical suppliers to have a well-worded medical receipt ready to use and incorporate in their professional transactions.

1. Write the Seller’s Details

You can start by writing the business name and salesperson’s name as well as the address and contact number. For example, if you’re a doctor and have provided a service to a patient, make sure the receipt includes your name and signature. That way, it confirms the receipt’s validity. You can take a look at invoice templates as they also include these details on their format.

2. Add the Customer’s Details

Some suppliers or customers are specific with their medical receipts for proper bookkeeping. So make sure to write their full details from their name, address, and contact details. Add what they have purchased as well, along with the money they have spent on it. This will help both parties keep a record of their transaction in case they want to check it later on.

3. Include The Goods and Services

Don’t forget to write or at least leave a space for the goods and services available. This part is the meat of your medical receipt as it shows what exactly the transaction involves. Remember to use the correct name or words for it too. Don’t forget also to add the details of the quantity if there is any.

4. Check For Errors

Once you have completed the final draft of your receipt, then take some time to examine it for any typos. This is important, especially when it comes to the prices, as you need to get the numbers right. Getting the details wrong could risk getting the receipt considered fake and causing problems that one can avoid in the first place.


Is it necessary to keep medical receipts?

Yes, it is. Keeping medical receipts gives Americans an easy time when it comes to tax purposes. All they need to do is follow a physical copy of it for later use.

What makes a doctor’s note different from a medical receipt?

A doctor’s note is a written document that proves a patient requires medical help. It contains details of the doctor’s prescription and recommendations. A medical receipt meanwhile is a record of a transaction where a client obtains goods or services from a medical professional.

Is a photo of a medical receipt acceptable for presentation?

Yes, it is! Thanks to today’s technology, a scanned copy of a medical receipt is still acceptable upon presentation. However, keep note that some medical facilities still need the actual print. You can follow the scanned copy as a backup just in case.

Like most transactions, it is essential to record every detail, especially when it involves medical needs. Follow the tips mentioned above, and you should be able to create a reliable medical receipt that will help every party keep track of their medical issues. You can check out other payment and invoices templates for inspiration if you need more ideas to create an original medical receipt.

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