Doppler Effect

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Created by: Team Physics -, Last Updated: July 4, 2024

Doppler Effect

Doppler Effect

The Doppler Effect refers to the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave in relation to an observer moving relative to the source of the wave. It is commonly observed with sound waves as a change in pitch but also applies to electromagnetic waves, including light. This phenomenon is a fundamental concept in various fields of physics, underpinning applications like radar and medical imaging, and is consistent with the laws of mechanics which govern motion and forces in the universe. Understanding the Doppler Effect requires a grasp of basic physics principles, including wave propagation and the effects of relative motion.

What is Doppler Effect?

The Doppler Effect is the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave in relation to an observer who is moving relative to the wave source. This effect causes the observed frequency of a wave to increase or decrease depending on the relative motion of the source and the observer towards or away from each other.

Doppler Effect Formulas

The formula for the Doppler Effect depends on whether the wave source, the observer, or both are moving, and it differs for sound and light due to the different propagation mediums.

For Sound Waves

f= (vvₒ​/v±v)f


  • 𝑓′ is the observed frequency,
  • 𝑓 is the source frequency,
  • 𝑣 is the speed of sound in the medium,
  • 𝑣ₒ​ is the speed of the observer relative to the medium (positive if moving towards the source),
  • 𝑣ₛ is the speed of the source relative to the medium (positive if moving away from the observer).

For Electromagnetic Waves (like light)

For light and other electromagnetic waves, where the speeds involved are close to the speed of light, the relativistic Doppler Effect formula is used:


  • 𝛽=𝑣/𝑐​,
  • 𝑣 is the relative velocity between the source and the observer along the line of sight (positive if moving apart),
  • 𝑐 is the speed of light.

These formulas allow you to calculate how the frequency perceived by an observer changes due to motion relative to the source of waves.


Sound Waves Example

Situation: A police car with a siren emitting a frequency of 500 Hz is moving towards a stationary observer at a speed of 30 m/s. The speed of sound in air is approximately 340 m/s.

Using the formula:

f′ = (v+vₒ/​​vvₛ)f

Here, 𝑣=340v=340 m/s (speed of sound), 𝑣ₒ=0 m/s (observer is stationary), 𝑣ₛ=30 m/s (source moving towards observer), and 𝑓=500 Hz.

𝑓′ = (340+0/340−30)×500 𝑓′ = (340/310)×500 = 548.4 Hz

So, the observer would hear the siren at approximately 548.4 Hz, a higher pitch than the original due to the police car moving towards the observer.

Light Waves Example

Situation: A distant star is moving away from Earth at 10,000 km/s. The light emitted from the star shows a characteristic emission line at a wavelength of 500 nm (nanometers). The speed of light is approximately 3×10⁵ km/s.

Using the relativistic Doppler formula: f′ = f √1+β​​/1−β​​ where 𝛽 = 𝑣/𝑐​.

𝛽 = 10,000/300,000 = 0.0333

To find the observed frequency, we first calculate the observed wavelength using the formula for wavelength change: 𝜆′ = 𝜆√1+𝛽/1−𝛽

​​𝜆′ = 500√1+0.0333/1−0.0333 = 516.7 nm

The observed wavelength of 516.7 nm is longer than the emitted wavelength, showing a redshift, indicative of the star moving away from Earth.

These examples show how the Doppler Effect formula is applied in real-world scenarios involving sound and light.

Uses of Doppler Effect

  • Astronomy: Astronomers use the Doppler Effect to determine the motion of stars and galaxies relative to Earth. By observing the shift in the frequency of light from celestial bodies, astronomers can tell whether these objects are moving towards or away from us. This is crucial for studying the expansion of the universe, as well as the properties of stars and planets.
  • Radar and Sonar: The Doppler Effect is utilized in radar and sonar technology to measure the speed of an object. For example, police use radar guns that detect the Doppler shift in radio waves reflected off moving vehicles to measure their speed. Similarly, sonar uses the shift in frequency of sound waves to detect the velocity of underwater objects.
  • Medical Imaging: Doppler ultrasound is a significant medical application of the Doppler Effect. It helps in examining blood flow and diagnosing conditions related to blood circulation. Doctors can observe the change in frequency of ultrasound waves reflected off moving blood cells to assess the speed and direction of blood flow, aiding in the detection of blockages and other vascular issues.
  • Weather Forecasting: Meteorologists use Doppler radar to monitor weather conditions. This technology helps in detecting the motion of rain droplets, which can be used to estimate the speed and direction of wind. This is essential for tracking storms, including hurricanes and tornadoes, and can provide advanced warnings to enhance safety measures.
  • Satellite Communication: The Doppler Effect is also important in satellite communication. It affects the frequency of signals transmitted between satellites and ground stations. Understanding and compensating for these shifts is crucial for maintaining effective communication links.
  • Navigation Systems: Global Positioning System (GPS) technology also relies on the Doppler Effect. GPS receivers use the shift in frequency of the signals from satellites to calculate the precise location, speed, and direction of movement of a receiver on Earth.

Doppler Effect Limitations

  • Relative Motion Requirement: The Doppler Effect only occurs if there is relative motion along the line of sight between the observer and the source. If the source moves perpendicular to the line of sight, there will be no Doppler shift observed. This can limit its applicability in scenarios where the direction of motion cannot be accurately determined or controlled.
  • High-Speed Limitations: In cases involving very high speeds, especially those approaching the speed of light, the classical Doppler formulas for sound and light may not provide accurate results. Relativistic effects must be considered, which complicates the calculations and the practical applications in fields like astronomy.
  • Medium Dependency for Sound: The Doppler Effect for sound waves is highly dependent on the medium through which the waves travel. Factors like temperature, humidity, and air pressure can affect the speed of sound in air, leading to variations in the observed Doppler shift. This can introduce errors in measurements if environmental conditions are not adequately controlled or accounted for.
  • Signal Strength and Quality: The accuracy of measurements using the Doppler Effect can be significantly affected by the strength and quality of the returning signal. Weak signals, such as those from distant stars or weak radar reflections, can lead to measurement errors and reduced reliability of the data.
  • Ambiguity in Radial Velocity: The Doppler Effect only measures the component of velocity that is along the line of sight (radial velocity). It does not provide information about the transverse component of velocity (motion perpendicular to the line of sight). This can lead to incomplete or misleading information about the overall motion of an object.
  • Noise and Interference: External noise and interference can also affect the accuracy of Doppler-based systems, especially in radar and sonar applications. Environmental noise, other signals, or obstacles can distort the wave patterns, leading to inaccurate readings.

Doppler Effect In Light


The Doppler Effect in light is a phenomenon observed when there is relative motion between a light source and an observer. It results in a shift in the frequency and wavelength of light, which can be observed as a change in color. Here’s a detailed look at how it works and its significance:

Red Shift and Blue Shift

  • Redshift: When the light source moves away from the observer, the wavelengths of light are stretched, leading to a shift towards the red part of the spectrum. This is known as “redshift”. The light appears more red than it would if the source were stationary relative to the observer.
  • Blueshift: Conversely, when the light source moves towards the observer, the wavelengths of light are compressed, resulting in a shift towards the blue part of the spectrum. This is known as “blueshift”. The light appears bluer than it normally would.


  • Astronomy: The Doppler Effect is crucial in astronomy for determining the motion of celestial objects. By observing the redshift or blueshift in the light from galaxies, stars, and other astronomical objects, scientists can determine whether these objects are moving towards or away from Earth, and at what speed. This is essential for understanding the structure and dynamics of the universe, including the rate of its expansion.
  • Cosmology: The discovery of the expanding universe was largely based on observations of the redshifts of distant galaxies, leading to the formulation of the Big Bang theory. The redshift measurements indicate how fast an object is moving away due to the expansion of space itself.
  • Spectroscopy: Spectroscopy, the study of the interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation, often uses the Doppler Effect to measure the properties of atoms and molecules. This can include chemical composition, temperature, density, and velocity of gases.
  • Exoplanet Detection: The Doppler Effect is used to detect planets around other stars by observing the tiny redshifts and blueshifts in the star’s light caused by the gravitational influence of orbiting planets.


Can the Doppler Effect be used to determine the speed of an object?

Yes, the Doppler Effect is widely used to measure the speed of objects. In radar technology, it helps measure the speed of vehicles, and in astronomy, it helps calculate the speed at which stars or galaxies are moving towards or away from us. This measurement is crucial for various applications, from traffic enforcement to understanding universal expansion.

Why is the Doppler Effect important in understanding the universe?

The Doppler Effect is crucial in cosmology for studying the universe’s expansion. Observations of the redshifts in the light from distant galaxies have led to the understanding that the universe is expanding, supporting the Big Bang theory and helping map the large-scale structure of the cosmos.

How does the Doppler Effect work with sound?

For sound waves, if the source is moving toward the observer, the frequency of the sound increases, leading to a higher pitch; if the source is moving away, the frequency decreases, leading to a lower pitch. The effect is due to the compression or stretching of sound waves caused by the motion of the source or the observer.

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