Active Voice

Last Updated: February 9, 2024

Active Voice

One can easily read text or writing that is direct and straight to the point. People use a specific format and style when writing their text in the active voice.

1. Active and Passive Voice Scientific Writing

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2. Tips Active v Passive Voice

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Size: 61 KB


3. Active and Passive Voice Exercise

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Size: 47 KB


4. Converting Passive Voice to Active Voice

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5. Basic Tips for Using Active Voice

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6. Writing the Active Voice

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7. Benefits of Using Active Voice in the Sciences

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8. Active and Passive Verb Forms Active Voice

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Size: 51 KB


What Is an Active Voice

Active voice is one quality in writing that refers to a specific portion of the statement wherein the doer of the text is explicitly stated and is actively doing the specified action. Writers often use this form or structure in writing books, and articles.

How to Write in Active Voice

Most readable texts are written in the active voice structure, this is because this type of writing helps improve the flow and readability of the writing. If you want to have a template or tips in writing on the active voice then you may read any of the links above.

Step 1: Familiarize Yourself with The Active Voice Structure

Begin by familiarizing yourself with the structure and format of the active voice type of writing. This will allow you to innately write in the active voice without making it too purposeful.

Step 2: Practice Active Voice Worksheets

One of the best ways to improve your writing is to practice active voice worksheets and instructionals. Since writing is a hard skill, there are many techniques that one can integrate into their writing. The best way to master techniques in hard skills is to put them into practice.

Step 3: Regularly Fix or Convert Sentences Written in Passive Voice into Active Voice

We all make mistakes when we try to create something or have an output. One of the best ways to write in active voice is to fix any instances of passive voice one will have and convert them into active voice. This will help one learn from their mistakes and prevent them from cropping up in the future.

Step 4: Use Writing Software

Sometimes it is very hard to figure out and identify passive voices in our writing. If you want to precisely avoid using passive voices in your writing, then you will need to use writing software to help you catch these mistakes.


Why is it important to write in an active voice?

The majority of non-scientific writing uses active voice. Making the bulk of your sentences active helps readers understand what you’re saying while preventing too long or complex phrases. Even in scientific writing, using the passive voice excessively might make your sentences difficult to understand. This means that an active voice allows the reader to easily read the flow of the text, which improves the reading experience of the written object. Therefore, it is very important to write in an active voice.

How do you identify an active voice?

Active voice refers to the state wherein the doer of the verb in the sentence is stated before the action. To identify whether or not the statement or sentence is in active voice, one must determine the doer of the action and check whether the location of the doer is before or after the verb. For example in the sentence “Brian is heading to the vet to help out his sister.”, Brian (Doer) is the subject doing the verb “ is heading” (Action). The location of the noun “Brian” is before the action of the heading, which makes this sentence an active voice.

How do you rewrite a sentence from passive to active voice?

To rewrite a sentence in the passive voice, you must first identify the doer of the action and its associated action. After you have identified the doer and the action the person or thing has done then you will rewrite the sentence to that of an active voice. For example in the sample sentence or statement “The ice cream bar had been eaten by Allison during the state fair.”, we can easily identify the doer of the action as Allison, and the object receiving the action as the ice cream bar. Afterward, we will then rewrite the sentence ensuring that Allison will come before the ice cream bar. When rewritten in active voice the example sentence will be, “Allison had eaten the ice cream bar during the state fair.”

Active voice is a tone in writing where the doer of the action is stated before the object, person, or thing receiving the action is stated. This type of writing is very important as it will directly show who is doing the action as a way to prevent any misreads or obscurification in one’s text. Not only that but most books, articles, and research papers use active voice as it will not confuse the readers, and will immediately get to the point.

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