Real Estate Fact Sheet

Last Updated: January 9, 2025

Real Estate Fact Sheet


A Real Estate fact sheet is that useful sheet of paper or document which consists of all the facts and information that goes in the construction of a project in the real estate industry. The fact sheet contains all the valuable information that a potential buyer is looking for, even before heading out to visit the property.

Hence, to rescue our readers and followers from the trouble of researching for the best real estate fact sheet examples, we have done our part to compile the ten best real estate fact sheet examples and templates for you. So if you are a developer, property manager or even be a reseller in that case, and you are in the middle of a deal in real estate and looking for the best fact sheets to shed all the useful information regarding the property to your customer then our examples and templates in the same category can come in handy. Go through each one of them and choose the one that best suits your requirement. Do not forget that like always they are unconditionally Free to download and are ready for use.

Real Estate Fact Sheet Examples & Templates

1. Real Estate Fact Sheet Example

Real Estate Fact Sheet Template
File Format
  • Excel
  • Google Spreadsheet
  • Apple (MAC) Pages

Size: US


2. Blank Fact Sheet Template

Blank Fact Sheet Template
File Format
  • Word
  • Apple Pages
  • Google Docs

Size: A4, US


3. Business Fact Sheet Example

Business Fact Sheet Template
File Format
  • Word
  • Apple Pages
  • Google Docs

Size: A4, US


4. Real Estate Fund Fact Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 104 KB


The same is a fact sheet that contains all the information on the funding since the inception of the project. It is also the most quintessential document when an audit on the same property is carried out. Fundamentally it has everything that a fact sheet of this significance must have in it. All the funding data including paid-up capital, development charges, and all the other miscellaneous charges surrounding a real estate project falls under this real estate fund fact sheet.

5. Real Estate Property Fact Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 104 KB


A Real Estate Property is nothing but a plot of land, a certain amount of area covered in that land and the other constructional operations that go into it. So the best way to know about all this information regarding the constructional details is through a real estate property fact sheet. So be it a minute detail on carpet area or a highlighting fact on the location advantages you will find everything once you download this fact sheet template.

6. Real Estate Fact Sheet Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 102 KB


This template is from as you can see it. The same fact sheet is in the form of bullets where all the information and facts on the said property are in the frame of a bulleted list.

7. Real Estate Property Fact Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 80 KB


Another template which focusses on a lot of aesthetics. You can download it and use the same pattern or the format to illustrate all the essential facts you want to in regards to your property. Who doesn’t love graphs and illustrations? With this format of a real estate fact sheet, it is an assurance that you get all the right facts assembled in one place.

8. Real Estate Project Fact Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 318 KB


A simplistic approach to a real estate project fact sheet is what this template of ours all about, it provides all the basic set of information regarding the project that one supposedly looks for before trading in the same. Overview of the project, time of possession, funding details, contact details, and all the other similar kind of facts surrounding the property will be available in this real estate project fact sheet template of ours.

9. Real Estate Credit Investments Fact Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 269 KB


A lot of deals and trades in the real estate industry is only possible due to financial institutions lending their helping hand to cope up with the most demanding scenario and which is unquestionably the raising of funds for the real estate project. The fact sheet template we have collected here for real estate credit investments will cover all the essential details on cash flow involved in the project. It also has a section of monthly update and a performance graph which shows how the investment is channeled the right away to gain the maximum returns from the property.

10. Commercial Real Estate Mortgage Fact Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 306 KB


Another influential fact sheet in the real estate industry is the one which focusses on the mortgage details. There is no financial institution which is going to lend you money without mortgaging a valuable personal belonging of yours. The template we have here is an example of a real estate mortgage fact sheet which can be extremely beneficial for you while you intend to approach the bank to apply for a loan while mortgaging something from your personal belongings.

11. International Real Estate Fund Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 89 KB


The template, in this case, can keep track of all the international funds involved in the making of the project. All the international funds invested in the project will have their fair share of distribution in this fact sheet.

12. Consumer Real Estate Fact Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 132 KB


A very primary template which the property developers can use to enlighten their consumers regarding their project. Consumers, on the other hand, can widely benefit from one such fact sheet as information on a paper is always better than it is said verbally.

13. Real Estate Retailer Fact Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 453 KB


The last template example for today in our list is going to be the real estate retailer fact sheet. Especially for those property retailers who look for a fact sheet which entails everything they want to share with their buyers.

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