Staff Announcement

Last Updated: January 9, 2025

Staff Announcement

Staff announcment

In our workplace, there are a lot of things and updates going on. Usually, in a business setting, we are being sorted in different hierarchies and positions, sorting the people into groups of similar processes or tasks. From line personnel such as those doing the core work, like production and sales, to staff personnel such as those that are working to support the organization with specialized advisory and support function, all these people are part in a team. However, staff would also mean the employees in general or all the people composing the organization and not just the key personnel or the group of officers. Ultimately, to simplify, in this article, when we say “staff,” this refers all the people employed by a particular organization.You may also see announcement email examples

Organizations and associations usually have a lot of updates and announcement from time to time. Without proper dissemination, this would result in an inefficiency of the whole organization; thus, every organization is structured in a way that the information will relay smoothly. To relay updates from the higher-ups to the staff, announcements must be made formal and be in a form of a written notice or a mail. Here are examples of staff announcements that you may find interesting.You may also see holiday announcement.

Sample Staff Announcement

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Printable Staff Announcement

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Staff Announcement

There are many things that you can announce with regard to your staff or in which the staff must be informed. The announcement may be through a notice printed in paper, a post in the announcement board, or email. These are the most common ways to disseminate announcements although there are many other ways on how you can reach the intended recipients.You may also see promotion announcement

Here are some examples of announcement relating to the staff in a company.

1. Announcement for New Staff

Whenever there is a new member of the organization or a new employee, you can give him or her a warm welcome either through short celebration like a welcoming party or through simply recognizing them in the office. Whenever you have these plans in mind, you can make an announcement to formalize your notice. Here is an example wording for the announcement of a new staff:

Dear Staff:

I am glad to announce that Jane Doe is joining our team starting on June 1. She will work as a business writer in the content department. Let us welcome her and let her know that you are excited about her joining the team.

To start, she is assigned to the templates team under the supervision of yours truly, so if you work with the templates team, please do look for an opportunity to greet her in person. You can also join us for lunch on her first days. So, let me know when you are available. You may also see wedding announcements.

For her employment background, she worked at a notable writing company over the past five year, so it is expected that she brings a wealth of knowledge regarding writing.

A reception is scheduled for June 1 in the conference room to welcome her. Please join us at 3:00 p.m. for a cupcake and iced tea.You may also see moving announcement cards.

It will be much appreciated if you could join me in giving Jane a warm welcome in our company.

Job Announcement to Staff

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Standard Staff Announcement

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Staff Internship Announcement

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2. Announcement for Staff Meeting

Whenever there are updates or additional instructions or just simply a monthly meeting, you must post a formal announcement of such staff meeting in order to properly disseminate the information. You may refer to these example wordings for your content:

The month meeting will be held on Friday, February 6, at 4:00 p.m. in the conference room of Building 401. This is with regard to the new service personnel, reviewing of the general instructions, and establishing of rules for compliance with workplace safety laws.You may also see promotion announcement.

This is a formal notice about the weekly staff meeting to be held on Friday, February 6, at 10:00 a.m. at our main office. We will discuss the following agenda:

  • Chicago Manual of Style
  • Report from respective heads
  • Updated list of copy editors
  • Graphic designs for a book cover

The meeting would approximately run into lunchtime, so packed lunch will be delivered at twelve noon. Let me know ahead regarding your food preferences.You may also see party announcement.

3. Announcement for Staff Promotion

Whenever you are promoting an employee or a staff, it is better to formally put it into writing to acknowledge his or her promotion. In your writing, you must be a balance between being too celebratory and being unconcerned, for if you are too celebratory, the other employees may say that you are being biased in promoting the employee. On the contrary, if you are being unconcerned, they might think that you are not happy with the promotion. It is okay to be enthusiastic, but keep a formal tone throughout the letter. Here is a simple example for an announcement for staff promotion:


It is our pleasure to announce the promotion of John Doe to Supervisor in Marketing in the Publishing Department. John joined the company five year ago, has acquired enough knowledge, and has advanced through progressively more responsible positions in the Advertising Department, where he played a key function.You may also see birth announcement.

Thus, he brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to Publishing Department, and we are very much thrilled about his new position at the company.

Let us congratulate John on his promotion and join us in welcoming him in the Publishing Department.

4. Announcement for Staff Party

Workplace would be so boring without parties and events. Hence, if you want the employees to stay enthusiastic in their work, give them a break and a room for breathing through gathering and parties. It is best if you would formally announce the event through a letter or an email. In this way, everyone will know and the information will not be tampered unlike those that are just passed through the mouth of their co-employees. Here are short, not-so-formal staff party announcement example wordings:

Let us jingle and mingle at the 10th Annual Doe Company Christmas Party. Dress to impress and be prepared for a company photo. Festive celebration to follow.You may also see business announcements.

We all worked hard all year round, so it is time for us to unwind, get together, and celebrate the Christmas season. You are invited to our Annual Doe Company Christmas Party.

We’ll pop the champagne and toast to the reason. Everyone in the office and their families are invited in our Annual Doe Company Christmas Party.

5. Announcement for Staff Leaving

If among of your staff is leaving the company for good, you may inform the other members or employees as well for formality so they can have a proper farewell to the staff who is leaving. Another reason for informing the other employees might be because there might be some people who have unsettled business with the person leaving. It is also important so they can adjust to their tasks that are connected with the post, especially when no employee yet has assumed the vacant position.You may also see graduation announcement.

I am sad to announce that today is John’s last day with us. We wish him the best of luck in his future path. We will be moving quickly to hire a replacement for his post. If you have any business with John, you can approach our HR assistant.

Unfortunately, John has decided to move out from the company and today is his last day to be with us. He has been our top sales guy for the past year, and he will be hard to replace. We wish him the best of luck in his new endeavor.

Expected Staff Announcement

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Sample Letter To Staff Announicing New Employee

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Staff Announcement on eLetterhead

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Temporary Job Opening Announcement

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Job Announcement Staff Accountant

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6. Announcement for Staff Resignation

On the part of the employee resigning, they must write a resignation letter and give them to the appropriate personnel such as the human resource personnel. On the other hand, the key personnel in turn must disseminate proper notice to the rest of the team. Here is a sample wording for such announcement:

It is with mixed feelings that we announce the resignation of John Doe effective this June 1. It is sad to lose one of the top performers of the team, and our only consolation is that he is comfortable with the decision he made if it is for self-advancement and improvement. You may also see free birth announcement designs.

He has contributed a lot to this company; hence, we acknowledge his efforts. We thank him from the bottom of our hearts for his commitment and dedication for the company throughout the years. We wish him best of success in his future endeavors.

7. Announcement for Staff Termination

There must be a valid reason to terminate someone from employment; otherwise, the company would be unreasonable and illogical. If proven that an employee committed acts that are subject to termination, he or she will be immediately released from the company with enough remuneration. There must be proper communication with the management and the terminated employee regarding the grounds for his or her termination. Then, the management or any key personnel must send or post an announcement with regard to the termination of the employee. Here is an example wording for the announcement for staff termination:

Please be advised that John Doe was terminated as an employee of our company effective on June 1. All staff are asked not to communicate any further with him regarding matters that are confidential to our company. His duties and responsibilities have been assumed by Jane Doe, a tenured employee of the same department. If you have any questions and clarifications, please contact Jane Doe. You may also see baby announcement postcards.

Last Say

There are many instances where you need to make an announcement with regard to the staff in a company such as announcement for new staff, announcement for staff meeting, announcement for staff promotion, announcement for staff party, announcement for staff leaving, announcement for staff resignation, announcement for staff termination. Your announcement can be in the form of a written document or an email, so long as everyone will be informed of the update or notice.Hopefully, the examples above will, in a way, help you in your staff announcement. You may also see employee announcement examples.

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