Co Worker Evaluation

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Co Worker Evaluation

3+ Co-Worker Evaluation Examples in PDF

In every company or institution a person may work in, there is always going to be an evaluation at the end of the year or depending on the policy of the place you work. These evaluations help see the strengths, weaknesses and areas that need improvement. These evaluations also help make the employee aware of the things they are doing, and whether it benefits the workplace, the person and the people around them or not. It is not as uncommon to have a co-worker evaluate you instead of an overall evaluation from the workplace. Of course, every evaluation is different, and the way they evaluate as well. To get to know about how you are going to evaluate a co-worker or if you are being evaluated by your co-worker, here are some examples and tips to help you. Check them all out below.

5+ Co-Worker Evaluation Examples

1. Co-Worker Evaluation Template

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  • PDF

Size: 121 KB


2. Co-Worker Performance Evaluation

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Size: 790 KB


3. Standard Co-Worker Evaluation

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Size: 610 KB


4. Individual Co-Worker Evaluation

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Size: 464 KB


5. Formal Co-Worker Evaluation

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Size: 680 KB


6. General Co-Worker Evaluation

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Size: 108 KB


What Is a Co-worker Evaluation?

What is a co-worker evaluation? In every business, company or workplace, there is always an evaluation done either yearly or quarterly. These kinds of evaluations are done to check if the performance of the employee is still up to date and is still as what the company may have expected. A co-worker evaluation works the same way, except instead of the company evaluating the employee, it is their own co-workers who do the evaluating. This kind of evaluation is based on how your co-workers see your performance. There are questions that your co-workers need to answer and they are basically about you personally and professionally. These evaluations are then used to check your strengths, your weaknesses and the areas you may need to improve on. Basically these kinds of evaluations help you to see how far you have improved and if there are areas you may be struggling that could be offered help.

The purpose of having to use a co-worker evaluation is for the company to check and to be less biased with their employees. Having to be evaluated by a fellow employee makes it easier for some to handle. As the case of having to be evaluated by their employers. In addition to that, a co-worker evaluation consists of information that only your co-worker may know enough to give you a proper evaluation. This is based loosely on your performance, skills and experience in the field of work. However, a co-worker evaluation is not used as a way to hurt your fellow employee nor is it used as a form of punishment for the employee. Neither is it used as a tool to embarrass an employee for the areas that they may need improvement on. Rather, the purpose of this kind of evaluation is to help out, to know the person’s performance and to help them grow.

How to Write a Co-worker Evaluation?

Are you planning on writing out an evaluation for a fellow co-worker? Whether it may be for a promotion you believe they deserve, or you are writing an evaluation to your fellow employee because you are told by the company to write one. Regardless of what the reason may be, and you feel the need to know how to, or where to begin, you’re in luck. Here are some tips or some guidelines you can check out on how to write a co-worker evaluation. It is not as difficult as you may think, rather, it does have a few things you can consider when you are planning on doing the evaluation.

1. State Your Reasons

There are some evaluations that may ask why you are doing the evaluation. All you have to do is to state your reasons. Whether they may be personal or professional. Watch how you word out your reasons as well. It must fit the evaluation as well as who may be reading it. Avoid using words that may not be appropriate for the said evaluation.

2. Correct Information

When writing the co-worker evaluation, there are questions or things you must fill out to complete it. The best way to complete this is to write everything that you think is true and correct. If you are not sure, you may ask someone else for help. Avoid using jargon that would be inappropriate.

3. Confidentiality

Just like any other evaluation or assessment, your answers are confidential. The only audience or the only people who are allowed to see your answers or the results of your evaluation is the company. Nobody is allowed to see the answers unless they are given the permission from Human Resource or from the employer.

4. Comments, Suggestions or Reactions

Your comments, suggestions or reactions are also used as necessary information for your employers. This helps them see and understand the employee being evaluated. The comments can also be based on the performance of the employee in and out of the work environment, their personality and how they handle difficult situations. Like in any kind of document as official and important as this, you must always be careful with how you word your comments. As your words do have a huge impact on the person being evaluated.

5. Final Evaluation Review

The final evaluation review may be taken from your comments, suggestions or reactions. However, there are some evaluations who ask the employee to write the final evaluation review. This part of the evaluation is also crucial as this is the part where your co-worker’s performance is tested.


What is a co-worker evaluation?

A document that let’s other co-workers assess their fellow co-worker, through a series of questions they need to answer. These questions may vary from company to company, but the general questions are usually based on the co-worker and their performance at work.

What can this kind of evaluation do to the co-worker?

This evaluation is given to assess the performance of an employee in the company. Their performance, their skills and knowledge of the job they are currently hired to do. Co-workers do the evaluation through observing their fellow co-worker in the office.

Are the answers to this kind of evaluation confidential?

All answers and results of the evaluation are confidential. The company will only share the result of the evaluation to the employee who is being assessed.

What should be avoided when writing about your co-worker?

Avoid anything that could hurt your co-worker. In addition to that, avoid having to write anything too personal about your co-worker, especially if it has nothing to do with what is being asked in the evaluation.

Is this kind of evaluation required?

Depending on the company and their policies. Most of the evaluations given are required to be done.

Letting a co-worker assess and evaluate you may sound like something fun for others. But the reality of this is, it is something to be serious about. As your co-workers assess you through a series of questions they are required to answer. This kind of evaluation may be the key to your promotion, or the solution to your needs to improve on.

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