Scholarship Policy

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Scholarship Policy

As we all know, applying for a scholarship, regardless of what kind of scholarship, there are always going to be some rules and regulations you need to follow. This is necessary for both parties to agree on. In case the student breaks the policy for the scholarship, the school would most likely take back the scholarship as agreed upon by both. 

These policies are important so the student would not take the opportunity for granted. Now, we have here 11+ scholarship policy examples in PDF for you to take a look at. Interested? Check them out and see what you like!

11+ Scholarship Policy Examples

1. Scholarship Policy Statement Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 34


2. Student Scholarship Policy Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 105


3. Scholarship Programs Policy Example

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  • PDF

Size: 158


4. Undergraduate Scholarship Policy Example

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  • PDF

Size: 172


5. President Scholarship Policy Example

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  • PDF

Size: 373


6. Partial Scholarship Policy Example

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  • PDF

Size: 332


7. Outside Scholarship Policy Example

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  • PDF

Size: 393


8. Sports Scholarship Policy Example

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  • PDF

Size: 72


9. University Scholarship Policy Example

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  • PDF

Size: 596


10. Merit Scholarship Policy Example

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  • PDF

Size: 75


11. Donor Scholarship Policy Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 484


12. Sample Scholarship Program Policy Example

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 54


What is a scholarship policy?

 A scholarship policy sets rules, conditions, and requisites that a student  who applied for the scholarship has to follow until he or she has graduated. It is a written promise from both parties, that the student who took the scholarship must adhere to follow the rules and regulations based on the scholarship. In case the student breaks the policy for the scholarship, the school would most likely take back the scholarship as agreed upon by both.

What to Expect In a Scholarship Policy?

There’s a lot to expect in a scholarship policy but they also differ from school to school. The most common ones would be:

  • The rules about the scholarship, and the purpose

The overview of this is the rules and the purpose of the scholarship. This is also where the student is instructed about how the scholarship works and how long. As not all scholarships last until you graduate. Apart from that, this is also the paragraph that merely states anyone can apply for the scholarship, as long as they met the requirements.

  • The responsibilities of the student taking up the scholarship

This case, the responsibilities and the requisites to keep the scholarship going. The student must have at least an average grade to continue the scholarship. This is what you usually find in this side of the paragraph.

  • Eligible Students

They pick the most eligible students, usually the outstanding graduates of a certain school or even those who have grades that reached their target.

  • Scholarship Awards

Scholarship awards are often given to students who have done a great job at both academic and non academic. This is based loosely on the student’s actions.

  • More information

The frequently asked questions are found here as well as the contact details of the school, who to contact and when.


Do I have to read everything in the policy?

Yes. As you may miss some important details on it.

Do I have to sign anything if needed or can my parents do it on my behalf?

Depending on what the policy states but the applicant of the scholarship has to sign as proof he or she has read, agreed and adhered to the rules of the scholarship.

In the policy, it says anyone is eligible. Does that include foreign exchange students?

Ask the principal or the dean of that department if it includes foreign exchange students, as they have a different policy for that as well.

What are the grounds for sanction if someone breaks the rules placed in the scholarship policy?

Sanctions will be based on the policy signed by the scholar and depending on how severe the problem is. It is broken down into 3 strikes, first strike a warning and a promise not to do it again. Second strike would be a written warning and a warning to guardian/parent for said behavior. Third strike would be the student is cut off from the scholarship.

Remembering to follow the policy written in your scholarship will help you in the long run. This is important since you are agreeing to the conditions and must follow them or else you are off the scholarship.

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