
Last Updated: July 18, 2024


An Electronvolt (eV) is a unit of energy equal to the energy gained by an electron when it moves across an electric potential difference of one volt. It is commonly used in particle physics and atomic physics to describe the energy of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels.

1eV = 1.602×10⁻¹⁹ J

1 electronvolt (eV) is equivalent to 1.602 × 10⁻¹⁹ joules, representing the energy gained by an electron when it moves across an electric potential difference of one volt.

Electronvolt Formula

The Basic Formula for Work and Energy

The fundamental formula to calculate work or energy in Electronvolt (eV) is given by:

E = c×v
  • Electronvolts (eV) as the product of electric charge and voltage.
  • Charged particle is determined by both its charge (c) and the voltage (v) through which it moves.
  • Voltage(v) affects the energy of charged particles, crucial in various fields like particle physics and electronics.

Additional Formulas Involving Electronvolt

Kinetic Energy: The kinetic energy (KE) of a particle with a velocity (v) can be calculated using the formula: KEₑv=1/2 ​mv² Where:

  • KEₑv​ is the kinetic energy in electronvolts,
  • m is the mass of the particle,
  • v is the velocity of the particle.

Potential Energy:The potential energy (PE) of a particle in an electric field with a voltage (v) can be calculated using the formula: PEₑv=qV Where:

  • PEₑv​ is the potential energy in electronvolts
  • q is the charge of the particle, and
  • V is the voltage.

Electrical Energy:

The electrical energy (EE) associated with moving a charge q through a voltage V can be calculated using the formula: EEₑv=qV Where:

  • EEₑv​ is the electrical energy in electronvolts,
  • q is the charge, and
  • V is the voltage.

SI multiples of Electronvolt (eV)

Exa-EeV10¹⁸1 EeV=10¹⁸ eV
Peta-PeV10¹⁵1 PeV=10¹⁵ eV
Tera-TeV10¹² 1 TeV=10¹²eV
Giga-GeV10⁹1 GeV=10⁹ eV
Mega-MeV10⁶1 MeV=10 eV
Kilo-keV10³1 keV=10³ eV
Micro-μeV10⁻⁶μeV=10⁻⁶ eV
Nano-neV10⁻⁹ 1 neV=10⁻⁹ eV
Pico-peV10⁻¹²1 peV=10⁻¹² eV
Femto-feV10⁻¹⁵1 feV=10⁻¹⁵ eV
Atto-aeV10⁻¹⁸1 aeV=10⁻¹⁸ eV

Conversion of Electronvolt into other Units

From/ToConversion FactorExample Conversion
Electronvolt (eV) to Joule (J)1 eV=1.602×10⁻¹⁹ J1 eV=1.602×10⁻¹⁹ J
Electronvolt (eV) to Kilocalorie (kcal)1 eV=3.829×10⁻²⁰ kcal1 eV=3.829×10⁻²⁰ kcal
Electronvolt (eV) to Kilogram (kg)1 eV=1.7827×10⁻³⁶ kg1 eV=1.7827×10⁻³⁶ kg
Electronvolt (eV) to Kelvin (K)1 eV=11,604.5 K1 eV=11,604.5 K
Electronvolt (eV) to Watt-hour (Wh)1 eV=4.45×10⁻²³ Wh1 eV=4.45×10⁻²³ Wh
Electronvolt (eV) to Electron Charge (e)1 eV=1.602×10⁻¹⁹  e1 eV=1.602×10⁻¹⁹ e
Electronvolt (eV) to Faraday Constant (F)1 eV=3.88×10⁻¹⁴ F1 eV=3.88×10⁻¹⁴ F
Electronvolt (eV) to Hartree (Ha)1 eV=3.674×10⁻² Ha1 eV=3.674×10⁻² Ha
Electronvolt (eV) to Megawatt-hour (MWh)1 eV=4.45×10⁻²⁰ MWh1 eV=4.45×10⁻²⁰ MWh


  • Identify the SI prefix associated with the electronvolt (eV), ranging from Exa- to Atto-.
  • Understand the factor represented by each prefix, from 10¹⁸ to 10⁻¹⁸.
  • Note the symbol used for each prefix, such as EeV for Exa- and aeV for Atto-.
  • Recognize the example conversion provided for each prefix, illustrating its magnitude.
  • Differentiate between prefixes based on their factors, with Exa- representing the largest and Atto- the smallest.
  • Remember that each prefix denotes a multiple or fraction of the base unit, the electronvolt (eV).
  • Apply these prefixes to represent energies across a wide range of orders of magnitude in scientific contexts.

Electronvolt (eV) to Joule (J)

1 eV = 1.602×10⁻¹⁹ J

Electronvolts (eV) can be converted into joules (J), which are the SI unit of energy, using a specific conversion factor.

Electronvolt (eV) to Kilocalorie (kcal)

1 eV = 3.829×10⁻²⁰ kcal

Electronvolts (eV) can also be converted into kilocalories (kcal), which are commonly used in nutrition to measure food energy content.

Electronvolt (eV) to Kilogram (kg)

1 eV = 1.7827×10⁻³⁶ kg

Electronvolts (eV) can be converted into kilograms (kg), which are the SI unit of mass, using a specific conversion factor.

Electronvolt (eV) to Kelvin (K)

1 eV = 11,604.5 K

Electronvolts (eV) can also be converted into kelvins (K), which are the SI unit of temperature.

Electronvolt (eV) to Watt-hour (Wh)

1 eV = 4.45×10⁻²³ Wh

Electronvolts (eV) can be converted into watt-hours (Wh), which are a unit of energy commonly used in electricity billing and power generation.

Electronvolt (eV) to Electron Charge (e)

1 eV = 1.602×10⁻¹⁹  e

Electronvolts (eV) can be converted into electron charges (e), which represent the elementary charge of an electron.

Electronvolt (eV) to Faraday Constant (F)

1 eV = 3.88×10⁻¹⁴ F

Electronvolts (eV) can be converted into the Faraday constant (F), which relates the amount of electric charge in a mole of electrons to the energy required to move it.

Electronvolt (eV) to Hartree (Ha)

1 eV = 3.674×10⁻² Ha

Electronvolts (eV) can be converted into Hartrees (Ha), which are a unit of energy used in atomic and molecular physics.

Electronvolt (eV) to Megawatt-hour (MWh)

1 eV = 4.45×10⁻²⁰ MWh

Electronvolts (eV) can also be converted into megawatt-hours (MWh), which are a unit of energy commonly used in the electricity industry.

Practical Application Example of Electronvolt

One practical application example of electronvolts (eV) is in the field of semiconductor physics, particularly in band theory. In semiconductor devices like transistors and diodes, electrons are excited from the valence band to the conduction band by absorbing energy in the form of electronvolts. This energy level difference, measured in electronvolts, determines the conductivity and behavior of the semiconductor material. For instance, in light-emitting diodes (LEDs), the energy difference between the valence and conduction bands corresponds to the energy of emitted photons, which determines the color of light produced by the LED.

Uses of unit Electronvolt?

Scientific Research and Experiments

Material Science: Electronvolts are crucial in spectroscopy techniques like X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).

Nuclear Physics: Studies involving nuclear reactions and decay often rely on electronvolts to measure energy levels and transitions in atomic nuclei.

Engineering and Technology

Semiconductor Devices: Electronvolts are essential for designing and analyzing semiconductor devices like transistors and diodes, where energy levels dictate electronic behavior.

Solar Energy: In photovoltaic cells, electronvolts determine the energy of photons absorbed by the semiconductor material, influencing solar cell efficiency.

Medical Imaging: Electronvolts play a role in medical imaging technologies like X-ray machines and computed tomography (CT) scanners, where energy levels affect image quality and diagnostic accuracy.

Everyday Applications

Consumer Electronics: In devices like smartphones and laptops, electronvolts influence the performance of semiconductor components such as microprocessors and memory chips.

Lighting Technology: Electronvolts are crucial for determining the energy levels of photons emitted by LED bulbs, influencing their brightness and color temperature.

Battery Technology: Electronvolts are involved in the charging and discharging processes of batteries, impacting the energy storage capacity and efficiency of portable electronic devices.

Environmental and Energy Sectors

Renewable Energy: In solar panels, electronvolts determine the energy of photons absorbed by the semiconductor material, facilitating the conversion of sunlight into electricity.

Energy Efficiency: Electronvolts play a role in optimizing energy efficiency in various technologies, from lighting systems to electric vehicles, by understanding and controlling energy levels in electronic components.

Education and Research

Particle Physics: High-energy particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), use electronvolts to describe the energy of particles and collisions.

Laboratory Experiments: Students in physics and engineering labs use electronvolts to understand energy levels and conduct experiments related to particle interactions and semiconductor physics.

Health and Safety

Radiation Safety: In medical imaging facilities, safety protocols ensure proper handling of equipment emitting electronvolt-level radiation to protect patients and healthcare workers.

Occupational Exposure Limits: Regulatory agencies establish limits for electronvolt radiation exposure in workplaces to safeguard workers in industries like nuclear power and radiography.

Examples of Electronvolt Units

  • Photon Energy: The energy of a photon with a wavelength of 500 nanometers corresponds to approximately 2.48 electronvolts.
  • Atomic Ionization: It takes about 13.6 electronvolts of energy to ionize a hydrogen atom, separating the electron from the nucleus.
  • Semiconductor Bandgap: The bandgap energy of silicon, a common semiconductor material, is approximately 1.12 electronvolts.
  • Particle Collisions: In experiments at particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider, collisions between protons can reach energies upwards of several teraelectronvolts.
  • X-ray Emission: X-rays emitted in medical imaging machines typically have energies ranging from a few hundred to several thousand electronvolts.

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