Discharge Summary Nursing Note

Last Updated: August 9, 2024

Discharge Summary Nursing Note

3+ Discharge Summary Nursing Note Examples in PDF

Medical staff who work in medical fields like nurses, doctors, surgeons, etc. know and understand that it is a part of their duty to make summary notes. Apart from using it for their files, it is also an easier way for them to keep track of who the patient is and their medical history. A summary note is also what nurses use when they are told to discharge a patient. Discharge summary notes consists of the information made by nurses from doctors that state the patient is ready to leave. It is basically a way of letting the nurse to let the patient go. A discharge summary note is an important tool for any nurse or anyone in the medical field to have. However, this may sound a little too complicated, there is a way to know how to write one and what to avoid placing in a discharge summary nursing note. Check out the following below for more information.

3+ Discharge Summary Nursing Note Examples

1. Discharge Summary Nursing Note Template

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  • PDF

Size: 4 KB


2. Hospital Discharge Summary Nursing Note

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Size: 180 KB


3. Formal Discharge Summary Nursing Note

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  • PDF

Size: 206 KB


4. Final Discharge Summary Nursing Note

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  • PDF

Size: 26 KB


What Is a Discharge Summary Nursing Note?

What is a discharge summary nursing note, what purpose does a discharge summary note have for those working in the medical field as well as for the patients? What a discharge summary nursing note is  a document that consists of the brief summary of  the services being done to the patient while they are in the hospital. A document that nurses give out to the patient or the representative of the patient, usually the parent, the guardian or the immediate family member.

It also consists of the general information of the patient, their current status, the medical services done, any other information that is necessary and the reason for discharging the patient. In addition to that, a discharge summary nursing note is a report prepared by the nurse or any health care professional that states the stay of the patient, the treatments they underwent and the the final say and reason for discharging the patient.

What a discharge summary nursing note is not, is it is not just a piece of paper written down by nurses to let the patient go without the say of the doctor. In addition to that, what a discharge summary nursing note is not, is it is not for the patient to write down to get themselves discharged.

What is the purpose of a discharge summary nursing note? The purpose of writing out a discharge summary nursing note is to notify the patient that they are now allowed to leave the hospital. The other purpose of a discharge summary note is for the nurse to have the idea that this patient is now given the okay note from the doctor in charge. In addition to that, a discharge summary nursing note is also a useful document to keep for nurses in case they may need to track down the patient. The discharge summary note is the easiest way to use.

How to Write a Discharge Summary Nursing Note?

Have you ever thought of writing out a discharge summary nursing note? Even for nursing students, this may be a challenge. One may think that having to write a summary note may need more than just the information being asked. This actually depends on the information given and the way the nurse may be writing the discharge summary note. So check out the following tips to get you started on your own discharge summary nursing note. What to put and what to avoid is always something to take into consideration.

1.  Purpose

What purpose do you have to write a discharge summary note? The purpose of writing down the discharge summary note is to state the reason for the patient to be told to go. The other purpose is to inform doctors of the act of discharging the patient through the note.

2.  Correct Information

When you write out the discharge summary note, always recheck if the information you have placed is correct and true. To avoid any issues with the information of the patient, ask for the copy of the document or ask the patient or the guardian if the name of the patient matches with the name placed in the paper.

3. Instruction Form

Some if not all discharge summary nursing notes have an instruction form for the nurse or the patient’s representative to fill out from. All they need is to follow the steps carefully. Instruction forms often come with information necessary for nurses discharge notes.

4. Deadline

Nurses go through a lot of deadlines when passing their discharge summary notes. The deadline is used as a way for nurses to be reminded that the discharge notes are a requirement for the patient to be let go.

5. Discharge Summary

Last but not least to write and find is the discharge summary. The nurse usually writes down the discharge summary if the doctor is out, or when given permission. The discharge summary shows the basic information of the patient, the services that were offered and the final comment or permission from the doctor.


Why is a discharge summary necessary?

It is necessary to those working in the medical field to know and to check that this person is out of the hospital. It is also used as notes and part of their files.

Do all nurses need to write out a discharge summary nursing note?

Usually, nurses are expected to have a discharge summary nursing note as part of their copies about the patient.

What happens if there was a little bit of error in the information?

The nurse must have to double check before they are able to confirm that the information is true and correct.

It goes without saying, having to write up a discharge summary is not an easy feat. However, nurses do this almost on a daily basis. They give out discharge summary forms to the doctor or to anyone asking for it. The reason why a discharge summary is important is because it states every information needed by the doctor to the patient and to give them a reason for discharging them.

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