Medical Management Plan – 10+ Examples, Format, Pdf

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Medical Management Plan – 10+ Examples, Format, Pdf


The medical management plan is a standardized reconciliation form used by the hospitals, clinic or medical practitioner in order to record the patient’s health before and after reconciliation.  A Medical management plan records the medicines taken by the patients during the admission and after the discharge. The hospitals make use of these forms to improve the accuracy of the information and make the medicines available in the clinic for the admitted patients. So the medical management plan is more than essential for any hospital in their management part.

You can find a number of medical management plans available online. If you feel creating a medical management plan tedious, you can get a ready-template or example from online and personalize them according to the patient needs. To help you with, we have compiled a set of best medical management plan examples in this page, let’s get to know them.

Medical Management Plan Examples & Templates

1. Medical Management Plan Template

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A well-crafted medical management plan should comprise details such as the medical condition, name of the patient and date of birth, signs and symptoms of the condition, actions taken to manage the medical condition, parent/ Guardian information and ends with medical practitioner details. Some medical management plan includes a picture of the patient. In general, it will be of a single page form like the one attached. Check the plan, which comes in a standard format to use for a child patient.

2. Simple Medical Management Plan

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Preparing a medical management plan helps both the medical practitioner and the patients in order to get and provide the right medications. Medications for the particular disease must be noted down by the hospitals so that there will be no chances for medications to be missed out. This sample medical management plan comprises important details to help the practitioners with the appropriate medications.

3. Medical Management Plan General

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The major purpose of using the medical management plan is that you can able to achieve continuity in medication management. You will not be missed out of the major medications that your patient undergoes with.  Keeping a medical management plan is common practice in most of the hospitals and medical clinics. Check out one of the samples which has been designed as an early childhood management plan.

4. Student Medical Management Plan

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This example is specific to the student community. These type of management plans will be prepared based on the age and category. Here attached is the specific medical management plan prepared for students with Astuma. Check the sample Astuma medical management plan for students. This comprises different sections for including student and physician details, daily medication plan, emergency astuma medications plan and parent/ guardian information. Download this standard medical management plan and edit it as per the requirements.

5. Diabetes Medical Management Plan

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Here comes the diabetes medical management plan you can use for diabetic patients. This specific template has been designed for the student-oriented purpose. This template is designed to store student information, diabetics type, parent/ guardian information, health care provider, emergency information, continuous glucose monitors, oral medication, insulin checkups, diet, physical activities and ends with the declaration. Get this for free and edit it according to your needs.

6. Simple Diabetes Medical Management Plan

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Every medical management plan has a standard formation date and the expiry date. It includes the validity duration at the very beginning of the form. By noting the term, it is subjected not to be valid once exceeds the date. Check the sample diabetes medical management plan, which includes the essential details of the medication such as insulin orders, ketone coverage, insulin dose administration principles, blood glucose monitoring, hypoglycemia management and so on.

7. Medical Condition Management Plan

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The sample medical management plan has been prepared after the analysis of the patient medical condition. The form comprises broad topics such as risk management, communication plan and medical condition management. It comprises different sections for incuding the medical condition, symptoms, risk minimisation plan, strategy and service plan. As a medical practitioner, you can use this template for tracking the child medical condition and medications.

8. Sample Medical Management Plan

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This medical management plan can be used for adults and peadiatric patients. This template has been designed perfectly with essential columns for medical company details and the contractor details. This can be produced for the company purpose. A template like this must be produced by the company before involving a dangerous activity that the company assigns its employees to do.

9. Child Care Diabetes Medical Management Plan

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The sample medical management plan has been designed for children who have diabetics. Tracking the diabetic stage and prescribed medications will be noted down in this form. The sample template includes sections for blood glucose monitoring, insulin plan, multiple daily injections, fixed insulin doses and managing high blood pressure. Check out the sample attached.

10. Standard Medical Management Plan

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The given medical management plan can be used for general reconciliation of medications. On the design part, it has been designed in green colour with black for text. The right corner has been allotted for locating the patient picture. It comes in a three pages plan. You can download it and use it as per your needs.

11. Detailed Diabetes Medical Management Plan

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The medial management plan is usually prepared for each student based on their medical condition. So the plan will be of specific to the patient conditions. Check the sample attached. This template comes in a simple appearance to be used by any medical practitioner.

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