Real Estate ID Card – 12+ Examples, PSD, Publisher, AI, Apple Page
From the days of your childhood, you must be aware of the ID cards. Starting from your school environment to the current working place you need to hang a professional ID card around your neck in order to show yourselves a concerned person of the pertaining organization or school. It not only gives you an identification but also shows your professional, thus ID cards are the must to have stuff in any organization.
Similarly, in real estate also, you need professional ID cards to reveal your identity and enhance professionalism. Provided are the best real estate ID card examples that you can use to design ID cards for your employees too.
Real Estate ID Card Examples & Templates
1. Professional Real estate ID Card Template

Unlike other industries, in real estate, you need to make your buyers believe in you and on the property they are investing in. There are multiple tools you can use to promote and authenticate your real estate business, ID cards are one of them. ID cards play a crucial part in the real estate business by enhancing the company’s integrity and security. ID cards typically include the employee’s picture, name, job title, and department. By giving these details in short, these ID cards seem to be a snap and quick personal IDs. Moreover, when you use this ID card in the property purchasing and selling the event, you will be highly recognized as the authenticate real estate professional. Use this simply designed blue coated professional real estate ID card for your business.
2. Classic Real estate ID Card Template

This classic real estate ID card template comes in a simple yet creative design. Its simple layout gives a professional outlook. Unlike other ID card designs, you can fix your half image in the ID card as the design suggests. The front side comprises the 4 part likely for picture, name, role, and logo of the company. It comes in a white with blue combination hence it looks excellent in appearance.
3. Real Estate agent ID Card Template

As a real estate agent, it is important for you to develop a better relationship with your potential clients. Here ID cards play an integral role by letting the clients know about your details. Since most of the ID cards come with the pictures, it will be easy for you to directly interact with the customers. It is a great way to start your communication with new customers by showing your ID card. However, as a real estate agent, you are representing your company. By making a strong communication, you will have high chances for the increment. Get this template and modify the information like your name, picture and contact details according to as per the requirements.
4. Real estate Company ID Card Template

It is a known fact that the ID cards of any well-known organization would be elegant. Similarly, here comes a real estate company ID card, which you can use for your real company employees. The major preview you get from this template is the unique design.
5. Real Estate Consultant ID Card Template

Get this real estate consultant ID card and edit it as per the requirements No matter whether you are an individual consultant or a consultant working for any other company, you should make sure that the ID card you use is professional. In general, the consultant doesn’t get clients unless he/ she proves themselves reliable. In order to achieve this, a consultant must use all their communication things professional like the one attached. Provided is the professional ID card for a consultant. This can be easily downloaded and edited as per your requirements.
6. Simple Real Estate Agent ID Card Template

Using this real estate agent ID card will certainly show you unique and professional. Being a real estate agent you need to be accountable for the activities you do outside the company area. Here you likely need a professional ID card like the one attached. This simple ID card comes with the photo of the real estate agent, name and the logo of the company. Get this template and use for your business.
7. Free Sample Real Estate ID Card Example

8. Free Modern Real Estate ID Card Example

9. Free Creative Real Estate ID Card Template

10. Simple Real Estate Office ID Card
Many ID cards come with the bar code for the security purpose. By using the bar codes in the Id cards, no one can do suspected access on the company’s information. Hereby you can understand the importance of having an ID card like the one attached. The sample attached ID card comes in a detailed format for the profound security. It comprises logo, a circle for picture placement, name and details with the bar code.
11. Sample Real Estate ID Card Template
This type of real estate ID cards is used by real estate companies in large. This ID card helps the company by tracking the employee’s activities and updating it to the responsible person. This ID card lets the company access the real estate agent activities and tasks by scanning the bar code.
12. Corporate Real Estate ID Card Templates
Many corporate real estate companies issue hi-tech ID cards to their employees. Real estate agents working there will be monitored all the time through the ID card they hold. More than mere content information, you can get this real estate ID card with advanced features. Review the sample attached.
13. Real Estate Office ID Card
This Id card has been designed uniquely to place the elements in the required spots. The front part comprises picture, name, address and bar code while the back part comprises the terms and conditions of the property. Some ID cards leave the back part blank. However, you can always make some edits according to the needs.