Small Business Inventory

Last Updated: September 6, 2024

Small Business Inventory


As a small business owner, keeping everything under control would appear daunting. From preparing the stocks to transmitting to the location, everything needs to be handled properly and this asks your utmost care and time. In order to simplify the tasks, you need a smart tool. Here we are recommending you to create a small business inventory.

To create a small business inventory, you require a little knowledge to work on the Excel sheet. You need to follow simple steps to kick-start the process. However, if you are a busy business professional, you can use ready-made templates by downloading it online. This page is about to show you the templates and examples of small business inventories.

Small Business Inventory Examples

1. Free Small Business Inventory Template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Editable PDF
  • MS Excel
  • Numbers
  • Google Sheets

Size: A4


This template helps you manage the small, retail and wholesale businesses. With this template, you can track, record and control the order management, finance management, inventory management, data management, reporting and invoice creation. Get this template for free.

2. Checklist Small Business Legal Compliance Inventory

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4


No matter which field you belong to, you ultimately need to verify if the products or services are in compliance with the latest laws and amendments. Here, you need to know when, for the last time, you have updated the sheet. By knowing this you will stay away from legal actions. Use this comprehensive checklist template and use it by updating with the present regulations.

3. Small Business Manufacturer’s Inventory

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  • PDF

Size: 105KB


This is the example of a manufacturer’s inventory, which contains details and the instructions to be followed while shipping the items. There are some procedure business owners need to follow while shipping their items from one place to another. Here noting down the tax information is essential. Use this all in one inventory which helps you include all the essential details of the shipment. The details like a taxpayer, payee, local address, materials used, the status of the work process and a lot more. Check the details in the sample attached here.

4. Records Inventory for Business Area

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  • PDF

Size: 677KB


This comprehensive inventory template helps you store the details about the small business area. When it comes to running a small business, there would be a need for setting more than one locations to achieve the entire process. Here using contemporary methods like pen and paper will not help. Using a well-crafted business inventory will assist you with recording the details and updates of the business based on the business locations.

5. Annual Unit Inventory

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 454KB


This inventory comes in a large size to store a list of equipment, their price and works. It has been used for storing the annual report which can be modified occasionally if needed. With this template, you can organize the product and vendor information, manufacturer’s UPC, short description, product category, wholesale cost, colours and a lot more. As you use this inventory for annual uses, you will need to update this inventory once in a year.

6. Dealer’s Inventory Worksheet

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  • PDF

Size: 218KB

For a small business, dealers are the biggest asset and that can’t be easily obtained. If you gained visible dealers for your business, it is definitely you who need to sustain. In order to achieve this, you have to make an inventory which comprises your dealers and send followup emails often. By doing this, you will sustain the goodwill.

7. Computer Inventory Form

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  • PDF

Size: 27KB


Since every business relies on a computer system, there is an inventory software which helps you record and update the details of the business. Use this computer inventory form and include the hardware and software details of the computer.

8. Business Asset Inventory Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 150KB


It is important to note down the business asset information since there is a high chance for records to be mishandled. Using this template will help you store big data about the asset you have. For running a small business, it is important to pass all the legal issues, here, you can take inspiration from this example.

9. Office Inventory Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 21KB


By using this example you can create a professional office inventory. You can list the equipment used for office purposes, their quantity and price. This template can be used by the working staffs, as they may need to answer their higher authority if any misbehaviour take place. List out the office items such as furniture, electronic items, decorating items and cleaning equipment in this sheet.

10. Simple Business Inventory

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  • PDF

Size: 155KB


Inventories for small businesses need to be simple yet informative to include all the stocks and exchanges. Keeping all the transactions updated is mandatory for doing small business. Here, inventory play an important role by storing all the important details. For an instant, it stores details like vendor name, contact name, billing information, vendor phone, payment terms, showroom contact and a lot more.

11. Small Business Template

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  • PDF

Size: 920KB


If you want to create an inventory on your own, you need to be certain with several things. Adjusting the column width, indicating the title and date, assigning labels for each column, formatting the header items and entering the appropriate formula. But, you no need to do all these things if you use a ready-made template like the one attached here.

12. Business Process in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 86KB


Ready-made templates usually don’t ask you much to put all your efforts. But for the maintenance part, you need to do things like regular counting to determine the quantities, printing separate page for each item, updating the sheet with necessary items and the like. Check out the sample attached.

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