Construction Valuation – 12+ Examples, Format, Pdf

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Construction Valuation – 12+ Examples, Format, Pdf

Construction Valuation

What is valuation? A generic description would be that it is a method of determining the value of a particular asset. Then how would you apply it in construction? Construction valuation is the estimated cost of the entire construction work, including the project contractor’s expenses and profit, for which a building permit is issued by the government. The permit fee contains the total valuation of a certain construction that is new or any rehabilitation work for which the permit for the project is being taken.

There are many reasons as to why a company should be valued including the buying and selling of agreements, the project estate planning, purchase price allocations, financial statement etc. Here are 12+ Construction Valuation Examples and Templates.

Construction Valuation Examples & Templates

1. Construction Valuation Form

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This construction valuation form which you can use as a sample guideline. A construction valuation consists of the entire cost of the construction work, all the costs incurred an estimated. In this construction valuation, you will find the project name, project address, and the total estimated project valuation. These basic details are present in every construction valuation so as to be clear about the project details.

2. Final Construction Valuation Form

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This is an example of a final construction valuation survey form of the Division of Fire Safety of the Vermont Department of Fire Safety. In this form, you will find the necessary details that need to be filled in such as the information about the construction site, and a detailed valuation of the construction project. Projects require a permit fee, however projects including labor, the valuation of the construction work is based on the cost of the volunteer labor.

3. Construction Payment Valuation

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The Dublin Institute of Technology has come up with a study for calculating payment valuation for construction works in which the ways for calculating interim payments by the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI) is examined. According to the study, various approaches such as predetermined set periodic payments, milestone payments and detailed interim valuation of the projects will satisfy the Act’s requirements.

4. Construction Valuation Example

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Are you looking for sample construction valuation tables to be able to jot one down of your own? No worries! Feel free to use this template as a sample to make one of your own. Using a construction valuation table you can determine the valuation of your project by the square foot. In fact, you can calculate the permit fee of your construction fee via the valuation of your project.

5. Construction Company Valuation

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There are several methods and procedures that are involved in calculating the valuation of a construction project. This article highlights those methods and traces the measures involved in the determination of value. This template is a construction valuation determination by the City of Concord. In this sample, you will find the various steps that need to be followed so as to determine the construction cost for building permits. As part of the procedure, the applicant is required to provide an estimated cost of labor and materials. For a detailed version of the steps to follow, please visit the template.

6. Construction Valuation Sample

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In this template, you will find a construction valuation for building permits by the Department of Planning and Development of the County of Santa Clara. If you are looking for guidelines to calculate your construction valuation, you needn’t worry anymore because this template is just the one for you.

7. Construction Valuation for Building Permits

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Sometimes guidelines and sample readymade construction valuations may not work for you. Do you require examples to figure out your work? Then this sample building construction valuation is the template you need to refer to for your work because it contains examples with whose help you can calculate your valuation with proper cost estimation.

8. Building Construction Valuation

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This is a sample of a building construction valuation by Fairfield County. A residential assessment has been done of the construction site where the building permits will be based on the Fairfield County Building Construction Valuation Chart. 

9. Construction Valuation Template

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In this template, you will find a sample construction valuation of a construction project in the form of a graph with the value in millions in the x-axis and the calculating fiscal year in the y-axis. You can cite this example to create a graph of your own on these sidelines.

10. Construction Valuation Example

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The Building and Safety Division of the City of Santa Barbara has provided a sample construction valuation form in this template. According to the State Law, an applicant for construction work is required to provide an estimated value of work proposed on each application for construction work in order to receive a building permit.

11. Sample Construction Valuation for Tenant

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This template is a sample construction valuation for remodel/ tenant improvement by the Department of Planning and Building of the City of Chula Vista. It is a form that requires to be filled by applying for a permit for a construction/remodeling project. If you are going to apply for the same, you can check the details required to be filled in by you in order to receive the permit for your project.

12. Simple Construction Valuation Template

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The City of Bellevue has provided an analyis of the method of calculating valuation-based construction fees the sample of which you will find in this template. At the submittal, you should plan a review fee estimate and the issuance a review of the inspection fee and the plan should be done.

13. Construction Valuation Form in DOC

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This is a sample construction form where provisions of Section 11B-202.4 (except 8) are applied to buildings that are in use. When these buildings undergo remodeling or alterations then a proper and safe convenient path needs to be provided to the area of construction. You can find more details about the elements required to make this path, in the sample provided.

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