Printable Business Policy – 10+ Examples, Format, How to Create, Pdf

Last Updated: February 5, 2025

Printable Business Policy – 10+ Examples, Format, How to Create, Pdf

Business Policy

The policies of a business are necessary to ensure that the company will function in the way you wanted it to. Without these guidelines, no matter how intricate a business plan is it wouldn’t matter. Why? Because people won’t have the policies to rein them in. So to help your business achieve its fullest potential, we provided these ready-made and high-quality 10+ Printable Business Policy Examples to help you create the best policy for your company. We also added an excellent guide for you to use in creating your document fast. Go on, check out now!

10+ Printable Business Policy Examples

1. Printable Business Policy Template

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  • PDF

Size: 270 KB


2. Cross-Border Business Policy

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Size: 58 KB


3. Global Business Amenities Policy

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Size: 112 KB


4. Sample Business Policy

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Size: 103 KB


5. Business Policy and Strategic Management

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Size: 195 KB


6. Business Policy Example

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Size: 7 KB


7. Sustainable Business Policy

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Size: 56 KB


8. Business Policy in PDF

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Size: 356 KB


9. Responsible Business Policy

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Size: 123 KB


10. Active Business Policy

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Size: 268 KB


11. Business Insurance Policy

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Size: 1 MB


What is a Printable Business Policy

A printable business policy is a ready-made document or template that people can use to help them create a business policy document in the shortest possible time. With a printable business policy CEOs and human resources individuals wouldn’t need to spend much time on creating a business policy from scratch.

What are the five stages of the policymaking process?

Policymaking is a long journey. Some people create policies out of experience and lessons they learn along the way. However, if you want to learn the five stages of policymaking, we provided these five stages below.

Stage 1: Agenda/Goal Setting

The Agenda or Goal Setting stage is the first phase of the policymaking process. This phase involves setting agendas and goals that need to be tackled by the policy. This stage is necessary so that you can create an excellent outline that you can use in the whole process.

Stage 2: Policy Formulation

Policy formulation is the stage when people think of ways to address their goals written in the previous phase. The propositions that people create from this brainstorming stage will usually go through a set of testing and assessment before people agree that it is befitting for adoption.

Stage 3: Adoption

The Adoption stage is the decision-making stage of the process. This is the phase when people deem specific policies as good for the company. People usually deliberate in this stage to make sure that they will have the best possible choice in the long run.

Stage 4: Implementation

The implementation process could be the most time-consuming phase of the whole policy creation process as it introduces the policy to the employees. If you have a startup small business this stage can be easy. Employee feedback is also necessary for this stage. In this way, the policymakers can still tweak the policy before proper evaluation.

Stage 5: Evaluation

The last stage of the whole process is the evaluation stage. This phase usually is necessary so the company can deem the policy a positive addition or a negative one. For example, if you want to create a vehicle policy for your company but then no one uses it because everyone commutes, and they only use personal vehicles for long-distance travel, then your policy is flawed. It’s irrelevant. So make sure that your policy is relevant to the people and format it with them in mind.

How to Create a Business Policy

Now that you learned the stages of the policy-making process, it is now time to focus on the creation process of the policies themselves. To start off, these steps will tackle the first and second stages of the whole process. Listed below are the steps that you can follow.

Step 1: Categorize and Outline

What you need to do before starting the writing process is to create a systematic category description of the whole policy that you will be making. So, let’s say you want to create a general employee work policy, you may write insurance, no cell phone, and strict company-affiliated credit card payment as factors of the whole policy.  Although you can change it as you deem fit, these are what generally constitutes a general workplace policy.

Step 2: Write Consequences

Consequences due to a failure are necessary for a policy to have. In this way, people can see that you are serious about the policy and that you will take measures to ensure that people follow it. Without consequences, your policy will only act as a proposal that people may do.

Step 3: Termination Clause

Policies are like contracts. They are the laws that rule a company. So, make sure that the business policy has a termination clause. In this way, people can see to it that they follow the policy through and through.

Step 4: Be Concise

Any business documents should always have this standard. Its words should be concise and clear; whether that’s a letter or a business plan. Without clarity, people can find fault with your policy and may even cause your company damages in the long run. So make sure that your words are clear and direct. If possible, use active voice over passive voice and don’t use a double negative.


What is a business policy and its importance?

A business policy is a document or set of documents that the management wants to impose as general rules and regulations. Business policies are important because they allow a company to work at maximum efficiency and also mitigate further damages from the company or business.

What are the three main types of corporate strategy?

In the field of strategic management, a strategy is important because it allows your company to fulfill your mission or vision statement. However, strategies are not all the same. Listed below are the three types of corporate strategy:
1. Growth
2. Stability
3. Renewal

How is a business strategy different from a business policy?

A business strategy is different from a business policy because a business strategy provides the company with the goals and missions within the strategy period. They also allow the company to advance its branding. However, a business policy is the set of regulations that a company employees follow.

Businesses nowadays are strict and direct. They are thinking well to ensure that their companies will stand through the ages at the expense of even their health. However, it shouldn’t be that way. With proper policies and procedures, everyone in the company can and will fulfill their part. People can easily use a business plan template to create new plans, but a policy will stick through.

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