Is 47 a Prime Number or Composite Number

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Created by: Team Maths -, Last Updated: August 5, 2024

Is 47 a Prime Number or Composite Number

Is 47 a Prime Number?

Yes – 47 is a prime number.

Why Yes: 47 is a prime number because it meets the prime criteria of having exactly two distinct positive divisors: 1 and itself. Unlike 46, 47 only has divisors 1 and 47. See any number if it’s prime number or not

Is 47 a Prime Number

Is 47 a Composite Number?

NO – 47 is not a Composite Number

Why No: 47 is not a composite number because it does not have more than two distinct positive divisors. It only has two divisors: 1 and itself (47).

Is 47 a Composite Number

Problem Statements

Property Answer
Is 47 a prime number? Yes
Is 47 a composite number? No
Is 47 a perfect square? No
Factors of 47 1, 47
Multiples of 47 47, 94, 141, 188, 235, 282, 329, 376, 423, 470
Cube Root of 47 Not a whole number
Square of 47 2209
Square Root of 47 6.856
Is 47 a Perfect Cube? No
Is 47 an Irrational number No
Is 47 a Rational number Yes
Is 47 a Real number Yes
Is 47 an Integer Yes
Is 47 a Natural number Yes
Is 47 a Whole number Yes
Is 47 an Even or odd number No (47 is an odd number)
Is 47 an Ordinal number Yes
Is 47 a Complex number Yes (as all real numbers are also complex numbers)

What are the Factors of 47?

The factors of 47 are 1 and 47. These are the only two numbers that can divide 47 evenly without leaving a remainder, confirming that 47 is a prime number.

What Kind of Number is 47?

  • 47 is a prime number, not a composite number.
  • 47 is one of the odd prime numbers.
  • 47 is often considered a number of significance in various cultures, associated with luck and mysticism.
  • A natural number.
  • A positive integer.
  • A prime number.
  • An odd number.
  • A rational number.
  • A whole number.

47 is recognized as a prime number because it only has divisors of 1 and itself, specifically 1 and 47, distinguishing it from composite numbers, which have more than two distinct positive divisors. The number 47, unlike 46, is sometimes associated with cultural or spiritual significance, symbolizing luck or mysticism in certain traditions. Its status as a prime and odd number highlights the fascinating diversity of numbers and their roles not just in mathematics, but also in broader cultural and spiritual contexts. The unique properties of 47 exemplify the deep interconnections between mathematics and the human experience, illustrating the profound impact numbers can have beyond mere calculation.

Nearest Prime Number of 47

The nearest prime numbers to 47 are 43 and 53. While 43 is the closest prime number less than 47, 53 is the closest prime number greater than 47.


Is 47 a co prime number?

The term “co-prime” (or “relatively prime”) refers to a pair of numbers, not a single number like 47. Two numbers are co-prime if they have no common prime factors other than 1. For example, 8 and 15 are co-prime because they share no prime factors. Whether 47 is co-prime depends on it being paired with another number. Since 47 is a prime number, it would be co-prime with any number that does not have 47 as a factor.

Prime Factors of 47?

Since 47 is a prime number, its only prime factor is 47 itself. Prime numbers are defined by having exactly two distinct positive divisors: 1 and the number itself. Therefore, the prime factorization of 47 is just 47.

Is 47 a perfect square?

No, 47 is not a perfect square. A perfect square is a number that can be expressed as the square of an integer, and there is no integer whose square is 47.

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