Is 1 a Prime Number or Composite Number

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Created by: Team Maths -, Last Updated: July 19, 2024

Is 1 a Prime Number or Composite Number


Is 1 a Prime Number?

NO – 1 is not a Prime Number

Why not: 1 is not a prime number because it only has one divisor, not meeting the prime criteria of having exactly two distinct positive divisors.

Is 1 a Prime Number Image

Is 1 a Composite Number?

NO – 1 is not a Composite Number

Why not: No, 1 is not a composite number because it does not have more than two distinct divisors; it only has one.

Is 1 a Composite Number

Problem Statements

To determine the classification of the number 1, it’s essential to understand that it neither fits the criteria for prime nor composite, uniquely standing as a unit (neither prime nor composite).

Property Answer
Is 1 a prime number? No
Is 1 a composite number? No
Is 1 a perfect square? Yes
Factors of 1 1
Multiples of 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Cube Root of 1 1
Square of 1 1
Square Root of 1 1
Is 1 a Perfect Square? Yes
Is 1 a Perfect Cube? Yes
Is 1 a Irrational number No
Is 1 a Rational number Yes
Is 1 a Real number Yes
Is 1 a Integer Yes
Is 1 a Natural number Yes
Is 1 a Whole number Yes
Is 1 a Even or odd number No (1 is an odd number)
Is 1 a Ordinal number Yes
Is 1 a Complex number Yes

1 is Neither Prime nor Composite

1 holds a unique position in the number system. It is neither prime nor composite. Composite numbers are defined as integers that have more than two positive divisors. Since 1 does not fit the definition of a prime number nor does it have more than two divisors, it occupies its own category. This special status underscores the importance of 1 in mathematical operations and theories, serving as the multiplicative identity in algebraic structures.


  1. Multiplicative Identity:
    • Explanation: 1 is the only number that, when multiplied by any other number, returns that number. This property reinforces its unique status in mathematics.
  2. Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic:
    • Explanation: Including 1 as a prime would disrupt the theorem’s guarantee of a unique prime factorization for every integer greater than 1.
  3. Counting Numbers:
    • Explanation: 1 is the first counting number, laying the foundation for the number system. Its role is foundational rather than classifiable as prime or composite.
  4. Algebraic Structures:
    • Explanation: In algebra, 1 serves as the identity element for multiplication across various structures, highlighting its indispensability and distinctiveness.
  5. Euclid’s Definition:
    • Explanation: Ancient mathematicians like Euclid recognized the unique nature of 1, setting the stage for its exclusion from prime numbers due to its singular divisibility properties.


1. Why is 1 not considered a prime number?
1 is not considered a prime number because prime numbers are defined as having exactly two distinct positive divisors: 1 and the number itself. Since 1 only has one divisor (itself), it does not meet this criterion.

2. Can 1 be classified as a composite number?
No, 1 cannot be classified as a composite number. Composite numbers are defined as having more than two divisors. Since 1 has only one divisor, it does not fit the definition of a composite number either.

3. What category does the number 1 fall into if it’s neither prime nor composite?
The number 1 is often categorized as a unit. In number theory, a unit is an element that has a multiplicative inverse in a given set of numbers.

4. Why was 1 considered a prime number in the past?
Historically, some definitions of prime numbers included 1, mainly due to a less strict interpretation of primality. Over time, mathematicians agreed to exclude 1 to maintain a consistent and useful definition of prime numbers.

5. Can 1 be used to create prime numbers?

A: While 1 itself is not prime, it is involved in the generation and testing of primes in number theory.

1 is not classified as a prime number. By definition, a prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. The number 1 only has one positive divisor (1 itself), which does not satisfy the prime number criterion of having exactly two distinct positive divisors. This distinction is crucial in the field of mathematics as it preserves the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, ensuring that every number greater than 1 has a unique prime factorization. Understanding that 1 is not a prime number helps maintain the integrity of number theory and its applications across various branches of mathematics.

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Is 1 a prime number?




Not sure

of 10

Is 1 a composite number?




Not sure

of 10

Which of the following best describes the number 1?





of 10

How many positive divisors does the number 1 have?





of 10

Which statement is true about the number 1?

1 is a prime number

 1 is a composite number

1 is both prime and composite

1 is neither prime nor composite

of 10

Why is 1 not considered a prime number?

It has two divisors

It has more than two divisors

 It has only one divisor

It has no divisors

of 10

Can the number 1 be classified as a composite number?

Yes, because it has more than two divisors

No, because it has only one divisor

 Sometimes, depending on context

Not sure

of 10

Which number is neither prime nor composite?





of 10

What makes a number a prime number?

 Having one divisor

Having exactly two distinct divisors

Having more than two divisors

Being even

of 10

Is the statement "1 is a prime number" true or false?



 Sometimes true

Not sure

of 10

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