Curie-Weiss Law

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Created by: Team Physics -, Last Updated: July 17, 2024

Curie-Weiss Law

Curie-Weiss Law

The Curie-Weiss Law is a fundamental principle in the field of physics that extends the Curie Law for magnetic susceptibility to paramagnetic materials at temperature above the Curie point. This law plays a crucial role in the study of magnetic phenomena and the laws of physics governing them.

What is Curie-Weiss Law?

The Curie-Weiss Law is a critical concept in the study of magnetism within physics, especially concerning paramagnetic materials. It serves as an extension and modification of the Curie Law, applicable to paramagnetic substances at temperatures higher than their respective Curie temperatures.

Curie-Weiss Law Formula

The formula for the Curie-Weiss Law is expressed as:



  • šœ’ is the magnetic susceptibility,
  • š¶ is the Curie constant, represent the material-specific constant,
  • š‘‡ is the absolute temperature in Kelvin,
  • š‘‡źœ€ is the Curie temperature, below which the material exhibits ferromagnetism.

Curie-Weiss Law Limitations

Curie-Weiss Law Limitations

The Curie-Weiss Law, essential for studying magnetic behaviors, has several limitations:

  1. Temperature Range: It mainly applies above the Curie temperature and becomes less accurate further from this point.
  2. Material Specificity: This law only applies to paramagnetic materials and does not cover other types like diamagnetic or antiferromagnetic substances.
  3. Ideal Conditions: It assumes perfect paramagnetic conditions, ignoring real-world complexities such as magnetic anisotropy and extended interactions.
  4. Simplicity of the Model: The model simplifies magnetic susceptibility as inversely proportional to the temperature difference from the Curie point, overlooking other influencing factors.
  5. High-Temperature Assumptions: At very high temperatures, its assumptions fail as thermal effects overpower magnetic interactions.
  6. Quantitative Precision: Accurate predictions require precise knowledge of material-specific parameters like the Curie constant and temperature, which can vary due to impurities.
  7. Non-Universal Curie Temperatures: Identifying a clear Curie temperature is challenging in materials with gradual or diffuse transitions.

Uses of Curie-Weiss Law

Uses of Curie-Weiss Law

The Curie-Weiss Law is important in physics and materials science, especially for studying magnetic materials. Here are some simple and practical uses of this law:

  • Understanding Magnetic Materials: It helps explain how materials behave near their Curie temperature, showing changes from non-magnetic to magnetic states.
  • Material Development: Researchers use it to design and improve magnetic materials used in electronics and other technologies.
  • Temperature Sensing: The law is useful in creating temperature sensors based on magnetic properties.
  • Educational Tool: It’s used in education to teach students about magnetic phenomena and transitions.
  • Quality Control: In manufacturing, this law is used to check the quality of magnetic materials, ensure they perform as expected under different temperature conditions.
  • Thermomagnetic Devices: The law’s principles are applied in the design of devices that utilize magnetic fields to measure or control temperature, enhance their efficiency and reliability.

Examples for Curie-Weiss Law

  1. Magnetic Phase Transitions: In the study of magnetic materials, the Curie-Weiss Law helps identify the critical point where a material transitions from paramagnetic to ferromagnetic. For instance, when examine iron, researchers can predict at what temperature it will start to exhibit spontaneous magnetize.
  2. Material Development: Furthermore, material scientists use this law to design new magnetic materials. By understanding how susceptible changes with temperature, they can tailor materials for specific magnetic properties required in electronics and durable magnetic storage.
  3. Temperature Sensing: Additionally, the Curie-Weiss Law is instrumental in the development of magnetic temperature sensors. These sensors exploit the temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility to provide accurate temperature readings, crucial in various industrial processes.
  4. Educational Applications: Moreover, in academic settings, the Curie-Weiss Law serves as a key teaching tool for explain magnetic phenomena. It allows students to grasp concepts like magnetic susceptibility and phase transitions through practical demonstrations and calculations.
  5. Quality Assurance: Lastly, in manufacturing, the law aids in quality control by ensure that magnet materials maintain their required properties under different operating temperatures. This is vital for the consistent performance of magnet components in devices.


Who formulated the Curie-Weiss Law?

The law is named after Pierre Curie and Pierre-Ernest Weiss, who developed the theory based on Curie’s earlier work.

What is magnetic susceptibility?

Magnetic susceptibility measures how much a material becomes magnetized when placed in an external magnetic field.

What is the Curie temperature?

The Curie temperature is the critical point where a material transitions from ferromagnetic to paramagnetic.

How does temperature affect the Curie-Weiss Law?

The law shows that susceptibility inversely relates to the difference between the absolute temperature and the Curie temperature.

What is the significance of the Curie constant?

The Curie constant provides insights into the magnetic properties of the material, like magnetic moment and atom density.

Does the Curie-Weiss Law apply at all temperatures?

No, it mainly applies to temperatures above the Curie point for paramagnetic materials.

Is the Curie-Weiss Law relevant to non-magnetic studies?

While focused on magnetic properties, the concepts can indirectly help understand other types of phase transitions.

What are typical values for the Curie constant?

Values vary widely depending on the material’s magnetic ions and their interactions.

How is the Curie-Weiss Law related to ferromagnetism?

It describes behavior approaching ferromagnetism, which occurs below the Curie temperature.

What modifications exist for the Curie-Weiss Law?

Variations account for different material properties and temperature ranges, refining its predictions.

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