Annual Self Evaluation

Last Updated: April 26, 2024

Annual Self Evaluation

10+ Annual Self Evaluation Examples [ Company, Staff, College ]

Doing an annual self evaluation for your employees is a good way to check if they are still doing their work meticulously. It is also a way for your staff or your employees to know their strengths, their weaknesses and ways they can improve on. This useful tool also highlights their greatest achievements and it also lets them take a good look at their growth or the lack of growth. In addition to that, it also gives your employees a sense of knowing that what they have been doing is helping the company or the place they are working by giving off their knowledge and skills. For more information as to what this annual self evaluation report is, the purpose and how to conduct it, check out the following below.

10+ Annual Self Evaluation Examples

1. Annual Self Evaluation Report

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Size: 111 KB


2. Annual Self Evaluation Form

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Size: 66 KB


3. Annual Self Evaluation of Standing Committees

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Size: 83 KB


4. Standard Annual Self Evaluation

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Size: 160 KB


5. Annual Review Self Evaluation

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Size: 45 KB


6. Annual Parent Self Evaluation

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Size: 150 KB


7. Annual Staff Self Evaluation

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Size: 73 KB


8. Annual Self Evaluation in PDF

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Size: 288 KB


9. Formal Annual Self Evaluation

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Size: 106 KB


10. College Annual Self Evaluation

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Size: 87 KB


11. Basic Annual Self Evaluation

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Size: 185 KB


What Is an Annual Self Evaluation?

An annual self evaluation is a kind of evaluation report that lets your employees know their strengths, weaknesses and areas that they can improve on. A useful tool that lets employers know the growth or lack of growth of their employees while they are working in the company. In addition to that, an annual self evaluation is a kind of tool that lets employees reflect on their work and the accomplishments they made. As well as the knowledge they have gained throughout the months or the years of working. It is also a way for staff to get the bigger picture and find out the areas that they excel in and the areas that they may need help in to improve. Though this is done usually once in a year or depending on the policy of the company you are working in, this self evaluation report is a good idea and a good tool to check your personal and professional growth.

The purpose of doing an annual self evaluation apart from knowing your growth is to understand the reasons behind your success and your failures. It is to give you the opportunity to see progress and to check if your progress is positive or negative. It is also for the employees to gain knowledge with what they may be doing throughout the years or months of working if there is any improvement whatsoever. It is basically like a self evaluating timeline of their work, to see progress or the lack of it.

How to Conduct an Annual Self Evaluation?

Now that we have some ideas as to what an annual self evaluation report looks like, it is time we know how to conduct an annual self evaluation report. An annual self evaluation report is done usually by quarter or yearly, depending on the company policy. But most of the time, it is done yearly. The question here is how do you conduct one and not how to write one. So check out the following tips on how to conduct an annual self evaluation report. Please note this is just a general way, and how other companies or workplaces conduct theirs is also entirely up to them.

1. Tell Them Ahead of Time

How do you conduct an annual self evaluation? You begin by telling everyone ahead of time that the company will be conducting an annual self evaluation. This way, your employees have a lot of time to prepare and are able to comply with what is being asked of them through the self evaluation report. In addition to that, it is always best to give them time to know than to give out a sudden self evaluation report and have them think on their feet.

2. Plan All Feedback

Plan your feedback ahead. This gives you the opportunity to be able to think of the right words to say once the self evaluation report results are in. Your feedback must consist of positive, negative and needs improvement for them. However, avoid having to say something too hurtful when you are writing or about to give out your feedback on the report.

3. Let Them Talk

Given that the self evaluation report is done and the results are in, give them an opportunity to share what they may have noticed about themselves. May it be personally or professionally or both. This gives you an opportunity as well to see if they have learned something from the evaluation being done. In addition to that, it also gives your employees a good chance to express how they may feel and to open up about the areas they think are going to be helpful in the future. Also, as you discuss with them, make sure to add more good points. If you need to discuss the negative side, use words that would not be too hurtful.

4. Provide a Copy for Them

By providing them a copy of the results of their self assessment, your employees are able to know which of the areas they need to improve on. Which of the areas they excel, and which of the areas they find difficult. This way, they are also able to ask for help which would later on give some better feedback and improvement.

5. End with Future Plans

End the self evaluation reports with plans of the future. Let them know that the self evaluation report is going to be done annually and they still have the opportunity to make themselves even better than they are now. End with a positive note about the future and give them a positive message as well.


What is an annual self evaluation?

A kind of evaluation report that your employees partake in to see their growth and development in the company or workplace.

What is the use of doing this annually?

Some companies do it annually, while others quarterly. It is to check if your employees have shown any growth from the last time you have done the self evaluation. To also be able to check if there are any improvements on the areas that they may be having difficulty with.

What should be avoided when giving feedback?

Avoid having to use their weaknesses against them. Rather, let them understand that the areas they have difficulty in can still be improved with hard work and effort. Avoid telling your employees that they are not worthy.

It goes without saying doing an annual self evaluation can sometimes be something your employees would be dreading. Especially if the self evaluation report is used against them instead of using it to help them improve and grow. Always remember that the reason for doing the evaluation is to let your employees see the areas they have improved on, the areas they excel in and the areas that they may need to learn more about.

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