Organizational Assessment

Last Updated: May 9, 2024

Organizational Assessment

10+ Organizational Assessment Examples [ Research, Community, Business ]

Companies and organizations know better than to let fate take over everything they are about to do. Often than not, when it comes to their businesses or the events they want to be doing, it must always be perfect or to a tee. Nothing should go wrong or else the entire plan falls apart. But how do they know what happens or when it happens if they do not expect it? Simple, by doing an organizational assessment. Regardless if this is for research, for business or even something a community should do. An organizational assessment helps smoothen out the rough roads and make it a smoother and more concise way of good performance. Check out how to write an organizational assessment and what it is all about below.

10+ Organizational Assessment Examples

1. Organizational Assessment Template

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Size: 61 KB


2. Agenda Organizational Assessment

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Size: 207 KB


3. Research Organizational Assessment

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Size: 1 MB


4. Organizational Assessment Report

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Size: 1 MB


5. Organizational Self-Assessment

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Size: 47 KB


6. Community Organizational Assessment

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Size: 14 KB


7. Health Equity Organizational Assessment

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Size: 4 MB


8. Organizational Resource Assessment

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Size: 244 KB


9. Nonprofit Organizational Assessment

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Size: 83 KB


10. Gender Equality Organizational Assessment

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Size: 1 MB


11. Participatory Organizational Assessment


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Size: 266 KB


What Is an Organizational Assessment?

To start off, what is an organizational assessment?  It is a type of assessment or tool that helps you assess your plans and the steps that you took to achieve your goals. An organizational assessment is an outlined review or a planned review. It shows the progress of your plans. It also gives you the view or the bigger picture of how far you have gone through your goals and objectives without having to waste your time searching for it.

Regardless whether it is for research, business or an activity you want in the community, an organizational assessment shows the steps in a systematic view. An organizational assessment is the process of organizing your plans, objectives into either a chronological order or as the most prioritized to the least prioritized. It is often used in research and business as it also acts out as an action plan. An organizational assessment also helps in making sure that what you planned and how you planned it would be easier for you to organize. As well as it also helps by letting  you list your steps in achieving without any problems.

How to Write an Organizational Assessment?

Moving on, we came from knowing what an organizational assessment is and what it can do for you. This time, it’s going to be how to write an organizational assessment. The reason for this is to know and to understand that an organizational assessment is really a useful tool. Especially when you are in need of having to organize all your plans, goals and objectives.

1. List Your Objectives and Goals

As you begin writing your organizational assessment, begin by writing your objectives and goals in a separate piece of paper. List all the goals whether they may be short term or long term. Not only will this help you find out the goals you are planning on, it would also be easier for you to assess which of the following you are going to write down first. This is important as it helps you take out less time. When you are done writing all of them, you are now able to start your assessment.

2. Understand Your Reason for Doing the Assessment

What are you planning on achieving when you are doing your organizational assessment? Is there a specific goal within the goals that you want to achieve by doing the assessment? If there is, write it down along with your other goals and objectives. In addition to that, you are also going to be giving out a time frame for each of your assessment goals.

3. Time Frame for Your Organizational Assessment

As you carry on with writing down your organizational assessment, always remember to place specific time frames for each objective and goal. The reason for having a specific time frame is it makes your assessment goals more realistic. In addition to that, a time frame also helps you in a way that you are able to learn to manage your time for each assessment goal you are doing.

4. Assess Your Plans

Learn to assess the plans you wrote. Do they fit with your objectives? If so, this is also the place to be making steps to achieving those assessment goals. In addition to that, it also helps by letting you write down the steps or the keys to reaching them. Your organizational assessment should also have the plans, the objectives, and the steps.

5. Monitor Your Organizational Assessment

By monitoring your progress using the assessment, you are able to trace the steps and the process of each goal you have. It also helps so you do not have to repeat the same goal again and expect a different result or the same results. Basically, it helps by not having to waste your time, effort and patience.

6. Update ever so often

As you gain milestone after milestone, this is your chance of updating the goals and objectives you have done. As well as placing new ones to achieve as well.


Why is doing an organizational assessment so important?

It is important because an organizational assessment helps by rearranging your goals and assessing which is important and least important. It also helps by keeping your goals and objectives in place.

What is an organizational assessment for business?

An organizational assessment for business helps by organizing the events, activities, goals and objectives made for business. It also helps by listing down what should be done and what has been done. In a way that what activities or action plans your business has, the assessment lists it down.

How sure am I that my organizational assessment would be fulfilled?

It often takes time, but this is where the time frame comes to play. By stating how long or short you are planning on doing the assessment, you are able to see the results and progress in no time. Also, make sure that your time frame is realistic and enough to be able to achieve all that has been written in your assessment.

Who is responsible for doing the organizational assessment?

This may depend but for some situations, it is the person who has enough knowledge and experience with doing assessments like this.

Organizational assessments help with organizing your ideals, objectives and action plans. It also helps by listing down the steps taken when you are doing the action plan. Organizational assessments are a useful tool when it comes to listing everything that is needed, as it does not only waste time, it is also convenient.

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